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i do not understand DE


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you see the thing is...when revenant got released, he was bad, annoying, buggy and mediocre...most of his abilities had anti synergies, and his mesmer skin had a blinding smoke effect that you couldn't aim with it...also the horrible HORRIBLE rectangle smoke that reave had

DE asked for our feedback, and then they delivered and rev received many many patch and changes, and new perks and gimmicks that made him very good


when khora got released many players judged her by being the worst warframe ever, and i even called her the physical embodiment of trash, DE listened and till this day they give her changes and augments that make her more viable


but now with baruuk...well 

he's mediocre, all of his abilities have anti synergies, buggy, too many ragdolls, and you see like bazillion posts and feedback about baruk, and yet the patch history is still the same...

it's not about buffing or nerfing 

it's about the question: why does DE sometimes take all the feedback and work for them, and other times just don't give a flying monkey about what we think :V

sometimes they release something as wholesome as nezha's rework

othertimes they make vauban's 1st chargable...poor booben

why DE? 

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)theHOPPER243 said:

but now with baruuk...well 

he's mediocre, all of his abilities have anti synergies, buggy, too many ragdolls

Could you explain what you mean with "anti synergy"? Do you mean it doesn't have synergy? Or does something remove synergy? If the later, how doe something remore synergy?

I like that you are talking about Rev and Khora, some "older" and straight forward Warframes. Obviously they got changes and stuff.
Baruuk is pretty new and something special because of his "not killing way" to do stuff. It isn't that easy to change him in a way DE wants him to change and please the community at the same time.

And what is your post doing? It doesn't add anything. It's just a meta complain that DE isn't listening. Even though you can't prove that they aren't listening.

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4 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

Could you explain what you mean with "anti synergy"? Do you mean it doesn't have synergy? Or does something remove synergy? If the later, how doe something remore synergy?

I like that you are talking about Rev and Khora, some "older" and straight forward Warframes. Obviously they got changes and stuff.
Baruuk is pretty new and something special because of his "not killing way" to do stuff. It isn't that easy to change him in a way DE wants him to change and please the community at the same time.

And what is your post doing? It doesn't add anything. It's just a meta complain that DE isn't listening. Even though you can't prove that they aren't listening.

anti synergy...like an ability that hurts other abilties

for example baruuk's 3 daggers wake enemies from their 2 

baruuk's serene storm waves remove the sleep also 



my post is here because i'm talking about DE's mentality on patching newly released warframes

i have no intent to start hate or a rant, i just want to understand why they sometimes don't reply to feedback

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6 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

Could you explain what you mean with "anti synergy"? Do you mean it doesn't have synergy? Or does something remove synergy? If the later, how doe something remore synergy?

I like that you are talking about Rev and Khora, some "older" and straight forward Warframes. Obviously they got changes and stuff.
Baruuk is pretty new and something special because of his "not killing way" to do stuff. It isn't that easy to change him in a way DE wants him to change and please the community at the same time.

And what is your post doing? It doesn't add anything. It's just a meta complain that DE isn't listening. Even though you can't prove that they aren't listening.


Likely he's talking about how Elude can't work if enemies are lulled and people can't hold onto their daggers for damage reduction if you put range in. But personally these aren't really issues in my eyes as lulling enemies is already removing restraint and giving more than elude while opening everyone up to finishers and the daggers portion is also removing restraint and bringing people into lull range and while elude is up lull doesn't count as an offensive action so you just sleep all the melee people.

It's really the stacks thing with Nidus everyone scrambles to get it going ASAP when in actually it's nowhere near that urgent.

As for the op's talk of Desert wind ragdolling use different attacks like the spin attack that pops enemies up or the pull in combo.

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Well they dont always ackowledge problems but I think they do take in alot of feedback.   I see things in patch notes every time that gets fixes that I never saw them achknowledge on the forums so they obviously read the posts.  Like the controller issues on console just recently.  I didnt see them respond to any of our threads but poof within the week we had a patch to fix it.  

I think when it comes to changing or tweaking things first and foremost they tend not to acknowledge things like they do with everything,  but then also there is debate on how to correct the problem or the many many solutions put forth by us lol.

I think ALL dev teams are a little guilty of ADHD and moving on to the next shiny thing way to early instead of really spending a week or two after something drops to really polish it and get it into a good place.



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Just now, Genitive said:

It's about time management and priorities. They can't do everything at once and things take time to develop

yea i was asking about that

4 minutes ago, Nomayonnaiseinireland said:

Baruuk seems fine to me. Great even.

and again, this is not a post ranting about baruuk or DE, there are plenty of posts about that, i just want to see what they can do more with this frame

i was also suprised because they usually update newly released warframes with patches and changes, and he received none 

either way thanks for the replies 🙂

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)theHOPPER243 said:

anti synergy...like an ability that hurts other abilties

for example baruuk's 3 daggers wake enemies from their 2 

baruuk's serene storm waves remove the sleep also 



my post is here because i'm talking about DE's mentality on patching newly released warframes

i have no intent to start hate or a rant, i just want to understand why they sometimes don't reply to feedback

Sleep as a status effect is delicate I'd say it's more player error casting stuff when you know it'll remove sleep. The game says what the powers do and it's not really all that bad if the sleeping enemy is now disarmed but it's a minor thing.

