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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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On 2020-03-06 at 11:34 AM, AwesomeJackBot said:

Make a Paladin Warframe with an exalted sword and shield.

A lot of people beat me to the concept Ive been mulling over for years. i even have abilities written up on a notepad. my copy pasta from it below


Exalted Knight

Stats - High armor and health (closer to nidus than inaros), no shield, average move speed, average energy

Passive - Blocking has inherent Reflect and Parry chance (thinking like 50%, want some form of finishers for this melee god)

1st Ability - Shield Tactics (this ability slightly changes function based on being in air, on ground, and tap vs hold)

- Targeted Cast (on ground) dash and slam target with shield, creating a cone shockwave behind target, stunning all hit

- Targeted Cast (in air) blink dash or jump (cant decide) above target and ground slam down with circular shock wave around target

- Hold Cast (in air) hover like Garuda and charge the shield, then throw. hitting an enemy or the ground creates the cone/aoe shock wave respectively

- Hold Cast (on ground w/ Exalted drawn) equip Exalted shield

*** Targeted must target an enemy, Minimal dmg (cc is the focus but no rag doll please); casts are the same besides shock wave shape, startup animation should be uniform across variations (Range affects shock wave size, throw distance, and cast range; Power affects dmg; Efficiency has normal effect; duration NA) 

2nd Ability - Aoe Taunt (could be a duration, a toggle, a toggle that pulses a duration based taunt, or even a single cast with an aoe radius)

- Effected targets aggro and gain 20% movment+attack speed (similar to speed nova)

- gain 1 energy for melee hit on effected target (give me back saryn's spore mechanic that apparently no one knew about)

*** can't explain all modding when i cant even decide what the ability cast type is. energy gain should not be affected by modding tho, energy cost should go up with # taunted

3rd Ability - Unwavering Conviction (toggle cuz already have energy gain in kit, plus rage build)

- taking dmg marks the target that damaged you, marked enemies have an increased chance to a drop health orb on death

- taking more than 25% of your max health from a MARKED enemy reduces that dmg to 25% of your max health, and guarantees a health orb drop from that enemy

*** Range and Power NA (unless you want hp% to scale), duration and efficiency as normal with other toggles

4th Ability -  Exalted 2H Axe (personal taste but w/e as long as its big)

-2 H stance focused on dmg and big range swings

-Pull out shield with First ability, changing up the stance to something quicker and immunity to knockdowns/staggers/all that cc stuff

***1 H that baby like a crusader from Diablo. Damage spread should be slash with shield hits as impact. Great status, average crit chance, good crit dmg



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The theme in which I came up with was in 1 min so it might not be that good of idea however imma share anyway.

My theme is a Warframe that can shape shift into different warframes or maybe even enemy's for each type of situation.

The name of said warframe is mimica or echo the story behind it is mimica/ echo was part of tenno intelligence back in the old war and disguised itself as many other affiliations to get information needed to win the war.

And than gained the info needed to provide to the tenno to take down the orkin. 

But than was caught afterwards by ballas and was thrown away into the void as punishment until one day the tenno might find mimica/echo Again.

Maybe using railjack?

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Alright stay with me here, what about some kind of dinosaur warframe? a primitive design? survival of the fittest? evolution? savage, yet regal, like an apex predator.  

Maybe the warframe collects essence, or adapts to the enemies it fights? 
killing a bunch of melee boys, get claws!
killing some shooty dudes? grow a shield to protect yourself?
Maybe gain specific bonuses when combining these evolutions? Kill some robots and some shooty dudes and get a shield that explodes in bullets when it runs out? 
the longer it fights the more adapted to its enemies and the stronger it gets. 
maybe an ability where you turn into a frickin dinosaur and go on a rampage alá grimlock from the transformers.

I dont usually respond to these kinds of things because the chance to be seen is 1 in a million and the chance to be picked is even lower, but i thought id throw my inner child a bone and recommend a dinosaur warframe 🙂


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It's been suggested already, but a gravity themed frame could be really fun to play.

Imagine enabling yourself and your squad to stand and walk on walls and ceilings (maybe restricted to a certain area of effect), or ripping apart foes with micro-singularities circling around each other...maybe lifting up and throwing objects and enemies around in a Jedi-esque style.

His or her backstory could revolve around preventing the implosion of a moon (e.g. Europa) caused by a Corpus cult who's trying to produce rare and valuable elements.

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Hello!.. Okey! "Project Crystal"!
I fink, that new Warframe should be crystalline and consist of levitating parts, that is to say, limbs. Plus - own "death animation", in which it will fall to pieces.

