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Farm for the sentient ship and why it is really bad


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Le 19/12/2019 à 06:29, Azoth a dit :

So much whinning and not even a single "thank you" for all the good content Raijack added...

New war shall contain missions where you would be able to have those ennemies spawn by dozens, they are supposed to be an army, so I guess infinite missions like defense / extractions / interceptions are highly predictable.

You've gotten a free DLC, which is more valuable than some other games will sell you for 20$ and gives you only 2 more hours of content...

Yes you will have to farm it, like we all did with focus, or broken war parts, and like we will have to do with intrinsecs.

It has been designed like that because the DE staff decided it has to be rare, stop taking them for dumbish people, thanks.

It's only a weapon, not something that will block you to play some content.

So much yes, I don't care about any post bellow this one, this says it all !

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1 hour ago, HolySeraphin said:

People complaining about the cycle and rare drop parts while we have Eidolons with very rare arcane drops...pathetic. And the weapon is even less valuable than a legendary arcane.

at least arcanes are all the same while the railjack gear is pure rng. now imagine arcanes with rare drop chances having rng stats on them ...

Edited by grindbert
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On 2019-12-19 at 4:53 AM, grindbert said:

why would you thank them for this buggy mess of slot machine rng grind?

DE could release absolutely PERFECT and people would still be here complaining.    This is what happens when people don't have a life outside this game.  

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6 hours ago, grindbert said:


Even if some of your points are true, this is not served with hate that DE will learn the lesson. Also, please inform yourself before writing false informations : warframe is STILL in open beta, you've signed a beta tester agreement. (

And yes it is free to play. It is defintely not a pay to win. You don't need money to play it. Yes, slots may be a problem but you can farm valuable items and trade them for plats. Also, to say I'm new while I have a founder badge is quite funny. Yes I'm also are a veteran, and because I don't have the same point of view than yours doesn't mean yours is the only one. You don't speak for all the veterans, sorry.

For this one you couldn't knew, but sorry to inform you that I'm a 3rd year student in IT, so yes, I know the process, thanks. And I also know how to handle a community. how DE does it may not be perfect, but it is better than the majority of game studios. You're treating them like they just delivered us Fallout 76. Calm down, there is problems yes, especially hiding liches ones by another game mode. But they can't address it without a clear plan. They just don't have one atm, because they've been in a crush rush recently, they had to release empyrean before 2020, it wasn't ready yet. We've seen it, but they still adapting it with our reviews. it is still not perfect, it is evolving.

You say it's their work. For them, their work is to entertain you. Because yours definition implies it has to be perfect means everyone can't fail. Could you tell me you've never fail one of your tasks? It is part of the few jobs to be constantly reviewed by everyone, it's hard. Especially when you put such effort on it. As you said sometimes the decision is not on them, it's due to the studio owners, then tell them, not the devs that can't do anything for that, but fall in depression.

What makes me happy to know the game is still in beta is that they can change core features of a system freely, we've seen overhauls for so many things (mods, damage, melee). The one you want them to do will see it's renewal. When they will do just depends on how you ask for it.

Failure is the road to success.

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4 hours ago, Chappie1975 said:

DE could release absolutely PERFECT and people would still be here complaining.    This is what happens when people don't have a life outside this game.  

some people probably, sure. but that doesn't invalidate legit criticism.



3 hours ago, Azoth said:

For this one you couldn't knew, but sorry to inform you that I'm a 3rd year student in IT, so yes, I know the process, thanks. 

cute, get some real world experience in software development and we'll talk again. those ideal scenarios you get taught in uni fall apart very fast once you actually start working on commercial products and services. been there, done that as well.


and i treat de like they deserve it at this point in time. just because it's not the biggest bullS#&$ on the planet doesn't mean it not bullS#&$ at all.

and nothing is evolving. they cannot change the inherent rng structure of empyrean any more because an avalanche of outrage would come down on them from people who have already invested time into the rng gearmill.

it can be improved but at it's very core it cannot be changed any more. and just like rivens it will run it's course and fester and become a cesspool of elitism and exploitation at best. we've been here before, we've seen the story unravel already.

also nobody is demanding perfect. we're just demanding "not S#&$". we just want warframe, not some destiny clone. 

while yes, technically the game is in beta, this statement has no meaning. it will always be in beta. there is no "official release", there is no "finished state". after nearly 7 years it is to be expected that beta is what we got. and we'll judge what we got. i can call a spoon a fork, doesn't make it true tho. 

and it also doesn't depend on how you ask for it, we asked, hell, even begged for the same things a million times in a million different ways to no avail. asking only works if somebody listens, this is not the case here. if you only answer the questions that align with your answers there is no point in answering at all. 


