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Dojo Remaster Contest [Winners Announced!]


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    Clan name: Dawn Empire
    Clan tier: Storm
    Clan platform: PC
    Clan role: Founding Warlord

Our clan's Characteristic design:
1.The name of the portal is neat and orderly
2.There are the same number of lamps in front of the elevator door as the floor
3.The odd-numbered  room is on the one side , the even-numbered room is on the other side 
4.Dojo blueprints are produced in nine versions over a thousand hours.
5.The clan offers dozens of rooms as the exclusive rooms for our members, which can be designed by themselves.






Edited by -Erotic-Succubus
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Clan name: Monroe Republic

Clan tier: ghost

Platform: PS4

Role: Colonel (Main Architect)

Note: the dojo follows strictly themes from the game to be as accurate as possible from a lore point. So it won't have any outstanding sculptures like some other dojo's have.Also this only presents highlighted rooms that are either finished or close to being finished.

-Trophy room: the room we use to display our trophies but also to remember and honor the original clan leader that has passed away.This also brings me to reminding DE that they allow us to change the statue within the room so that we can place his favorite frame.

-Personal room(1:16): my personal garden decorated to my taste,more or less finished(depending on what may get added in future and what was added with last PC update). Has a small meditation room. Only shown my room since those of other members aren't finished or may need to be redecorated with the release of the new content.

-Trading post(2:44): the room where all the trading happens, it didn't look like this until this week.Got inspired few days ago and made it so that it follows the corpus/perrin sequence theme. It has small shops offering various wares and services. It is still a WIP as I need to purchase some more decorations but currently out of plat. This also brings me to mentioning the need to add NPCs to make the place feel alive.

-R&D wing(3:33): the place where all the research happens, the tenno lab is kept simple with minimal decorations and uses the clan colors; grineer lab was redecorated with the addition of the grineer decorations, orange makes a nice alternate grineer color as the existing green ones didn't really look good, however may make another grineer room with the other decorations as a steel meridian hub(now that we have the new creative hall coming up, have yet to see it); corpus lab was recently recolored to fit more the corpus theme; infested lab colored all white to give a clean and sterile look as medical facilities normally look, also uses gear from various factions for better research purpose; orokin lab was one of the first rooms that got redecorated with the addition of faction decorations, made sure to decorate it with orokin goods for collecting and research purpose.

-Orokin hall(6:07): the announcement of this contest gave me a reason to redecorate this hall from a bland simple hall into this, a orokin themed hall. The only thing that remained from before was the treasury and the 4 lamps around the center. This room took me a while to decorate but now it looks perfect, also reason why there are 3 waterfalls on each corner is because on one side i couldn't place the 4th one so it wouldn't look symetrical so had to leave it at 3 for each corner.

-Little Cetus(7:13): now this room I'm really proud of, this was the longest one that took to decorate, mainly because of Cetus decorations and standing with each decoration taking 2-4 days of standing farming.This room has so much little details and as mentioned up another room that would benefit from the addition of NPC's. Also has a small garden with waterfall. But even now it's not fully finished as I intend to place the Quill hood decorations but first need to get last rank with Quills for that.

-Small Garden(8:40): a small water garden featuring various plants, a small island and a stonewall with waterfalls. A nice place to relax, intended to use it as a possible room for new loka but realized there may be better rooms for that choice.


As a addition a thread talking about NPC's for dojo which also includes ideas from me for that topic:


Edited by (PS4)reddragonhrcro
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Clan Name: egy pohar vodor

Clan Tier: Ghost Clan (Rank 10)

Platform: PC

Role: Secondary founder, Dojo decorator, Recuiter. (lost vikings)

Before everything else, I must say thank you to our Leader who actually came up with this wonderful clan name we have and because for his contribution. He was and he still is a huge help for me when it comes to decorating or missions since we only have 3 active members. So Thank you very much and stay awesome.


Each room is designed by me. Most of these rooms are fully covered which means there's no empty space where you can see the wall of the original dojo. These things are most likely experiments than real decorative rooms. Please, enjoy!

Our fridge (an ice room.)

( Honestly there's no concept for this. I've built it up randomly. There's some empty parts since we're in an ice cave and those places are scary and empty and narrow or just way too huge.. Trust me. You can also see some little robotic guys in there, a triple waterfall, a river and many-many hidden path and way to find. Each of it gonna throw you out somewhere. Maybe it'll be an amazing place. I hope some of you will like it.)













Now we have our Stone Hall of Shattered Time on the list.

(The idea came randomly, I made this right after the dojo decoration update. I still am very excited about that. This room contains 2 hidden rooms, a waterfall and the contributor post.)











