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railjack time gate is a joke


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49 minutes ago, MetalicSharpShooter said:

Edit: Did I forget to mention 16 Argon Crystals (good luck getting that much in mot with the X4 damage multiplier), plus new components added to the game solely  to send the player on a farming goose chase?

I mean, I've done MOT survivals of over 5 hours no worries so that's not a problem. But why would I go to MOT when I can get that in 10 minutes using other methods? Maybe you're just mad cos you're bad and bad cos you're mad.

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Just now, -CdG-Zilchy said:

Lol you sound like a spolit baby now. This is actually better for a casual like you cos you don't have to rush and grind everything right away. Not being able to research the next thing the very second you can due to life commitments is going to make no difference whatsoever, this will be nightwave where we finish with a few weeks of waiting left over. Wr already know what resources we need for all this so stop throwing your toys out of the pram, farm the resources and then go back to doing whatever else you enjoy in the game. 

You lost all credit you had by going on  an entitled swear filled rant that just makes you look like a spoiled brat and I reiterate, I was bang on the money, you'd DEFINITELY be the type to complain there's no content if you could rush all the research.

and you know I'd complain about there being no content how? just because I don't believe a 12 hour waiting game is not real content? never once have I complained about there being no content in warframe. you're projecting a bunch of unfounded bullS#&$ on to me based on you wanting to defend. a 12 hour waiting game is not real content. period. my use of harsh language does not affect my arguments, your cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics affect yours however. You have yet to give a good reason as to why there should be an unskippable 12 hour wait. What would you do if any other devs did this sort of thing? What would you do if all dev's did this? Would you not be pissed that bite sized content is being needlessly stretched and inflated into a hollow shell of what it could be for no reason? Would it make you jaded that you would have to wait 12 hours for content you paid for? give me a real reason other than "BeCAusE RaIl JaCK iS sTiLl a MoNTh AwAy" because that argument is about as reliable as a flaccid penis is at breaking bricks.

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3 minutes ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

I mean, I've done MOT survivals of over 5 hours no worries so that's not a problem. But why would I go to MOT when I can get that in 10 minutes using other methods? Maybe you're just mad cos you're bad and bad cos you're mad.

your petty childish jabs at me just prove that you can't really defend your points what so ever.

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5 minutes ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

I mean, I've done MOT survivals of over 5 hours no worries so that's not a problem. But why would I go to MOT when I can get that in 10 minutes using other methods? Maybe you're just mad cos you're bad and bad cos you're mad.

also when railjack is fully available, new players will have to deal with this 3 day wait when they join and complete the necessary quests. should they have to deal with this crap? no they shouldn't. they're likely to say 3 days and the amount of resources required ain't worth it.

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vor 18 Minuten schrieb MetalicSharpShooter:

your petty childish jabs at me just prove that you can't really defend your points what so ever.

Actually, you are childish now. You make false equivalences and make assumptions about other peoples lives. I think Warframe is not the right game for you. There are other communities were the 'qualities' of yours, will fit right in.

Edited by Prexades
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You know the thing that hit me when I thought about it?

The 6 million credit cost is far and away the largest resource cost of the entire Railjack.

Even something like 30 Orokin Cells is not that hard to farm, I mean hek, spending time on Ceres to farm the components that drop from there can give them anyway.

I can't figure out why the Credit cost is so disproportionately high compared to the resource costs, the Kavat incubator segment requires about 100,000 more alloy plate than a Railjack for crying out loud.

Edited by Aldain
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10 minutes ago, MetalicSharpShooter said:

and you know I'd complain about there being no content how? just because I don't believe a 12 hour waiting game is not real content? never once have I complained about there being no content in warframe. you're projecting a bunch of unfounded bullS#&$ on to me based on you wanting to defend. a 12 hour waiting game is not real content. period. my use of harsh language does not affect my arguments, your cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics affect yours however. You have yet to give a good reason as to why there should be an unskippable 12 hour wait. What would you do if any other devs did this sort of thing? What would you do if all dev's did this? Would you not be pissed that bite sized content is being needlessly stretched and inflated into a hollow shell of what it could be for no reason? Would it make you jaded that you would have to wait 12 hours for content you paid for? give me a real reason other than "BeCAusE RaIl JaCK iS sTiLl a MoNTh AwAy" because that argument is about as reliable as a flaccid penis is at breaking bricks.

