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Baphomet; The Betrayer - Infested Boss [FULL 3D RENDER BY RAZIX! - 11/26/16]


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At this point, I am uncertain how he would fit. With a new infested tile set, the possibilities could be endless for an arena-style fight, but seeing as everyone seems to be getting their random encounter bosses, An infested RNGWarrior could be a good idea. I know I would be pretty nerve-shot if Merihem and he come stomping through my simple extermination mission one day.


May have to rethink it.

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At this point, I am uncertain how he would fit. With a new infested tile set, the possibilities could be endless for an arena-style fight, but seeing as everyone seems to be getting their random encounter bosses, An infested RNGWarrior could be a good idea. I know I would be pretty nerve-shot if Merihem and he come stomping through my simple extermination mission one day.


May have to rethink it.

What if the boss fight was against Baphomet and Merihem, but he sends out some of Merihem's brood to hunt you?

Or maybe you could have a "disciple", so to speak, of Baphomet who hunts down the people Baphomet commands him/her to with the aid of Merihem's brood?

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What if the boss fight was against Baphomet and Merihem, but he sends out some of Merihem's brood to hunt you?

Or maybe you could have a "disciple", so to speak, of Baphomet who hunts down the people Baphomet commands him/her to with the aid of Merihem's brood?

So, a bit like Harvester?`Baphomet sends his pack to collect you, and if you fail to beat them you are teleported to his arena?

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Interesting. Or he is a part of Proxy war.

Baphomet has a group, a following. They see him as a Prophet, a counter to Lotus.

They or he, posts missions and players can join his guild as a first Infested npc.


well there are infested invasions so when you help clean up a sector a death mark could be generated for him.

I like the idea of having Baphomet the rng boss fight where he gives you a nav point to the  Merihem derelict fight. But with a

infested tileset coming you could do anything with this guy... gj on this btw

Edited by Mozzo
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Suppose both Baphomet and Typhus would be made.

Makes me wonder what stories could be about them, one fallen by choice, the other twisted against his will.

One siding with the Lotus, the other with the Infested.

Oh, the showdown between brothers :)

I allso would like Baphomet to comandeer a derelict, leading Infestation invasions.

"Lotus lies to you all! Mine is Path to Glory! To immortality! Join us! "

Edited by arch111
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Suppose both Baphomet and Typhus would be made.

Makes me wonder what stories could be about them, one fallen by choice, the other twisted against his will.

One siding with the Lotus, the other with the Infested.

Oh, the showdown between brothers :)

I allso would like Baphomet to comandeer a derelict, leading Infestation invasions.

"Lotus lies to you all! Mine is Path to Glory! To immortality! Join us! "

Now you've got me thinking about organic infestation transports.


Just imagine massive infested that have take a similar structure to the Grineer and Corpus ships, but with everything made of flesh. 

And I've already thought of a way for a couple of mission modes to be feasible in them.


Sabotage: Instead of a reactor core we instead have to take out it's heart.

Mob. Def.: Instead of hacking terminals we will instead inject the ships with a poison from some kind of injection device.


And for traps and stuff we could have tentacles coming from the walls, acid spewing "turrets", rooms that slowly fill with poison gas.

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Now you've got me thinking about organic infestation transports.


Just imagine massive infested that have take a similar structure to the Grineer and Corpus ships, but with everything made of flesh. 

And I've already thought of a way for a couple of mission modes to be feasible in them.


Sabotage: Instead of a reactor core we instead have to take out it's heart.

Mob. Def.: Instead of hacking terminals we will instead inject the ships with a poison from some kind of injection device.


And for traps and stuff we could have tentacles coming from the walls, acid spewing "turrets", rooms that slowly fill with poison gas.


If you play Starcraft, I like to think that it would be shaped like the Zerg Biodroppods

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Jaals Prize


Jaals Prize


The Dreadnaught “Hammer” moved silently amidst the debris of an unknown battle as it neared its destination. This was deep space, blackness and stars in every direction and as far from any Grineer outpost as you could get. Or any outpost of any kind for that matter.
No one was crazy enough to venture this far into uncharted space, at least not if they were planning to return home.


Kramm de Jaal clasped his hands behind his back as he reviewed the latest scans of the area. Still nothing. Nothing but useless debree and minor asteroids.

He was beginning to feel something unnervingly unfamiliar to him. Captain Jaal of the BloodFists, anti-tenno specialist and member of the Queens Guard, was getting nervous.


In all his time fighting for future Glory of the Empire, he had never felt anxciety. There had been plenty of times when he had said a silent farewell, blessed the Queens, and prepared to die.

He had been wounded, left for dead, had both legs replaced by prostatic robotics after he had been caught in the unfortunate blast from the demonic powers of a Tenno.
And yet in spite of all that he had never once felt fear or worry.


This was different. He had personally put together the Elite detail aboard the ship, and he alone bore the full weight of defeat of failure. It came with the job, you could die in the field or die by the hands of the Executioner, in the end it was the same for all Grineer. They served the Empire and to serve was to fight and win or fight and die.
Kramm thought to himself that he would prefer to win.


Metallic clicking footsteps told him that a personal report was due. He spun around on his heels and faced the small man coming in as the doors swung open.

He knew he was intimidating to look at, and so was expecting downcast eyes, and healthy fear for own personal safety. Therefor he was surprised to meet a level gaze peering up at him, and a face full of confidence. Who was this fool?


“Captain de Jaal, Sir!” he said hurriedly. Youngling, he decided. “We have found it!”


For a moment he simply stared at the man in his red light armor. So he had been right after all!