Then, here's our "candy room" which supposed to be the trading room.
(The idea of it is jumping. Like.. on a very basic way. Our leader didn't want to allow clan members to trade who cannot reach the trading post. This room contains the trading post and a teleport pad + that thingie which levels the guild.)





The last is our first decorated place. It's basically and X hallway. I just thew things in randomly once again.

(It's pretty dark. The fireflies are showing the way.)



That's it for now. I hope it's somewhat good to look at. Good luck everyone and have a wonderful day!




Edited by Rheiya
I just forgot a few pictures. Oops.
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Clan: Quasars
Tier: Mountain
Platform: PC
Role: Warlord / decorator

Video notes: made by --Q--Homi   
: Dream ALEX CORVUS Remix




Obstacle Course by hiatel 



[DE]Rebecca & [DE]Megan visited us during Prime Time:


Edited by --Q--Savokki
Adding pictures, Obstacle Course
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Clan Name: SugarBunnies
Clan Tier: Shadow
Clan Platform: PC
My Clan Role: Warlord

Three months ago our clan dojo was completely restructured. With a fresh layout, we decided to flex our creative muscles. Our various designs are unintentionally movie-themed, but that trend shows no sign of stopping. It is my pleasure to submit our dojo for your consideration.

Caerbannog Hall:
This is the dojo's spawn room. Our goal was to create a warm, serene atmosphere since this is centre of commerce for the clan and central focus of the Barracks floor. Two Ludoplexes are near the Trading Post so members and visitors can amuse themselves while waiting to trade.








The Rabbit Hole Lounge:
Clan members were most excited when the lounge's construction announced. Although it has killed some visitors' framerates, there have also been dance parties and impromptu fashion shows on its wide tables.








Fight Club:
Our Grineer-themed duelling room features an elevated VIP section (suggested by our Dravenkaathe) that should provide the best view in the house...if that's how duelling rooms worked. Still, we like the idea of a little Orokin fanciness amidst the heavy industrial pipes and general Grineer grunginess.






The Abyss:
Our basement and reactor floor is built around the clan's first hall. This small hall became a grand experiment when natural decorations were added. Not only is this deep sea cave home to our Treasury post, but also has hidden treasures of its own. Wade the blue depths as long as you like.





The Secret Garden:
It was the best kept secret in our dojo until the transporter was installed. This breathtaking garden is why the "meditate" emote is a permanent fixture on my gear tab. Sometimes you just want to sit in or under a tree and gaze at the vastness of space.






Thank you for your time.

Decorations and Designs by Harrycan and Tennossee_Williams
Video Editing by GrandMarshalCross


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Clan: Satire 

Clan Tier: Storm 

Platform: Ps4 

Role: Warlord 

PLEASE PLEASE lower the wing syandanas to regular missions, its hard to see things, their always up during relays, dojos, orbiters, etc!

Edited by (PS4)Not-SooSuper-o_o
forgot lol
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I wish all the participants good luck.
Have a game at all.

- Clan name      :  G. Primes
- Clan tier          :  Shadow Clan
- Clan platform  :  PC
- Your Clan role : Milionario / Architect and Dojo Decorator






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Clan name: Rage County

Clan tier: Mountain

Clan platform: PlayStation 4

Clan role: Founding Warlord

I started building this dojo on June 9th, 2017 (as I recall). When I started building this I said to myself that I wanted it to be the best dojo I can build. After countless hours, resources, and help from clan members, we flourished the dojo with decorations. I didn't do it alone as many people funded the construction. Without them I couldn't of built this.

I was inspired by the idea of having a dojo that would make your jaw drop when entering it. I didn't want an empty dojo, I wanted it to be full of life. My goal is to decorate every room in the dojo. So I am not done yet. We'll see what time and effort brings us.

Cinematic Dojo Tour:




Edited by (PS4)Whiskey1015566
Added cinematic dojo tour.
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Le 28/09/2018 à 18:45, [DE]Helen a dit :



The atmosphere of our Dojo can be felt when you are inside 

Clan Name - Klawe Syny

Clan Tier - Shaow Clan- Rank 9

Clan platworm PC

Your clan role Clan Leader- Architect

The Dojo was designed and constructed by meogrod_1.jpgogro_zimowy.jpgSwiatynia_Tenno.jpgObserwatorium.jpgWarframe0001.jpgWarframe0002.jpgWarframe0004.jpgWarframe0005.jpgWarframe0003.jpgWarframe0002.jpgWarframe0000.jpgWarframe0001.jpgSala_pojedynkow.jpg

