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[PC] C̶̹̃h̴̊̍̐͜i̶͓̩͛̽m̸̨̈́͘e̴̤̒ŕ̸͉͋̕å̸̙̭͕: Bug Report Megathread


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Well after my last post I went back into the came and all my settings for colors in the war frame and weapons were gone again. They all worked after the hot fix but after I got out of the game and went back in they were screwed again.


As for my decorations, I have all of mine, but who knows , after I go back in they may be gone.

I hope they can fix this soon.

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after the last large patch, all of my kubrows looks ugly as in game and as imprints, they looks very hairy and messy.

take a look20181013013530-1.jpg

you can not tell if it a lotus anymore...

more picture ...


and that is image from codex so all can relat to it.



see how the hair looks like...

I have over 50 pairs of imprints, 20 in statis,  and this bug or glitch is the same no matter the color, fur patern, type ,gender or body build.

for the kavat whiskers look thicker and darker (nothing seriuos) and for hilmenth charger nothing seems to be different (all good).

hopefully its not a duplicate post as I tried to scroll fast in first couple of pages no one mention it so I post about it.

please fix this.

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Hello! I have discovered multiple bugs for you guys to fix, Please take a look!

Here are all the quest bugs I found so far
That's all for the second dream, operator suit is seriously broken
Now here are the bugs for the war within

shiny eyes

some weird black thing appears at a certain distance from the wall you have to dash to.

That is all the quest bugs I have found. Here are some extra bugs I discovered when on cetus
major issues with onkko, clipping, his head is floating and his cheekbones are clipping through the mask.
here is another angle of it.
poor onkko, please fix him. 

Continuing with the cetus bugs, we have the solaris guys
this one seems to be sitting on literally nothing.

and now the last bug I have found, the items at the solaris vendor on cetus seem to be having the wrong textures

These are all the bugs I discovered just yesterday within three hours. Thank you for your time, and please fix these bugs soon, I enjoy replaying all your quests and visiting cetus a lot, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.

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Can you fix Volt's Discharge ability.

In Elite Sanctuary Onslaught, after the first room of discharging working as intended and you go through a portal,all rooms after going through a portal to the next one, discharge stops working, bugs out, in the way where, you can cast it still, it takes energy, its not on the "casted it too much" cool down or anything, but straight up simply doesn't register its hits and effects on enemies.

so in short, Cast discharge, zone 2 and above, doesn't work.

(i cant record it cause i don't have a video recording ability, so someone else will have to record the bug in action, or you will have to get someone in the dev crew to play test it, it happens nearly 100% of the time)

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Mesa Bug.

Can only use shattering shield once, then after that i cannot recast the ability as it states its already in use, however im dying there is no 95% damage reduction to bullets on my frame at all.
You can only cast it once per instance of the mission, for the rest of the defense run, 15 rounds, i will not have shattering shield, nor can i cast it again.

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Not entirely sure this is a bug, but it seems too absurd to be intended.

On certain Warframes (might be all Warframes, can only confirm for Inaros and Nidus however), Adaptation's damage resistance (presumably in combination with other factors) can completely nullify damage of a given type. I'm guessing it goes so low that it just gets rounded down to 0. I have a feeling the resistances aren't working as intended: maybe they aren't properly capped, or part of the resistances are kept for some reason when the effect expires and new resistances of the same type are stacking on top of that. It's just a hunch, though.

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1 hour ago, MagpieFlowerheart said:

while in the new arbitrations if you have a power donation aura it will prevent you from gaining the +300% ability strength and still apply its effects.
an example being when I had a +300% to chroma I went in with my spectral scream doing 80 damage per second but while in the mission that dropped to a 20 damage per second instead of jumping in strength

on further testing I don't get a boost without it either using chroma prime at all

so this might be an issue of primed varients not counting as the correct frame

just tested with ash prime, same issue of no power strength buff as noted by their shuriken doing 350 damage before going in and even once in despite it being a ash  +300% strength buff for me, though the scindo prime received its buff just fine

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When you go into the plains as your operator (I did it with Excalibur Umbra, not sure if that had an effect), an interesting bug happened where I could not interact with anything, but I could crouch and "void dash" without any corresponding visual effects. I could not get out of my operator after this happened, and had to leave the plains in order to revert the bug.

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when you use xbox 360 controller the LT buttom (for aim zoom and channeling) doesnt work, it works as intended for the aim zoom but when it comes to channeling or any other remapped function it doesnt work, all it does is aim zoom no matter what else you remap it for :d

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Mesa's 3 seems to be bugged as when using shatter shield the counter for it doesn't show at all, and after using her 3 is supposed to deactivate after the duration (mines is 41 secs) it still looks as if shatter shield is still in effect as the texture for it is still on my Mesa and when I try to reuse it I get this ejSPX6h.png  Bug first occurred in Arbitration when I tried reactivating it and again in the Simulacrum I was testing somethings out about Shatter shields damage reduction.   


