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MR Filter For Public Games?


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I’ve made some comments in other posts that were basically complaining or ranting about pairing or squad set up. So I’ve decided to make a post about it. And before you assume, yes I’ve already looked up to see if anybody else has made this kind of post but I haven’t seen any. Don’t know if I misworded it or what. But to continue...

A lot of posts have been made about squad pairings in public games involving AFKs, leechers, “try hards”, noobs, etc.. Basically someone joins a public game and there’s always someone not doing what the OP wants. For example: high mastery ranks being paired with an inexperienced newbie that slows them down or cost them the game. Or newbies getting paired with high mastery ranks “taking all the kills”. That is usually the issue. 

I feel like adding a Mastery Rank kind of filter could solve a lot of those problems. If you’re paired with people of your rank area then you’re more likely to have the same goals. Obviously if you don’t care then you can just select ALL. But some people might want to pair up with people who are farming for resources, caches, etc.. and higher mastery ranks may be more tempted to farm for things like focus which requires a lot of killing. Example: Sanctuary onslaught. 

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to carry newbies through a mission. Especially sorties. Bounties, spies, bosses, a lot of missions can be failed or complicated due to a player’s lack of skills.

I understand that DE wants ALL players to be cooperative but let’s face it... A lot of people are having issues. Yes there’s the option to recruit but nobody should be forced to recruit every single time for every single mission. And suggesting me or anybody else to play solo contradicts the whole cooperative teamwork argument/excuse. 

Players who want a specific team for a specific purpose should obviously recruit other like minded players. Example: “this warframe is taking all the “fun” out of warframe by killing everything”. I’m sure y’all seen plenty of these posts/rants. Or Tridolon captures. 

But when I join missions like say a sortie spy, I’m expecting to see skilled spy players, mostly Loki, Ivara, ash, sometimes Octavia if they’re skilled. I don’t however, expect to see things like Rhino, Nidus, and most commonly, Inaros. Don’t know why but I’ve been encountering Inaroses a lot in sorties and SO/ESO. The goal for one is stealth and the other is killing. Inaros pretty much can’t do either. Not efficiently anyways. Yet it happens.

So nerfing a warframe because someone else refuses to create a squad for the so called purpose of “having fun” is definitely not the way to go. So I’m not gonna suggest DE completely alter the whole game or major parts just to suit my needs. I figured a filter for specific MR would help. Basically 0-9, 10-19, and 20+ or All. It would help in many ways mainly cause higher the MR, obviously the more Warframes and weapons they have. 

Me and a guy have been discussing how we wish some missions required a certain Mastery Rank to participate in. Or at least an option for only people of a certain rank group to join the squad. We are mostly Focus farming and yet some people don’t seem to care or they like to complicate things just to complain at us for their own choice. Most people who play in certain missions are farming. For the most part they are farming for relics and focus. Which requires killing quickly. Most of us have lives outside of warframe and don’t feel like playing it all day, every single day. So sometimes we like to get things done. 

All I’m asking for is a simple addition. Much like how the sortie requires MR30 warframes. Except this would be a choice. 

Other options like Weapon Only missions or Wepon Only Onslaught could solve the issue where people want no killframes to “take the fun out of the game”. Like maybe only buff type abilities can be used. Nothing else. Of course some people may complain about chroma but that is pretty much his job. There’s mirage’s eclipse too. 

I truly believe that could solve some issues. Just something to think about.

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10 minutes ago, BoneBreakerx said:

a filter to avoid Limbo would be nice...

Well DE does have gender as part of their identity and there’s multiple types of weapons. Not just shotgun and sniper, but also energy vs metal bullets. So they could probably group them into specific groups like killframes, survivalists/tank, support, etc.. Limbo would be in the more support group since he doesn’t buff nor kill enemies with his abilities unless they are really low rank enemies. But that would be complicated. Inaros is more of a survivalist. So a killframe only mode would be nice, but like I said, complicated. 

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50 minutes ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

I understand that DE wants ALL players to be cooperative but let’s face it... A lot of people are having issues. Yes there’s the option to recruit but nobody should be forced to recruit every single time for every single mission.

But isn't that how most online games work? Players making their own group if they don't want to deal with randomness, different playstyles and preferences. Filters for public groups won't stop anyone from afking, leeching and so on.

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Those that use recruit chat and use a MR filter are not really that great of a player, same for those who join because like the host, they aren't great either.

The community has been slowly shifting to a more diversed acceptance because MR filters do not work and instead may shame whoever uses it.

Your sugestion for an invisible filter will only reveal it's flaw, the players you will be paired with will also be noobs, try hards, lecchers and so on, making this sugestion futile.

