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Cloudwalker's fix was uncalled for.


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20 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

No, don't just parrot the patch notes, the patch notes are wrong. Toggle Sprint has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

you are correct, the only reason i parroted the patch notes was all the resistance i was getting from region chat and other places, there for, to prevent more annoyance to myself, I purposely parroted to make it so that they don't reply unless they read my replies then try to reeee at me for them being wrong.. i will change the original post soon to be more clear about this and what i actually feel soon.

I know what DE was up to there and it beyond annoys me why they would nerf something so harmless to the overall game.

It's completely counter to the idea of customization and building your frames to what you want them to be to remove a functionality and build style for a frame, especially with regaurds to Wukong and his Cloud Walker.

DE really needs to buff it back to what it was... seriously, me saying DE nerfs fun has never held a truer meaning after i noticed cloud walker was nerfed when i swapped to my speed wukong and saw that it was going at a depressingly slow speed compared to before...

I was DEnied the poof zoomies 😧 i cry. I'm sad.

37 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

That is exactly how it did work.

it was, it really was... i hate when DE does stuff like this.. it almost feels personal with how much stuff they nerf that i loved playing around with and had fun with..


2 hours ago, Syasob said:

Never used sprint 'feature' for Cloud Walker since rework and nevertheless he is one of my favorite frames now.

So no, sprint speed is not crutial for CW to be a great movement skill

awe, that makes me sad, you really really missed out on cloud walker when it was great..it was quite an awesomely fun experience... that honestly did not need to be removed... like... ever...


41 minutes ago, FLSH_BNG said:

Never even knew you could 'sprint' as a cloud. I was going fast enough as it was just popping up behind enemies with a pointy stick.

yea, it was amazing, just zoomies cloud all over, if you had a sprint speed build it went blazing fast X3, at first you would think it's practically uncontrollable, especially if you were to get a movement speed buff from another warframe and the sprint Auras,.to make it even faster, but eventually, you experience and learn how to control yourself at those speeds, or at the very least, you learn how to control yourself at the sprint speed build you have without the buffs specifically.


31 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I refuse to believe that was a bug, it was an intentional feature. DE likes to say its a bug so they technically have an excuse to nerf it. They did the same thing with Chroma's Vex Armour after three years of it being in the game, when the real reason was that they didn't want people one-shotting one enemy in particular.

Why Cloud Walker was nerfed, who the helheim knows as unlike Vex Armour, it mainly affected nothing but the players mauverability. It wasn't causing anyone grief nor was it breaking anyones individual game exprience. A bug is traditionally defined as something that negatively affects the game and/or its economy. Cloud Walker did neither.

It was pure fun to learn how to fly using Wukong and to just spend whole sessions zipping around the maps.

I don't know why DE thinks nerfing things like this is a great idea, as all it does is lower the fun of the game just that little bit more. First his Staff is nerfed indrectly through the death of Condition Overload in melee 3.0, now the only thing besides his staff that really sold people on him has been nerfed as well. It's a damn shame.

I 100% agree with all of that you said, i feel the exact same way and it bothers me that DE did this, DE feels like the main antagonist in Warframe atm, seriously, it's nerfs like these that make me question how fun even still exists in the game.. it's a freaking miracle at this rate.. like fun is on death bed, had a life expectancy of 2 weeks, but managed to live for a month and still lives kind of miracle, not the good safe away from danger and peril kind...

