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Glaives are seriously underpowered now


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so im loving the new melee update.. BUT there is only 1 complaint. the glaives are bad!
(following statements are about throwing ability!)
i noticed the falcor which HAD the best target tracking of all glaives is now.. crap. and damage is... well crap.
my Glaive prime.. yeah El Garbo! 
infact there is just Nada going on.
i wish the glaives throw was more like the Phahd amp and less Wolf Sledge.
the falcor use to be the best and now its just ... it comes near a door or a wall... or a heavy breeze and it just bouces off deals previous fang prime damage and then comes flying back (sometimes just to blow up in my face). 
is anyone else having issues with the glaives an finding them seriously lack luster now?

one of the other issues is its hard to get a glaive as good as other melee weapons BECAUSE the extra mods you use to make the throw better.
bonce +/-. punch thru, projectile speed. these things use up slots and you lose damage. the throws need to be given either a buff or become the heavy attack (even when off handing) . even if its at a reduced dmg rate compaired to other weapons. but i dont feel that they have enough love put into them as say fang prime, hate, machete, an things like that got. they kinda feel like they got nerfed when everything else got buffed.

anyways if anyone else is having issues let me know or am i stuck in my ways an not seeing the new builds for them.


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Yes, I have noticed it and it is a serious problem with the glaive, to the point if this is how its supposed to operate It might be time to move on from Warframe. Where throwing the glaive used to travel quite a distance, now it barely travels a few feet, and the aiming reticule can face the target while the glaive travels in a completely direction, where ever the frame is facing. I appreciate new upgrades, but this is a complete show stopper. Melee 2.0 has killed the glaive.

I’m with you, Ark.

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3 hours ago, ArkThanatos said:

anyways if anyone else is having issues let me know or am i stuck in my ways an not seeing the new builds for them.

The "throw" portion of the heavy attack does not consume combo, so you can run weeping wounds and blood rush to full effect, and then have your throws be a bit more powerful at high combo with a theoretical 100% status chance (although my testing with 12x combo and Weeping wounds is still not proc'ing status at 100%).

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5 hours ago, ArkThanatos said:

i noticed the falcor which HAD the best target tracking of all glaives is now..

Not just the Falcor, but the Orvius as well. Both Glaives' gimmicks were removed when dual wielding remaining oddly exclusive to Melee only (meaning no homing, Orvius's suspension, and it only detonates on a successful charged throw).

Speaking of the Orvius, they surprisingly made its ability even more inconsistent now. I don't understand why all Glaives act the same now with dual wielding; dual wielding isn't that overpowered.

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Archmelee needs the same treatment. It's fundamentally useless right now. I know folks have a bad habit of being hyperbolic on the forums about THEIR issue, but you're spot on. Glaives and archmelee are fundamentally dead, so we just need to keep eyes on it, so they can adjust it, through effective constructive posts like this! That being said, this should probably be in the feedback forum, so they see it.

Edited by M3tallius
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12 hours ago, Diavoros said:

Glaive Prime was always the only glaive type weapon worth using since it could be used for combos and throwing, and guess what? it's still the best glaive for combos and throwing.

i loved my Falcor, it use to take out level 100s and it would actually bounce between different targets.. but now it flys near any terrain and it runs off scared and only sometimes hits a target. even if you hit someone it is very unlikely to hit another target now, the glaive prime was hard hitting but it wasnt worth a damn with rebound as its tracking was crap, but its damage was amazing. the falcor was ok dmg (i rivened mine) and its tracking was the best. but now... nada, an its not like it was OP to use in dual weld as u had to STOP shooting an wind up a shot.. then start shooting (probably at something i just killed anyways). 

so im sad now, i use to love using a Zylok\Vaykor Merlock\Lato vandal and falcor combo...or a zakti .. and it was just fun as hell running about with those weapon combos... but now.. nah its gone. glaives are dead. they seriously need to fix this as it was one of the few things that died hard in the Melee rework. ... also now i have 2 rivens (glaive prime an falcor) that do nothing and all the glaives gathering dust till they get fixed... like the ferrox (still broken!) 

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I'd be happy if they'd return detonate on impact. Manual detonation doesn't cut it when you fire and forget. It slows combat forcing me to stair at my target long enough to guess the right timing to detonate. Instead of knowing it will explode when it hits the targets feet and moving to the next target with my secondary/primary or power. 

Beyond that the glaives work great. I notice better range and a lot more base damage. On Xbox Heavy throw is bound to right thumbstick which lets me aim them way better. Just need that explosion on impact without manually doing it. 