Serene Storm waves removing sleep is entirely on you you're blasting people it's not like a permanent disable it's just sleep.

As for replying to feedback the seer amount of it even not counting the feedback that's always put in general discussion  is too much to reply to all the time. That doesn't mean they're not looking but players and devs generally have different outlooks on balancing (Powercreep vs actually balancing) and they might just be satisfied with where Baruuk is even if players want more power

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)theHOPPER243 said:

for example baruuk's 3 daggers wake enemies from their 2 

This is wrong.
The daggers don't wake up enemies.
So you are takling about something called anti synergy, and you don't even know how things work? Great.

6 minutes ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

people can't hold onto their daggers for damage reduction if you put range in.

Fair, but the daggers aren't a straight up damage reduction ability. The damage reduction is part of the ability, if there are no enemies in range. So saying this is anti synergy would be bad.

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4 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

This is wrong.
The daggers don't wake up enemies.
So you are takling about something called anti synergy, and you don't even know how things work? Great.

Fair, but the daggers aren't a straight up damage reduction ability. The damage reduction is part of the ability, if there are no enemies in range. So saying this is anti synergy would be bad.

probably just a bug on my part then

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1 minute ago, (PS4)theHOPPER243 said:

i was also suprised because they usually update newly released warframes with patches and changes, and he received none 

Oh... OH! How long have you been playing?
It has only now occurred to me that newer players might have only ever experienced this sort of cycle of "release, fix, tweak, tweak, fix, tweak" that DE has done with a number of the newer frames.

I am more used to the old "release, fix, fix" cycle that used to be more common, so that is what feels right to me. The idea was when they got it right the first time, or close enough, they don't actually need to tweak it that much, if at all.

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6 minutes ago, Nomayonnaiseinireland said:

Oh... OH! How long have you been playing?
It has only now occurred to me that newer players might have only ever experienced this sort of cycle of "release, fix, tweak, tweak, fix, tweak" that DE has done with a number of the newer frames.

I am more used to the old "release, fix, fix" cycle that used to be more common, so that is what feels right to me. The idea was when they got it right the first time, or close enough, they don't actually need to tweak it that much, if at all.

since early 2017 

hmm i guess it depends on what the warframe needs, and what DE think it needs

so far i'm satisfied with what baruuk brings, -would've been more satisfied if his 4th was stronger, but i don't think i should complain about wanting more power- so yea, i get it now gg

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36 minutes ago, (PS4)theHOPPER243 said:

all of his abilities have anti synergies

This is quite false. All of his abilities compliment each other

Even though you will never use his 1, his 1 and his 3 work perfectly with each other. His 1 lets you dodge all damage from the front, and doubles the range of his three, meaning you won't be getting shot from behind either

His 2 puts enemies to sleep, and his other abilities are hardcoded not to wake them up

The closest thing to an "anti-synergy" is his 4's chance to disarm an enemy, as this prevents his 3 from doing that and generating more charge for his 4

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43 minutes ago, (PS4)theHOPPER243 said:

it's about the question: why does DE sometimes take all the feedback and work for them, and other times just don't give a flying monkey about what we think :V

I feel that they have learned to ask for feedback in some tutorial but have forgotten the most important detail: to apply the feedbacks.

From the beginning did they go like this, bugs? only fix if it is injurious, feedbacks? only when they feel like it.

To this day I have not seen them apply the syndicate mods feedback (Hello Harrow).

If I were to evaluate their organization I would say it is close to 0.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)theHOPPER243 said:

anti synergy...like an ability that hurts other abilties

for example baruuk's 3 daggers wake enemies from their 2 

baruuk's serene storm waves remove the sleep also 

No, #3 does not remove lull.

Why do you wanna keep anything asleep besides heavy mobs anyways? You dont. So you lull to manage restraint, then you lull again to open the heavies to finishers (if your team hasnt killed them for you) after the trash is dead from SS.

Baruuk got released in a pretty good shape, there are few things that need changing. His #4 needs to be able to utilize Healing Return and Life Strike though. And possibly they could tone down the ragdolling or remove it completely.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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4 hours ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

maybe baruuk in actuality is fine since well he is. Did a few sorties with him he's a fantastic frame.

Did 2/3 of yesterday’s sortie with him too. His first two abilities did very well, but his 3 just didn’t feel like it left a big enough impact to use and his 4 was just worthless despite the fact that I was going up against the Corpus.

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