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What happened to DE ?


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Recently, the development direction of DE seems to be to let players play the task repeatedly, in order to increase the player's play time. 

But DE, is this interesting? When did you start to increase the player's playing time, not to make the game interesting?

The two spiders in the Venus Plains have a great BOSS design, but has the third spider been forgotten? The integrity of the story does not need to be balanced?

Particle effects and lighting rendering are actually not that important. It’s better to find ways to make the game interesting.

For example, like the World War zombie, hundreds of enemies rush toward the player at the same time. Defensive mode: A wave of hundreds of enemies simultaneously influx at the same time; Survival mode: Hundreds of enemies chasing players at the same time...etc (spoof mode). I believe that when playing games, players will not want to sleep. If technically allowed.

I was very much looking forward to the new story and BOSS in Series 2, which seems to be disappointing now. However, I still look forward to the new Jupiter.

I love you DE, I hope you don't forget the game to be able to add new players, not how long the task is, but with deep story content and diversified task play. Making more and bigger things is definitely a good direction, but it must be done steadily, otherwise, it will easily turn many things into semi-finished products.







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32 minutes ago, a2451750 said:

The two spiders in the Venus Plains have a great BOSS design, but has the third spider been forgotten? The integrity of the story does not need to be balanced?

How on earth did you come to this conclusion? There was months in between the first Orb boss and the second, obviously there's going to be months in between the second Orb boss and the third. No indication at all that they forgot about it.

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What happened to DE? Mainstream media happened. Not that it's an entirely bad thing, it's just that so many players with so many tastes are pulling them strongly in every direction. And DE, as a crowd pleaser, is trying to please all. Something which everyone knows it's either impossible, or straight up daunting at the very least. How about we all have some patience and less screaming and throwing stones at random?

I know they have the best intentions, but with every change, no matter how big (Ex. Relic system vs old towers) or small (Ex. Literally Mesa's butt) being turned into a major fit I don't envy them one bit. Everyone can have 2 cents about literally everything. Everyone has the big solution to the game. Most people forget that there's more players in the game, and that these "solutions" many times don't solve problems for anyone but for the specific player who suggested it, leaving again another whole group out of it.

I'm just happy with most stuff, even if some tweaks and changes are needed still. What I don't like I ignore instead of complaining about it, because other people might enjoy. Because I know I'm one of 50 million accounts. I don't like PvP, I used to think no one liked it. Until I tried it for the Teshin Captura Scene. I found out that there's actually a group of Pro-Lunaro players who somehow absolutely mastered that game mode, and I witnessed them doing the most crazy stunts while playing Lunaro. Deleting Lunaro, for example, just because I don't like it personally, won't change anything for me, but it will remove a part other people apparently love. Just a random thought on this matter. 

Evolution is a core part of the game, and "adapt or get left behind" is a major rule for this game. As for the third orb it hasn't been forgotten. It'll be a mix between bounty and exploiter orb, and that very Orb is already on the Orb Vallis resting in the water near the Space Port.

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)drollive96 said:

De is just focused on the wrong things, I believe if they get their priorities straight they can still turn things around

The biggest problem in my opinion is the rewards. Even the best game mode in the world won't be played if it is not rewarding. But other than that I have no problem with the game's direction. 

7 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

How on earth did you come to this conclusion? There was months in between the first Orb boss and the second, obviously there's going to be months in between the second Orb boss and the third. No indication at all that they forgot about it.

I believe during devstream 126 they said they had started working on the final orb. 

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The game feels like a chore at the moment - I will not play a game that's no fun to play because that's just depressing.

Perhaps DE will get their s*** together down the line, but I am not holding my breath in the meantime.

It just feels like they have hired Anthem team members.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

What I don't like I ignore instead of complaining about it, because other people might enjoy.

this is the part where i disagree entirely. you should absolutely provide feedback instead of ignoring it. the sole reason this game got the traction it has gotten is they listen to feedback from time to time. 

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14 minutes ago, Zeclem said:

this is the part where i disagree entirely. you should absolutely provide feedback instead of ignoring it. the sole reason this game got the traction it has gotten is they listen to feedback from time to time. 

Well, that's very true and I agree, but I didn't say one shouldn't give feedback. I said one shouldn't demand mechanics to be pulled out from the game because one doesn't like them. As I said, and I repeat:

1 hour ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

I'm just happy with most stuff, even if some tweaks and changes are needed still.