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7 hours ago, AzureTerra said:

Its fast enough as it is and people want it to go faster...

go faster? no, what?

excuse me, we want it to go back to the speed customization it was before...

what we have now is Cloud Walker going SLOWER...

it's not at all fast in anyway in comparison to what it actually was.

it's speed was quite varying depending on how many sprint mods you chose to give it.

you could give yourself all sprint mods for maximum zooming speed or give yourself none and have it at the base speed, or give yourself some sprint mods to give some kind of mid range speed.

you could give yourself whatever speed you were comfortable with, you had player choice.

you could CHOOSE what you liked and set it up to a prefered speed within a range of speeds based on sprint speed mod combinations.

but now you can't choose, which is the problem, and an awful decision on DE's part considering removing customization is the opposite of what DE supposedly wants in their game, which is to add and provide more customization options, not make them fewer.

this DEcision is Anti-DE. 

so basically DE Anti-DE'd themselves with this change,


Edited by Kareekoe
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I wish they'd nerfed it but retained the interaction with sprint mods. Remove the sprint toggling and the ~1.2x multiplier it comes with inherently, nerf the base CW speed to 20m/s, and then scale it with sprint mods. That'd make ~40m/s possible if you're building for it, which would be a significant nerf but still worth doing, as opposed to his present state of having nothing worth building for at all, because everything works more or less the same no matter how you mod him. 

Like, the ability is theoretically fine as it is now, and does quite a lot of things. And I guess when things get nerfed, it has the intended effect of reducing the embarrassment of showing up to parties in the same dress. He was getting pretty popular for a bit there, which was all the more visible since there were two of him for each player involved, and now I don't have to contribute to that. = P

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On 2020-01-23 at 3:25 PM, Bloop said:

Holding shift worked as intended, the ability would be casted in a "sprinting" state just like toggle sprint did. This change effectively nerfed his overall speed, for an ability that is completely harmless and is one of the greatest mobility tools we currently have in-game.

Is there any point to preventing that extra speed buff, which you can activate if you wish? It was completely optional, why not leave it as it was? Or maybe let us activate sprint while in cloud walker, to slow/speed at will during the ability.

it really did, this is very true, i wish DE would stop nerfing fun, it's irritatingly annoying, it's sucking out the fun of this game, one frame at a time.

Edit: by the way, who ever merged mine with this post, thank you a bunch, this helps a lot. (i honestly didn't even know this post was up till mine was merged with it) 

Edited by Kareekoe
Thank you for the merge Forum mods~<3
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Honestly, if Wukong was too OP as DE seems to think, I'd rather lose his passive (which is something you can't really control) as opposed to his Cloud Walker. Wukong was so fun after the rework. He was fast, strong, tanky, everything. Not the best at any of that, but a balanced kit that let you just enjoy the game. The most fun I had with Warframe in years, Intead of min-maxing this or strategize that I could just be the monkey with a big stick for some mid-level missions and have fun beating enemies up and moving super fast.

Between this and the massive nerf to his Iron Staff he's just very worse Rhino now. Doesn't do a lot of damage, isn't really fast, just tanks a litle bit (the armor cap in Defy is really bad). The clone is still cool and you can make it immortal with strength mods, but again it's something you can't control.

RIP Monkey with big stick, you'll be missed.

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I really wish his armor cap scaled with strength. It'd be a linear benefit, but it'd be something. They could compensate by removing strength's effect on the armor building multiplier, so that high armor would require tough enemies.

But I don't think DE was worried he was OP exactly, at least in the usual sense. He was never OP relative to Rhino and Nezha, he was just OP relative to like, Loki, able to ignore and quickly skip through all the linear sections of a given mission.

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On 2020-01-25 at 7:06 PM, DeMonkey said:

There's a couple of things I find interesting about that clip.

1) Not once does he refer to it as a bug. If it were a bug the comment would be "it's a bug that'll get fixed", not "I tried to nerf it in 'x' way". This is of course not represented in the patch notes, which declare it was a bug with an irrelevant mechanic.

2) How many enemies did Pablo kill during that clip? None. He himself was "skipping the level" or whatever he referred to it as, just slightly slower. That is the game they have created, if skipping the level is actually considered a problem (which it is of course) then when can we expect some changes to the game that stop us from just bullet jumping and Operator dashing past everything?

Honestly even though i've quit this game seeing clips like that still set me off.  I really don't understand why DE continues to push players to play a specific way in a game that practically begs you to be creative with how much numbers effect things in the game.  It really feels like DE is just squishing things to lessen the work load of things to maintain rather than actually let their game flourish like it used to.

