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Help me pick a new frame



Hey I'm a noob that played years ago and never really got into the game. 
Fastforward to now and I'm completely and utterly addicted. 

I was hoping some of you long time pro's and vets can suggest a cool frame to me


[What am I looking for?]

Well I absolutely adore lethal mobility type attacks in games, anything where I can whizz around and blast things apart, like the vanguard in Mass Effect, who's teleport ability actually deals damage as you go through enemies.
I play Limbo too (I always play with friends and they love the utility I bring as Limbo, so no troll hatred here haha) and I have Ash, but his teleporty style attacks feel... slow and less effective when you're surrounded by party members whizzing through and cutting the bad guys up as you're stuck on your 4th stealth attack animation haha. (though his ultimate is amazing, if not also a little slow to execute) 
So I'll list off some of my wants I guess

-High Mobility
-Lots of room to use abilities / Not reliant on using solely guns or melee
-Utility like survival or party assistance (Ala Limbo)
-Melee preference
-If ranged, I use dual pistols
-Can scale into high level content if appropriately built (yet to reach)

Revenant sounds amazing to me, if his dash ability can be used to lethal effect, but he gets a lot of 'mediocre' comments and that he doesn't scale well. I do like the idea of dashing around and then promptly spinning around in a laser light show of death. 
Zephyr sounds kind of cool but when I tried out his dash, it was really hard to control to not just blast off the edge of the map or get stuck on an obstacle (feel free to offer advice here) 
Ash : see above

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11 answers to this question

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I can recommend Nezha:

  • high mobility with super fast slides.
  • good abilities, with the 4+2 combo you actually deal a lot of damage if you have the augment for his 2.
  • can give DR to teammates with his safeguard augment.
  • good melee options since you are CC immune with halo up
  • can use all weapons to good effect since enemies affected by his 2 take a ton more damage.
  • can easily deal with higher level enemies because his halo gives him 90% DR and he could also make use of Health conversion and/or adaptation if you really need to be tanky.
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High Mobility and lots of Abilities to me starts making me think Volt, but he's not that supportive. Titania's also pretty meh, being intended for the kind of thing you want but not famously good at it. She is pretty mobile thanks to Razorwing though and featuring a pair of dual pistols and a sword to boot when using it.

Nezha's also a reasonable pick, as when augmented he can give allies a mini iron-skin (Warding Halo) and is very fast, among the fastest in the game. Personally, his speed's a bit too loose for my liking, but it might be up your street.

Although not on the fast side of Mobility, you might also get a kick out of Hildryn since she can hover and gain great mobility that way, as well as excellent defensive buffing of teammates and some CC as well. She's also tanky enough to support Melee and does switch to dual 'pistols' when using Aegis Storm Balefire - though they might not be the right sort of dual pistols for you. She actually scales better in higher level content, so that's up your street too.

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I recommend Garuda. Two of her attacks are super-quick dash/lunges at enemies; the first auto-executes any enemy below 40% Health, and the second creates an area of Health regen for you and allies. Her third ability sacrifices Health for Energy, and the less Health she has the more damage she deals. Her 4th is a very wide AoE debuff with minor damage, which primes all affected enemies with a chance to bleed from every instance of damage on them. And back to her 1, casts of it slowly charge a big ol' nuke ball which you can further charge up and kamehameha at your foes.

Garuda is mobile, agile, damaging, supportive and lots of fun to play.

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1 hour ago, seffy14 said:

Zephyr sounds kind of cool but when I tried out his dash, it was really hard to control to not just blast off the edge of the map or get stuck on an obstacle (feel free to offer advice here) 
Ash : see above

Nitpick, but Zephyr is technically a female frame. Anyhow, Tailwind is next to impossible to use consistently if you run high duration. It's good for long distance travel in open spaces, not so good for short bursts in enclosed spaces. You might have better luck if you gain some altitude (either by Tailwind'ing upwards, or by bullet jumping/air melee) and use the "Divebomb" part of Tailwind. But odds are you'll still misjudge the angle and wind up Tailwinding into the ground (and then sliding off into the distance, on your face, to who knows where). 

Due to her passive, you can do some interesting things with aerial melee's, but it's not that fast (i.e. it's not really a "dash" per se) and it is also prone to causing you to get stuck on random lips/ledges/outcroppings/boxes/etc. Anyhow, as much as I love her, Zephyr probably isn't a good fit for what you're looking for.

Aside from frames people have already suggested, Atlas might be worth a try as well. His Landslide lets you (do a short) dash towards nearby enemies, has a (small) aoe, has invincibility frames, and can be chained (with benefits). He's decently tanky and he brings a little CC with Petrify (and I guess a taunt with augment for Rumblers? Never actually tried it though). I wouldn't say he's "highly" mobile, since he can't Landslide without an enemy to target though (so no free-directional dashing). 


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3 hours ago, seffy14 said:

Thank you everyone for the time you put into your suggestions!! Massively appreciated!

I decided to give Nezha a try 😄
Hopefully I'll love (him?) haha

Him.  Late to the party but I'd like to suggest Gara, and a lesson on how to use her.

So her first ability is tap for stabbing puncture hold for big slash, the damage of which is dependant on your melee weapon--basically put all the damage mods on it, it doesn't matter.

Her second ability at 130% strength is a 90% damage reduction on a timer that you can cast on pretty much anyone, allies, their pets, your pets, the defence target.  It also deals damage to whatever gets close to it.  If cast on an enemy it deals damage to them and makes them take more damage.  With an augment it heals.

Her third is kinda eh, but it can help keep enemy attention.

Her four is a glass wall that as it expands it makes enemies caught in it slow/stop moving and take more damage while adding to the HP of your wall.  It also resets the timer on your two if the glass passes over anyone with the two active.  It's a tap to cast and tap again to stop it.

Here's the fun interaction though, you can break your wall with your 1, sending explosive glass shards out and decimating the enemy.  But the trick is, if you are outside of your wall (and close by) when you do this? Half the damage of your 1 is permanently added to your shield while active.

So you can be running around with maaaaaasssive amounts of damage being dealt just by existing near an enemy.  (so fun jump near them and they drop dead)

Protect your allies

Lock down an area for a bit.

Make enemies take more damage from you and your allies.

And some area protection

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Thread picks Nezha, and for sensible picks he's actually really good. Farm up the Health Conversion mod from Symaris if you haven't already because Nezha's 2 generates Health Orbs like crazy.

But when you were describing your likes and dislikes, I had to giggle because you actually seem to want Hydroid.

Now a lot of people will look at me like I'm stupid, but hear me out:

Area of effect attacks, for blasting apart wide swathes of enemies (his Augment for his 1st ability is great for armour stripping enemies), his Tentacle Swarm is a great lockdown ability too. He has high mobility with his 2 (no, really...) and he can become invulnerable in his 3 and pull all enemies in range into the centre like a point-and-click Nidus, then jump out and melee everything while they're all recovering. It's genuinely a really good way to play the game. His 3 augment does team support, if you nanny them a little, his 4 augment is good for farming if you don't like Nekros... He's actually a fairly good frame these days, and OP may enjoy him.

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