There's always something to improve and something to change (Railjack even seems like a major change to core parts of the game, and many will love and hate it, for example). However constructive and well thought criticism is what makes the cut. And I'm also very vocal about some changes, such as Itzal's nerf, on most recent subjects. However, after hearing more about it from Scott in the latest Devstream I rest more assured that such a change is going on a better direction. 

So in short, provide feedback and lots of it, but accept that sometimes we can't get what we want, and that sometimes we don't know what's best for the game in general, even if a system is not perfect and there's a solution that seems better on paper. That's what many times makes the difference between feedback and a tantrum.

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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2 hours ago, a2451750 said:

The two spiders in the Venus Plains have a great BOSS design, but has the third spider been forgotten? The integrity of the story does not need to be balanced?

I'm pretty certain that the 3rd spider will be added eventually, probably some time between Jupiter remaster and Railjack.

2 hours ago, a2451750 said:

Particle effects and lighting rendering are actually not that important. It’s better to find ways to make the game interesting.

This argument is just plain stupid. There's separate teams for UI, engine, gameplay design, graphics, sound and so forth. Working on one aspect doesn't take anything away from the others.

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The only thing that has changed is the community has made it ever more apparent that they actually do not want to play the game and only want to be rewarded for having it installed. And that players and DE didn't learn their lessons when Fortuna was in late development; content gets slow when large updates are being worked on and there are multiple happening right now.

Also more and more players have lost the ability to read the posts DE makes. With the recent bouts of drama over Nightwave and Arbitrations most of the loudest complaints players have made were actually explained or answered in DE's own posts when the updates happened.

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From my... well, simplistic (maybe plebeian...) perspective, it's clear DE's trying and always experimenting with their golden egg of a project. The open world segments turned a lot of the old Warframe formula on its head (though it did stay close to the fundamentals of objectives and the like), the hulking field bosses of the Eidolons and Orb Mothers seem like huge achievements for their animation teams (coding those legs must have been a nightmare), and it's clear Railjack is going to be another event that employs a lot of fun and new ideas DE has had. I'm sure tons of work and effort goes into each update that shifts the Meta and adds new mechanics so that it doesn't capsize the entirety of Warframe, but the DE developer teams have only so many people, and people make mistakes. There's bugs, there's things people don't like... and I'm honestly happy they listen and try to change things while... not utterly trashing their initial vision. (And with the guy above me, they do work hard to also write comprehensive reasons to why they're doing what they do when a big change happens...!) I mean, I've seen studios that have a more "suck it up!" additude, and that ain't winning over any hearts... They're really putting effort in, here.

They totally want things to be interesting, and they also want to keep things interesting for themselves, mixing it up with crazy new projects and ideas. (The Plains of Duviri concepts, for instance, look like something totally outta' left field here.) And they also don't want to totally trash old systems put in place as the game continually adapts. Nightwave probably was part of that process, taking out alerts and replacing it with something a little more engaging (though I have my own issues with it myself). Warframe is a very, very fluid game, and that's part of why I like it. I never thought I'd be hoverboarding in a cyberpunk tundra when I first joined Warframe, believe me.

Working on a project built out of countless layers upon layers like a Jenga Tower of updates and mechanics can't be easy, and mistakes can happen, and things take time. Plus, pandering to a crowd of Millions of Users ain't going to be a walk in the park, when we all have different ideas of what is engaging. (Like, I honestly am thrilled about the lighting update stuff, because I'm a nerd about how these systems in game design work. But it's totally reasonable for others to find that boring the the point of sleep-inducing.) So while the game may be quite different from when I started those years ago, I'm not going to be preaching about the end of it all just yet. Railjack, New War, and all the goodies in between (like that 3rd Spider and the Flydolons) have me super interested, and it's clear with how flashy the content they've teased so far is that everyone at the studio is giving their all about this. I'm just going to enjoy the ride and try to take the rougher bumps along the road as best I can.

(Not to mention, I find the game pretty fun as it is right now. That doesn't invalidate other people's issues, of course, but it does illuminate the entire community won't ever agree on what a 100% all-star brilliant update will be and how things should be fixed/changed. A community this huge is like a herd of cats... and you've seen how opinions are online. It's a mess of butting heads out there!)

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