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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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Hello! My entry for this would be a frame that is a chimeric amalgamation of Frame, Infestation and Sentient tech; it's a long shot, probably, but it is different at least

Visual themes:

  Split into three; one part normal Frame, one part overtaken by Infestation (similar to Nidus), one part overtaken by Sentient (y'all can decide to what degree); the battle between the three could also be represented visually (And, as a small suggestion, give it a Sentient railgun shoulder cannon maybe? Because why not)

Ability themes:

  Out of the three sides, one is dominant; the Tenno is always in control due to the other two suppressing the dominant side's influence; either has 3 stances, or a set of abilities that get empowered by whichever side is currently dominant; I'd imagine the Infested side would be best against organic enemies, involving gas and toxin; Sentient would probably be more defensive and adaptive, and great at removing defenses (including from other Sentients), and the Frame would utilize both aspects for a more jack-of-all-trades experience? Either that or it channels straight Void for me.

And a bit of Lore to go with this, as to explain how such a being may even exist in the first place:

  Warframes had not been developing for long now, and successful accidents like the aptly named "Nidus" were still very plausible; after all, the Orokin still had little understanding or control over how the Infestation mutated and manifested itself in a host. This frame, for example, was meant to be a walking arsenal, capable of resupplying allies on the battlefield, as well as laying down heavy artillery from the safety of an entrenched position. The Infestation, however, had taken that design, and twisted it to the point where it was barely recognizable, or functional. Not one to lose materials for nothing, Ballas had ordered an experiment be done instead: if, unlike the previous success, this strain of Infestation thus did not want to submit, they were to use the one thing known to destroy it: Sentient technology (of course, scavenged from the many drones that had been felled by the Tenno).

  Of course, simply attacking the outer Infestation would not have sufficed, and thus it was ordered for Warframe and Sentient to be fused. Once the process started, something within took over. Perhaps an errand speck of will from the frame itself, perhaps the Sentient sensing power. What is certain is, the result was a complete integration of the Sentient part, beyond any expectations, and the immediate purification of the overgrown Infestation. reducing it to a more manageable state. Unfortunately for all present, without a Tenno nearby, it rampaged through the lab with its newfound arsenal, until it was later collected by Ballas to join the War, his experiment successful. Still, even after, anyone who had seen it could confirm, it felt strangely, some would say creepily, more alive than the rest of the Warframes, rivaling Nidus itself. A wonder what experimentation can birth sometimes, is it not?

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DE has made some many cool animals in the game now, I think it's time we have the ability to control them and harness their power. Unleash a swarm of trained Pobbers and/or Kuakas to overwhelm with numbers like plague rats. Send Condracs or Sawgaws out to scout the area, or to distract with dive bomb attacks, or maybe dropping things on the enemies! Summon a giant Kubrodon sidekick much like Vanari, or make that their exalted option! Can use the power of the Bolorola to enhance the Warframes armor. Horrasques can tunnel under the battlefield, spreading toxin damage in their wake.

We know the animals of the Vallas existed in Orokin times, and there is no lore that says that the animals of the Planes didn't exist on Earth in the Orokin age. It would make sence then during the Old War, the Orokin would create a frame that could use the environment against the Sentients, since they would not be familiar or have defenses for the natural wildlife of the Sol region.

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In the past, I submitted this thread as a set of concepts for frames I would like to see brought into Warframe: 

Looking back, the one that I still most want to see is the "sniper frame" "Carl / Carla," however I realize that for the game in its current incarnation, this concept may be a bit bland.  Therefore, as my submission for this call for themes, I offer a modified concept.

Carla and Christa, the Slime-based Sniper Sisters Warframe

The frame will consist of Carla, the player controlled sniper, and her spotter and sister Christa, an ecto-plasmic specter who is always both silent and invisible to the enemy.

I imagine this frame as the inverse of Equinox, two frames with one body, whereas this will be one frame with two bodies.  The frame would treat Christa similarly to Wukong's Celestial Twin or Khora's Venari, but with more versatility owing to it being an additional human attached to the frame rather than a pet or a clone.

