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Cosmetic Armor is a lost gameplay opportunity


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2 minutes ago, Lisztomaniac said:

what is it with backwards people like you? every current game its doing away with stats on armor for a more fashinable gameplay experience, even wow introduced a way to transumte armors to have looks independent of stats, then comes you 10 years later with an idea thats not only a bad idea, but its actually an old design problem in games that developers are now doing away with, youre not trying to inovate youre trying to go back and its amazing that you keep replying to coments to insist its a good idea when it was actually in game before and it proved to be a bad idea, also every single example you have used ie maiming strike, buying plat for primes etc. makes no sense in this context.

Pretty much this whole post is false, except for the current trends going away from this model, but I don't agree that it's a good thing at all, because most of the games are dumming down their gameplay to do it. More cosmetics at the cost of gameplay is arguably more profitable, but it makes for worse games. Period.

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2 minutes ago, Lisztomaniac said:

what is it with backwards people like you? every current game its doing away with stats on armor for a more fashinable gameplay experience, even wow introduced a way to transumte armors to have looks independent of stats, then comes you 10 years later with an idea thats not only a bad idea, but its actually an old design problem in games that developers are now doing away with, youre not trying to inovate youre trying to go back and its amazing that you keep replying to coments to insist its a good idea when it was actually in game before and it proved to be a bad idea, also every single example you have used ie maiming strike, buying plat for primes etc. makes no sense in this context.

Amen to you sir.

It almost makes you wonder if he's really this ignorant, or if it was more of a "hey this is a good idea, I should share it" without considering why it might not be. Then, now that the idea is out there, they can't back down and damage their ego, so they just sit here fighting swearing up and down everyone else is wrong and they are right. 

I honestly think that's a part of it, because it's really hard to believe someone could be this clueless.

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2 minutes ago, NotDealwithitdog said:

Which is far different than what you're claiming they're saying. If something that was only available through plat is now available for free, it would be unfair to those who bought it when there would be no other way. Now who's the strawman?

My point is still valid. They want to pay instead of farm for it.

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Cosmetic items should always strive to not have connections to your statistical performance as a Player in any game.
exceptions include when statistical choices have something to represent their existence or not, but application of that is pretty difficult in games because it should be keeping away from interfering with any Cosmetic choices a Player may also be making.

we're even still dealing with some of the problems of y'ore that Digital Extremes just refused to deal with (OG Arcane Helmets). the 'solution' was creating new stuff that's not exactly the same but can make their Stats obsolete by having much more dramatic Powercreep. but that didn't really solve it.

32 minutes ago, Azlen said:

OP clearly doesn't understand why Warframe performs so well as a free to play game in comparison to others.

i would wager many don't - the game doesn't float on just selling Cosmetics. the game always has, and always will, also be selling Powercreep for more revenue.

27 minutes ago, FrostDragoon said:

This was a problem because the old arcanes carried big drawbacks. Not the same at all to what I'm suggesting.

a big drawback is a Cosmetic choice with Stats, not having the Stats that are optimal for a particular Warframe. now you have the wrong Stats on the Warframe and it's tied to a Cosmetic item.

besides, i don't even like most of the Cosmetics in the game, and that caused major conflicts of Cosmetics vs Stats in the past as well. having Stat choices tied to Cosmetic Slots when i didn't even like any of the Cosmetics and preferred none.
but clearly, that's just not 'forward thinking' enough for you. i should take pride and accomplishment for having the privilege of Equipping some Cosmetics, yes, thank you EA for such an honor.

Edited by taiiat
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Just now, Azlen said:

Amen to you sir.

It almost makes you wonder if he's really this ignorant, or if it was more of a "hey this is a good idea, I should share it" without considering why it might not be. Then, now that the idea is out there, they can't back down and damage their ego, so they just sit here fighting swearing up and down everyone else is wrong and they are right. 

I honestly think that's a part of it, because it's really hard to believe someone could be this clueless.

It's actually the opposite. I find the people objecting to it to be the backwards thinkers.

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1 minute ago, NotDealwithitdog said:

No, they do not. I'm sure people would be happy if they could farm for armor. But it wouldn't be fair to those who already bought it with no other choice. That is the point they are making.

Which is easy enough to fix too. Mountains of out of molehills, as they say.

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1 minute ago, FrostDragoon said:

It's actually the opposite. I find the people objecting to it to be the backwards thinkers.

Well if this post is any indication, along with DE's prior actions... you are the one that's wrong here buddy.
But keep fighting your fight, fruitless and misguided as it may be. If all these posts haven't woken you up, nothing will.

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26 minutes ago, Errodin said:

Okay then ... you pay out all the money ever spent on cosmetics back to the players and get what you want ... i'll wait.


1 minute ago, FrostDragoon said:

Which is easy enough to fix too. Mountains of out of molehills, as they say.

Which is exactly what the first post is saying. Yet you called him out for adding nothing.

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every time someone makes one of these backwards suggestion it gives me the impresion, we're dealing with a 15 year old that was around when stats on armor were the norm, so he doesnt know how painful it is to run around dreesed like a buffoon just so that your stats match.

for the record im all for having things farmable with drops, but youre so far up your own ass that you cant realize that the real problem doesnt lie there, neither with P2W.

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Just now, mikakor said:

It has already been proved that a MAJORITY of people dislike this. 

It was proven that they disliked the previous implementation of it. I'm suggesting a different one. Hell, if they want to leave current cosmetics as is, they could even just add new "armor slots" with pieces to fill them that don't have cosmetic applications, but the point is that armor that isn't "armor" could definitely have been better.

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2 minutes ago, Kuestenjung said:

Can someone please enlighten me what up with the "strawman" reading everywhere now?

It is something people bring up during arguments that don't have anything to specifically do with that argument/debate.
A simple example is something like....
"Saryn is the best AoE Damage frame and should be nerfed" to which someone responds "No she shouldn't, Loki's 4 is way better of an ability" even though his 4 has (essentially) nothing to do with AoE damage. Someone who's using a strawman is trying to fight a battle that someone isn't presenting.

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à l’instant, FrostDragoon a dit :

It was proven that they disliked the previous implementation of it. I'm suggesting a different one. Hell, if they want to leave current cosmetics as is, they could even just add new "armor slots" with pieces to fill them that don't have cosmetic applications, but the point is that armor that isn't "armor" could definitely have been better.

they could even rename them "Mod slots" RIGHT? thats an awesome idea, im on board, can we have one that reduces status damage received by 90%? how about one that consumes energy instead of health when you reach 1 health? we could call it fast thinking? you in?

if you cant see the absurdity of your thread after this post then youre really hopeless

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Just now, Lisztomaniac said:

they could even rename them "Mod slots" RIGHT? thats an awesome idea, im on board, can we have one that reduces status damage received by 90%? how about one that consumes energy instead of health when you reach 1 health? we could call it fast thinking? you in?

if you cant see the absurdity of your thread after this post then youre really hopeless

So savage and I love it :heart:

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5 minutes ago, Lisztomaniac said:

they could even rename them "Mod slots" RIGHT? thats an awesome idea, im on board, can we have one that reduces status damage received by 90%? how about one that consumes energy instead of health when you reach 1 health? we could call it fast thinking? you in?

if you cant see the absurdity of your thread after this post then youre really hopeless

You've only called names while adding nothing. I honestly don't know how you could possibly think I'd be persuaded by that.

I'm not talking about mods. I'm talking about small bonuses for flat base armor, shield, health, energy, etc. Classic straw man right here, for the guy that was asking what it meant earlier.

Edited by FrostDragoon
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