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Damage 2.5: The Collective Rethinkening - Let's lift together


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Hello there!

General Kenobi!

How y'all doing? Remember that thing called damage 2.5? It got quite the... mixed... reception and I have THE idea that will increase non-slash status builds' viability without massively impacting the players that like to play with slash. (Is that a good way to advertise this idea?)

Table of contents:
-Game balance overhaul
-IPS Mods
-The Mod + Non-duration based procs
-Opportunities for new enemies

The original idea was to make slash into one stacking damage pool instead of many small procs and that doesn't work because of the satisfaction of all the small numbers, also (and here comes the problem) it was suggested to scale off of only the slash portion of the weapon's damage, which reduces it's damage by a lot (and makes Hunter's Munition useless). People like slash, and the fast small ticks aren't too broken, as the only thing changing is that the enemy will survive a microsecond longer after being overkilled instead of being killed earlier by just the right amount of dmg, neither is the current way slash scales off of 35% of all the weapon's damage as a lot of enemies are mindless bulletsponges anyway,so why change anything about that, right?

To be honest, I like the idea you had. The idea of ragdolling enemies harder as the IPS spread leans more and more towards impact is great and I'm still waiting for it. I will wait until it's here, cause dat mc hammer of mine better smack dat nullifier *** into heaven. Problem is, it doesn't synergize with one of the main status mods (being condition overload/CO) as procs have a short duration and provide nothing but CC.
About the damage: let's add damage on impact when they land which would be %-based so it scales with their base-health, %-age increasing not with distance travelled but with growing velocity. (If some bounty on cetus or venus requires you to kill people in a zone, pls count them as dead if they fly past a 100m, it's hard and unnecessarily punishing to cover 500m in 10 seconds to find and kill that guy before objective fails.) Another way to add utility to impact would be to include a small armor/shield reduction, because you know... curshing things breaks them. :3
About CO I'll discuss it after IPS Mods.

The idea of lowering enemy damage is underwhelming because of the high amount of enemies that surround us at all times. Puncture could instead create weak spots on procs that increase damage output and if armored, shielded or protected by an aura, make your weapons ignore said armor, shield or aura as you hit those weak spots. That would add a lot of utility to puncture damage and thus, make it more interesting. (that would probably make armor based tank frames like valkyr a bit more vulnerable if they are played in a static way as enemies would try to aim for those weak spots)

Welp, armor scaling is broken and I currently have no suggestion on how else it could work/be changed. I'll fill it in later if anyone has an idea.

Game balance overhaul:
This one's a work in progress, cause I gotta learn for exams, just adding in a few reminders: softcaps, stacking mods, endurance runs. Sounds fun already, doesn't it?

IPS Mods:
Another interesting aspect is that IPS mods don't affect weapon damage in the same way elemental mods do. As stated by a fellow tenno on the next page, elemental dmg ends up massively overtaking physical damage types, which is sad, cause we're losing out on 3 main damage options that could be interesting to build around, + the 120% increase scaling off of their respective base dmg is simply not enough to shift the IPS balance and get the damage type we want to be primary. In terms of balance and as it has been suggested before, changing this would actually make the changes to slash, where it only scales off of itself, more acceptable. (The numbers still require some tweaking.)

The Mod + Non-duration based procs:
Now what about Condition Overload? Here's an idea that will change the face of warframe and the way we view healer-abilities:
Make procs last for the whole mission until removed by a healing ability, gear or rejuvenation/healing aura. I said it - If we're damaged, there's no reason for us to heal spontaneously as it is, same goes for our opponents. Whilst asking for neverending slash and poison procs seems a bit exaggerated, figure this: it also affects us (maybe you'll have to scale down enemy proc damage a bit), making the game a bit more challenging. Procs like blast could leave a mark on the enemy, like a scar, which would then be included into the CO count of statuses affecting the target.

Another idea is to remove CO entirely as a mod and make it a passive: When someone is hurt, that person tends to be much more vulnerable to additional damage, so why wait for a mod to include that aspect of damage. Or add in this feature at a low %-age and leave in the CO mod for people who want to experience full mayhem intensity. If you want to make CO more special you could even make it take multiple instances of the same proc into consideration and reduce the % of damage increase by a bit... by a substantial amount.