In terms of background, the Sisters could either be mercenaries in the same vein as Ordan Karras, or Dax soldiers originating from a swampy environment.  They therefore operate as the Warframe variant of a traditional sniper team, having first been designed as two separate frames by Archimedians, but condensed into one after the Tenno and Warframe projects were merged, and finding that Christa performed much better in support of Tenno than controlled by them. As her sister's (and the Tenno's) spotter, Christa provides Carla and allies with increased critical chance, recon capability on the mini-map, sentry-removal, covering fire with an independent loadout, and enhanced stealth capabilities.  However, only being semi-corporeal, Carla must use energy to keep Christa summoned and projected out from Carla's warframe.

Carla herself uses slime-like nanite swarms to manipulate her environment.  Instead of a conventional ghillie suit or stealth like Loki or Ivara, she maintains a morphing globular stealth suit that not only blends her seamlessly to her environment, but even blends her environment to her.  Further, by "sliming" allies and enemies, she's able to provide various buffs and debuffs to aid in her mission.  For example, by causing a radial sliming, she can open enemies up to finishers, blind them, and even reset their alert level, or provide allies with a stealth boost, a decrease to enemy accuracy, and materialize ammo for allies from the nanite slime.

As a team, Carla and Christa are able to assassinate any target from any range, both directly affecting the enemy and assisting their allies with their nanite slime. 

If a signature weapon or weapons were to be used for this frame, I would recommend:

  • A single dagger, reflecting how a sniper's knife is often as vital as his rifle.
  • A silenced semi-auto pistol of intermediate capability between the Lato and the Lex, presenting something of a "Mk. 23" .45cal pistol of Warframe.
  • A single shot bolt action sniper rifle similar to the Vectis, but with increasing crit chance as long as you hold your sights on the target.

If a novel piece of equipment were to be implemented:

  • A Tenno-equipable Spotting Scope that provided Crit Chance and Damage boosts to allies
  • A Tenno-deployable recon and surveillance drone, both for use in scouting and in buffing allies and one's self

If a new mission type were to be implemented along with this frame:

  • Sniper Assassination missions, which would give the player an open-world target, and provide the enemy with the tools to force players to have to engage from long range, or attempt a "sniper crawl" to approach the target with stealth.  
  • Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance missions to aid Tenno and/or their allies in finding targets for later missions.  
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 Ok No more time to waste trying to come up with a Theme no one has Suggested before. I have Read about 240+ pages of suggestions and have seen only one description that used my idea as an "Adjective" but not the theme and have seen countless posts with similar powers but not quite the same. 


The Theme I would like to suggest is a Mime frame This frame will be a Defensive/Offensive Barrier maker 

 (I don't have a name for the frame as DE only requested a Theme and the name they choose for it along with Final art will be revealed at TennoCon )

Think of Mr.Mime from Pokemon but, please bear with me for a moment. You're probably wondering how on Earth would a Mime be a Powerful and Deadly Space Ninja, well I have but 3 words for you "The Invisible Wall"


The Simple thing of pretending a wall is there or a box has trapped them, got the gears turning in my head. If running into a wall at full speed can hurt the runner, imagine slamming a wall into an unsuspecting Enemy.


Enter the second Inspiration for The Mime Theme.....One of my Favorite anime "Kekkaishi"


(I understand that my theme needs to be original and hope that I am not breaking any rules by showing an Anime for Reference).

Kekkaishi has nothing to do with Mimes but I drew some comparisons to the powers the characters have and the Boxes mines pretend to be in.    

The Word "Kekkai" from Kekkaishi can be translated to barrier in English, and the visual effects in the show helped me solidify the idea for my suggestion and drive home a cohesive concept that could work in game. Invisible walls might sound cool to stop incoming damage or making a barrier to stop enemies from walking forward, but wouldn't it hinder the Team mates or even yourself if it can't be seen? Instead of the abilities being actually invisible they can be a Translucent hue that matches Energy colors. something similar to the image below.


The box shapes help the Mime frame stick to well, "Being a Mime" and the Style and Movement in the show really made me believe that a Mime of this caliber can actually be a fun and powerful space ninja.

Having the Barriers be seen is one thing but if it is a solid object that is considered a wall then the frame itself and teammates can still get stuck or blocked off from certain areas.

To remedy this I will look to Frost and Gara's defensive abilities. Both can defend objectives from incoming damage, let bullets and abilities leave from within the barriers, and movement in and out of protection is not an issue as all allies seem to phase through them like they are nothing but air. But one thing about Gara's Mass Vitrify is you can wall dash and jump off of it if you time it right. I would like to add ALL aspects to the Mime's Barriers since I want allies to be able to walk through them but still treat them like a wall if need be.


