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Orbiter Feedback


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I have compiled a list of my complaints and critiques.

  • All of the unique views are gone--replaced by a boring generic splotch of empty space with a few asteroids, with the actual planets often behind you or no where to be seen.  The fact that squadmates ships appear (like Earth) off to the right makes me believe that someone borked the code.  The ship is oriented 90 degrees to port and needs to be adjusted.
  • The paint is all jacked up and battle scarred inside for some bizarre reason which does away with the glossy/metallic paint in favor of a primer/matte finish that makes your orbiter look like a hoopty that was abandoned on the curb of sesame street.  The paint scar slider thing doesn't go far enough.  Has no effect on the floor or arsenal.  Must match scar color to paint color to remove it.
  • The robotics slot is identical to the incubator, and yet a tiny bit lower.  This upsets my OCD and forces the sentinels to hover a bit under eye level which makes it feel oppressed.  I would bring this into parity with its counterpart across the floor.
  • The foundry doesn't appear to "construct" a particular item like it used to (showing a ghostly version under construction) instead now just a generic bunch of cubes in a row.  This is a step backwards.  Why you would chose to purposefully make something less immersive is beyond me. Edit:  apparently this is not the case for all items.
  • Then there is the "skylight."  When you look closely at it in the glare you can see the texture of it is like scarred ice.  Not sure if this is intended or not, but looks strange.  The OBNOXIOUS light that it sheds on the floor comes from no source at all.  One could argue that one of those "stars" outside is the source of the light, but what is the deal with several stars so big they look like they are all right there in the solar system.  If you told me one was the sun (which I assume is the fuzzy red thing ((why is it red?)) light behind the asteroids) that would be okay, but what about the other 4 or 5 I can easily see?  It is alienating and immersion breaking. 
  • And--this is just personal--it makes me feel awkward and naked having that huge hole above the main hull of my spacecraft.  An option for some sort of shutter would be nice. 
  • Some decorations cast shadows, but can look awkward when they are detached and floating.  I had a wrench hanging from one of the dangling wires.  The wrench began casting a strong shadow on the floor, but the cables cast no shadow.  Had to move it.

All in all, I think this is an example of something nobody was asking for, but could have been awesome.  One star.

Edited by tekmansam
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Agree. This "broken" new part does not match all other "old" rooms that are clean and shiny. Not to say I fear they start spreading this skin everywhere and we end with a "full new orbiter" that has scraches everywhere and looks we don't care about the paint and cover it with decorations everywhere to hide it, but this is not what I expected. At least, give us the choice to keep the old version instead of imposing this "new" version.

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While I personally enjoy the new window I found the view outside it to be disappointing. As for the rest I completely agree with the OP. Something that would be nice is more interactive stuff in my orbiter such as a button open close shutters or blast doors across the window from both sides. While I will give your art department kudos for a job well done on the quality of the battle damage of that room the fact is I never asked for battle damage and find it quite infuriating. How about you clean up the room back up with a fresh coat of nice shiny paint and high polish floors we once had and make the battle damage paint job a new skin for the orbiter that can be farmed or paid for or both.

All in all, The window wasn't worth the installation team screwing up my paint job and replacing my equipment with outdated Hewlett Packard printers.

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Hello everbody,

unfortunately, I can barely speak English.

So I translated this text with you google translate and i hope that it remains understandable.

In the German forum, all moderators are very nice, but there is almost no active community of players to talk to.

Personally, I find the new room very ugly.

Why these heavy scratches, the new workspace looks like this as if I had just started with Warframe and would have a level one DropShip?

Normally it means that you get used to it, but it feels like a foreign body.

Every Time. 

Please do not get me wrong, but this room is the center of the game if I am not in a mission.

And the middle is just not my co-op dojo, which is more of a side project.

It is also not this remote storage room for decorations that otherwise has no function.

It is this room in the middle of the belly of my ship.

The room which i am Chat, cuddle my Kubrow, build things, equip my Warframe, prepare for the mission.

And I wish so much this room is bright, friendly and beautiful.

At the moment he is just a bleak dark ugly room.

A window with a dark and overwhelming view.

Cold scratch walls.

Dirty ground.

And an incubator who looks like he's printing a Kubrow in 3D.

It's okay if others love this look.

But because it does not affect the game.

Give those who do not like the chance to change.


Thx for read community.

Edited by xXx_Shining_Moon_xXx
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I like the more spacious central room and don't mind the big glass roof. What I really can't stand are the scratched up walls and the dirty floors. Please give us an optional clean skin.




12 hours ago, tekmansam said:

The foundry doesn't appear to "construct" a particular item like it used to


12 hours ago, tekmansam said:

All of the unique views are gone--replaced by a boring generic splotch of empty space

 Maybe this is just because they didn't have time to finish it before the update? Hopefully it'll be patched...