Opportunities for new enemies:
Including lasting procs also opens up opportunities for new Corpus and Grineer units: Medics.
You could have medical bases pop in as the map loads. Those would allow fast healing to enemies and recovery drones/doggos would carry the wounded to them. If the bases are destroyed or none spawned, Medical units would spawn in and provide slower healing to other units. Their contribution would make them into priority targets at higher levels even though they don't deal any direct damage to the player. Interesting, right? Take the idea if you like it, it's all yours, credits to you and everything, I'd just be glad to see it all in game. 😉

If you have any suggestions on how to complement this, please post them down below. The idea is to cover everything that needs a change and to offer appropriate solutions for every single one of those. If a solution doesn't fix everything, that's not a problem, let's look into it together and find the required additional changes to make it work. :3
That's all folks, thank your for reading, I look forward to working with you all!
Hope you had an amazing christmas/thanksgiving and new year's eve, wish you all the best for 2019!

Best regards, Sp00n

Edited by Dark_Sp00n
Corrected the paragraph about Slash. Added a chapter on IPS mods. Changed the signature to invite people to participate in a constructive manner. Armor matters. Overhauls
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59 minutes ago, Dark_Sp00n said:

that doesn't work because of condition overload

Condition overload takes UNIQUE proc types into consideration, multiple procs of the same type do not trigger any further damage increase.

Quoting wiki:

  • You cannot gain additional bonus damage by stacking multiple instances of the same status effect. For example, multiple instances of Slash or Toxin status effects.
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il y a 16 minutes, HugintheCrow a dit :

Condition overload takes UNIQUE proc types into consideration, multiple procs of the same type do not trigger any further damage increase.

Quoting wiki:

  • You cannot gain additional bonus damage by stacking multiple instances of the same status effect. For example, multiple instances of Slash or Toxin status effects.

Thx, didn't know :3
So that's why my corrosive condition overload doesn't scale like crazy 😉

I'll edit the post to be more accurate^^ (Edit: done)

il y a 15 minutes, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 a dit :

Mixed? Everybody hated it, the only people that didn’t were the ones that didn’t know about it.

That was a euphemism 😉 

Edited by Dark_Sp00n
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9 hours ago, Dark_Sp00n said:

The original idea was to make slash into one stacking damage pool instead of many small procs and that doesn't work because of the satisfaction of all the small numbers. People like it, and the fast small ticks aren't too broken, as the only thing changing is that the enemy will survive a microsecond longer after being overkilled instead of being killed earlier by just the right amount of dmg, so why change anything about that, right?

Slash does not get out of a damage rework without being changed. There is literally nothing DE could do to make anything else have the same usage as Slash without a significant change to Slash itself.

These rework proposals by players always show their cards when this is the answer to Slash. DE sees you.

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11 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Mixed? Everybody hated it, the only people that didn’t were the ones that didn’t know about it.

I honestly don't understand what people were getting so angry at it for. Puncture was proposed to be less terrible, Slash was proposed to average out to no real change, were people really so bent out of shape about Impact? The idea that Rakta Cernos would send enemies flying across the room? It already sends dead enemies flying across the room, why would people hate if it stuns the targets it doesn't kill?

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4 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

I honestly don't understand what people were getting so angry at it for. Puncture was proposed to be less terrible, Slash was proposed to average out to no real change, were people really so bent out of shape about Impact? The idea that Rakta Cernos would send enemies flying across the room? It already sends dead enemies flying across the room, why would people hate if it stuns the targets it doesn't kill?

Because it wasn’t improving puncture, damage reduction isn’t a good status proc. Especially when you consider impact staggers enemies which stops them from attacking completely.

it was nerfing Impact by giving it the ability to stack up to a ragdoll, which would actively make it harder to kill the enemy as getting a headshot becomes annoying. 

It was a nerf to slash as they were planning to have the slash proc go from 35% of total damage to 35% of slash damage. Rendering mods like hunter munitions and stances like Defiled Snapdragon useless because if they were used on weapons with no slash damage the slash procs would be 0.