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17 minutes ago, Leyvonne said:

But isn't that how most online games work? Players making their own group if they don't want to deal with randomness, different playstyles and preferences. Filters for public groups won't stop anyone from afking, leeching and so on.

I wasn’t talking about AFKers and Leechers specifically. This was more of like an inexperienced rank 5- Excalibur user in a sortie spy mission kind of thing. Or rank 10 inaros user in a Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. I had to carry a rank 6 in ESO who used an Excalibur. I’ve noticed from 2 years of playing that the lower mastery ranks are the most encountered inexperienced players that tend to complicate the missions. Some are even going as far as to make posts demanding that DE change the game entirely so that everyone else has to wait for them before completing the mission and extracting. So clearly there’s problems on both sides. 

Leechers will always be around, that doesn’t mean DE can’t or shouldn’t try to find ways to reduce the chances or issues caused by them. I’ve already made a post suggesting ways that DE could reduce the issues caused by AFKers, but that didn’t stop people from commenting factless insults. I’m not stating an opinion. They literally did nothing but insulted(such as calling names) me while claiming that I’m insulting them when all I asked was for them to explain. DE eventually closed the comment section and I apologized to that DE member as I never meant for the discussion to get way out of hand and way off topic.

But I like to be able to just click on a mission and be paired with people that actually play the game. I like to be able to click on Onslaught and meet other players that want to focus farm and keep the efficiency up. I don’t care if they kill everything. I’ll assist them in doing so. Not stand in a corner and whine about my wukong being left out even though I chose him knowing what kind of mission I was going in. 

Nobody should be forced to recruit people every single time or play solo. I’m not a solo player. Even in COD i almost never play the campaign. BO3 was an exception due to its co-op mode. It takes a while to recruit and most people are just like me who just want to click public and be paired with like minded people. In a mode that requires killing everything as quickly as possible, you’d expect killframes. Some people may be farming for XP. Others Focus. And I’ve noticed for the most part, the MR explains a lot of the players’ choice in warframe. At low ranks they don’t have many options and since they are new they don’t know much of how things work. A MR15 nova user still thought rhino roar increases power strength when it really increases all damage.

If I wanted to go as far as 24 zones or more, then yeah I would obviously want to click on recruit. But I shouldn’t have to spend hours finding a squad just for regular missions or small simple goals. Yes hours. That’s how long I’ve spent many times. Only quick recruit groups are Tridolon Captures, specific relic users, and relic farming on like Heiracon. Complicated name. And some do Kuva farming on the Kuva Fortress. Those I can easily understand and have no issues with. But I shouldn’t have to create a group for alerts, sorties, focus, etc. ALL THE TIME. Which is what a lot of trolls keep suggesting though I don’t see them anywhere on posts about nerfing a warframe because the OP wants to have fun and take their sweet time, while knowing most people have actual goals in mind. 

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I only want a lock on people without an operator joining missions that require one to be efficient and useful, so thats more a questline lock than mastery.

"Carrying newbies" is the job of more seasoned players, so get used to it because I am 100% certain someone carried you at one point too, regardless if you realized it at the time. "Newbies" can't learn how to effectively do missions without doing them, seasoned players showing them how speeds the process along. How are they going to learn with 3 other squad members who also have no idea? They'd all be stuck together failing over and over.

I'm not sayin its never irritating having bad players in squads, but you don't have to be elite to be decent, hold your own and contribute to a mission, and you certainly don't need to be a specific rank to be good.

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How about a Playtime Filter instead of an MR Filter? Would be better at matching you with people of similar level. I do agree that we could use something to help us match with more likeminded players and no, Recruit Chat isn't a viable answer, it's a band-aid, as OP stated, I don't want to spend an hour in chat for every public mission thaf I do and solo isn't always profitable.

Edited by TheRealShade
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15 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

You do know that mastery rank means absolutely nothing right?

Anybody can reach the max mr by getting taxied to hydron and afk leech with boosters on various unmodded weapons, its not an indication of skill or knowledge but more like indication of completionism.

i totally agree thats why planets should be MR locked... that way you need to lvl your gear at lower lvl planets for a while and not just get taxied to a high lvl note and rank up... that way MR would at least have a function other then show how many weapons/frames you have maxed...

im not saying that pluto/void should be MR 25 more like 8-10 that way you should have learned the basics of the game before you go to high lvl notes...

