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I leech from time to time and here is why:

I sometimes work 50 hours a week + trying to maintain a household. Some weeks I’m lucky to get an hour of play time in every couple of days. If my RL work load is crazy high for the month and DE drops an unvault or some other 14 day event thing, I gotta do what I gotta do to not fall behind on content. 

I don’t do it often and I never cared if anyone else did it because I can solo bounties just fine. If a bounty is failed it’s not cause one dude was off mining or fishing, it’s cause the other three dudes suck at doing bounties 

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It's not that I can't do everything on my own - I can. It's just that I shouldn't have to.  If the guy is an Excal with a Mk-1 Braton getting overwhelmed, then fine, I'll carry you. Hell, I'm willing to carry two of you. At least you're trying. If it's a farm mission where you're supposed to stand back and let Hydroid cast his aoe, fine, I understand. But if the guy is, say, Mesa with an Ignis Wraith dropping dead because they're watching YouTube, then screw them, they get what they get. I mean, if I see a legitimate explanation, I don't mind as much, it happens every now and then in long missions, but seeing someone standing like a statue because they know that people will res them if they're down just annoys me, and unfortunately, that's the most common form I encounter (and that's not even a guess). I should have been more civil, but honestly, I wouldn't blame people for getting angry at leeches. If someone just wants to go fishing, they're free to do it in regular open world.

I do sympathize with your situation, but I wouldn't say people who respond in less than civil ways are entirely at fault either. The fact that you went through the entire EULA to justify leeching and condemn people acting out against it just gave me the impression that you want to be allowed to leech but get upset at people angry in response and think they should be forbidden to do anything but quietly report, which sounds unreasonable given that their anger is not unfounded. Again, I understand your situation, but unless you explain it everytime you enter a match there will probably be a few people who get angry because as far as they know, you're just a freeloader who wants a free meal.

And also I assumed the prize thing was smart-ass antagonism.

Edited by Melbourne404
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4 hours ago, ---Merchant--- said:

Would you argue that it is prefferable to get no loot from "leechers" like fish,stone,toroids compared to no gain at all?

No, it's not. But I do feel that the gain is minimal while giving leeches an extra excuse for doing what they do. 

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I’m only doing Orb Vallis stuff solo or with clan mates/friends.   Other content I don’t really care if someone leeches. It doesn’t affect my game. Yeah. It’s stupid that they do it, but DE doesn’t appear to be doing anything proactive and a group kick function would just result in abuse from other players. Maybe DE can figure something out, but I’m not going to hold my breath.  

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Here is the ultimate solution. Just have all rewards be global. Even if you are not playing the game, you will receive the fishes, rocks, affinity of all players in the game when you log in later.

Great idea eh? No more leeching because everyone benefits right?

Excuses excuses.

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What's worse than leechers are ditchers. People who at random drop the mission, even as hosts. Therefore screwing everything up by making your energy reduced to zero, abilities stopped, and taking damage while the screen loads. The "invulnerable" state doesn't always work in migrations. This happens too much, and I wish there was consequences for it. Like they have their queue for matchmaking lowered or never host. It's an ass pain. 

Edited by (PS4)DARK_WIZARD999
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Can't DE disable all mining/fishing/floof tools usage during a bounty?

Then add an afk timer, if a player don't move within 1 min after 5 mins of no activity, that player will automatically leave the party and be logged off or returned to Fortuna/Cetus.

Edited by SaltyKelong
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DE isnt going to start sticking thier nose in on how certain players are playing regardless of the opinion of even a large percentage of players.  its simple if dont like running with them block them from contacting you and runn closed invite only or friend only groups.  when they start trying to micromanage how we actually play beyond booting those that are verbally abusive to others they will start loosing large groups of players.  I already gave up running public groups long ago for this reason except fro rare event runs when not enough friends online

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On 2018-11-20 at 11:04 AM, Fallen_Echo said:

To fix this issue DE would need to instantly teleport everybody to the bounty area when they accept it, close the whole thing down with an energy field what blocks the players from leaving while also removes all kind of minigame looting and hurts anybody who stays in the same spot for more than 10 seconds BUT we all know that the long distances serve the sole purpose that they lenghten the grind so DE wont gonna touch the range aspects and most likely wont gonna do anything like the others too.