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29 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Slash was proposed to average out to no real change

Slash was going to be changed to only count slash damage in its procs instead of base damage, meaning that anything that forced slash procs could be useless on weapons without slash damage.
Think about Defiled Snapdragon, the only bladewhip stance.  One of its combo forces slash procs.  On the Jat Kusar or Lacera that would be utterly pointless as they do zero slash damage.  Under the proposed system the forced slash procs would all deal 0 damage, where in the current system they at least do something.
Overall this would have been a large nerf to slash damage in general and everyone was up in arms about slash getting toned down.  (I honestly don't care either way how DE handles slash...its broken in its current implementation but  IDGAF)

32 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

were people really so bent out of shape about Impact? The idea that Rakta Cernos would send enemies flying across the room? It already sends dead enemies flying across the room, why would people hate if it stuns the targets it doesn't kill?

Imagine this scenario:
You're using a sniper rifle (Say Rubico Prime, Vectis Prime, or Vulkar Wraith) and you hit the enemy and don't kill them and trigger impact.  Now the enemy goes bouncing across the floor meaning that you can't follow up with another attack to kill them, you now have to find wherever they bounced off to randomly and at speed.
Or image that you're using a heavy impact melee weapon and hit the enemy and they bounce off...now you need to stop attacking to chase them down and hit them again causing them to bounce away meaning that you need to chase them down again and hit them again....Now you're spending much longer trying to kill an enemy because you're spending all of your time chasing them around the tiles because they are knocked away making any combo on them impossible and impact melees near worthless.

Impact already ccs the target, we don't need it to make the targets harder to kill and more annoying.

37 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Puncture was proposed to be less terrible,

Except that their change to puncture was "Let it stack!" which doesn't make it any less horrible.
Who cares if you can stack puncture 12 times on a heavy gunner and stop their damage for 6 seconds? That still doesn't kill them and only affects one enemy which won't really help your survivability in any way.

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1 hour ago, Tsukinoki said:

Slash was going to be changed to only count slash damage in its procs instead of base damage, meaning that anything that forced slash procs could be useless on weapons without slash damage.

It would only count Slash damage for calculating the proc, but IIRC...

1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

It was a nerf to slash as they were planning to have the slash proc go from 35% of total damage to 35% of slash damage.

...they would let it go above 35%

If i'm not remembering correctly, then I understand your point of view

1 hour ago, Tsukinoki said:

Imagine this scenario:
You're using a sniper rifle (Say Rubico Prime, Vectis Prime, or Vulkar Wraith) and you hit the enemy and don't kill them and trigger impact.  Now the enemy goes bouncing across the floor meaning that you can't follow up with another attack to kill them, you now have to find wherever they bounced off to randomly and at speed.

1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

it was nerfing Impact by giving it the ability to stack up to a ragdoll, which would actively make it harder to kill the enemy as getting a headshot becomes annoying. 

That would suck out on the Plains, but in our usual spaceship corridors they have one direction to fly: straight back. Either they're still underneath your crosshair, or there's a new enemy in your crosshair. Also, only the Vulkar would even have this problem; all other sniper rifles are either Puncture, Slash, or Elemental, which don't have enough Impact damage to proc higher than a stagger

1 hour ago, Tsukinoki said:

Or image that you're using a heavy impact melee weapon and hit the enemy and they bounce off...now you need to stop attacking to chase them down and hit them again causing them to bounce away meaning that you need to chase them down again and hit them again....Now you're spending much longer trying to kill an enemy because you're spending all of your time chasing them around the tiles because they are knocked away making any combo on them impossible and impact melees near worthless.

The only weapon I can see this happening to is my War, which I use with a Body/Rush Rending Crane spin2win build. But since the Galatine Prime exists, I'm not sure how many people this would actually happen to. Then again it would cause even more people to just say "why bother with hammers? More annoying to use" which does support your argument

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1 hour ago, TARINunit9 said:


The only weapon I can see this happening to is my War, which I use with a Body/Rush Rending Crane spin2win build. But since the Galatine Prime exists, I'm not sure how many people this would actually happen to. Then again it would cause even more people to just say "why bother with hammers? More annoying to use" which does support your argument

This right here is the problem with Damage 2.5. The proposed changes would make impact procs worse and slash procs function off of slash damage. The Meta would have this huge shift of weapons with damage that is 90% or more slash focused. It would’ve created this big power gap between slash focused weapons and impact or puncture focused weapons. Weapons like the Tigris Prime or Galatine Prime would be dishing out less damage, but they’d be doing a helluva lot more than War or Vaykor Hek If Damage 2.5 was implemented.