anyway, this is gonna be my last post here. i've had that same discussion when rivens were introduced, then again at several other points in time, again recently with liches and now once again. i'm tired of throwing the same rational arguments at a wall of fanboying, white knighting and unreflected ramblings. at least for now, at least until the next thing comes along.

pearls before swine.

have a good one, ya'll


edit: one last word to clarify. what's done is done. those systems cannot be changed retroactively and nobody at DE can even openly address it. they are bound to silence by the machine behind them. a machine that is legit but has it's own goals which are most likely vastly different from the wishes of the community. i understand that on a professional level, i cannot accept it on a personal level. i don't know who is to blame for this and if it's the owners or the developers pushing for that intense paradigm shift. all i know is that the dev team is the face of the game and if they want it or not, they'll have to face the criticism and the disappointment for decisions perhaps others above them have made. that's just how it goes, it's part of the job.

i don't know if they even have any influence on the direction, if they maybe wanted to make it differently and were forced not to or if they fully stand behind this development. all i know is that when i want to voice my peasants opinion this is how i deem to do it so i do it. take it as you wish.

while i may come across as not very friendly and a tad salty that is just the result of my disappointment with the direction a game i really like has taken. a game that i revered for not bowing to industry standard, for not sinking to the lowest common denominator. at least in the past. i write how i talk and i talk how i feel. if it's not appropriate then do with it what you think is. i know i have lost the war, but god damn, i will stand here with my picket sign and be a thorn (as small and insignificant as it may be) in the side of whoever thinks practices and mechanics like that are acceptable until the lights go out.

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Il y a 19 heures, grindbert a dit :

cute, get some real world experience in software development and we'll talk again. those ideal scenarios you get taught in uni fall apart very fast once you actually start working on commercial products and services. been there, done that as well.

Serisouly stop treating everyone like you are above them, I may not have finished my studies, but I've already learnt enough to know how its world operates.
There is not only universities that teach IT, there is also schools that gives you several projects to acheive at once, without any clue on how to solve them. It makes us learn the job in a really different way, maybe hard, but which makes us face problems, that we have to overcome. During my real world experiences, all the companies I worked for had faced some of them, that made me laugh, because they were so little compared of what I've faced.

This is not a matter of how many problems and who do bring them, this a matter of how you face them despite the sh*t that spill upon you.
It seems in the case of DE that the solution is discussed only between lead devs tired of their ideas been switched by the commericals, and the commercials themselves.

Just wish them to adress what we want too before releasing the New War, or at least the Duviri Paradox. I also want QOL changes more than new content. But again, this is not because I understand the situation that I defend them blindly.

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On 2019-12-18 at 11:53 PM, DarkRuler2500 said:

I doubt its going to stay like this forever.
New War will come eventually and then we will get the Arm-cannon easier,too.

I kinda feel like it will be like the wolf sledge. People buying and selling the parts for insane amounts just to have it early, while a few months later it will be trivial to get.

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Il y a 20 heures, grindbert a dit :

not everybody, just you. i am above you.

Ho you don't have any arguments left so you prefer to believe your opinion is superior... What an adult. For someone who say me to get more professional experience, it seems that's you who need to grow up.
But you'll surely say this was derision to poorly defend yourself, so here is some before you could : you know who thought were superior ? Nazis.

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I am sad that people either ignore or already forgoten the fact that sentient weapon thing we got is NOT what we were supposed to get, yes it looks cool and is pretty interesting but it isnt what was told we would get, this is shadow of its former self. originally we were told that sentient arm weapon is going to be "procedurally generated super weapons", art even shown many different versions of sentient gun arm thing, each looking differently. DE talked about gun sentient gun arms its own unique system, meanwhile what we got is gutted beyond recognition.

Not sure if DE did it because they needed something as reward from quest or because they didnt care about this system anymore,  it wouldnt be first system they abandoned, another example was infested chair being part of as steve described: "alchemy" system, which was supposed to be used to upgrade frames and operator..

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8 hours ago, Azoth said:

Ho you don't have any arguments left so you prefer to believe your opinion is superior... What an adult. For someone who say me to get more professional experience, it seems that's you who need to grow up.
But you'll surely say this was derision to poorly defend yourself, so here is some before you could : you know who thought were superior ? Nazis.


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14 minutes ago, veryhighcholesterol said:

I didn't get everything I wanted immediately! THIS GAME SUCKS!


That's you OP, that's how you sound.

replace "immediately" with "ever", since the rng system definitely makes it possible for some people to never ever get f.e. a good +90 reactor.