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The mainline affected only one thing on my controller, the crouch. I use L2 (Left Trigger) on my PS3 controller since 2015 and never had to change my settings since then, at least afaik. Now when I use my melee weapon (including exalted ones), I can't crouch, even tho it works perfectly when I use my guns or equipment like Scanners. I can still crouch with my keyboard, but it just didn't work with my controller. At least that was my problem yesterday.

I tried to change it back just a moment ago, but it when I opened the Controller settings, all the controls were vanilla, even if those where not the ones I was using. Took a while to change everything back to how it was, except that I couldn't put Channeling on R3 for some reason. My biggest problem is that I can't remove things many things such as consumable, I can only change/add and when I click "Confirm" then return in the settings, it shows the default options. 

Here is how it looks ig after the changes (beware, french):






I restarted the game and that's what I see. The controls don't don't match with the list and I can't separate/remove some settings, like consumables (I use my keyboard for that and I don't need 3 buttons on my controller to crouch and roll). 


Sidenote: Where did the "Toggle crouch" option go? I was using it for years but I can't find it in the settings. It deactivated when I changed my settings and I seriously want it back. I'm not a fan of having to old a button to crouch/slide. 


Edit: I don't think it's a "bug", but I was using my Silva & Aegis the other day and I realised that the dashing moves of the Final Harbinger combos are a little crazy since the update. Using the Hold combo (Dark Light), I can travel insane distances, which is mostly annoying since it either send me off the map or 10ft. past my target.... which was 5-10ft. away.

I know the dashes where enhanced (I tried Tempo Royal and some other stances and every dash moves went further than usual). I just think it was a bit too extreme in some cases, especialy Final Harbinger. 

Edited by Blade_Wolf_16
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A couple of minor things of note:

- It looks like you changed mining lasers to use the energy color of the warframe?   Can this be reverted - I always set the energy color of my warframe to dark unobtrusive colors so they don't blind other players... but mining lasers need to be highly visible and with the new change they're almost impossible to see.

- Can the gear wheel be tweaked so that when you have exactly 12 items it doesn't use the spiral appearance unless you're actually editing the gear wheel?

- Also, with the gear wheel I notice that if you move an item to an earlier slot, it doesn't empty the old slot - it instead moves all the remaining items down a slot.   But that breaks the hotkeys used for those items.   Can we have blank slots in the first 12, or have it that if you equip, say, item A, which had been in slot 6, into slot 4, it instead swaps slots 4 and 6 so it doesn't shift the items down, and only do the shift if you explicity set a slot to empty?

- Not a bug with Chimera, exactly, but I'm noticing even more delays and minor issues with the Leave Squad selection since the new update, including it not being visible for some time after extraction from PoE.   Can we simply move Leave Squad to it's own, always visible, button, and if it's clicked on, it removes you from the squad as soon as possible, and prevents anyone else from joining a squad with you until you either select a new mission, issue an invite, or accept one? 

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On 2018-10-12 at 11:17 AM, ScottDaniels said:

All my ship decorations were removed, and I dont have them to add them back.  As in my priome pedistals, a poster, and like 5 eidolon statues are gone.

Ditto! Get on it, please.

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Now that we can get unfilled ayatan sculpture in arbitration easily but the thing is Ayatan Amber star is much rarer the actual sculpture itself now, my suggestions are :

1. Make the sculpture reward from arbitration already fully starred.


2. Buff back Ayatan Amber star drop chance like it used to.

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Since Chimera, I am unable to melee block on PC with gamepad. I have block bound to left trigger, which is shared with zoom/aim on guns, and it always worked before.

Haven't played on console, but I would expect this is the intended configuration, since blocking with melee does the "slow fall" effect, and zooming does it with guns so having both on the same button feels natural.

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2 hours ago, MagpieFlowerheart said:

while in the new arbitrations if you have a power donation aura it will prevent you from gaining the +300% ability strength and still apply its effects.
an example being when I had a +300% to chroma I went in with my spectral scream doing 80 damage per second but while in the mission that dropped to a 20 damage per second instead of jumping in strength

on further testing I don't get a boost without it either using chroma prime at all

so this might be an issue of primed varients not counting as the correct frame

tested this with my ash prime to the same result. Though with another test using banshee prime I've found that the bug doesn't occur if you have more greater than or equal to 100% ability strength going in so that's probably where the bug is

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I made a reddit post about my issue a few days ago that mostly went under the radar.  Anything I have that involves the Ice color pallet involving frames and weps gets reset when I log in, and my sigils get distorted.  Colors are reset after a mission, and sigils are set to default locations, but my favorited ice colors are still removed from my favorites.


Link to my reddit post with pictures

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