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tl;dr; y some status suck more than others.

On puncture I think that if there was a way to reliably puncture everything it would be ok, because it would be ehp that you could give to your team. But in reality it has never any impact. Maybe it is possible to leverage that, never tryed because never needed too and doesn't seem fun.

I'm happy about the impact the way it is, it is completly normal design wise having a status that gives "initiative" when hitting a foe when leveraging it, it sucked to have enemies bouncing all over the place while hitting them.

I think that having stances getting slash procs is a huge deal, and I want for multiplier and stances effects like those to still be pushed. I think that status damage effects taking account the weapon damage is important too as it rewards the player actively using the tools at his disposal(need to be in melee stance and do the correct combo)

For melees having a "mixed" physical dmg is good as it gives wider status procs for condition overload and if you play the bleed game you do it with your stance. (check out rapier plague zaws for example with hybrid crit/status and balanced phys dmg + viral as default type , I assure you it's qutie good).

About condition overload, it is an expensive mod slot wises that can be used on a variety of weapons. Melee is so op atm that you don't really need it for most weapons, also for heavy crit weapons that deal huge frontload dmg it's often suboptimal. Melee has always been op and CO is an "obvious" layer of OPness. Bleed stances are almost as strong tbh.

For primaries, it's really not the case. You even would like to remove the physical damages like puncture(wich sucks hard) completly through a riven malus. However there is a need strong elemental effects in order to make status relevant at range, even for single target weapons in order to promote more versatility and diversity.

Edited by Galuf
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Il y a 15 heures, peterc3 a dit :

Slash does not get out of a damage rework without being changed. There is literally nothing DE could do to make anything else have the same usage as Slash without a significant change to Slash itself.

These rework proposals by players always show their cards when this is the answer to Slash. DE sees you.

So why is slash a problem in your opinion and what do you think should be changed about it?

Also woah there, what cards are you even talking about? I very much hope they see me, maybe they'll even read me, understand me and then change some things about the game. :3

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il y a 14 minutes, Galuf a dit :

I think that having stances getting slash procs is a huge deal, and I want for multiplier and stances effects like those to still be pushed. I think that status damage effects taking account the weapon damage is important too as it rewards the player actively using the tools at his disposal(need to be in melee stance and do the correct combo)

For melees having a "mixed" physical dmg is good as it gives wider status procs for condition overload and if you play the bleed game you do it with your stance. (check out rapier plague zaws for example with hybrid crit/status and balanced phys dmg + viral as default type , I assure you it's qutie good). I'm happy about the impact the way it is, it is completly normal design wise having a status that gives "initiative" when hitting a foe when leveraging it, it sucked to have enemies bouncing all over the place while hitting them.

For primaries, it's really not the case. You even would like to remove the physical damages like puncture(wich sucks hard) completly through a riven malus. However there is a need strong elemental effects in order to make status relevant at range, even for single target weapons in order to promote more versatility and diversity.

So what about getting more damage from the bouncing as a trade off?

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Fundamental flaws.

Slash kills.

Puncture and impact don't.

Whats better than a dead enemy?

Mixing with viral so they get deader faster.

Ping-ponging enemies involuntarily just by using any weapon that happened to have impact would be Madding. Puncture Weak point/extra damage is already crossed by myriad of powers and other procs and slash that already makes shooty alive enemies, not shooty dead without staying around and unloading into a glowy point.

This wouldn't be the first time a bleed effect ruined a games variety of choice for lack of equal effectiveness. That's why they wanted to Nerf it to the ground. But they still had no equal substitution. Same with OPs solutions.

Edited by Firetempest
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il y a 1 minute, Firetempest a dit :

Fundamental flaws.

Slash kills.

Puncture and impact don't.

Whats better than a dead enemy?

Mixing with viral so they get deader faster.

Ping-ponging enemies involuntarily just by using any weapon that haooed to have impact would be Madding. Puncture Weak point/extra damage is already crossed by myriad of powers and other procs and slash that already makes shooty alive enemies, not shooty dead without staying around and unloading into a glowy point.