How about a fairly simple algorithm which during the bounty (and I'm talking about bounty started in Fortuna or on Cetus) calculates damage, killed enemies, used abilities, proximity to bounty area (if there bounty stage includes one) as well as number of mined ore/gems and fish player has captured and if the numbers indicate that one player is indeed leeching give the option for three other players to kick leecher into his own instance.


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6 hours ago, LightZodiac said:

How about a fairly simple algorithm which during the bounty (and I'm talking about bounty started in Fortuna or on Cetus) calculates damage, killed enemies, used abilities, proximity to bounty area (if there bounty stage includes one) as well as number of mined ore/gems and fish player has captured and if the numbers indicate that one player is indeed leeching give the option for three other players to kick leecher into his own instance.


Okay here are the problems with that:


First of all the big fish. HOST MIGRATION, if the leech is the host a simple kick from the squad can mean losing everything in the whole run.

Second, even if you survive the HM you now gotta deal with reduced spawns because the game calculates spawns based on the number of players what can fail the stage.

Third, theres always the point where you vote yes, one votes no and the third doesnt care. Will you gonna accept it if the leech stays or come here to post a thread about it?

Fourth and most important, as i said previously having a leech generally doesnt affect you or the mission negatively in any way what cant be counted as your own fault.


The reason why i posted that solution is because it eliminates almost all possible ways to leech or attempt leeching. Every other way is either too risky to pull or comes with unnecesseary abuse.

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On 2018-11-19 at 6:41 AM, ghoffman1928 said:

So I just got done reading the entire Terms of Use and the entire End User Licence Agreement. Neither of them mentioned anything about leeching being reprimandable yet the general consensus is that we are supposed to report leechers and DE will reprimand them.


If someone is being a leech, and it bothers you that much, you can just leave the mission.

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1 hour ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Fourth and most important, as i said previously having a leech generally doesnt affect you or the mission negatively in any way what cant be counted as your own fault.

That's where you're wrong. Player number influences spawn-rates on certain missions and the number of crates that appear during the crate-interception segment in OV bounties, among other things. The numbers are put together in such a way to ensure that the game is equally challenging no matter the number of participants in a run. That is to say, yes, someone looking at pics of feet on google instead of playing in their 4-stack is unloading their 25% of all enemy forces onto everyone else who's playing.

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33 minutes ago, evilChair said:

That's where you're wrong. Player number influences spawn-rates on certain missions and the number of crates that appear during the crate-interception segment in OV bounties, among other things. The numbers are put together in such a way to ensure that the game is equally challenging no matter the number of participants in a run. That is to say, yes, someone looking at pics of feet on google instead of playing in their 4-stack is unloading their 25% of all enemy forces onto everyone else who's playing.

Im not sure about you but i havent seen a single thread where people claimed that the spawnrates as soon as its not a full squad were okay for doing anything.

DE has their as you said "equally challenging" system put together in a way that its harder to finish objectives if you dont have atleast 4 guys in your team. Im not sure about it but i dont remember seeing a devpost/patchnote where they wrote in that they finally fixed the solo spawnrate issues players have or pretty much anything what would indicate that they finally managed to match their spawnsystem with the player numbers.

Being unable to deal with 25% more enemies as i said is your fault, in warframe it is the bare minimum that a player should be able to solo a mission unless hes literally only brought trash gear to level with nothing else. If i can handle the mission all by myself than leeches are not a problem and if i dont than woe on me im weak and not good enough.

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On 2018-11-20 at 12:15 PM, WindigoTG said:

To get rid of leeching the game needs tight balance, one where it would be impossible to leech as it would lead to failure for the whole team, including the leecher.


this is not possible without buffing enemies to ridiculous level of difficulty. There isn't a single game where couple newbs couldn't be carried by more geared people, at all. And leechers can be reported at zendesk.