(I have not made a passive or come up with abilities knowing that No warframe stats or powers are being considered at this time. To give you some idea of the Visuals and Core Elements I'm talking about and to further draw a line between my Barrier Frame and others with a similar theme I will continue to refer to the Anime).

In Kekkaishi the main characters fight monsters by creating Energy Barriers to Protect themselves and others


 use them for Platforms and Mobility



The barriers can Trap and Destroy enemies



and in some instances the enemy is Cut  or Dismembered



Multiple Barriers can be made at once



Just to bring things back to being Mime like and because I like Mr.mime maybe this can be can be an Agile Idol Animation


I wanted to suggested something truly Unique to Warframe in hopes that This Theme makes the cut. Good luck to all of you Tenno in the thread making suggestions, I can not wait to see what themes were chosen in the next stage, the Abilities thread, and the final design and name at TennoCon.

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Idea: A warframe that is not about himself but acts as an addon to other frames. Blizzard Heroes of the Storm has a character that is controlled by two people. Having a warframe that can attach himself to someone else frees the player from movement and thus he could concentrate of ability mechanics that would be too complicated otherwise.

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RSP-01: A robotic security Warframe that draws inspiration from canines in law enforcement as well as corpus quadrupeds such as the Hyena Pack. The Warframe makes use of an alertness system like that of the Orb Vallis or Grand Theft Auto. It would alter the Warframe's abilities to match the severity of the situation. For example, at level one, the abilities would suit close range combat and single target take-downs. However, at level four, the abilities would “upgrade” so that the Warframe could engage a large number of enemies. The canine aspect of the Warframe can be expressed through its overall design as Chroma’s overall design resembles that of a dragon. Ideally in its model could make use of flashing lights or sirens to further push the motif of a “Security Enforcer.” RSP-01 stands for “First Responder” Another name for the frame could be Lockdown or something similar as it plays on the act of imprisonment.

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Another Monkey God based theme.

Warframe Name[PH]: Hanuman

Armor: 315

Health: 575 (base value at rank 0)

Shield: 0

Energy: 175 (base value at rank 0)

Speed: 1.10

Uses Stack mechanism similar to Nidus

Passive: Status effects heal your warframe by X% or x HP. (healing return but on every weapon)

[PH] God's Wrath(Ability 1): --Channeling ability or Duration based ability

Enemies in front of Hanuman are struck with fear facing the god and their movement speed is reduced by X%.

Slowing x enemies grants Hanuman with x wisdom stacks.

[PH] God's Protection(Ability 2): Duration based ability

Hanuman enlarges his body and attracts enemy fire in a certain radius (no need for LoS) for a certain amount of duration to protect his teammates.

For every x damage Hanuman receives when this ability is active grants him with x wisdom stacks.

[PH] God's Rage(Ability 3):Duration based ability 

Single press for trigger takes x wisdom stacks and 20% HP to grant 75% (max) Damage reduction to himself and allies within range.

Press and hold for trigger takes x wisdom stacks and 25% HP to grant 60% Status Chance and 35% Damage boost to himself and allies within range.

[PH] Gada(Ability 4): Exalted Weapon - Weapon category: Mace (new category of weapon or falls under hammers)

Ability cast cost - X stacks per minute

Attack speed: 0.917

Critical chance: 20%

Critical multiplier: 2.1x

Range: 2.75

Status chance: 45%

Block angle: 90 Degrees

Damage types: Puncture and Slash


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Lore >>>

In the ides of Margulis' fall, I knew not where to begin. The hesitation, the echoes of what we knew not came to haunt us. The attempt to create a frame that could cradle this silver lining of chaos.

To live freely, dance amongst the corruption spreading its embrace across the stars.

The Divine would not stop our love, no wretch or orchid 

A being so majestic to defy the cosmos.





Ruina has been a personal passion project I've been wanting to share for quiet some time. She's a frame inspired as a Dancer-Fighter type frame using influences of Flamenco and Capoeira fighting styles. Her character Design mimics that of Sea shells/Urchins with a similar aesthetic to Sentient substructures combined into a Warframe. Ruina is able to harness cosmic energy in the form of micro-organisms kinda like how sea monkeys/ plankton spread.  Her nucleic strains  cause enemies to morph with radiation procs. While making them explode to the weaponized snapping clacks of her Castanet clackers.