It (Crystal, or another name) is a "attacking-tank", who specializes on powerful crystalline attacks (with one charging blaster shot, let this little spoiler be) and on increase the armor of allies and the own armor. Passive skill! It is the creation of crystalline shield, when it hits to the ground ... or else!..

The firmest Warframe... Made of the purest crystals, that have absorbed all the power of the (some) planet!
I still have ideas, that I can write, but this later)

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Since there is over 140 pages of replies, I won't go looking for someone who already came up with the idea. Basically, I figured if the New War is on the horizon, why not have a New War themed Warframe® (yes, this is a registered trademark symbol)? If someone out there reading this and who already came up with this idea, then congrats, we're on the same page. The back story of the new frame could be, something along the lines, created by the Sentient and wanting to destroy his/her creators.

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TL;DR:  I'd like to see something focused around Aura-like abilities, so how bout a Shield-focused defensive / support / counter-attack frame designed around an oversized shield generator that buffs their allies, but can only run their generator in one configuration at a time, so you must pick the one which helps the squad the most at that time.

Long version:

On an open battlefield, laid waste by weapon fire long ago, the enemy has clear lines of fire to you and your squad with no cover in sight; you are surrounded, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.  What do you do? Bring your own cover, in the form of a Hemispherical Squad Shield Generator, integrated into a Warframe to provide mobility, and superpowered by the Tenno's void abilities.  This Warframe lets your squad ignore the incoming fire so they can stand and deliver their own return fire while closing to the enemy positions.  The success of this Warframe is believed to have inspired the Corpus Nullifiers, once they figured out alternative power sources for their own shield generator.

Looks: Take a futuristic generator thingy and shove it into the gut of a Warframe, and you pretty much have what I'm imagining; legs and an upper torso attached to spinning concentric rings containing an energy ball.   (Note: reason for throwing the shield into the stomach is because Syandanas attach to the back, so no backpacks like the nullifier since they'd interfere with the capes)

Squad Role: With the new shield gating mechanic and separate stats for Tenno vs Corpus shield resists, shield tanking is becoming more attractive.  You know what goes great with a shield tank?  A shield medic.  This frame could fill that role of being a support focused frame for buffing allies defensive abilities, specifically around their shields.  Shield restores, improved shield damage resist, a mobile cover shield, even a counter-attack (think "Return to sender" damage reflection) are all within the theme of a this defensively-minded shield-focused support.  This frame does not strike first, Tenno, but it does strike last.

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COSMIC HORROR Themed Warframe

Name "The VOID"

This is a Horror , insanity themed warframe. It comes from the void. it is an infested sentinel that has gone mad. Its appearance has the structure of a sentinel shaped body and limbs that has been twisted with infection growth.

It is a well rounded solo player based frame. While abilities are not specificy laid out here each  skill would be provide a diffent range of function to give each skill purpose and functionality.1 damage buff, 2 protective skill, 3 stealth skill 4 open for discussion

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It is built and it is broken.
It is reality and it is myth.
It is creator and destroyer.
Do you believe Tenno?

The ghost in the machine, Regnidor.

Regnidor is a resilient and elusive caster type warframe focusing around it's shields. The idea is that it is the reverse between Warframes such as Nidus and Inaros that have no shields in that Regnidor would have only 1 Hp but would have incredible amounts of shields that would be unique in that nothing bypasses them and they could not be immediately drained away by effects. The idea of a Warframe that revolves around nothing but shields, keeping itself corporeal as long as it can manifest itself in hard electric light. 

Regnidor is ideally, a nonbinary Warframe. (It's also a coding joke considering Regnidor is the ghost from the machines/ghost of the machine). Although I understand how hard this would be to implement visually as there are difficulties differentiating between male/female warframes  without obvious proportions. 

Regnidor would not be a ghost warframe, but closer to a rogue AI that would be perceived by many to be a ghost due to Its nature of disheartening and reappearing and possessing/redirecting of machines. 


Regnidor would have been a Warframe created in order to protect the Cephalons, pulled together and created by their collective will or fear; maybe even a byproduct of the Cephalon's creation themselves. It's body made entirely of "hard light" (whatever in lore shields are made of). Once joined, Regnidor hid itself inside and throughout either many different Cephalon cores or inside the Corpus computers, dispersing itself until it was needed again. The quest to retrieve it's components it could revolve around corpus machine units suddenly being overtaken and turning on their masters to protect the weak, causing an investigation to figure out what was going on. 