On 2018-11-21 at 5:40 AM, ghoffman1928 said:

I leech from time to time and here is why:

I sometimes work 50 hours a week + trying to maintain a household. Some weeks I’m lucky to get an hour of play time in every couple of days. If my RL work load is crazy high for the month and DE drops an unvault or some other 14 day event thing, I gotta do what I gotta do to not fall behind on content. 

I don’t do it often and I never cared if anyone else did it because I can solo bounties just fine. If a bounty is failed it’s not cause one dude was off mining or fishing, it’s cause the other three dudes suck at doing bounties 

eventually you'll run into my party and get a report :smile:

Edited by rsod25
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vor 3 Stunden schrieb OriZulo:

If someone is being a leech, and it bothers you that much, you can just leave the mission.

That may be the case for Plains or OV, but what about normal missions where your only option is to abort the mission?

I dont know about you but i dont enjoy wasting time. If i have to restart my missions and get a negative stat in my account on top of it, it pisses me off.

And thats just because lazy people are allowed to do as they please. If you dont do anything for your progress, you dont deserve it. Period.

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4 hours ago, -Nightwing- said:

That may be the case for Plains or OV, but what about normal missions where your only option is to abort the mission?

..... I already said leave the mission. O_o


4 hours ago, -Nightwing- said:

I dont know about you but i dont enjoy wasting time.

Thats why ya just leave....

4 hours ago, -Nightwing- said:

get a negative stat in my account

Lol, does something that miniscule bother you that much? 

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb OriZulo:

..... I already said leave the mission. O_o


Thats why ya just leave....

Lol, does something that miniscule bother you that much? 

Are you really not getting it?! Leaving the mission is already wasted time. And it shouldnt be like this. Why are people allowed to act like this and get away with it?

No you don't just leave, you make people stop leeching. Because thats not how this game should be. Or would you be happy with everyone just acting like that because "you can just leave"? *facepalm*

Its not about the negative stat, thats the least thing. People should work for their progress and not be a dead weight for others. Let them suck each other dry but leave the real players alone.



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53 minutes ago, Nerd_Slayer_420 said:

Goes under general trolling/griefing I would guess

Except in that case they can report you for trolling,griefing and probably for being offensive in chat too.
To not allow them to play like they want,is much more of griefing/trolling than any made up claim that you can come up with. 
They do not tell you "go shoot zombies,i go mine gems or report" while you say "stop mining gems come shoot zombies or report"
So troll,griefer etc is you in such case.

Basically they do not actively try to force you to change how you play your game or spend your time,you can leave,keep going or stop fighting at any time.
While you very much actively try to remove autonomy from those players and force them to do exactly what YOU want.

And for me there are only few things as evil as to force people to bend the knee to your will for your own gain(in this case  no real gain considering 0 difficulty of this casual game except feeling good about forcing others to do your bidding)

You will need some really extremely solid argument for why you are not the bad actor here. 

I did carry  over 5500 teams!(mr26 now) Never complained about leechers,because they do not affect me much,i even like to see them so i can get more kills done.
I even get little angry when someone else does spam some op aoe and i have nothing to do. (esp in fortuna where spawnrate is jackslit so i rarely get over 150kills per bounty unless i actively try to stack beacons and grind it for toroids) 

This game is from my experience very much "I carry you tonight maybe you carry me next morning" for example in helen defense i get 100% dmg done 100% kills one day,next day i need to level whatever is latest mastery fodder and I end up being the 1-10% dmg done guy. TBH It is very much caused by DE bad game design decisions because if i use banshee skill to kill all enemy myself it will take me 40x longer to level up my pistol,so yes i rather just stand there for 10 waves shooting maybe 3 enemy per round if that to get 30ranks.Other times I may need to visit toilet after 60minutes of survival,i do not use buckets or toilet chair to play,and i totally get if someone gotta do something IRL. In venus spawnrates are buggy and low,sometimes i defend targets that get NEVER attacked,so ofcourse I'll go mine or whatever.

This whole thread would not exist if you would just git gud,guys that is not even joke,i can solo any 4man mission and if you can not,you just do not try,and to blame others for it is lack of self-reflection. Also no one is forcing you to win mission except yourself.

