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Lets Discuss the Mesa prime accessory pack


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I have to agree, I personally really don't like the upcoming Prime Access Accessoires too. (However there is more stuff included in that package. So you are not only paying 50$ just for those items, but I get your point)

Cosmetics are alsways subjective. Some players like other things more, some players other things less.
Sooooo all I can suggest you/other players in the moment is:
Do not buy it if you do not like it.
That might sound very simple or "wow, thanks captain obvious"-like...I don't want to offend anyone with that statement, I am serious about it, even if it sounds very simple^^'

That way (together with threads like this one and others) DE might notice in a different way that - according to the threads and the Tenno around here mostly talking about it- the playerbase did not like the cosmetics this time...and maybe it won't happen in the future^^'

Edited by Fabpsi
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18 minutes ago, Paracosmer said:

I didn't even realize the prime sugatra still a thing , let alone that its bundled with this tragedy, are DE out of touch with they're playerbase ? or is just a way to test our patience and good will with this ugly crap

No, it's just cheaper to make lowquality products that you sell for full "value"

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I was gonna buy Mesa PA 😞 but those accessories are total garbage. I am so dissapointed.


Please DE- change that to one of Prime Armor Sets + some Prime Syandana. Then I am ready to drop $$ for it.

Right now it's imo most underwhelming PA ever, especially considering how much we have been waiting for Mesa Prime.

Edited by Marakai
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Fashion is subjective and bigger doesn't always mean better. For example, half of those Tennogen cosmetics are big, but they just cover most of your face with a static model. To me, that's boring, I made my operator a face for a reason and if i want to customise a faceless character, I have an army of mute ninjas I can do that with. The Prime cosmetics seem to be somewhat based on some of the more popular operator cosmetics anyway (eg the bat-ears and the bane mask from Baro), so among people who care about Operator cosmetics I assume these Prime ones will get some focus.

It doesn't affect you that other people want it, and you don't have to spend money on Prime Access by default. Honestly in my book $50 is far too much for any virtual cosmetic item (I could buy whole games for that price!), but someone else buying it isn't going to change my life, the same way people spending $20k on Star Citizen preorders isn't going to either. People buy stuff they like at prices they agree with based on their own income, that's life, let them be.

Just...don't buy it. Spend the $50 on something else. You could even spend it on Tennogen if those cosmetics suit your taste better. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

air enough then, and no, I don't buy any PA's, though I still buy platinum here and there. I was tempted with mesa's PA though, just because it's Mesa and she looks amazing.there's still time yet though, so who knows. nevertheless, my underlying point remains the same;

cosmetics are highly subjective, every Tenno has different tastes and that's what makes everyone's frames unique. you may not see it, but some people will like these cosmetics. did DE put a lot of effort into them? who knows, but it's what the art team went with. looking at them again, the one on the right is my favourite, but some people might call me crazy and say the left or middle ones are best.

instead of trying to put others down and call it garbage, why not try to be happy for the people that wanted these cosmetics?

dude , please be reasonable , who would want to drop 50$ on this unless they want to give DE free money anyway ? theres nothing subjective about this low quality product

even the biggest shills in the youtube community are calling this out, and I ask this too , give me one single person who is really happy to spend 50$ of his money on this 

package without him begin a blind fan boy cultist who does not value his 50$ because I don't know any so far , even you admit it that you don't buy prime accesses .

all of the theree products are crap, plain and simple, you can buy better looking ones for 1$ each an that money go for people who actually need it 

the only redeeming quality is they're glided with the purest and the shiniest 32 karat orokin gold on the whole universe , now color them to white and behold the scam of the year .


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4 minutes ago, YUNoJump said:

Fashion is subjective and bigger doesn't always mean better. For example, half of those Tennogen cosmetics are big, but they just cover most of your face with a static model. To me, that's boring, I made my operator a face for a reason and if i want to customise a faceless character, I have an army of mute ninjas I can do that with. The Prime cosmetics seem to be somewhat based on some of the more popular operator cosmetics anyway (eg the bat-ears and the bane mask from Baro), so among people who care about Operator cosmetics I assume these Prime ones will get some focus.

It doesn't affect you that other people want it, and you don't have to spend money on Prime Access by default. Honestly in my book $50 is far too much for any virtual cosmetic item (I could buy whole games for that price!), but someone else buying it isn't going to change my life, the same way people spending $20k on Star Citizen preorders isn't going to either. People buy stuff they like at prices they agree with based on their own income, that's life, let them be.

