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bring alert back please?!!!!


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12 hours ago, Wrum said:

can someone please explain why everyone needs so much nitain? i cant remember the last time i actually need a ton of nitain, maybe for vaulban prime?


Also I bought around 50 Nitain during WoSS and got another 10 from that Wolf Alert mission at the end. Only used around 10-15 since then and built 4 new frames.


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10 часов назад, (XB1)Inta The Real сказал:

Please bring back something to do, it's boring now 

it was boring week ago. Now its just awful) 

thx god in couple days will start new PoE league. Cause obviously cant count on warframe with stupid devs decisions about waiting consoles and giving nothing to PC until. 

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7 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:


Also I bought around 50 Nitain during WoSS and got another 10 from that Wolf Alert mission at the end. Only used around 10-15 since then and built 4 new frames.


You forgot that returning players and new players that started after Nightwave season 1 has no good source for Nitain Extract. Sure, ghoul bounties has them but tied to low RNG chance (5.95% at last stage only) and time limited? No thank you.

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Finally got around to looking at the numbers in the table that's in this thread. 

Looks like at least 32 are tied up in helmets that people can't get right now anyway, and another 18 are in clan research costs, which generally doesn't affect most newbs who enter an established clan. 

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On 2019-06-06 at 12:58 AM, Hexidextrous said:

I agree, it's so much harder to get Credits fast without them. I want the alerts back!

Have you tried playing the Index (assuming you've unlocked Neptune)?

I've started doing a run each day and I'm earning 75K per run just doing the low-risk category.


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It boggles my mind why DE has not brought back the quick alert system yet.

The quick alert system was successful for 6 years after all.

The grindy no fun to play nightwave system was semi passable for all of 6 minutes.

Just give it up already DE and return what you took from your gaming community - a quick and more fun way to play.

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