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Unfortunately I uninstalled the game. I never complained about anything in this game, even when something bothered me, but taking from orvius what made it unique was the last straw for me. Since orvius came into the game I have never used another melee so tastefully and for so long, it is my main weapon and my greatest pleasure has always been throwing it and seeing a trapped enemy floating, now I don't have it anymore. I've been playing warframe since I bought my PS4 as soon as the console launched, bought platinum to support the game but I can't go any further. It is one thing to nerf something and something else entirely to take from it what makes it unique. Not to mention that orvius was never op and not the most used weapon in the game. Well, when you fix that, I'll be right back, hopefully you guys can keep having fun with this fantastic game.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)foo_luke said:

Unfortunately I uninstalled the game. I never complained about anything in this game, even when something bothered me, but taking from orvius what made it unique was the last straw for me. Since orvius came into the game I have never used another melee so tastefully and for so long, it is my main weapon and my greatest pleasure has always been throwing it and seeing a trapped enemy floating, now I don't have it anymore. I've been playing warframe since I bought my PS4 as soon as the console launched, bought platinum to support the game but I can't go any further. It is one thing to nerf something and something else entirely to take from it what makes it unique. Not to mention that orvius was never op and not the most used weapon in the game. Well, when you fix that, I'll be right back, hopefully you guys can keep having fun with this fantastic game.

Uhh, the orvius stll does that (its a little buggy though). You have to hold block and do heavy throw.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)foo_luke said:

Isnt fluid, break the flow of the combat. Its not enough to bring me back.

i agree. i mean the Orvius was pretty good with its tracking. not as good as falcors but better then the rest and i like its mechanic. but its just, it doesn't work anymore because they are buggy an weak. 
the fact they use more mods as well because of their mechanics. so rebounds, punch thru and flight speed, that means they can be weaker because of the fact. these could use an Exilus slot tbh ... just dont lock it. leave it unlocked! 


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12 hours ago, ArkThanatos said:

i loved my Falcor, it use to take out level 100s and it would actually bounce between different targets.. but now it flys near any terrain and it runs off scared and only sometimes hits a target.

Are you talking about it "bouncing" off terrain when it doesn't get close enough or not being able to go through open doors? It seems the physical range of glaives was also changed in the update in addition to range from reach mods giving a fixed range increase (not necessarily a bad thing). If you have any reach mods on take them off.

10 hours ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

I'd be happy if they'd return detonate on impact. Manual detonation doesn't cut it when you fire and forget. It slows combat forcing me to stair at my target long enough to guess the right timing to detonate. Instead of knowing it will explode when it hits the targets feet and moving to the next target with my secondary/primary or power.

Actually I find it not that bad. I went through my phase of throwing grenades, after you get used to pressing the button a second time when it reaches where you want it it's not bad. Before you ask no, I don't throw and look at it. It's a timing and awareness skill that takes a little bit to build (like tracking how many seconds go by while talking to someone).

I seem to remember ways to MAKE it explode on impact. Try shorting down your glaive's bounces down to 1 and/or use the "Power Throw" mod at rank-0. I remember getting even the Falcor to explode when touching anything (caused more trouble than it sounds).

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How to do "Charged Throw"?

From wiki: Update 26.0 glaive changes. Heavy attackThrow attack. Holding attackCharged throw attack. Heavy attack while glaive in midair → return + radial attack. Attack while glaive in midair → return.

From The Old Blood: Hotfix 26.0.7 :‘Hold Melee’ will now perform heavy attack like it did before Phase 2.


=> Heavy attackthrow attackHold Melee → Heavy attackThrow attack ; ??? → Charged throw attack


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On 2019-11-22 at 8:36 AM, (PS4)foo_luke said:

Unfortunately I uninstalled the game. I never complained about anything in this game, even when something bothered me, but taking from orvius what made it unique was the last straw for me. Since orvius came into the game I have never used another melee so tastefully and for so long, it is my main weapon and my greatest pleasure has always been throwing it and seeing a trapped enemy floating, now I don't have it anymore. I've been playing warframe since I bought my PS4 as soon as the console launched, bought platinum to support the game but I can't go any further. It is one thing to nerf something and something else entirely to take from it what makes it unique. Not to mention that orvius was never op and not the most used weapon in the game. Well, when you fix that, I'll be right back, hopefully you guys can keep having fun with this fantastic game.

Maybe wait to see if they fix/hot fix it?

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