Just...don't buy it. Spend the $50 on something else. You could even spend it on Tennogen if those cosmetics suit your taste better. 

dude just because I have he ability to not buy it , does not make this product good or subjective , I swear to god if you guys saw them in tennogen page and I asked you your verdict 

on they're quality , you will give you them 1 out of 10 at best , alteast when you compare them with what is there , DE have the ability to make totally new module unlike the tennogen guys

but look at what we get here , and its priced 50$ god damn .

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APRIL FOOLS JOKE? like ima be real with you guys. The Prime access here looks lazy, OPERATOR HEADGEAR?! u already gave us that for Ducats and plat were good, but i WILL take a syanda or maybe a new color palette, one that has sparkles? 

anyways im not mad or anything but this is a bit ridiculous. also, miss me with Sugatra. thats not exactly the most 'relevant' decorative item players have right now. i mean if we need to take another poll or something during the next Devstream then ill be there but i dont think these items are a good idea, or at least not a 79$ idea.....guys help me out 

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You can buy syndanas and armor sets for ducats too, your logic is kinda silly here and that’s putting it lightly. If you don’t like the cosmetics then don’t buy them, simple as that. Tenno fashion is a thing if you like it or not 


  If you want lazy, check the Volt PA 

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Prime Access was ALWAYS ridiculously overpriced while offering the lowest amount of effort ever put under a price tag. Sure, we all love Mesa Prime and the prime weapons, but that price tag is simply outrageous.

Not only that but the second part of the prime accessories is a "sugatra" which is a tiny dangly piece that anyone including the owner will rarely see.

Seriously, if the devs are asking 120US$ for that, they better give me more than just an alternative skin for Mesa, re-rashed Operator headgear and a sugatra. They better handle me more skins, stuff to lay around my orbiter, an operator helmet, skins for my amps, pet armor and its still not that much considering I can buy TWO AAA games for the price of the prime access.

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Hi @(PS4)Bailiwick ^^

There are already multiple threads about this topic here in the Warframe Forums, for example this one:

There is really no need to create multiple topics about the same issue/discussion 🙂 So for the future you might want to look a little bit around the forums or use the search function before creating a new thread.

That aside, yes I personally do not like the Mesa Prime - Prime Access Accessoires too.
Cosmetics are alsways subjective. Some players like other things more, some players other things less.
Sooooo all I can suggest you/other players in the moment is:
Do not buy it if you do not like it.
That might sound very simple or "wow, thanks captain obvious"-like...but I don't want to offend anyone with that statement, I am serious about it, even if it sounds very simple^^' That way DE might notice in a different way that the playerbase did not like the cosmetics this time - according to the threads and the Tenno around here mostly talking about it-.
...and maybe it won't happen in the future^^'


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So no one is talking about that the other half of the Prime Accessories is a god damned SUGATRA???

Seriously, who the heck even likes those? I don't even pay 20 platinum for one, LET ALONE THE PRICE OF A PRIME ACCESS.

Prime Access were always ridiculously overpriced cash grabs for a very low quantity and quality of product. The thing costs TWO fully fledged AAA games for just a warframe skin (which is what primes essentially are), two weapons and two sets of accessories. And those LAME glyphs that really represent anything whatsoever.

If DE is to charge us 120US$ on that, they better give me a different interior for my ship, new armor and helmet for my operator, more skins, random stuff to lay around my orbiter and even MORE than that given the price of it. This is a new low.

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Just now, Nitro747 said:

So no one is talking about that the other half of the Prime Accessories is a god damned SUGATRA???

Seriously, who the heck even likes those? I don't even pay 20 platinum for one, LET ALONE THE PRICE OF A PRIME ACCESS.

Prime Access were always ridiculously overpriced cash grabs for a very low quantity and quality of product. The thing costs TWO fully fledged AAA games for just a warframe skin (which is what primes essentially are), two weapons and two sets of accessories. And those LAME glyphs that really represent anything whatsoever.

If DE is to charge us 120US$ on that, they better give me a different interior for my ship, new armor and helmet for my operator, more skins, random stuff to lay around my orbiter and even MORE than that given the price of it. This is a new low.

it was my defensive mechanics on my brain that triggered and saved me from the horror of the prime sugatra nightmares , otherwise I would have get a stroke 

and yes who the hell asked for one, laterally nobody that I know off, they don't do gymnastic flips nor release fireworks bolt and lighting to deserve to be in a prime package for real money

but since they're cheap to make , why not ? say DE .