I can make mastery 2 account and solo in 4men anything but eidolons
(eidolons need operator mode that is unlocked at mr5)
and I do not see any of you complaining about eidolon hunting leechers,if you did I would just tell you to make team tbh

Players in random group that did not make any clean deal with you,do not owe you anything,so get off your high horse.

All i see this thread is virtue signaling and arguments like "I feel like x and  x is true because I feel like x is true " and It sure is cute but not persuasive or useful at all
You did not even manage to define what "leeching" would actually mean in this game,who would decide its definition for this game and why is it bad and should be punished,you come to consensus about nothing.

For example lets say you let me decide what leeching is,i would say player with least damage done is leecher,then i would go and do 100% damage every round with x aoe frame reporting and banning 3 players every match for fun.

Lets say I make it very specific"leecher is player that does purposefully ignore mission objective" then I can never ever prove that someone purposefully did that,because i m not mind reader.Often times I spawn in venus or plains and I can not see objective markers,mostly happens after host migration,so will we ban people for bugs?Claim that this game is bugfree will not work,pls visit bug forum.

And after we agree to some definition that will be least abusable(something unlikely to EVER happen) we still have to figure out why is it bad and worth punishment.
And if you think that is simple question,maaaan...you probably do not use your brain a lot.

I do not want to offend anyone here,just pointing some blatant problems with this so far unfruitful discussion
Stay civil and I'll welcome any counter arguments or new points on this topic but to be honest we are talking about something that is arguably non issue because of low ammount of this happening. It is similar to "should we allow people named Jonaxonanzohanjohanzburg use x bathroom" and there would be 2 people with that name in whole world,i mean for them it could be very important issue but the numbers just do not favor them.

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28 minutes ago, ---Merchant--- said:

Except in that case they can report you for trolling,griefing and probably for being offensive in chat too.
To not allow them to play like they want,is much more of griefing/trolling than any made up claim that you can come up with. 
They do not tell you "go shoot zombies,i go mine gems or report" while you say "stop mining gems come shoot zombies or report"
So troll,griefer etc is you in such case.

So you're saying "stop leeching our bounty while you harvest - come over here and shoot things." is being offensive in chat?


28 minutes ago, ---Merchant--- said:

Basically they do not actively try to force you to change how you play your game or spend your time,you can leave,keep going or stop fighting at any time.
While you very much actively try to remove autonomy from those players and force them to do exactly what YOU want.

And for me there are only few things as evil as to force people to bend the knee to your will for your own gain(in this case  no real gain considering 0 difficulty of this casual game except feeling good about forcing others to do your bidding)

You will need some really extremely solid argument for why you are not the bad actor here. 

"You can just Leave Squad." does not deal with the fact that these individuals are intentionally doing other things e.g. harvesting for personal gain while also benefiting from the standing and rewards. Just because I can leave - and even if I do leave - it does not mean that they are justified in doing what they do.


28 minutes ago, ---Merchant--- said:

I did carry  over 5500 teams!(mr26 now) Never complained about leechers,because they do not affect me much,i even like to see them so i can get more kills done.
I even get little angry when someone else does spam some op aoe and i have nothing to do. (esp in fortuna where spawnrate is jackslit so i rarely get over 150kills per bounty unless i actively try to stack beacons and grind it for toroids) 


You only have 5155 missions completed, 219 failed 429 quit.


28 minutes ago, ---Merchant--- said:

This game is from my experience very much "I carry you tonight maybe you carry me next morning" for example in helen defense i get 100% dmg done 100% kills one day,next day i need to level whatever is latest mastery fodder and I end up being the 1-10% dmg done guy. TBH It is very much caused by DE bad game design decisions because if i use banshee skill to kill all enemy myself it will take me 40x longer to level up my pistol,so yes i rather just stand there for 10 waves shooting maybe 3 enemy per round if that to get 30ranks.Other times I may need to visit toilet after 60minutes of survival,i do not use buckets or toilet chair to play,and i totally get if someone gotta do something IRL. In venus spawnrates are buggy and low,sometimes i defend targets that get NEVER attacked,so ofcourse I'll go mine or whatever.

