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Arbitrations are so boring and easy...


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The first time I heard about this new mission type I thougth that we finally were getting an end game for veterans (Elite Onslaugth was a nice try, but the amount of kills that you need after round 15 and the amount of spawns itĀ“s so unbalanced that turns to be a "meh" mission); "If you die you canĀ“t ress" ok that sounds good, "There will be drons that protect all enemy units and turn them inmune" wow thats nice "But if you destroy it all enemies affected by the drone explodes" .......what??? where is the challenge there?? why are you giving an unstable nuke atached to anemies backs?? "Mission will start with high level enemies" ok, at least they will be tough... "LV 60" .............. "Also you have to wait 1 hour to see lv 100 enemies" are you serious???? "And there will be 2 buffs for you during the mission" like we canĀ“t already one shot a Lv 150 corrupted bombard.
So basically we have another "new players friendly" mission.... please bring back raids, at least you needed coordination to do them, this game itĀ“s getting boring.

Edited by Valgaarv
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3 minutes ago, Valgaarv said:

please bring back raids

This isn't going to happen. They aren't going to just bring back things that took resources from other things just to keep working and in the future, if/when they come back, they won't be the same.

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It's definitely not "new players friendly". Don't even know how that would be possible. You need to clear the star chart. Raids were much more "new player friendly" than Arbitrations. Those were something you could literally just do as a new player. You just listen to the more experience guys on your squad. In this new mode, new players won't be able to play and even if they clear the star chart they probably won't be able to survive.Ā 

It definitely needs some work, but it has potential. Especially as an endo farm.

Edited by BL4CKN0ISE
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il y a une heure, Wind_Blade a ditĀ :

+1 just for the raids part


From what you speak you still don't have play the gamemode ? just try before write (because your text seem like you still don't try)

The truth its I have done only 2 missions, get bored, then came to forum and read an article of a dude against a lv 96 grenieer saying that was after the first hour xd

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Maybe part of what I wrote is not objective, but damm it was so boring, excavation rate of enemies was just horrible, and the defense mission was just like any other defense, but this time I was aviable to blow a mass of trash just blowing that new drone xd, I feel upset about arbitrations šŸ˜•

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10 minutes ago, Valgaarv said:

The truth its I have done only 2 missions, get bored, then came to forum and read an article of a dude against a lv 96 grenieer saying that was after the first hour xd

If you mean my post, then that was Interception after 20 rounds (which took me more than an hour, yeah). Some lvl 100+ were showing up (mostly Eximus), but most of them had lower levels and were scaling very slowly:



It was incredibly boring and all I got for it was ayatans and endo, so I left after round 20.

Edited by Rurabomber
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They absolutely need to fix this.Ā  Apparently it's not designed to be solo'd.Ā  I just took Inaros into an Eris infested survival and I failed after 7 minutes.Ā  Why?Ā  Because there wasnt even enough enemies to keep life support running.Ā  I was struggling to wait for the next capsule until they finally ran out.Ā  I still had almost max health and didn't even need to use a single Inaros ability (which was supposed to be a +300% bonus).Ā  Ā Waste of 7 minutes since I got nothing...

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il y a 3 minutes, Arocken a ditĀ :

They absolutely need to fix this.Ā  Apparently it's not designed to be solo'd.Ā  I just took Inaros into an Eris infested survival and I failed after 7 minutes.Ā  Why?Ā  Because there wasnt even enough enemies to keep life support running.Ā  I was struggling to wait for the next capsule until they finally ran out.Ā  I still had almost max health and didn't even need to use a single Inaros ability (which was supposed to be a +300% bonus).Ā  Ā Waste of 7 minutes since I got nothing...

I took like 15 mins to finish 1 excavator because there were no spawns.

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5 minutes ago, Arocken said:

Apparently it's not designed to be solo'd.Ā  I just took Inaros into an Eris infested survival and I failed after 7 minutes.Ā  Why?Ā  Because there wasnt even enough enemies to keep life support running.

Ohh so this is what they meant when they said it's going to be difficult... Hmm.. Sounds like you need to GIT GUD. xD


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2 minutes ago, Arocken said:

I shouldn't be fighting a ridiculous life support capsule timer instead of enemies...

Yeah, spawn rates mustĀ be tweaked. I hope it will finally happen, because this has been an issue in solo survivals and excavations for quite a long time now.

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3 hours ago, HEA-Devazone said:

i don't see the purpose of increasing lvl if people going to stop time with limbo and
cheese it with condition overload equipped meleeĀ 

Yup, turns into a giant CC fest. Just like how old school void keys were.

And then if DE comes with a mechanic other than nullies that bi passes our powers and/or DE brings to many enemies or DE nerfs some stuff to make it more challenging and then these so called "vets" get 360 no scope one shotted...well then it becomes too hard and unfair blah blah blah.

There is really no middle ground. I gringe everytime I see one of these posts now.Ā 

It will always be "to easy" until DE fixes enemy AI and how we are engaged by those enemies.Ā 

The amount of enemies or level of enemies wont ever matter with the super meta frames "vets" have.Ā 

We need to be able to out smart enemies, not just CC spawn points.Ā 

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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