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[PC] C̶̹̃h̴̊̍̐͜i̶͓̩͛̽m̸̨̈́͘e̴̤̒ŕ̸͉͋̕å̸̙̭͕: Bug Report Megathread


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After the update I often see black boxes apearing over the top of the gate to the Plains when returning to Cetus after the mission.

Another bug caught in the same video is the buzz that won't stop until I leave Cetus. At first I thought it was a Grineer ship, but now I think it's actually the sound of Revenant's 4 which never stopped after he died while using it.




Edited by Andikki
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Turns out the mods that increase combo duration cancel out the melee damage mods, (Primed) Pressure Point and Sacrificial Pressure. I recorded a video of a demonstration using Body Count. I also compared it to removing the damage mod and the stats ended up the same



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Try to play with volt and volt prime in sanctuary Onslaught and elite sanctuary Onslaught and skill number 4 shortly after starting wave 2... doesn't work, start playing the music before starting the first portal

sorry for my english, I live in colombia

have a good day!

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Time log 10/16/2018 10:02AM GMT+8
Still can't log in. Login Failed. Check your info. Already sent a ticket, posted on the furoms, tried all suggested fixes but nothing works.
this issue started with the new update. Now I'm having issue logging in for the pas 6 days.

*PS no reply from DE on the ticket.

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Currently there are some things that still happen even after the hotfix including:


  • Arbitration Operative goes from 40k max health to 4k max health after a host migration
  • Uranus tileset has a lot of buggy spawns (some even spawning in the rocks) and sometimes the AI just stands there 
  • Corpus tilesets still have some issues with AI pathing
Edited by Trizion
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Others have said it, just adding a +1 to the "warframe seems de-optimized and laggier than before". I've been running at max graphics on an Nvidia GTX 980, with good processor and RAM. Stuttered rarely before, had to be crazy-busy with like, multiple nekros and lots of graphics-intensive warframe abilities going on. I've noticed a drastic uptick in random surges of stuttering and lagging and such, even without such conditions.

Edit: Also 90% of the operator changes make me want to cry. In the bad way 😞


My post is a little outdated after this update but.... there's a major thing there that there's.... really no reason not do do, which is to make colors match. Why on earth is like, Koppra super neon bright, while Commodore and a few others turn hot-rod red into like, a wine-colored, burgundy thing? And turns pure-100%-white from Smoke into an ashy grey. White should look white, red should look red, dark blue should look dark blue. On every operator suit. It can already be rough making different suits fit each other when they're aesthetically so different, why add color as a complication to the mix? They can have different textures and patterns, but make them look effectively the same color.

Edited by Grav_Starstrider
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1 hour ago, Codenamechaz said:

Uh, so it appears that my Paracisis has experienced a Limit break


So uncovered a new consequence to this bug: The weapon is stuck like this. It can't gain any more experience since it's technically maxed, but since the game isn't reading it as maxed, I can't reset it with forma and I can't attach a lens to it. 

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Lotus Noggle:


Daman Sugatra:


Orthos Prime and Akbolto bug: (3 time I post this bug)


I don't know what happen with Titania in arsenal:


No spawn on void fissures. Thoes 6 were get in 8 or 10 minutes of mission and the point of extraction was the main objective:



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Bug: Ash's Smoke Shadow Augment isn't working with Arbitration's Allied Defense Target.

Smoke Shadow isn't affect by Ability Range. Even though allied defense target is within the 5 meters requirement he still doesn't get the invisibility.

1 minute video exemplifying the bug:


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21 hours ago, Weird_Stealth said:

I actually figured out that if you're changing the bindings by using your mouse to select the new settings like I was in the video, they wasn't saving the bindings. But, if you use your controller to change the settings, it actually saves your settings. but the down side is that the fishing tool menu is not attached to the ability menu so we need to figure out a way to make that work a lot better, or  at least work so you can cycle through the options and active them like you would abilities.

Thank you very much for the tip about only using the controller to change and save the settings, it worked like a charm and I can finally play the game normally again. Thanks a lot!

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20 minutes ago, Grav_Starstrider said:

Others have said it, just adding a +1 to the "warframe seems de-optimized and laggier than before". I've been running at max graphics on an Nvidia GTX 980, with good processor and RAM. Stuttered rarely before, had to be crazy-busy with like, multiple nekros and lots of graphics-intensive warframe abilities going on. I've noticed a drastic uptick in random surges of stuttering and lagging and such, even without such conditions.

Yes.  I have an I7 7700 CPU, a 1080 TI and 24 GB ram, and I get random episodes of stuttering since the update.  Even solo.

Edited by Ulfhednar9
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2 hours ago, Zgwortz said:

- Also, with the gear wheel I notice that if you move an item to an earlier slot, it doesn't empty the old slot - it instead moves all the remaining items down a slot.   But that breaks the hotkeys used for those items.   Can we have blank slots in the first 12, or have it that if you equip, say, item A, which had been in slot 6, into slot 4, it instead swaps slots 4 and 6 so it doesn't shift the items down, and only do the shift if you explicity set a slot to empty?


YES.  This is intensely annoying.  An update should not make the UI more labor intensive and frustrating to use.

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hace 1 hora, TheoCrockett dijo:

Try to play with volt and volt prime in sanctuary Onslaught and elite sanctuary Onslaught and skill number 4 shortly after starting wave 2... doesn't work, start playing the music before starting the first portal

sorry for my english, I live in colombia

have a good day!

i test mesa again in other missions, this bugs only in a exterminate in second sortie mission !

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I have a slight... issue... I recently got back onto warframe after a two month break, when I got on I found that all of my decorations (glyphs, noggles, etc.(even the glast gambit drawings) were all gone! I go to check my inventory, but it's not there either, but the strange thing is that when I open the marketplace it shows that I own them. Please help me as quickly as possible (I need my babies back T^T)





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