Visual Concept

Visually, Regnidor would be translucent, being made of shields and it's form waxing and waning as its shields were depleted. Becoming either more transparent or riddled with holes as Regnidor's shields were reduced. Regnidor's heart, the cortex of It's being would be the only opaque object hidden within the body either in the head or in the chest. The body however would be more angular and 'low resolution' than most other warframes, appearing blocky in it's extremities where most of the detail would be inside of the frame, much like the ghost arms on the NIdus Delux skin or Gara's glass. 

Gameplay Concept

Regnidor would require intense working around it's shields. Even with incredibly high shields late game recharge time for them would be difficult and as such there would need to be a balancing act. Through this, Regnidor would most likely have the ability to exploit the shields if it's enemies for it's benefit. Either turning them into damage or garnering the ability to completely ignore them. 

As dodging attacks is primarily how shields recharge, several options are available to enable either faster recharge or a way to regain flat amounts of shields such as:

- Begin recharging shields on a kill from a power attack
- Using warframe abilities recharges certain amounts of health
- Decreasing the accuracy of enemies targeting Regnidor as it's shields drop.
- Siphoning shields as shields within a certain radius of Regnidor take damage

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Quantum mechanics / probability frame

toggle-able ability could have something to do with uncertainty principle reduced movement speed for increased incoming accuracy (or greater armor), increased movement speed for reduced incoming accuracy (or less armor)

idk about other abilities but it seemed cool

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Warframe - the Trickster, the patron Saint of animals and the companions of warriors. Its appearance and gender directly depends on the type of companion chosen for the mission.

The patroness of cats is a girl. Has more shields and energy, and when running and hovering on the wall - becomes invisible.
The patron of dogs is a man. Has more health and armor, and when cutting an enemy into two or more parts - regenerates a small part of health.
The patron of companions is a neutral entity. It has a balanced amount of health, shields, armor, and energy - but at the same time increases the main, secondary, and melee weapons by the type of aura, but is weaker by half. Also automatically selected if the companion is not equipped.

Correction. Helminth Charger-refers to dogs, and MOA-refers to companions.

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I had an idea for an orokin clock Warframe a while back. The filigree designs and movement of all the orokin decorations and statues really lend themselves to a beautiful, ever moving Warframe, and ties in lore wise to Warframe origins. Also, it’s  a beautiful juxtaposition next to all the high tech weaponry to have almost perpetual motion/pendulum  style abilities. What with all the natural and high tech warframes, it would follow that something would be in between, analogue instead of digital. There are also plenty of time based names that would be suitable - Chronos, Horologius, etc.

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A sentient warframe. The wars were a messy thing and since sentients adapt... who is to say they didn't get their hands on a frame and decided to do some experimentation on their own?

I'd base the abilities around known sentient abilities but somewhat more tweaked for a PC gameplay. So that would be;

  • dmg reduction to a certain type (probably last dmg taken)
  • dmg increase (squad) against enemies that have been scanned (either as a battlescan or tying it to scanned global for the account)
  • Void based dmg
  • ability to summon the void at will (similar to limbo but with dmg instead of phase)
  • Madness, making enemies fight among themselves


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Since we're doing this during our seven year anniversary, I think a warframe with a luck theme would be interesting. Maybe it would have some type of luck gauge or counter. With every 7 levels the warframe would get some type of abillty like bullets riocheting off of them and through multiple enemies. It would also be neat if you could gamble your luck amount to get even higher levels of luck. 

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Chronos- the master of time

Chronos is able to age or renew those around him. 


    Enemies deteriorate when in close proximity of him such as shields or armor. While allies renew their health or energy if their health is full.


   1st. Pause- a clock face expands on the ground causing pause for a short duration.

   2nd. Fast forward- a clock face expands causing enemies and allies to speed up for a duration.

   3rd. Rewind- an hour glass appears and everything in its range rewind back to it's original state. Effects health and shields and so on, but effects enemies too so be careful where you use it.

  4th. Age- an hour glass appears and everything in its range starts to age, deteriorating armor, shielding, and health. Causing enemies to age also increases their level as they get older, but with aging they begin to cripple and weaken. So it can have a slight danger to this ability since while aging them does weaken them they do grow more deadly.

   Chronos' signature weapon are a pair of swords known as the hands of time.(blades that look like the hour and minute hands on a clock) the hands of time have a passive ability that increases the attack speed the higher the combo counter is. The energy trail off the swords resembles the face of a clock, in a similar manner that the dex dakras have.

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