This wouldn't be the first time a bleed effect ruined a games variety of choice for lack of equal effectiveness. That's why they wanted to Nerf it to the ground. But they still had no equal substitution. Same with OPs solutions.

I disagree.

I'm offering a scenario in which puncture facilitates killing and impact gets a killing part.

Warframe abilities also kill stuff, is that a reason to not use slash? No. So why would a proc offering weakpoints be a problem because it's already offered through warframe abilities? It shouldn't be, cause you have the ability to change your kit accordingly as to not have effects be doubled or in contrary, stack as many as you want because you want to make sure that they're going to happen.

What do you think of the long-lasting procs and the medics?^^

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9 minutes ago, Dark_Sp00n said:

What do you think of the long-lasting procs and the medics?^^

You mean the death knell to solo choice? Specially makeing it damn near impossible for new players with no initial choices. 

Yeah it would change the game. They would need to rebuild it from the ground up to account for all the new problems.

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il y a 12 minutes, Firetempest a dit :

You mean the death knell to solo choice? Specially makeing it damn near impossible for new players with no initial choices. 

Yeah it would change the game. They would need to rebuild it from the ground up to account for all the new problems.

There has never been any change without problems and no problems have ever been solved without change.

As I said, I offered a down-scaling of the damage enemies do to players in exchange for lasting procs. New players are rarely faced with any kind of long challenge so stacking procs would just make them a bit more careful, valueing stealthy play a bit more in the beginning.

Solo player's death knell? This part leaves me wondering if you even read that paragraph: "until removed by a healing ability, gear or rejuvenation/healing aura."
That could and should include health pads in your gear wheel and maybe even life-strike. Healing pulses removing status instantaneously and healing over time taking the status off one by one. The fact I only offered these doesn't keep them from including a manual, slower/less effective healing option that would always be at hand, that just requires an input and cover.

Edited by Dark_Sp00n
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il y a 9 minutes, Chaemyerelis a dit :

They should just get rid of slash/puncture/impact as status effects imo. 

Keep it simple with the elemental type dmg we have now and physical bullet dmg.

Removing content should never be the appropriate response to a problem. Remember what happened to Raids?

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2 hours ago, Dark_Sp00n said:

So what about getting more damage from the bouncing as a trade off?

Unless the damage is so OP that impact would invalidate any other type of damage, it would be objectively worse than the brief stagger impact causes now.
If you hit a bombard and he doesn't die and goes bouncing off you now have to chase after him.  Unless the bouncing did 80% of his HP he's just going to get up and start shooting again with the TTK to remove him from the battle going up because now you can't land consistent follow up shots.
And can you imagine hitting a napalm, bouncing him into a pit so he is re-spawned somewhere in the tile with no idea where?  And then you get hit with another napalm shot?
Or what about Nox units?  Now its near impossible to quickly land headshots on them if you're using an impact weapon, how is that supposed to be handled?

The damage would have to be stupidly absurd to be of any use, because if it didn't deal stupidly high damage you're just massively increasing your TTK for zero benefit.

Adding in any sort of ragdolling into impact procs would make impact damage objectively a handicap for any weapon to have.

1 hour ago, Dark_Sp00n said:

What do you think of the long-lasting procs and the medics?^^

This would utterly ruin new player missions.
Think of what happens if you get an unlucky slash proc in the tutorial mission?  Right now it hurts a bit and stops.  With your idea?  That's simply just death with no way for the player to stop it.

And even outside of new players can you imagine infested missions?
Have to constantly go "Crap I was poisoned again, better drop another health restore and another one and another one and another one...."
It would just be tedius, boring, and eat up resources for no real benefit.

1 hour ago, Dark_Sp00n said:

There has never been any change without problems and no problems have ever been solved without change.

As I said, I offered a down-scaling of the damage enemies do to players in exchange for lasting procs. New players are rarely faced with any kind of long challenge so stacking procs would just make them a bit more careful, valueing stealthy play a bit more in the beginning.