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My major problem with it, is that it's soo dimly lit. It's very dark compared to our previous orbiter. Maybe give some option to make the detail lighting emit more light, or I don't know. But it's depressingly dark right now. It's even pretty dark at the arsenal. Yeah the shadows look cool and stuff, but when you're gonna recolor things, or just fashionframe anything, you barely can see a thing. The darkness is cool in some dark sector missions, etc. but in the orbiter it doesn't feel right, and when you're changing the appearance of things, it's also very inconvenient.
The roof window looks pretty cool though, and it overall feels more spacious.

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One thing I don't like with the new design is the kind of atmosphere it gives off. In the old orbiter, the navigation section was your main window out into the hostility of space, while the heart of the orbiter (foundry, arsenal etc.) was closed off, safe behind thick walls and had its own lighting to your preference, be it darker mood lighting or bright white, depending on what you picked. 

In the new orbiter, the heart is all exposed to space through the giant skylight. What's more, the skylight is the main source of light. The arsenal, foundry etc have no backlight of their own. This makes these stations feel like they are always away from the focus of the room, which is the skylight. Kinda like watching a movie at the cinema and someone leaves the door open. The arsenal is veiled in shadow unless you turn off certain graphics options (and that is NOT good design if that's intended, which I doubt). This means that design-wise, you are more vulnerable than ever, and all of your workstations are removed from focus. "Don't customize your warframe, Tenno. Look at that empty corner illuminated by the skylight!" What the skylight DOES bring focus to is the dirty floor and scuffed walls, further imposing a sense of disuse and abandonment, which matches perfectly with the new open space design. This is not your home, it is a wreck, an old abandoned thing that COULD be a home. If this was a scene for a quest where we first find the orbiter, long abandoned but still humming, it would perfectly give us those vibes.

This would fit a new player experience maybe, but is not representative of a veteran experience and is jarring. Especially compared to our so-far unchanged areas like the personal quarters. One answer would be "well, maybe they'll sell skins" and while that would be cool, it would be a sour experience to have a comfy orbiter taken away from us only to be bought back with platinum. So what I'm really hoping for is maybe a toggle option in the future, and definitely a way for the workstations to get more of a visual pop, preferably through some backlights or spotlights.

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New orbiter is ugly with grineer style texturing on everything i.e. scratches everywere.

I much preferred the more claustrophobic lock of the old orbiter, it actually gave us the impression of a military veichle with minimum space allocated to creature comfort...

This new version is change for the sake of change and it looks ugly.

Give me back my kozy assault craft!

Edited by Ikusias
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It is WAY too dark and i HATE the scratches. None wants that! Before it was cozy and pretty, now i feel depressed just going into that room. It looks like a hospital or something. Cold, dark and "sterile" in the look. Can they please change so you chose the loook you want yourself. I dont like the changes at all.

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Haven't played for months. Come back to Warframe to see what's new.
First, I nonchalantly move to my arsenal... and BAM ! What did they do to my beautiful ship ? Why is it so battered and ugly ?
And it's just the main room. The other rooms are like they used to be, how I liked them...

Seriously DE ? And no option to revert to the original cosy, pristine and perhaps a bit "Submarine like" interior I liked so much ?

And I just noticed the new frame, don't start me on how it looks. T_T.

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I hate, loathe and detest the new interior of my orbiter. Even with the new slider to lessen the scuff marks there are still some scuff marks!! The lighting is horrible. Really glaring when you look up and overall cold looking. And yet when I went to alter the colours of my sentinel I could barely see the detail because that area is so dark!

It looks like they have soldered part of a completely different ship on to the rest of it. The look offends me XD 

Please can we at least have the option to have the old interior back.

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When I walk into my orbiter the first thing I notice is the scratches. They gave the slider to adjust this. It goes from neglected to completely trashed. It'd make sense if we were day 1 Tenno just taking the over the orbiter for the very first time for a few missions until we could afford to get some paint. Afterwards it makes no sense.

Second things I noticed are the fuse/data/expansion cards box like things.They're hanging from every major terminal minus the relic station. Couple issues with them. Why are they all filled with 2 of 3 of whatever they're supposed to be? Why are they all open? It looks like they're intended to slide up the rails and into the thing they're hanging down from and THAT part then slides into the stations themselves. Yet the handles on the fuse/data/expansion cards would prevent this from happening at all. Plus the rails themselves don't look like they've got any wires/circuits in them so whatever these boxes are supposed to do they aren't currently doing. So these boxes are more proof that we're incompetent at maintaining this orbiter. Whats WORSE about these though is that when they redesigned the pet station the closing doors clips THROUGH this thing. The pet station has all of ONE animation and nobody thought to prevent clipping?

Lastly, why is it so dark? Are we supposed to be trying to hide the neglect?

