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(PC) Empyrean: Bug Report Megathread


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Went into a railjack mission a day or so ago, the host left and I migrated, completed the mission solo and hit dojo to return to dojo. Their ship overrode aspects of my ship IE: My ships name, and I also gained a bonus to my avionics capacity although that canceled out when I re-selected my reactor, but for a bit I had a larger avionics capacity (which persisted through missions).

Edited by --Q--Faye
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Oh yeah by the by can we do something about that weird thing with RJ doors when you have any kind of latency you get stuck on the doorframes for a little bit? Like I assume it's no different to doors everywhere else being serverside and only opening after a bit, but given the expedience people need to run around an RJ with, can we do something about it?

Or at LEAST make it stay visually closed until it opens like every other door so it doesn't look so impossibly jank?

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Mercying a lich thrall next to a rampart gets you stuck in the rampart unable to do anything. I had to wait for the (level 100+) Grineer to kill me which took ages because

a) They insisted on mostly shooting at the front of the rampart rather than take me from behind (... don't)
b) I was Wukong

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Galvarc appears to be bugged, when my friend runs it and is host, it had this death beam effect that runs for maybe 1-3 seconds doing massive damage til thing real close by are dead or at least damaged, when I run it and am host its a split second blast at best or it doesn't lock onto ships, and does at best 400ish damage at tier 3.. though sometimes it has this burst of effectiveness its always short lived and goes back to its lazy state.


-Double confirmed with someone else, Galvarc does not work for host, only client.

Edited by --Q--Faye
Doubled quadrouple checked =P
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I go into Railjack mission (another person hosting - pubs or friends) and we do the mission and return to drydock. Everyone can leave the Railjack except for me. The place where you exit doesn't give the prompt to Exit. The only way to leave the Railjack is by going ESC > Leave Dojo. Upon pressing the Leave Dojo button you will go back to your orbiter and losing everything except for any intrinsic's you have gained during the mission. After closing the After Mission window you wont be able to pull up the Last Mission Results window like you never played the mission in the first place


Happened every time I have done any form of Railjack mission so far. Unsure of what happens when I host myself. 

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For some reason at random intervals my warframe/weapon colours and skins will default to the original skin. For example, the day of the dead skin on my buzlock or akvasto prime will randomly fall off, revealing a normal skin with strange colours.

See also, the emissive colour on limbo switches to his default one, on his body only, seemingly at random.4kCOZzf.jpg?1qsnxH52.jpg?2pWuvKkk.jpg?1

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18 hours ago, KoopaTehTurtle said:

I go into Railjack mission (another person hosting - pubs or friends) and we do the mission and return to drydock. Everyone can leave the Railjack except for me. The place where you exit doesn't give the prompt to Exit. The only way to leave the Railjack is by going ESC > Leave Dojo. Upon pressing the Leave Dojo button you will go back to your orbiter and losing everything except for any intrinsic's you have gained during the mission. After closing the After Mission window you wont be able to pull up the Last Mission Results window like you never played the mission in the first place


Happened every time I have done any form of Railjack mission so far. Unsure of what happens when I host myself. 

That one's actually just visual, thankfully. Any time I've checked my 'after mission' report on returning to my orbiter via exit dojo it's like that, but I've been getting the stuff. It's still wonky as heck and annoying, especially since the 'after mission' updates you get ON the railjack have a tendency to just appear and then disappear on their own before I can check.

Also, even if the Railjack Exits stop working, you can still Fast Travel to other locations in the dojo. It's a pain in the ass of a bug, but... eh. Manageable. Not that DE should ignore it.

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There is no way (at least no obvious way) for someone without a railjack to get rid of wreckage, please fix this. My friend wants to play with me and getting their newbie butt to the point they can get six million credits in excess is a daunting task, let alone the rest of it, let alone that even if we DO, do all that, they are going to spend 3 days crafting at a minimum, which is 3 days we suddenly don't get to play space invaders railjack and thats not so fun

Correction... it does work... you get a scrap removal menu when someone tries to put in a mission.... it doesn't put you back in the squad though, and you're booted out if you're in someone else's dojo and no one else is it.. and you can only remove as much scrap as it takes to lower your capacity back to maximum so you're stuck in a perpetual hell of having to do multiple reconnects and have people on standby just to make things work.

Edited by --Q--Faye
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The problem is that when your in a railjack mission and the host leaves, space color pallet goes crazy.

Steps to reproduce: Join a game in the veil.  Host leaves while in archwing.   thats it. 


Additional info, I dont know if it means anything but the pallet makes it look like a night sky, is this specific or coincidence?

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During the mastery test to get to 16, 15 > 16, I managed to clear all the waves, until there were only 4 ratels left, these ratels attacked the other enemies, I cannot attack them, and they prevent me from passing my test. I waited for about a half hour to see if anything changed, or I could dmg them in some way. I then aborted my mission, and failed my mastery test.

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