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Szuna...whoever you are THANK YOU!


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Wow - this day just gets weirder...and better.

Just got a message in my inbox. Someone called Szuna has gifted me Revenant! 


Let me know who are and I will happily gift you some plat, or something (though you'll have to tell me how to do it). Thats the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me in a game. Totally unexpected and totally out of the blue.


That said, I'm going to keep doing that bounty mission til the Neuroptics drop for me 1) because it helps my Ostron standing and 2) because I'm just a stubborn bugger. :laugh:

Edited by FlusteredFerret
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24 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Totally unexpected and totally out of the blue.

This may be you just lucky, but I have to darken your day a little bit.

If you get gifts from people who charge back their plat purchases you will be credited afterwards,

There a some "bad plat" threads lately, so I just want to warn you. I deactivated the gift option from people which are not on my friendlist.

Take screenshot just in case.

Not every player is as generous as Szuna


Edited by GnarlsDarkley
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27 minutes ago, Szuna said:

It's nice and you don't need to give me anything back as respone. I am glad it helped you a bit. I just saw you were unlucky with him and I felt it would be nice to help to some kind tenno.

Random acts of senseless kindness are awesome, yer good peeps. 

I wonder if there's a clan or group that specializes in that sort of thing?  It's crazy wholesome fun to sometimes just go to the low-level zones and help out the baby Tenno.  I've got a whole bunch of Ki'teer weapons and such that I've been casually distributing to lowbies (it's a riot to see a baby Mag go on a rampage with a Prisma Obex with Healing Return).  

I just ask them to pay it forward, and sometimes I get great random messages from someone I'd helped out months ago telling me they had.  Warms the cockles it does. 🙂

There are some awesome Tenno in this game!

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Actually I know some nice person whom like to giving gifts to random peoples and they are all nice and kind. Good to see generosity within this game but there could be bad persons too but most of them who gives some gift are nice and okay since for acting a generous person who give gift needs to use their platinums and if they just give you some stuff then that mean they wanted to be nice and helpful. 

The problematic part is the persons whom you trade for high amount of platinums since that can be easily a person whom got from a shady source that platinum so be careful with high level trades. Gifting in other hand is more safety.

Edited by Serafinia
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19 minutes ago, FreeWilliam said:

Random acts of senseless kindness are awesome, yer good peeps. 

I wonder if there's a clan or group that specializes in that sort of thing?  It's crazy wholesome fun to sometimes just go to the low-level zones and help out the baby Tenno.  I've got a whole bunch of Ki'teer weapons and such that I've been casually distributing to lowbies (it's a riot to see a baby Mag go on a rampage with a Prisma Obex with Healing Return).  

I just ask them to pay it forward, and sometimes I get great random messages from someone I'd helped out months ago telling me they had.  Warms the cockles it does. 🙂

There are some awesome Tenno in this game!

I know others whom like to act as a helpful special team whom monitorize the chat in game or just do missions in lower levels to kickstart fellow tennos. I just like to help others and I hope this can leads a more peacul and kind community overall however not everyone will be that kind as @GnarlsDarkley said. Those whom giving you a gift much possible are kind peoples and they don't want any refund for their generosity.

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7 minutes ago, Szuna said:

Those whom giving you a gift much possible are kind peoples and they don't want any refund for their generosity.

I had some guy give me a Riven and tell me to pay it forward when I got started (I was DYING on that stealth test and he gave me a whip riven with reach and told me how to get them through the floors) and he's the one who planted the 'pay it forward' thing in my head.  

There have always been cool Tenno in this game.  I DO wish there was an easier way to trade with lowbies to give them extra mods given how meaningful that is though.

Thanks for being part of the tribe, if I ever get around to starting a 'Random Acts of Senseless Kindness' clan (or find one) I'll be sure to give a yell, Tenno! 🙂 

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3 minutes ago, FreeWilliam said:

I had some guy give me a Riven and tell me to pay it forward when I got started (I was DYING on that stealth test and he gave me a whip riven with reach and told me how to get them through the floors) and he's the one who planted the 'pay it forward' thing in my head.  

There have always been cool Tenno in this game.  I DO wish there was an easier way to trade with lowbies to give them extra mods given how meaningful that is though.

Thanks for being part of the tribe, if I ever get around to starting a 'Random Acts of Senseless Kindness' clan (or find one) I'll be sure to give a yell, Tenno! 🙂 

Currently my clan sometimes do some random generous acts when we can afford but if we don't have any money on our pocket we still seek the ways to help out fellow tennos 🙂 glad to see you are in the tribe!

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6 minutes ago, FreeWilliam said:

I had some guy give me a Riven and tell me to pay it forward when I got started (I was DYING on that stealth test and he gave me a whip riven with reach and told me how to get them through the floors) and he's the one who planted the 'pay it forward' thing in my head.  

There have always been cool Tenno in this game.  I DO wish there was an easier way to trade with lowbies to give them extra mods given how meaningful that is though.

Thanks for being part of the tribe, if I ever get around to starting a 'Random Acts of Senseless Kindness' clan (or find one) I'll be sure to give a yell, Tenno! 🙂 

Oh and don't forgot to check your inbox aswell 😉

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41 minutes ago, (PS4)Pizza_Parker said:

Seeing this kind of response just makes me realise how hard his farm actually is.

I wouldnt know since i got his neuro and system on my first try.

Well I had similar luck at first.

Thing is, I wasn't even bothered about Revenant to begin with, but the chassis & systems basically fell into my lap during the bounty missions, so I thought I may as well try for the neuroptics. Little did I know what was to come... 

According to the Wiki, the neuroptics are pretty much guaranteed after 37 attempts. I've only done 15 so far. I know its RNG, but it does feel as though the game is screwing with me sometimes.

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15 hours ago, Szuna said:

It's nice and you don't need to give me anything back as respone. I am glad it helped you a bit. I just saw you were unlucky with him and I felt it would be nice to help to some kind tenno.

Yep, makes you feel good and life will repay you for your kindness!

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