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On 2019-12-20 at 12:18 AM, grindbert said:

the game is not in beta and it is not free. if not for voluntary purchases of which many of us have done a lot over the years and some especially when this studio was a handful of months away from closing it's doors this game would not exist. 

you act as if f2p games are developed out of the goodness of the developers hearts. this is a business and money needs to be earned. while this game might be free for many, it is not free for others. these are voluntary purchases but remember that without those there is no game.

nobody is ruining anybodies work. DE ruined their work all by themselves. they have deviated from their success model, sales started to drop and i assume their chinese owner pushed them to implement china-mmo rng garbage in order to squeeze out as much as possible over the last expected profitable years until the game gets it's support cut and is left on minimum life support. standard practice in this business. if DE hadn't deviated everything would be fine. but their popularity and the goodwill of their community got to their heads and they started #*!%ing about.

there are many good sides to the game. none of those have been implemented within the last 2 years. we as a community have discussed them a million times, now we're discussing the new things. if the new things are bad we're gonna discuss them in a negative context. sorry you're new and missed all the praise we gave DE over the years for their game. in the last 1-2 years however there wasn't much that was worth praising.

and they don't have to have the will to make good content from our comments. this is not hippie lala land. it's their livelyhood. it's their #*!%ing job. if they don't deliver, we don't pay. i'll repeat myself in other words: they didn't deliver -> we didn't pay -> instead of delivering again they introduced cancerous slot machine rng to squeeze us for money -> we payed even less.

The problem is not the balance. it doesn't matter if something drops with x% less chance or is x% whatever easier to get. the problem is that there is rng involved at the very core of the system. it's the numerical slot machine from games like diablo, borderlands, destiny and any horrid asia-grinder mmo from the last 20 years. it's what a lot of the warframe community ran away from in order to find a safe haven here. it's what we didn't want and therefore started to love warframe which didn't rely on those mechanics. 

then rivens came, we made a S#&$storm but apparently it wasn't big enough. they took their sweet time to implement another rng mechanic so we got complacent over the years. then liches came and shortly after the railjack gearmill. we should have made a bigger S#&$storm when rivens were released. we should have stopped giving them money, we should have been more critical back then, we should have done more. but we said "oh, it's just one layer of rng, that's kinda acceptable, whatever" and now look at this mess. it's partially our fault for not giving them hell when it was still fixable.

Remember, that this game is not built out of thin air but from the money that this community voluntarily invested into this game. without people like us, throwing money at it for the sole reason of supporting a developer we love and investing into a community we want to thrive this game would not exist. DE would have closed down or have been butchered into several asset mills or whatever. nothing is ever free.

I don't believe its gonna be adressed, it's not gonna get solved. they are going to bandaid it and wait until the controversy dies, then abandon it and move on to the next thing they'll throw on top of the pile without thought how it actually fits into anything. or they will delete it if the bandaiding gets out of hand. like dark sectors, like relic towers, like raids, like so much more that was just blindly thrown into the game, bandaided, abandoned and then left to rot.

the same thing will happen with the liches. their horrid and disgusting rng will never be resolved until a market emerges around them where players will pay thousands of plat for something good out of desperation because they couldn't get it themselves after way too much time invested. it's gonna reward the winners of the roulette and punish the losers. same goes for railjack. the rng stats will never be resolved, it's always gonna be there, festering, creating gripe and disappointment only interrupted by the occasional casino-high when you actually get something good once in a blue moon.

it's a bad system, it is so at it's very core, it won't change, it will only get worse and the community will suffer for it. how do i know that? i've been with warframe for a very long time. been there, done that. it's always the same story. it never changes.


edit: well, great to see the propaganda machine in action. from what i can tell several parts of my post have been edited and it definitely wasn't me. well, i guess it's more family friendly and probably more digestable now although it may have lost the vocal context of it's message. why some censored parts were left in while others were edited i don't know. anyway, i'll leave it like that, i'm too apathetic and have too many warning points to fight the system now.

Have you lost your mind. The whiners ask for 2 things they think is easy. Lots of content easy drops with 0 replay ability. That’s it. They had here way game would be dead years ago. No game can last with 0 replay ability. No game can keep up with big updates that last it’s players 1 week if that.


the reason people said Warframe would fail is what people seem to say they want. “#*!%ing 4% drop every 3 #*!%ing hours #*!%ing should just have to do it once then it should be #*!%ing over, ducking corporate greed. #*!% #*!% #*!%.” All I hear, clueless bloody people. 

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it might be the curse of your generation that grew up with cheap cancerous retainability tactics but a gearmill does not equal replayability.


you might be a bit off here as well. nobody is complaining about shedu drop chance.

Edited by grindbert
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