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Yeah, the "wear and tear" slider doesn't go far enough in the pristine direction. I can accept the floor being scuffed up, but I can't accept the Arsenal wall always having peeling paint no matter how low I set the slider. Considering the Arsenal is the one station we spend our time looking at the most by a wide margin, why was that the only wall which doesn't get fully fixed when setting that slider to its minimum setting? And while I CAN accept the floor being scuffed up... Why not tie that into the "wear and tear" slider, too?

I'll second the request for a shutter. I'm not opposed to having a skylight at all - I thought it looked pretty. However, if it bothers people then I don't see the harm in adding a way to close it. While we're at it - why are all the glass panels so thin in the Orbiter? Granted, I can't judge the depth of a glass panel by looking through it, but I CAN look at the channel it fits in, and that channel is pretty thin. Grineer get these 50cm thick glass slabs in the Sealab, but we have to make do with with standard quarter in thick window glass? Come on, now. I know Warframe is "weird," but sometimes showing a bit of the engineering behind the weirdness can add to the sense of verisimilitude.

And I'll also agree with the light directionality - it doesn't match anything. Light direction should match the sun, period. None of the other celestial bodies cast nearly as much light. If you can only have a single light direction, match it to the sun. Yes, that does mean changing light direction depending on what planet the Orbiter is near, but surely that can be done in run-time. I'm severely disappointed that Warframe STILL doesn't seem to use real-time environmental lighting and STILL largely relies on precalculated shadow maps, but can we at least vary those calculations at load time to give a slightly different experience?

I personally genuinely like and prefer the new Orbiter, but there's a lot of work left to do on it.

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35 minutes ago, GruntBlender said:

And that would mean changing intensity too. More light closer to the sun, less light further away. Give each planet a slightly different feel to be near.

Granted, but if one is doable so should the other. Colour, intensity and direction should all be changeable once you start recalculating all of the light maps.

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38 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

recalculating all of the light maps

Fun experiment: stand in your arsenal, look straight down, walk to the starboard pide of the orbiter. Keep an eye on your shadow. Don't even need multiple lightmaps, just a general one based on ambient occlusion for decent looking ambient shadows and a moving shadow-casting light representing the sun. Honestly, interior lights don't even need dynamic shadows, ambient occlusion is sufficient for those, the sun is the only real point source that matters. The arsenal light could do the same while you're changing appearance, but doesn't need to be always on.

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38 minutes ago, GruntBlender said:

Fun experiment: stand in your arsenal, look straight down, walk to the starboard pide of the orbiter. Keep an eye on your shadow. Don't even need multiple lightmaps, just a general one based on ambient occlusion for decent looking ambient shadows and a moving shadow-casting light representing the sun. Honestly, interior lights don't even need dynamic shadows, ambient occlusion is sufficient for those, the sun is the only real point source that matters. The arsenal light could do the same while you're changing appearance, but doesn't need to be always on.

I was careful to say "light map" rather than "shadow map" (and had to fix my terminology several times) for this precise reason. In my experience, most if not all of the environmental lighting in Warframe is precalculated and stored in light maps alongside object textures. That's why you'll often see nonsense like the Corpus Ice Planet, where a room lit brightly via light maps still displays your Warframe in as near pitch-black. Lighting was cahced using much brighter lights than the actual dynamic lights in the area which only objects but not the environment. It's also why every time DE do anything, they break lighting everywhere - because they break whatever forgery they use to generate their light maps.

Basically what I'm saying is that to change cached lighting, you need to recalculate all of the environmental light maps, at least in areas near windows. As long as you're recalculating the light maps, you may as well also change light colour and light intensity on top of changing direction 🙂

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10 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

As long as you're recalculating the light maps, you may as well also change light colour and light intensity on top of changing direction

Couldn't you use the lightmap as a sort of monochrome base, then dynamically change the color and intensity based on what light source is present? The light from the sun in the new orbiter isn't just mapped, it's baked into the textures themselves. Would it honestly be that big a performance hitch to give us a single dynamic shadow generating light source in the tiny orbiter? Heck, there ar emultiple sources that give dynamic shadows to some decorations already.

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6 minutes ago, GruntBlender said:

Couldn't you use the lightmap as a sort of monochrome base, then dynamically change the color and intensity based on what light source is present? The light from the sun in the new orbiter isn't just mapped, it's baked into the textures themselves. Would it honestly be that big a performance hitch to give us a single dynamic shadow generating light source in the tiny orbiter? Heck, there ar emultiple sources that give dynamic shadows to some decorations already.

Why bother, though? The Orbiter is a pretty small space and I'm pretty sure Warframe is perfectly capable of recalculating lightmaps at runtime. That's not exactly a costly action and likely wouldn't have much of an impact on Orbiter loading times. In my admittedly dated experience, it's simpler to just recalculate your light maps at zone load, add a bit of overhead to the loading screen and not worry about apportioning it.

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