I don't think anybody is talking about those times when we need to visit the restroom and make a conscious effort to notify the squad of your few minutes away, or the times when the spawns don't arrive and everyone just shrugs and goes mining or boarding. That's not the problem.

You can just as easily bring your "latest mastery fodder" to other missions and level them up that way. Nobody said you need to leech to level them.


28 minutes ago, ---Merchant--- said:

For example lets say you let me decide what leeching is,i would say player with least damage done is leecher,then i would go and do 100% damage every round with x aoe frame reporting and banning 3 players every match for fun.

Lets say I make it very specific"leecher is player that does purposefully ignore mission objective" then I can never ever prove that someone purposefully did that,because i m not mind reader.Often times I spawn in venus or plains and I can not see objective markers,mostly happens after host migration,so will we ban people for bugs?Claim that this game is bugfree will not work,pls visit bug forum.

And after we agree to some definition that will be least abusable(something unlikely to EVER happen) we still have to figure out why is it bad and worth punishment.
And if you think that is simple question,maaaan...you probably do not use your brain a lot.

Don't be ridiculous.

1) %DD is one metric but is not the only metric. Some clown can just pop off with a Rubico for a minute and get 97% then just harvest for the next 4-5 bounties, doesn't mean they should be allowed to do so.

2) I don't need to be a mind-reader to see that you are at the other end of the map instead of trying to shadow the rest of the squad or asking where the current objective is.


28 minutes ago, ---Merchant--- said:

This whole thread would not exist if you would just git gud,guys that is not even joke,i can solo any 4man mission and if you can not,you just do not try,and to blame others for it is lack of self-reflection. Also no one is forcing you to win mission except yourself.

I can make mastery 2 account and solo in 4men anything but eidolons
(eidolons need operator mode that is unlocked at mr5)
and I do not see any of you complaining about eidolon hunting leechers,if you did I would just tell you to make team tbh

Players in random group that did not make any clean deal with you,do not owe you anything,so get off your high horse.

All i see this thread is virtue signaling and arguments like "I feel like x and  x is true because I feel like x is true " and It sure is cute but not persuasive or useful at all
You did not even manage to define what "leeching" would actually mean in this game,who would decide its definition for this game and why is it bad and should be punished,you come to consensus about nothing.


I do not want to offend anyone here,just pointing some blatant problems with this so far unfruitful discussion
Stay civil and I'll welcome any counter arguments or new points on this topic but to be honest we are talking about something that is arguably non issue because of low ammount of this happening. It is similar to "should we allow people named Jonaxonanzohanjohanzburg use x bathroom" and there would be 2 people with that name in whole world,i mean for them it could be very important issue but the numbers just do not favor them.

Yeah, get off your high horse.

Edited by unagy
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23 minutes ago, unagy said:

So you're saying "stop leeching our bounty while you harvest - come over here and shoot things." is being offensive in chat?


"You can just Leave Squad." does not deal with the fact that these individuals are intentionally doing other things e.g. harvesting for personal gain while also benefiting from the standing and rewards. Just because I can leave - and even if I do leave - it does not mean that they are justified in doing what they do.


You only have 5155 missions completed, 219 failed 429 quit.


I don't think anybody is talking about those times when we need to visit the restroom and make a conscious effort to notify the squad of your few minutes away, or the times when the spawns don't arrive and everyone just shrugs and goes mining or boarding. That's not the problem.

You can just as easily bring your "latest mastery fodder" to other missions and level them up that way. Nobody said you need to leech to level them.


Don't be ridiculous.

1) %DD is one metric but is not the only metric. Some clown can just pop off with a Rubico for a minute and get 97% then just harvest for the next 4-5 bounties, doesn't mean they should be allowed to do so.

2) I don't need to be a mind-reader to see that you are at the other end of the map instead of trying to shadow the rest of the squad or asking where the current objective is.


Yeah, get off your high horse.

Not sure if my english is soooo bad or you just fail to adress any point that i made.
Eitherway i refuse to react to pure misinterpretation and red herring.
I'll give you benefit of the doubt and let you re-read my post and reply again.

