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Re release original Warframe!


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Только что, Drachnyn сказал:

A world without: good movement, good melee, 2 out 3 of my favorite frames and much content? eh I'm not very interested to be honest.

i believe not many people would be interested, but for nostalgy they should have the old version. maybe somebody will like it 

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53 minutes ago, vadiks2003 said:

i believe not many people would be interested, but for nostalgy they should have the old version. maybe somebody will like it 

Good point making maneuvers lmao.

I think not only would a lot of people like it, a lot will play it, and a lot will learn from it.

The only problem for DE of course, where da money at. They can't really release old warframe in a way with the market is... but maybe if the game was a paid game with no trading or something it'd be cool. Idk just an idea don't go getting butthurt someone who is going to reply to this.

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28 minutes ago, SutomuDrgn said:

cheesy pointless content.

.... I blame you all for your "suggestions", whoever made 'em...

yes, I'm automatically excluding myself from you all because I make no suggestions...

"y u no suggest?" because I use stuff like they're supposed to be used, so I never get any "creative ideas" to shove onto the Devs where 99% of them are pretty much scrapped outright, while the other 1% has like 2% of acceptance after being disassembled, reviewed and reworked, just to have 1% of the content from those 2% acceptance...

That said, I now exclude myself from this topic as well. ktnxbye

Edited by Uhkretor
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38 minutes ago, SutomuDrgn said:

warframe classic? tbh its gonna be ugly and clunky but i rather much play the older version again when it was alot more fun rather than now thats just basically cheesy pointless content.

Surely they could update the graphics and etc lol

Edited by (NSW)Drake_Remorea
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11 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

"y u no suggest?" because I use stuff like they're supposed to be used, so I never get any "creative ideas" to shove onto the Devs where 99% of them are pretty much scrapped outright, while the other 1% has like 2% of acceptance after being disassembled, reviewed and reworked, just to have 1% of the content from those 2% acceptance...

You're so right! How about No one suggests anything because barely anything gets accepted! And how about DE makes all the new content guessing what we want!

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30 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

.... I blame you all for your "suggestions", whoever made 'em...

yes, I'm automatically excluding myself from you all because I make no suggestions...

"y u no suggest?" because I use stuff like they're supposed to be used, so I never get any "creative ideas" to shove onto the Devs where 99% of them are pretty much scrapped outright, while the other 1% has like 2% of acceptance after being disassembled, reviewed and reworked, just to have 1% of the content from those 2% acceptance...

That said, I now exclude myself from this topic as well. ktnxbye

dude it is what it is idk what to tell u, if u dont care about whats going on here then y are u here? feedback and lessons are apart of any industry, business, or any part of life if u dont wanna accept that its just there hey its yur life im not in charge of it. sure not all suggestions are the greatest but not everything is supposed to be taken at face value and sometimes its their job to figure what would make a better outcome for their product in the long run from understanding why things turn out the way they do. would warframe classic be a hit? probly not but maybe ppl wouldnt miss the old warframe if they progressed the game in a better direction.

Edited by SutomuDrgn
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Warframe in 2013.

- Stamina Bar. You can swing Melee weapon about 2 to 3 times and damage are very low compare to guns. I think running also consume Stamina? I can't remember.

- Enemies level are about 20 to 30 max with highest Player's MR about 8 or 9. Since not a lots of weapon release at that time.

- Almost no Prime Frames or Prime Weapons.

- Shield have Armor. Making Shield very OP at that time.

- Stalker will almost certainly killed you. Even with Squard (Level 30 Stalker is very OP).

- Rhino is a Very OP Frame.

- Void need Keys.

- You have 3 Revive per day per Frame.

- No Trading.

- Etc. (Please add or fixed what I missed).

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51 minutes ago, NocheLuz said:

Warframe in 2013.

- Stamina Bar. You can swing Melee weapon about 2 to 3 times and damage are very low compare to guns. I think running also consume Stamina? I can't remember.

- Enemies level are about 20 to 30 max with highest Player's MR about 8 or 9. Since not a lots of weapon release at that time.

- Almost no Prime Frames or Prime Weapons.

- Shield have Armor. Making Shield very OP at that time.

- Stalker will almost certainly killed you. Even with Squard (Level 30 Stalker is very OP).

- Rhino is a Very OP Frame.

- Void need Keys.

- You have 3 Revive per day per Frame.

- No Trading.

- Etc. (Please add or fixed what I missed).

First off Rhino still OP lol.

Secondly, so? Games change, just because you don't wanna play it doesn't mean no one else does.

Also I'm sick of this sh*t, y'all complain the game is tooo easy, noo content, nooo new stuff. But you get something else, toooo hard, I don't want this content, this new stuff is boringggg. Ffs

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13 minutes ago, so_many_watermelons said:


lol maybe you just had to be there. I actually played the closed beta test. It's very different.

4 hours ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

Suuurreee cause everyone wants the nightmare of stamina bars again

And Nervos amirite?

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

Have no idea what that is but assuming bad

Nervos are like those little mines the seekers toss at you, but instead of blowing up, they paralyze you until a teammate shoots them off.


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4 hours ago, (NSW)Drake_Remorea said:

First off Rhino still OP lol.

Secondly, so? Games change, just because you don't wanna play it doesn't mean no one else does.

Also I'm sick of this sh*t, y'all complain the game is tooo easy, noo content, nooo new stuff. But you get something else, toooo hard, I don't want this content, this new stuff is boringggg. Ffs

First off, you missed the point. I'm not pointing the BAD but just pointing the FACTS about Warframe 2013. Warframes did update so much as a game. Most of the things did changed so players will have a easier and fun time with the game.

Secondly, I didn't say Rhino was only OP at that time. But because how low number the Warframe is and how the Iron skin works (Corpus didn't even have Nullification yet), Rhino is mostly first choice for most Players.

Lastly. IDK why you think I'm complain when I'm just layout the Facts. It's feel just like you can't accept it. A lot has change for a more fun experiece. It did make the game easier, but more fun for most people. If you don't have fun with current Warframe and have fun with past Warframe, don't mind me.

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