Her Kit aesthetically resembles a bit of Saryn & Mirage, but mimic-ing a more glass-cannon play style.

Ruina has the offensive prowess hybridized in form of Nova's molecular prime meets Mesa's Waltz ability with more emphasis on a aggressive playstyle to jump into combat build up stacks similar to Nidus.

Ruina uses her abilities to set forth her strains to then amplify her powers and longevity of her teammates. As seen below in my Sketch studies she is a High Mobility frame in which you want to be on the move creating chaos in the form of dance then amplify the charges buffing her allies.

With her ability Macrocosm > dependant on the strain level it'll cause a toggle-able buff to increase teammates abilites in terms  Minor Armor/  Health Regen> Movement/Firerate > with the highest strain Percentage being a Power Strength Buff.  In this way her kit supports allies similar to Wisp but makes her more risk reward dependant on her aggression and playstyle on the battlefield as she gains stacks while giving her the ability to survive as a solo frame in late game.



Ref. for Ruina As I wanted her Form to be closely related to Mirage meets Saryn to show of the elegance in character design in the form of dance. Using seashells and the appearance of sea monkeys mixed with coral-like substructures to define her form.


Using influences of Tropical life and Cultural influences form Brazilian, Puerto-Rican  &  Spaniard forms of Dance



Movement and Flow of Character as mix of Flamenco Dancing and Capoeira in form of  Idle Form Stances

Rough Sketches 








Design/ Ability Mechanics



Refined Illustration



Color Variations > Textural composition is more coarse like coral yet inspired by organic forms and Sentient Life-Form



Exploration in Alternate Helmet and Weaponry sketches



Stance Poses in movement during abilities



3D made by myself in Zbrush> 

Signature Weapon AKDanzha SMG Pistol



Weapon Varient broken up in materials. Pistol Variant as a dual mechanism as singular fire and automatic fire in the form of piercing quills/barbs similar to a sea urchin


RUINA 3D MODEL Progress made in Zbrush> Exploration of Body shade and Form with Material callouts



:community:  Hope you all like her, I'll be sure to post more on Ruina in the future!  :community:


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Mania, The Mother of ideas.
Is there a Platonic world of ideas? Or are ideas produced personally? An attempt to explain this led Orokin to create a theory about the energization of neurochains: the ability to make thoughts material. For Orokin, metaphysics and science have long become one. Any spaceship is no match for the possibility of relocation of consciousness. Orokin could transfer the brain as a set of information. And the opportunity to make thought material was a challenge worthy of Orokin.
In the early stages of the experiment, a way of materializing thought was associated with dreams. But attempts to isolate a thought to increase its energy potential did not lead to success. Later, patient nightmares during the experiment were the best outcome. Often, experiments ended with the death of the subject.
Failure was not a habit for Orokin scientists, so it was decided to develop the most obvious direction - weapons. Thus began the development of Mania.

Waframe born from the theory of the energization of neurochains. She is the embodiment of the theory in the form of weapons. Mania is able to increase the energy potential of enemy neurochains to such an extent that ideas begin to materialize right in the heads of enemies, which leads to the explosion of the subject's physical body. This opportunity Orokin reinforced almost animal maternal instinct. She, as a wild animal, protects these of her children, in the form of clots of energy of other people's ideas. Mania sows children in the thoughts of its enemies and their birth marks the death of the womb. The rationality of the creature does not matter to Mania: it will raise children in any threat. She knows that her children are weapons, but she always mourns for them.
In addition, Mania can materialize her ideas in the form of nightmares, which she saw in her dreams. These prints of her thoughts and her fears obey her like orphans who are looking for parents.
Mania can be reborn in its children, although for this it needs to invest a lot of energy.
Mania is nature, but not leaflets and grass, but the cruelty of a predator that protects its children. Mania is a nightmare in a dream, only this nightmare is now material.

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Theme: A warframe incorporating the four seasons! Could be nymph-like in design (Name: Gaia(?)).

P.S. Keep up the fantastic work DE, I think some people are too hard on you guys, but you've got a great thing going!

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Hi DE ! Hi Community !
So I took my time to think about it and here's my submission.