Because you're acting like a spoilt child for all to see, stamping your feet and yelling like a toddler. At this point none of us are going to take you seriously. You have yet to give a good reason why having a skip would do a damn thing, I've replied to all the points you tried to make. It doesn't phase me either way, I'm behind compared to a few clan mates on the research and you know what? It won't change a thing, well all still be waiting for the content to drop with all research done weeks ago. You're new, I'm not, I've seen this dance play out many many times before and I'm not concerned by it. 

P.S. swearing constantly doesn't affect your cognitive state you're right. But it makes you look like an 8 year old to everyone else.

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11 minutes ago, MetalicSharpShooter said:

also when railjack is fully available, new players will have to deal with this 3 day wait when they join and complete the necessary quests. should they have to deal with this crap? no they shouldn't. they're likely to say 3 days and the amount of resources required ain't worth it.

I answered that to someone else. They'll probably be able to taxi off another player by that stage. If they're new enough like yourself they'll have to grind for the resources anyway and that'll take time.

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7 minutes ago, Aldain said:

You know the thing that hit me when I thought about it?

The 6 million credit cost is far and away the largest resource cost of the entire Railjack.

Even something like 30 Orokin Cells is not that hard to farm, I mean hek, spending time on Ceres to farm the components that drop from there can give them anyway.

I can't figure out why the Credit cost is so disproportionately high compared to the resource costs, the Kavat incubator segment requires about 100,000 more alloy plate than a Railjack for crying out loud.

Ehhhh. They always do dumb stuff like that. Orokin cells I have 1600 so no problem there lol, got 30 while farming the new resources.

Edited by -CdG-Zilchy
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Just now, -CdG-Zilchy said:

Ehhhh. They always do dumb stuff like that. Orokin cells I have 1600 so no problem there lol, got 30 while farming the new resources.

I managed to bolster my stock thanks to the Limbo tip by the way, thanks for that.

...Now all I need to do is 3 million credits worth of Index runs...on the Switch where index runs are mostly dead.

Pray for me, or at least mail me some tacos so I don't starve while running it X_X.

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2 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I managed to bolster my stock thanks to the Limbo tip by the way, thanks for that.

...Now all I need to do is 3 million credits worth of Index runs...on the Switch where index runs are mostly dead.

Pray for me, or at least mail me some tacos so I don't starve while running it X_X.

Oh no problem, glad it helped 🙂

If you were on PC I could give you a clan to join 😉

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Just now, -CdG-Zilchy said:

If you were on PC I could give you a clan to join 😉

If I ever do come back to PC with my old account I'll likely take you up on that offer, especially since the clan I joined just for research purposes when I was a newbie has likely purged me...or disintegrated, it was always a deadish clan and I can't even remember the name of it. 

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I think this is a brilliant setup.

The time gate allows me to farm plenty of what I need at every step and since I work full time I can just come back and finish at the end of my shift.

Chill out mining for the new resources and frantic index runs for the cash.

(Your building something bloody big. Alot of resource and alot of cash. )

And over all its not that big of a deal.

If we get battle cruisers they won't be built in a few days. Maybe a week or more.

Nothing needs to be right here right now.

You'll just burn through everything and then have nothing to do.

So just chill out and go through it and then afterwards you'll be saying "What the hell was I fussing for."

It will work out okay. 😁



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4 minutes ago, Aldain said:

If I ever do come back to PC with my old account I'll likely take you up on that offer, especially since the clan I joined just for research purposes when I was a newbie has likely purged me...or disintegrated, it was always a deadish clan and I can't even remember the name of it. 