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1 minute ago, dEjAvU5566 said:

Looks like a low effort Xmas cash grab to me.

Many tennogen items looks better than this.

It's not even about just looking better, its about what we are essentially getting. No matter how nice a set of Operator headgear is, no way it should take space of half of what they offer for the prime accessories. The other half is a sugatra.... 🤦‍♀️

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4 minutes ago, dEjAvU5566 said:

Looks like a low effort Xmas cash grab to me.

Many tennogen items looks better than this.

holy molly I just checked the tennogen workshop on steam theres no sugatra products there , but we always get one in a pirme package ? something fishy lol .

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2 minutes ago, Nitro747 said:

It's not even about just looking better, its about what we are essentially getting. No matter how nice a set of Operator headgear is, no way it should take space of half of what they offer for the prime accessories. The other half is a sugatra.... 🤦‍♀️

i'll add to that theres no sugatra in tennogen despite how easy they can be made, weird , also theres no warframe armor or operator armor there , now why is that ?

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16 minutes ago, Fabpsi said:


Do not buy it if you do not like it.
That might sound very simple or "wow, thanks captain obvious"

I think its obvious the people giving negative feedback are not going to buy it regardless. This is the feedback forums and people are giving feedback as to why they won't buy it. It's quite obvious that too,

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5 minutes ago, _Urakaze_ said:

don't buy it then. When they know these are not selling well they will think of something else. I don't see the problem

already cemented my wallet toward this accessory pack don't worry , and I am not alone on this, but I am spreading the word far and wide so people don't get scammed like this 

and if you don't see a problem of DE putting 50$ price tag on an items you can buy for 1$ each and have better designs and looks and they're already in the game (the irony)

 then I don't know where to start .

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I want to add quickly that DE relies on this to make money for their company. This plus the other various items they offer us for plat is what keeps them running. In the event they continue to pump out low quality products, what do you think will eventually happen? I'm not saying this will happen tomorrow, next week, or even next year. It will be steady, slow process, but a gamer refusing to open his/her wallet is bad times for a developer. 

Don't believe? Look at the top dogs in AAA right now. They are ALL suffering. Stocks are the lowest they have ever been, most down 50% of their value. Shareholders are pissed, gamers are pissed, and all these games are on sale for pennies. That's a REALLY bad time if you want to continue to have money for large, ambitious projects and that's not even mentioning the normal everyday costs they have to maintain.

"But Zyneris, you can't compare DE to AAA because......." 

Look, I get it. You're right, they aren't the same. Business models are different, values are different, games are different. However, they all share one common LARGE factor: They need to sell a product to enough people to profit. Breaking even does NOTHING for a company. A gamer refusing to buy a product, while alone, isn't damaging. A whole host of gamers leaving a game or refusing to invest it spells bad times ahead. 

You know what happens when you tell a gamer "Don't like it, don't buy it"? They don't buy it, their friends don't buy it, their friends don't buy it, and so on and so forth. That attitude spreads like wildfire until enough people say "ok I won't if that's how I'm valued". It's a terrible mentality to have towards those who make you money.

I'm sure I'll get flame and a half for this post, so I'll just stop there. Food for thought. Take it in, analyze it, and move on. Don't internalize it. You can like what you like and that's just fine. 

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I wish DE woild be more transparent on the "style" and/or "theme" they aim for when designing Operator gear.

Cause honestly...most of it is really ugly.

All the Baro Operator gear, the bulk of the accessories, a decent portion of the Cetus Armor (which does NOT look like it would be protective against an Eidolon), & now this Prime Access...

To be Frank, it looks as though the Model DE uses to design/sculpt the gear is older or smaller than the actual Operator in-game.

Every face/mouth "mask" feels very tiny & looks awkward/out of place.

The ear pieces look oddly placed, & none of the Forehead gear as looked good impo.

I feel like DE needs to update whatever sculpture they use to design this gear.

Obviously, I suspect that DE will see what interests people as it appears that lackluster accessory Packs like these don't sell well.

"Vote with your wallet" as the saying goes.

So far no one in my Warframe circle likes this accessory pack.

But Mesa's pack...that's a Quadruple thumbs up.

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