Solo player's death knell? This part leaves me wondering if you even read that paragraph: "until removed by a healing ability, gear or rejuvenation/healing aura."
That could and should include health pads in your gear wheel and maybe even life-strike. Healing pulses removing status instantaneously and healing over time taking the status off one by one. The fact I only offered these doesn't keep them from including a manual, slower/less effective healing option that would always be at hand, that just requires an input and cover.

And what options do a new player have?
How many new players have options to healing abilities? (Hint: That is zero)
How many new players have access to rejuvenation aura?  (Hint: that is zero)
How many new players have access to life-strike?  (Hint: That is zero)
How many new players have access to team restores? (Hint: That is zero due to resources for them coming from the 3rd planet and onwards)

In order to have a "slower option always on hand" a lot of things would have to change in WF.
It would have to become a much slower game in the beginning so that new players can actually use that ability when they notice that "Oh hey, my health is suddenly just rapidly draining for no discernible reason...better run away from enemies, stand still as I shuffle through the gear wheel (that not many new players know exist) and click this option and then stand here and hope I don't get interrupted by an enemy...."

The simple fact is that your idea would ruin a new players experience and massively hurt solo player experiences.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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il y a 4 minutes, Tsukinoki a dit :

Unless the damage is so OP that impact would invalidate any other type of damage.
If you hit a bombard and he doesn't die and goes bouncing off you now have to chase after him.  Unless the bouncing did 80% of his HP he's just going to get up and start shooting again with the TTK to remove him from the battle going up because now you can't land consistent follow up shots.

The damage would have to be stupidly absurd to be of any use, because if it didn't deal stupidly high damage you're just massively increasing your TTK for zero benefit.

Adding in any sort of ragdolling into impact procs would make impact damage objectively a handicap for any weapon to have.

This would utterly ruin new player missions.
Think of what happens if you get an unlucky slash proc in the tutorial mission?  Right now it hurts a bit and stops.  With your idea?  That's simply just death with no way for the player to stop it.

And even outside of new players can you imagine infested missions?
Have to constantly go "Crap I was poisoned again, better drop another health restore and another one and another one and another one...."
It would just be tedius, boring, and eat up resources for no real benefit.

And what options do a new player have?
How many new players have options to healing abilities? (Hint: That is zero)
How many new players have access to rejuvenation aura?  (Hint: that is zero)
How many new players have access to life-strike?  (Hint: That is zero)
How many new players have access to team restores? (Hint: That is zero due to resources for them coming from the 3rd planet and onwards)

In order to have a "slower option always on hand" a lot of things would have to change in WF.
It would have to become a much slower game in the beginning so that new players can actually use that ability when they notice that "Oh hey, my health is suddenly just rapidly draining for no discernible reason...better run away from enemies, stand still as I shuffle through the gear wheel (that not many new players know exist) and click this option and then stand here and hope I don't get interrupted by an enemy...."

The simple fact is that your idea would ruin a new players experience and massively hurt solo player experiences.

I think the big problem here is that noone is ever able to think of a thing called "balance". Sure, it's gonna be knocked back, but it's up to DE to decide if that's to the moon or just the end of the corridor. Deals damage? It could be useless, or overpowered or maybe, you know, IN BETWEEN.

Again, I am offering them to decrease the amount of dmg dealt (which means the tutorial will have players running more than just a casual stroll), I also offered in a later comment that they may add a weaker, always at hand healing method that would need you to take cover to use it. As in making the gameplay a bit more complex in regards to how you manage your health.

Also I was saying they would be longlasting EXCEPT if taken away by healing ability/items all at once or one by one if it's healing over time. So yes, I can very well imagine infested missions.

You are ignoring the fact that these longlasting status effects are supposed to be a burden in longlasting missions, which remind me how many new players are doing them alone? Exactly, zero. New players run most of their survivals/interceptions/defense/etc. until the first opportunity to extract unless carried by someone else. So they'll escape before those stacking statuses become too heavy of a burden.

They'd have a lot to change? How so?

Also I never said that always at hand-option should be in the gear-wheel, could be just you crouching and slowly regaining health. As in sitting down to rest.
Nothing a good tutorial can't fix.

It wouldn't ruin anything if one takes notions of balance into consideration when implementing it. But it would change the face of the game. But ain't that why everyone complains? Cause they don't like how it works now? How do you want to change how it works by not changing how it works? What do you expect?

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