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Why the Hatred?

(XBOX)Skylar McCloud

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                     I picked up Warframe in March of 2017 and was instantly hooked. It's a very beautifuly designed and fun game. I've spent count less hours and if not over close to 1000.00 dollars at this point on Prime Access and Prime Vault and Xbox Market for platinum. I like DE's ideal for fair marketing and business practices. Warframe is a far from perfect game,one of the biggest problems is that the game does a very poor job at telling you about it's self. Who are you. That's revealed 100 hours into the game. What is your purpose and everything else about the game I learned 100% from Youtubers.

                            Brozime,WWYU and the Complete Rosters to learn what's good and what's MR Fodder. How Armor is calculated. AGGP for more advanced build advise. LifofRio,How to build for long distance survival runs and the best builds on weapons and team senergy for optimal KPS. iFlynn and many others. Which brings me to the subject of this post. Many Warframe content creators and partners, have announced that they are no longer going to make Warframe related videos. There's nothing they can say that hasn't already been said. They want to branch out and cover another game. The back lash from the community,has been toxic and disappointing. Sending them KYS messages,which would under any circumstance would be unacceptable in game. A once supportive community turning angry villager when someone who has been making content for years,decide they want to branch out into other mediums.

                          Why the Hatred? We all know this Warframe is a fun game,but once you've done everything in the game. Built every Focus Tree,collected every frame,weapon,companion,and vehicle. Collected every Arcane from Eidolon hunts to the point you have 4 R3 Arcane Energizes,and we all know how often that drops. Once you've made a let's build video for everything in the game,what else is there? All of the ones who are leaving the game are doing it for the same reason. There's nothing more to go over. The term "Fashion Frame Is The True Endgame" is not what some people are looking for. People are looking for sustainable content, as it stands. The only end game is Trade Chat which is lousy with Pirates,beggers,and scammers who want to low ball you and price gouge everyone else. Then the all time favorite. "If you don't like it play something else" then when they do announce that they're gonna play something else. It's time for the community to break out the pitch forks and tourches. Why? Warframe is a great game,but it's not the only great game out there. Veterans are leaving the game,because they've done everything in the game. There has not been any content in the past year and some change that's targeted for vets. Then when a glimmer of hope shown in for the vets for some top tier content. It was busted down for new player consideration.

                                   Vets. for the most part don't DE cares about them, because their feed back,suggestion,and ideas for more sustainable content seems to fall on deaf ears. The last quest to come out was Sacrifice and that was last year. There have been an over abundance of skin and Tennogenn drops,but this is 100% facts. Skins are not content.A make your own Guitar Hero,is not content. Even a new frame and weapon isn't considered content,because once you've ranked them to 30. Then what? Most of the content in the game really don't require an optimised build. For example 3 friends and I spent the plat for the Gauss bundle. We hent to Hydron 3 times to wave 30. Each run we started at unranked on all of our weapons and Gauss. no one went down or felt in danger of going down. So with that done,everyone went of to play a different game. I don't see how anyone could be mad at that,there was nothing else to do.

                               You can only beat a dead horse for so long before you decide to move on,and that's what these creators have been doing. They along with so many others in the Community have been messaging DE with suggestions on how to make the game and some Mediocer Frames better,but it seems to fall on deaf ears. So of course they're going to move on,and why they're getting so much Toxicity from a community that onced loved them is really disgraceful. I agree with the creators who asked people who are only there for Warframe content to please unsubscribe. That's a really rotten way to treat someone,who's tired of the same old same old and want to grow as a creator. To be treated with so much disrespect,is Shamefull. Not to them,but to the ones sending these hateful messages. KYS,and GFY. So to Rio,iFlynn,Summit,and all of the other Content Creators who want to branch out and grow their channel. I support ya and will watch for your new content.

                                    Note that I said New Content. 

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54 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

Pay closer attention to the game and people's feedback, and maybe you'll realize that there's a lot of truth to people's criticism. 

Please do tell? I fail to see a good reason why these Content Creators are recieving so much hate for wanting to cover other games.

Edited by (XB1)Skylar McCloud
mis spelling
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4 hours ago, (XB1)Skylar McCloud said:

Content Creators

I've been playing Warframe for quite a while, but this is the first time I've seen this term "Content Creators"

did I miss something?

are you referring to a specific team within DE who creates content?

did a search on the forum, couldn't find anything either...