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14 hours ago, rsod25 said:

this is not possible without buffing enemies to ridiculous level of difficulty. There isn't a single game where couple newbs couldn't be carried by more geared people, at all.

It is possible by nerfing beyond ridiculously overpowered players and generally adjusting the game's balance. It is not possible without a competent game designer though.


And yes, currently there's no such games, that's part of the reason why I'm sticking with Warframe - there's no better options on the market currently.

But there was a game that have had the tightest balance in the universe. Global Agenda. It was an absolute blast to play, it had not a single slacker, and it was easily the best multiplayer game I've ever played. Sadly, the devs just had to muck it up in the end and move to developing some trandy crap.

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18 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Okay here are the problems with that:

First of all the big fish. HOST MIGRATION, if the leech is the host a simple kick from the squad can mean losing everything in the whole run.

Second, even if you survive the HM you now gotta deal with reduced spawns because the game calculates spawns based on the number of players what can fail the stage.

Third, theres always the point where you vote yes, one votes no and the third doesnt care. Will you gonna accept it if the leech stays or come here to post a thread about it?

Fourth and most important, as i said previously having a leech generally doesnt affect you or the mission negatively in any way what cant be counted as your own fault.

The reason why i posted that solution is because it eliminates almost all possible ways to leech or attempt leeching. Every other way is either too risky to pull or comes with unnecesseary abuse.

First point: You as a team vote on the kick, if the guy is hosting you may simply decide to put up with his behavior rather then risk the HM... that's the beauty of it algorithm decides that maybe player D is a leech, but rather then acting upon that it lets players A,B,C to decide on the course of action. Maybe you don't want to risk HM, maybe you willingly carry player D while he mines. Battlefield 2 had this thing, if you get TK'd by another player (and it was easy to do so because there were no player tags) you get to chose to forgive or punish, and that was the best system I had experienced, you can't abuse it to grief people, you get to vote on the action.

Second point: simply vote between the bounty stages. Bounty stage parameters are decided based on current number of players in the game. 

Third point: I'm simply going to leave the team and continue doing bounty on my own. So far I didn't do that because I felt bad about leaving two players with a leecher knowing that it would be even harder for them, or because I was the host. But if they chose NO and IDK then I can leave with clear conscious.

Fourth: Already answered by evilChair


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41 minutes ago, LightZodiac said:

First point: You as a team vote on the kick, if the guy is hosting you may simply decide to put up with his behavior rather then risk the HM... that's the beauty of it algorithm decides that maybe player D is a leech, but rather then acting upon that it lets players A,B,C to decide on the course of action. Maybe you don't want to risk HM, maybe you willingly carry player D while he mines. Battlefield 2 had this thing, if you get TK'd by another player (and it was easy to do so because there were no player tags) you get to chose to forgive or punish, and that was the best system I had experienced, you can't abuse it to grief people, you get to vote on the action.

Second point: simply vote between the bounty stages. Bounty stage parameters are decided based on current number of players in the game. 

Third point: I'm simply going to leave the team and continue doing bounty on my own. So far I didn't do that because I felt bad about leaving two players with a leecher knowing that it would be even harder for them, or because I was the host. But if they chose NO and IDK then I can leave with clear conscious.

Fourth: Already answered by evilChair



It is interesting that you believe such algorythm is  possible outside of hypothetical,especially for DE that can not even get simple afk detection right and I get 0 rewards even with 100% kills and 100% dmg done because of it.
That is not even the funny part yet,there is(or was,did not test in this week) AFK pentalty in SOLO. 
Idea of something advanced from DE is scary,considering this track record alone

But even if I entertain this algorythm that is AI programmed by god himself,you still do not answer why we need such thing in first place,what would be the excuse to add manpower(work hours,new programmers) and CPU+ram power just for this niche case that is for many seen as harmless.

Basically what I say is that you want to restrict players from doing something just because in your personal opinion it is bad,there sadly gotta be better reason than "because i wish so" Because they can say "i do this because i wish so" and to keep logical consistency you have to accept that,if you do not=you refute your own argument.

