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Region Chat Moderators


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Do the region chat moderators really have to be this uptight about harmless jokes? This is just pathetic. In a game where you slice people into tiny pieces and melt them in various ways, moderators getting power trips in region chat is dumb and should probably be looked at. I'd like to use region chat but the mods and kickbot make it pretty difficult if they're this sensitive.



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7 minutes ago, Monsterwithin said:

Region chat as this point is just useless, too uptight, not helpful and will most likely get you suspended in all chats for even having a tiny bit of humor.
But whatever Red Text says is alright.

There's simply too much foolishness in region chat, humor aside. They should just remove it lmao.

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They want to keep a tyranny of information in the forum, I can not believe that also within the game ?. It is that if you are not licking your feet you are in sight of shooting.




Of this moderator.  

Edited by xcenic
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vor 7 Minuten schrieb RobWasHere:

What the hell. What's next, "Warframe" will be bannable word? It was enough mess with "kinetic traps" and "TITanias" or "Arca TITrons". Why you recruit such people to be mods.

dont forget the uranus jokes.

i experienced bad moderator behaviour once over a year ago on the english region chat. someone seemed to have a bad day and let me feel it for 0 reason. my solution was switching to the german language although i prefer playing games in english. seems like the situation didnt improve judging by these screenshots and describtions. personally i only have experience with the 1 mentioned case though but for me that was already reason enough.

funny though that someone gets this sensitive in the chat. that mod probably never watched a dev stream...

Edited by Xydeth
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Okay, let's try to keep it calm here^^'

Since this is a very very "hot/flamable"-topic we should not forget to be respectful, even to moderators and/or their decisions...even if we don't agree at all with them...

So first things first: I am all about memes, specially love the ones out there for Warframe^-^ They are funny and pick up problems in the game (sometimes even with charm)

e.g. one I made:



So I will focus only on the 1st Topic brought up here in this Thread: The "Why was my message flushed?" (<- according to you it just got flushed and not kicked)
One of the problems if you post/comment with a meme / joke like "Primed dissappointment" in the region-chat compared to if you post it just here in the forums might be that it could lead to bashing the game, then the developers. 

Now wait a second, I can hear some of you already typing "wtf what are you thinking! I am only making a joke i didn't bash anyone?!? What is wrong with you??" 

To deconstruct a little bit:
Someone actually spends time picking out Baro's inventory, then it gets called trash, disappointment, garbage and such, regardless of what he brings. So this goes into a broader pool of "they never let us have anything good" and the growing amount of those recycling opinions will maybe proceed spreading this around.
Baro's offer will never please everyone and all of us here know this. But instead of posting constructive critisism on how to maaaybe improve the way he offers stuff and what kind of stuff he has on sale, some of us think a "meme" like "god here we go again, another round of primed dissappointment" before he even appears is a cool thing to do.
In my opinion there is a possibility that this might start a fire in an active Chat. Same when some people start "OWO" (that goes into spam really fast) or even if only 1 person just links [Nezha] in chat with nothing else. Sure none of them are on their own totally and absolute harming the flow of the chat-...but the rest of the chat might pick it up and create something out that is....strange...or disturbing ( I have seen stuff happen...yea...no xD)

I don't wanna defend anyone here nor do I know which moderator decided to do that... but please be carefull on what to say in chat because it can get out of hand sometimes and it can offend someone out there.

It was probably a precautious act before the chat would derail in a complete "omg baro is so bad how comes DE doesn't learn to do something better with him"-sort of discussion. Stuff and memes like "Nezha is a trap" or "OWO" orororor can be very distracting in the chat imo.
And your comment got flushed, you did not get kicked nor banned out of the chat. There is a small possibility that you are 'crying' a little bit too much about this :s

just my few cents &thoughts about this topic~ :3

edit: I know most of the people who commented here seem to be dissappointed about the way the moderator act and/or the situation in the (region) chats ingame. Please don't get to angry about my comment because I do not  100% totally agree with your point of view. I can understand it, yes, and I have the same feeling sometimes out there, but I just wanted to say something sorta...positive? before everyone jumps on the "omg we need to kill every moderator out there"-train (<-- that's  overdramatic wording, I know (or hope) you don't feel that way...but maybe it shows my point better that this thread feels a lot like overdramatic acting :s )

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I guess you totally miss the point how these "innocent jokes" got used in the past to actually bash the developer and drag things into the deep dark dirt.
At this point I can totally understand that why the mods do this.
Did you got kicked? No.
Your message just got deleted as it seems.
As far as I see this thread, it is all about nothing but crying.
Thats my point of view. Think about it and put your ego aside.

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8 minutes ago, Fabpsi said:




Problem is that its a minor comment that expresses disappointment in a lighthearted manner.

If now that is liable to be removed, then just about any criticism ever is in the same area.


The devs aren't perfect and are only human, but coddling them and pretending they can do no wrong is how things never improve.

"Primed Disappointment" is a meme, the moderator should have known that, and removing something like that is just asinine.

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