Edited by BlackVortex
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considering the dev team livestream, there isent much for youtubers/streamers to do with content being worked on, the fact they want to try out other games is fine, the problem is, humans being idiotic, and they develop attachments to weird things, like games, and if your opinion seem to be against thier game (i'm quitting warframe and want to actually have fun doing new things) then of course those humans will raise bit......pitchforks.

they fail to understand that even if you love something to death, turning a blind eye to the state of it is never a good thing, and the state of the game is, it lack new content, and skins.... they are not actuall content, just fashion (how you think fartnut getting so much money? skins) so were DE to be able to make just a bit more content every year, playable content, it would be nice.

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Just people being people, honestly. The mistake most of these content creators made was letting themselves be pigeonholed into only being warframe YouTubers/streamers. Building you're whole Youtube career around only 1 game is always a bad idea, of course you get burned out after a while, that's only natural. But people on the internet are quite often scum and don't get that, all they see is that they can't have something (more warframe content) and lash out.

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15 hours ago, (XB1)Skylar McCloud said:

I'm on a console. The chat pad doesn't have a Tab. So space bar. 


I see. You only need like 4-5 spaces. Indents only need to be 3-4 characters in. They are also not required when putting spaces between paragraphs. Just to save you on some button presses in the future.

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Some thoughts on this:

  • Video game content creators almost always get backlash whenever they move onto a new game, especially if they're known for covering one game specifically. Warframe is no different in this respect, and I think focusing on just one game is especially conducive to burnout, which is why I think content creators who do more variety, or don't commit exclusively to a single game, tend to have better prospects, even if they may not have as much short-term popularity.
  • DE are a bit of a free spirit when it comes to implementing stuff the community asks for, which is why there's been a fair bit of frustration recently: an increasingly large number of veterans have been asking for fixes to core game systems, more replayable endgame activities, and so on, yet DE's updates to existing content have been spotty: we got the Jovian Concord recently, which I think is perhaps the game's most excellent update, but that's also in-between a lot of content addition update that doubled down on existing problems without fixing anything. Putting more stuff into Arbitrations is also unlikely to solve the issue.
  • There's unfortunately a lot of conflict within the playerbase because there are a lot of players who criticize the game, rightfully or otherwise, and feel they're being mostly ignored when they point out long-standing issues, but also a lot of players whose default stance is to defend the game and DE no matter what, because in their mind any criticism is a threat. Unfortunately, this only makes for noisy, unproductive discussion, which is one of the reasons why criticism doesn't always get addressed in a timely manner.
  • On the flipside, there's also this expectation from a lot of players that they can get their entire fix of video game fun from a single video game, and so forever. Warframe isn't the only game in this situation, and in general players tend to blame the game when they run out of things to do no matter how much time they've spent, or how much free time they've got each day to blaze through available content. This isn't a healthy mentality, though in all fairness Warframe itself is fuelling this fire by intentionally positioning itself as this live service-y game that demands constant attention and commitment.

So all in all, I think there are three things that could help address this:

  • DE needs to listen to veterans a little more, and make sure that there's more content like Sorties that can be replayed endlessly at high levels. Putting more loot in ESO and Arbitrations is only a limited solution.
  • DE should perhaps unclench a little on its more live service-y systems by giving players room to take breaks and come back later, or otherwise play other games alongside Warframe, rather than marry themselves to the game, then go through a messy divorce once there's nothing left to do.
  • On our part, as a community we need to accept that people are allowed to give criticism, and that this criticism is in fact valuable to the game if it informs us how it can grow. So long as we keep trying to white knight DE and Warframe on every flaw, DE will keep getting mixed messages, and that's not good for anyone.
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the problem are not the content creators but the one following them, if a content creator wants to move on or cover other topic o diversify himself he can do it, I dont see why so many people backlash them, its hard to compete with the games creators themselves taking into account that DE its not the fastest developer there its.

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Everyone in here is a Avocado, a White Knight, a Troll, a Min/Maxer,, a Casual, a TryHard, a Barbie Framer, a Fan Boy, a Hater..Everyone...Everyone in here and Reddit and Twitter and FaceBook and Twitch, on and on that is playing Warframe or has an account with De and is interested in this game is all of these names at the same time or at any given moment of the week or how they feel at the time..they'll be the hater for one day or the fan boy the next... 

Now you have a group of B-Team drama kids with video equipment basically feeling the pain of the YouTubes reality that their gonna need a second job there PewdiePie lite...So they are moving on to other games... fine...but, they are basically doing the video version of "I'm leaving and here's an essay on why I'm leaving" that shows up in the forums...And now what happens when one of those shows up on any given forum in any given genera?...

They get the business end of the internet being the internet...The end..

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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