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Mastery rank Does not solve this problem

Neither did CC points in the early days

You can filter Mastery ranks ... but the main problem is realy the player behind the keyboard (face it MR 12 can be as bad as MR 20 etc) and vice versa

The intention is that you go for team play or solo

That you got Mr 8 and you want to filter out lower ranks is not going to help what you expect

But what makes you think that Higher ranks will be better that lower rank

There was already a dissociation about this a while ago

and I know this because I was in the middle of it myself with my topics

but good Mastery rank says nothing more nowadays

This is because many players prefer to level up their stuff quickly and have almost no experience with the rest of the game

there is no difficulty anymore around this

you can be mastery rank 20 in a short time or period

and it's just as terrible, not saying that you are horrible

But experience that is the keyword

the time to spend everything
giving others advice that you have learned in the first place

you can be quick learner or slow one .. it does not matter

it's just that you come in for a special snowflake

So this is my opinion about this filter that everyone needs so bad

I think its useless in the first place

There are so many options to try

Such as reqruiting channel or Clan Invites or Friendslist

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1 hour ago, BoneBreakerx said:

i totally agree thats why planets should be MR locked... that way you need to lvl your gear at lower lvl planets for a while and not just get taxied to a high lvl note and rank up... that way MR would at least have a function other then show how many weapons/frames you have maxed...

im not saying that pluto/void should be MR 25 more like 8-10 that way you should have learned the basics of the game before you go to high lvl notes...

Okay once again, you do know its possible to powerlevel on earth right?

Mr is a pointless limitation currently, a timegate nothing more and because of how its implemented i seriously hope it never get anything more than that.

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1 hour ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Okay once again, you do know its possible to powerlevel on earth right?

Mr is a pointless limitation currently, a timegate nothing more and because of how its implemented i seriously hope it never get anything more than that.

well as you said yourself... its a timegate... and more time spend playing equels more skill... its called learning...

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2 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Okay once again, you do know its possible to powerlevel on earth right?

Mr is a pointless limitation currently, a timegate nothing more and because of how its implemented i seriously hope it never get anything more than that.

What ppl doing to powerlevel on earth ? I din´t notice that so far...

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1 hour ago, BoneBreakerx said:

well as you said yourself... its a timegate... and more time spend playing equels more skill... its called learning...

I forgot to post it previously but in the current junction challanges the highest mastery rank requiement is rank 5 so its safe to assume that DE expects players to have full access to the whole starchart at rank 6.

As for the rest of the argument more time playing does not equal more skills or even more knowledge. If i havent taken my time to browse the wiki and mess around the forums i would still not have any idea on how the damage system works or what certain procs do.

A month ago i helped a guy who was rank 13 to understand why is it good to have more than 100% crit chance. Just last week i learned that the chargers dont have a weakspot and the head dangling from their chest is not the headshot spot.

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1 minute ago, Thurok said:

What ppl doing to powerlevel on earth ? I din´t notice that so far...

Same as everywhere else just longer. Get boosters, go to a nice endless spot and rock on till you get too bored of it, not many people do it because its a bit pointless when you have access to better nodes but entirely possible.

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8 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

I forgot to post it previously but in the current junction challanges the highest mastery rank requiement is rank 5 so its safe to assume that DE expects players to have full access to the whole starchart at rank 6.


exactly, i believe new players that do manage to understand the game can beat and get umbra by MR 7-8-9

MR filter would solve nothing
Warframe/Loadout Filter would again solve nothing

everything those ideas would cause is more elitism, which even without those filters there's elitism already
It existed during Raids, exists during Sorties, Exists in Cetus, exists in the Sanctuar.

I mean there's not a single competitive aspect that makes you need to have a filter, waframe is supposed to be a coop game.
I dont  mind a random MR4 joining my cetus team, or anywhere else, i'm more than glad to help if anything, giving hints and answering to some doubts.


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5 minutes ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

I dont  mind a random MR4 joining my cetus team, or anywhere else, i'm more than glad to help if anything, giving hints and answering to some doubts.


i dont mind carrying ppl and helping them... but seeing ppl who have no clue whats going on and no gear to speak of playing the endgame leeching of other players in not okay imo...

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5 minutes ago, BoneBreakerx said:


my only problem with  this word that happens to appear a lot around from time to time is...
how you'd know said person is leeching?  Its the same problem when i see people saying that the host has forced they to disconnect/kick from the team

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3 minutes ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

my only problem with  this word that happens to appear a lot around from time to time is...
how you'd know said person is leeching?  Its the same problem when i see people saying that the host has forced they to disconnect/kick from the team

if they arent enywhere near the objective or just standing in a corner doing nothing... and its not just low MR who does it... reportet 2 ppl MR15+ today

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When i farm for prime parts > lith fissures on heart > using equinox > low mr rank can't touch ANYTHING

The matchmaking is no good. There are lots of high mr that just want to farm asap and the nuke frame are the best option. The new players have to play with veterans that kill everything in 1 min, isn't funny.

Answer to the problem: nerf nuke frames (see Ember)! 🙈

Edited by (PS4)cleefsentence
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