Oof. Mate anytime, you're one of the good ones. I'm one of the Warlords in Coup de Grace, created in 2013. Currently 6 dojos, both casual and competitive, these days it's more of a family of mates who've been playing for years, very friendly place.  Tell ya what, fitting 5 drydocks yesterday was not fun lol...

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4 minutes ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

Tell ya what, fitting 5 drydocks yesterday was not fun lol...

I'm going to have to fit mine too...I'm currently building an elevator to a 4th level just for the Drydock.

Thankfully I managed to make my solo dojo on Switch exactly as I intended, it is designed like a large starcruiser, mostly one straight line with multiple levels.

I can only imagine how much time making 5 of them fit properly would take.

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9 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I'm going to have to fit mine too...I'm currently building an elevator to a 4th level just for the Drydock.

Thankfully I managed to make my solo dojo on Switch exactly as I intended, it is designed like a large starcruiser, mostly one straight line with multiple levels.

I can only imagine how much time making 5 of them fit properly would take.

I just basically said "1 direction of the Dojo is now Drydock" so "North, South, East, Drydock" 😄

To get it the right way round, look for a spiky bit on the entrance in the placement diagram. The other 2 side passages don't have this spiky sided edge to them, they're fuller. You'll know when you see it.

I mainly had issues with buildings downstairs that had to be relocated ie generators and barracks.

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Just now, -CdG-Zilchy said:

I just basically said "1 direction of the Dojo is now Drydock" so "North, South, East, Drydock" 😄

That probably would be easier than the absurdity that I've done...especially considering that I've made a large dojo...that only I and occasional trade partners come into.

I should do a room count some day, I can only imagine how much Forma I've sunk into it over the year or so that the Switch version has been up.

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Bear in mind this isn't just for us, this is for everyone down the line. This might be part of the reason we get Rising Tides as prep time. People joining specifically for Railjack will think it'll suck, I grant you, but for a new player fresh off the block a little while after Empyrean launches? Well, it'll be like the Eidolons for them. This massive goal that it takes them a long time to surpass. Assuming the research isn't per-clan that is, but from what I've heard it's per-player.

Once they do however, this aspirational goal opens even more content up to them, magnifying the scope of the game even further than it already was. That sounds pretty good to me.

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If you do each railjack piece back-to-back it takes 3days. Less time than making a full warframe from components to final build. It's fine.

If you wait over 8-10hrs to start the next piece thats not anyones fault. 
set an alarm if its done at like 1am. but if you start the builds like 8am, then itll be done at 8pm then 8am again. 

Go farm some lich's or something you don't have MR for and wait. Farm more of the new mats because it's likely to get used for upgrades in the future

or get a back-up game to play to wait

Edited by Vesiga
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1 minute ago, Mikaer88 said:

With all that RNG layers in the Kuva Lich System, my expectations was actually a bit worse compare to what they implemented now.

Yeah. TBH, that worried me as well. What we've got is actually pretty good though. Sure, we've gotten only one part of the Railjack system, but presumably this is helping us get into it and should act as somewhat of the standard for a while. Wait times and resource gates. Since we can assume many of the new resources won't be acquired through Warframe gameplay but Railjack gameplay, hopefully DE can actually strike while the iron is hot, prevent all the hyperinflation problems before they happen this time?

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32 minutes ago, Aldain said:

That probably would be easier than the absurdity that I've done...especially considering that I've made a large dojo...that only I and occasional trade partners come into.

I should do a room count some day, I can only imagine how much Forma I've sunk into it over the year or so that the Switch version has been up.

I had future expansions in mind so while I wanted to keep it near the research and have the aesthetic touch off the main spawn room, I also didn't want complications later if we need to build something else. 

I don't want to think about that, I've funded the research for at least dojos and helped fund others by this point, all our Warlords just chuck in their resources for each new dojo.

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