“Show me, Now. Bring it up on the screen.” He said as they moved to the observation-lounge. Large holo-screens hung in the air broadcasting Hekks latest speech. He couldn´t stand the man, let alone look at him.
No one could deny the man’s accomplishments, but to turn himself into that mechanical monstrosity to “Better the Grineer Empire!”. Bah! They were clones, but they had also been human once. At least Tyl Regor was doing something about the constant degradation and corruption they faced every day.


The screen turned black, then alternated between showing telemetry and a map of the surrounding space, and a distant image of a ship. It was a derelict, but unlike any he had every seen.
The ship was unmistakably Orokin in design, but there were parts of the ship that looked alien.


The corruption of the infested was clearly visible, as well as the twisted trees that broke the ship and reached out into space like tentacles of their own. But along the ship there flowed a red pulsating energy and a mass he could only guess was infested had completely swallowed parts of the hull.

So hard to believe that a Tenno and a undiscovered Warframe waited for him in there. But so far every part of the information had proven valid. Even if it had reached him both through colonists who he knew secretly supported the Tenno, and the devious dealer, Darvo.


It had not been easy. He had raided a Tenno station for coordinates to a infested Corpus facility. There he learned of attacks from an unknown creature displaying powers that could only be Tenno. No one knew who this was, only that it seemed to operate only during an Infestation.


This was his chance, Kramm´s day in the sun, time to finally even the score with that smug Vor, always rubbing it in how he had found the artifacts and ventured where none had dared to go.
Well, soon things would be different. Soon Vor and Jaal would be equals, and then finally, maby they could bury the hatchet and move forward as brothers again.


“Bring us into range and prepare my men for battle. I want drones launched in advance this time.” He said, punching the little man painfully in the chest with a finger.
“Not like last time! The embarrassment of that failure will haunt me forever. Make sure they have armed the drones this time.”


The man nodded and hurried away. Kramm went in the opposite direction to the armory. The robotics purchased by Darvo has installed and ready. Each multi-limbed arm held a piece of armor at the ready. He eyed it with skepticism, but placed himself at the red markers and said the Command.


The arms swung into motion dressing him in heavy, reinforced amor specially designed to resist Warframe powers. It negated some of it, and emitted some kind of force-field that in theory would shield him from gunfire.

Time to find out.


As he was joined by the unit he had selected, each one in the same black and green amor that he now wore, the confidence in him grew. They were as ready as any Tenno Hunting Squad had ever been.


After a short flight, the shuttle embedded itself into the hull of the derelict and immediately began to cut a hole into the ship. As soon as they heard the familiar sound of detonations going off, they rushed the airlock and into the darkness within.


It truly was alien. Pulsating energy on strange nightmarish shaped that grew out from the hull was everywhere. If felt like eyes were watching, but eyes in the walls, the floor, the ceiling. A dark mist made visibility a joke, but fortunately again Darvo had delivered. They followed the old Orokin runes and navigated the unfamiliar spacecraft with the blind assurance of a man on the other side of the universe.


Then they saw them, or they were seen. Twisted shapes suddenly roared and ran towards them. But the infested was no match for their weapons or experience. They never came close to dealing a blow.


Slowly but surely they moved deeper and deeper into the ship, and soon the only light was their own flashlight in the mist. Their destination lay ahead, a grand hall of gleaming floor tiles and shining pillars supporting a vaulted ceiling where torn and tattered banners clung to gilded hooks.


They spread out, taking positions and moving as one, covering every possible angle of attack or ambush. Into the center of the room they moved, towards a throne of sorts. He had never seen a Tenno Dojo, but now understood what the rumors were about. It was a sight to behold.


In the throne, a figure sat, waiting. He was alone and sure enough looked like a Warframe. Curved horns on the helmet resembling a demonic skull rested atop a body of red and black, pulsating energy and spikes jutting out at irregular places.


One arm ended in a monstrous claw, the other resting on a sword as twisted as the warframe itself.


They had the thing surrounded, Jaal felt smug and in command. He would bring this thing back with him to Grineer High Command. Soon he would be the envy of  Vor and all the others.
He smiled.


The thing seemed to smile back at him where it sat, unmoving, giving no sign of defeat or attack.


“Tenno, “ Jaal said. “I have you surrounded, out-gunned and out-matched. You will come with me in the name of the Grineer Empire. Resist and I will not hesitate to use whatever force necessary.”


Finally the thing moved. Leaning forward, it started laughing, the strange patterns of energy coming alive suddenly across the torso and where the eyes should have been. A sudden memory of a depiction of the Ancients Demons of Hell in Earths past made itself known and the resemblance was unnerving.


He could feel his men tensing up as they began sweeping the room for enemies.
“Why the hell are you laughing, tenno scum!?” he bellowed as the laughter grew in intensity into a mad giggle.


It was then he noticed the horrid things climbing towards them in the ceiling. And the hounds came crashing into the chamber like rabid dogs, jaws open rows of teeth and razer claws tearing jagged scars in the floor, howling running towards them.


As he drew his own weapon, readying himself for battle, everything grew still and quiet. The monsters stopped in their tracks, panting and growling, inhuman eyes staring into his.

One of the tennos hands was slightly raised as if issuing a Command. Then it rose, taking three strides to join the hounds, lovingly petting them as he circled around to stand behind Jaal, blocking the exit.

Maybe this is a good day to die after all, the thought.


“Come now, Captain.” The thing said in a too sweet voice. “Who ever said I was Tenno?”


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At this point, I am uncertain how he would fit. With a new infested tile set, the possibilities could be endless for an arena-style fight, but seeing as everyone seems to be getting their random encounter bosses, An infested RNGWarrior could be a good idea. I know I would be pretty nerve-shot if Merihem and he come stomping through my simple extermination mission one day.


May have to rethink it.

His pet.....will be a little OP if it comes with him i think

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