It's just a terrible long running joke at this point that I wish would end.

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seriously though, I'm not playing Wukong until they put Cloud Walker back to what it was before they "fixed"/ruined it.


i mean look at this Data I have to show, this is how much this "Fix" ruined Cloud Walker.


The image above is my fastest mission time in Void, Capture, Hepit before Cloud Walker was "Fixed"/Ruined, the average time of about 31 seconds per solo-run on pre-patch Cloud Walker.

The image bellow is my fastest mission time in Void, Capture Hepit after Cloud walker was "Fixed"/Ruined, the average time was about 54 seconds per solo-run on post-patch Cloud Walker


as you can see, the impact of this "Fix" and how much it ruined cloud walker is so bad, that you would have to take about 20-30 seconds longer in a mission on solo using post-patch Cloud Walker for every 30 seconds you would spend in a mission on solo with pre-patch Cloud walker.

that's a disgustingly huge difference that adds up to be an insane amount of wasted time from just traveling through the mission alone, it takes you about 5 or so seconds to down the capture target and do the capturing, so the bulk majority of it is spent on just traveling alone

in a smaller time-frame, this is the difference:

doing 20 Hepit missions with pre-patch Cloud walker would take about 10 minutes and 20 seconds average time.

doing 20 Hepit missions with post-patch Cloud walker would take about 18 minutes average time.

in a much larger time-frame, this is the difference

doing 3000 Hepit missions with pre-patch Cloud Walker would take about 1 day 1 hour and 50 seconds

doing 3000 Hepit missions with post-patch Cloud Walker would take about 1 day and 21 hours

(obviously everyone's time will be different, longer or shorter in terms of average time, but the general idea is the same, it ends up taking everyone about double the time to get through one mission in post-patch compared to how long it would take in pre-patch)

this change does impact public too, but has the largest impact on solo players, i hope you get the idea about how badly and awfully this adds up for solo players.

in a world where DE supposedly wants to make the game nicer towards solo play, they certainly did a dirty jab towards solo Wukong players by doing this.

and in a world where DE themselves said that Warframe is a power fantasy space ninja game, they also killed the player's ability to fantasize Wukong's power towards being a speedy space ninja monkey king.

Edited by Kareekoe
huge edit, added data and attempts at reasoning. (some tiny tinkering too)
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7 hours ago, CopperBezel said:

able to ignore and quickly skip through all the linear sections of a given mission.

Loki himself can just skip happily through linear levels ignoring everything, but slightly slower than Wukong. This logic can also be applied to Limbo, Nova, Zephyr as they can just skip linear content if they want, ignoring everything on the way.

It really is just a nerf that was done for the fun of it.

7 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

Nova nerf when.

I'm sure they'll get round to her when they arbitrarily decide that "she was never working as intended".

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16 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

I'm sure they'll get round to her when they arbitrarily decide that "she was never working as intended".

- Fixed Nova's wormhole being so controllable. Due to the unpredictable nature of wormholes stepping into one will now generate a random xyz coordinate and drop you at it, regardless of whether there's actually anything in the vicinity.

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45 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

- Fixed Nova's wormhole being so controllable. Due to the unpredictable nature of wormholes stepping into one will now generate a random xyz coordinate and drop you at it, regardless of whether there's actually anything in the vicinity.

- There is also now a 45% chance that time dilation effects from the wormhole will cause Nova's movement speed and fire-rate to be slowed by 85% for fifty seconds.

Honestly this sort of thing being implemented would not surprise me anymore after this 100% pointless and unjustifiable nerf.

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- Fixed Cloud Walker's ability to move forward, it now goes backwards at -30m/s as intended, after Cloud Walker's Duration is finished it spawns an evil celestial twin that uses your mods and weapon and tries to kill you.

Edited by Kareekoe
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