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Clan: TKoS

Tier: Shadow

Platfrom: Ps4

Role: Warlord


    "The dojo is basically a work in progress. Our main room has gone through so many different themes over the years. You never know when you spawn in if that room will be completely redesigned. When the new nature items arrived our clan leader wanted to cover as much of the grand hall as possible with natural items so that's the inspiration there. The very first ship on the ground in the hangar was made years ago and with all the new decorations and capacity we just added on from there. Obviously Star Wars was the main inspiration for the top level there. One day we hope to add the Millennium Falcon somewhere! We actually stumbled into the observatory glitch but we really liked the idea of having faction themed buildings there. Thanks to DE for doing this contest and unleashing our creativity with these dojo updates! So many people have awe-inspiring submissions here. Best of luck to all you talented and creative Tennos from clan TKoS!" (T_ravenis - Founding Warlord)

Edited by (PS4)Ferlorn
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"You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the Grim Reaper."- Robert Alton Harris

Clan name: Reapers of Warframe

Clan tier: R10 Mountain

Clan platform: PlayStation 4

Clan role: Founding Warlord

*Spiders are among us as Halloween approaches!* Happy Halloween 🤖👻

A huge thank you to all of RoW and SoH for supporting(putting up with me) and contributing to our clan. Much respect👊

Pictures of items shown and not shown in video. http://imgur.com/gallery/I00b6u9

RoW dojo is all about being a fun, always changing, exciting and interactive place for all. Many decorations were inspired by our clan members and for their kids(RoW-Rex). We are always growing, building and experiencing. 

A huge thank you to all of DE! Without you all this wouldnt be possible!❤

Edited by (PS4)Steelergurl33
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  •  Clan name: ARMY S HEAVEN
  •  Clan tier: Shadow clan
  •  Clan platform: PS4
  •  My Clan role: Secondary Architect

Hi everybody, i'm the architect of the ARMY S HEAVEN clan. Our clan has a long history in this game, just like orokins. So this is our orokin themed dojo, enjoy this video:


...And here are some screenshots:

Ok, that's all folks 😄

Clanmates who partecipated in the creation of the video:
-Valerio1994-ITA (warlord & architect);
-magonero96 (architect);
-crispinaus (video recording & video editing);
-slech92 (video recording);
-Black__Flow(video recording).

Special Thanks to all members of our clan who contributed with resources.

Edited by (PS4)magonero96
some errors with links
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- Clan Name: TetraHydroCannabinole

- Clan Rank: Storm Level 9

- Platform: PC

- Clanrole: Architect (Sage)

So the first room is our main clanhall is where all the daily business like trading is going on and all the important things are. It is themed around our clanname so you can gues what I was going for 😄

Spawn View

Overview in its full pride

this is our TreasureShack

Next up is the RedVeil Forest. I tried to embrace the dark and sinister style of the red veil. But also to include the destination that Rell promised them.

Overthiew of the room here and there are some places where you can sit and enjoy your evil afternoon.

And there is Rells promised future that is so close and jet so far and is messing with your evil lunchtime

and from here on the path splits into two directions the you have the choice of go underwater or go green.

First i´d say we go underwater to farm some Condition Overload.

Luckily my friend brought his Nekros so its just a thing of millenia

I also tried to go for the underwater flooded style by placing "floating" barrels in the right back to get a little more immersion.

Next up we take a look at our Greenhouseswamp. Its basically just a big cluster of plants and bugs but it looks really nice ^^

OH LOOK! Broberon has appeared and he is about to protect hes greenspace realhard.

*shoves broberon out of screen* well look what we have here a nicely lit room with a upside down pond with an infinit water supply how magnificent.

Now onto the Datenight Room its just a beatiful room where you get the feeling of having a date with everyone and everything in your vicinity.(not that I would know how that feels)

Oh hey some person i can date. Now turn around momy and daddy have to do some things you that are not ment for your eyes Gustavo.

Last but not least. Oh wait it´s the last one. The Conclave Room. Here i tried to capture the tension that you can feel when you are in SpaceUncles room of a mountain. So lets follow around Loki searching for someone to do a honoreable 1v1 to avenge his family.

He comes in dripping of enthusiasm he is ready to beat everybody in his way.

He is looking around for SOMEBODY to fight with him but its pretty quiet in here, almost to quiet -.-

He finds the Lobbysearch he is preparing his gear for the ultimate fight. He wants to be the BEST he can EVER BE. After 40 min in queue he starts overthinking his lifedesions and now his mind is clear he knows who is responsible for his eternal queue times he knows who needs to be punished. Now He proceeds to wait for new story content to find out where Space EX Mom is to punish her so hard stalker couldnt think of in his wet dreams.

Ok i got carried away at the end but i hope you like the the dojo 😄

made by: Me



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