You skip the debate about "why" and go straight in to "how"  to adress problem that barely matters,ignoring technical difficulty and side effects of such system being implemented.

Lets move in to real side effects of your solution,basically you are fine with false positives and let players decide about the kick

As you may know law allowed in many places punishment of death,there are about 4% of falsely convicted people in law system(yes that percentage does move from 1 to 10% depending on statistics used,i find 4 to be pretty fair but considering how many people are convicted even 0.0001% would be too many false positives)
And that is serious matter,now imagine this game where many players did not hit puberty yet,it is safe to assume that people would kick over 10% for no good reasons except ability to kick itself.
In every bounty run i see someone that does walk around bounty,die a lot,is not very well prepared and you are willing to bet this "detection" would be so perfect that it would not allow me to kick him. You think it would also recognize that me shooting ship once for 99% dmg done and then spinning once with scoliac for 50kills would not fool it.

To the battlefield system,tbh i always clicked "punish" but here,the "underperformer" does not literally shoot you dead,in fact he probably does add minimal additional difficulty to the bounty,something around 8% if he completely afk at bounty area,less if he is far away.

In my eyes It would be much worse to see 1000people kicked for no good reason than to see 1000 people leech.
Leecher that somehow ended up in your game can add about 8% measurable issue to you 
Player kicked for no good reason does have 100% issue 

lets say you are 4 and 3 of you agree to kick him because you felt like he did not do enough that is 24% vs 100% using issue meter.


I will change that in to points to make it more easy to read so you can ignore spoiler.

1.There would be too many false positives
2.De does have history of being bad at detection of player behavior(getting 0 reward for afk in games where you did 100% dmg and played,getting 0 reward in SOLO game for afk) not very reassuring track record to me.
2.Human factor is too biased and unreasonable to be at least decent way to reduce false positives that we both agree would happen, especially in this game played by teens (look at % of falsely convicted by proper trial)
3.Leecher does add around 8% difficulty to your game in full squad.While false positive is 100% ruining of game for some individual. If you weight pros and cons,I dare to claim cons outweight the pros greatly.
4.In my eyes,you provide no good reason why we NEED such system in first place considering resources needed to make and maintain it(games are hosted on player computers therefore you are adding additional computational task four times,because there are 4 players) (you need new programmer or to take existing one to create this hard to make detection system with its interface,vote kick option,lag prevention,testing,bug removal...It can and probably will clash with current systems and crash games etc) 
5. Underpeformers that probably need to be in the bounty the most (to get better) would be heavely and most often punished for being new or bad. Resulting in simply droping the game,as those players are who need team the most,while top 1. dmg dude can probably solo anything,do not forget venus is SECOND planet newbie visit.
6. People that really want to "leech"will not get detected by shooting 1 ship,doing 1 spin with melee and at point where you can detect this person,false positives will jump to 70%+ easy.
7. Aoe players would probably cause this system to mark all 3 squad mates(you know,that one guy who can instant kill everything in 100m range with one button click) because if you compare dmg and kills done to his yours are insignificant
8. "number of minerals" mined is not relevant to bounty performance,i can mine 150stones and still do 90%dmg 75%kills while maybe others mine just 1 or none doing 3% but who is the  real leecher here then.
9.I will just remind you again,like i did many people in this thread,spawnrates in fortuna are so low that they are often 0,there were at least 3 hot fixes to adress it and I still barely see any enemy at bounty location,if the difficulty of bounty does go up by 800% I may look at things differently(that is how much harder it would have to be for me to put actual effort in to bounty) but still,i would just create proper team instead of blaming some newbie in my random group.

If you would be able to have some perfect AI overlord that would spy on everyone+reading minds 24/7 to remove false positives I would at least consider your solution,after hearing great case for why we NEED it. You can afford non-perfect solutions only if the side effects are barely noticable.

I'm basically saying that you have non-venomous spider on your wall,so your solution is 50Mt nuclear strike to remove it. 
It is solution for sure,and It could work too(I know spiders that would survive that and laugh in my face),but it is so unreasonable with so many side effects that I can see it only as joke scenario.


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