Yoroe, the Bold's Gauntlet.
"Of all the Tenno, those following the precepts of the Madurai School were known to be the boldest ones. For some of the, the Transferance came to become insufficient ; they needed more tools to handle their battles in their own way."
Yoroe (from japanese "Yoroi", armor) is the Operator-focused-frame. Its peculiar design aims to make it a window through which the Tenno could contemplate the battlefield. The Tenno grants it their aptitudes and it grants its to them.

Poetry aside, this frame would be Tenno oriented. It's focus is basically to make the operator account for more than a support/passive buff to more players.
The way I see it would be like this :

  • "The Tenno grants it their aptitudes" : its abilities would be modified by the chosen focus school (buffs, effect varying) and / or the amp (moddable exalted amp ?) and would be another way to suggest unexploited focus schools to new players. The focus schools have a lot to offer, from damage buffs, to heals, crowd controls and so on ; inspiration could come from those existing abilities or from other unexploited ways each school would crush their ennemies.
  • "and it grants its to them." : here is the other side of the frame. As the operator goes out using Transferance, one part of the frame comes with them acting like an exoskeletton, enhancing its movement capabilities, bulk and/or damages. In my opinion (as a guy who has only the Health arcane maxed the operator runspeed passive unlocked and a lot of Zenurik focus), the operator feels most of the time too slow, too stiff, to frail and to weak compared to the rest of our arsenal.
    But they are children, not warmachines and this is why Yoroe give them the ability to have shields (-gating ?), bullet-void-jump-dashes, full speed running capabilities... Heck they could even have a remote control to call the remainings of the frame to perform abilities (with those abilities mappings left unused in operator mode) on a designated spot.

So I think that's it for my submission. I hope I portrayed it well enough to make you feel the urge of having it ingame.
Have a good day !

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A sort of warrior,gladiator themed warframe who likes to hunt alone but does not refuse help from other other Tennos. Also this fighter likes the challange, more enemy the more courage he has (some similarity what Finnish people call "Sisu"). This courage buff or modifier is different depending which faction he is fighting (Corpus,Corrupted,Sentient, Grineer). Courage has a relatively small AOE check like Affinity sharing. 

This gladiator cares about his fellow Tenno if they are hunting or fighting together. United we stand,divided we fall.

Passive: gives different buff depending how many players in the session. When solo or duo he can get either bonus armor or resistance against status effects.
If the party is 3 or full he can get attack speed/reload speed/fire rate bonus.


Relentless Charge: He gatheres his courage to be in a frenzied state and charge at short range forward. After the charge end he gets a minor shield to continue fight. This shield lasts until its depleted or timer runs out.

Bulwark: He does not forget the fact the best offense is defense. He raises a shield to protect himself and his allies in a frontal cone area (Augment: turtle shield tactic like Roman legionary used increasing the shield to his back and sides but with reduced effect). He gets reduced movement speed but gets heavy dmg reduction. This spell stay if the Operator leaves the warframe and stays in 10-25m Area (for ressurection for example). It drains energy overtime or it drains depending the dmg he blocks.

Battle Hunger: The warrior uses portion of the courage modifier/buff to temporarly increase the status chance. At this point it matters what enemy he fights for the different faction it gives different buff. For example against Corpus he gets increased electric or slash status chance or extra damage. Against Corrupted he gets moderate buff of toxin or minor corrosive. 

The 4th spell is not ready.
To sum it up. This frame does not prepare before the battle he likes the challange and want to adapt to the situation to turn the tide of the fight.


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A Bee Warframe!!! They could have a yellow and black color scheme. Maybe it could have a slight hunch with a beehive incorporated into its back and bees could swarm enemies, or use pheromones to nullify it’s enemies. It’s signature weapon could be a venomous barbed rapier. 

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My ideal Warframe theme would be Synergy. Considering that this contest is an idea built with community in mind, Synergy perfectly represents the core mentality that is hoped to be achieved not only in this instance but ongoing as well.

Synergy from a community perspective means all of us, Leaders in the dev team and Participating Tenno, work together to bring about something even greater. Synergy when referring to Warframe lore could bring about a whole world of possibilities. A Warframe that works to enhance abilities of other Warframes by combining with others. This opens up possibilities to explore in the history of Warframe evolution or even future evolutionary changes to tip the scales in the New War. 
This concept of Synergy brought about with the Synergy Warframe depicts the perfect weapon, whether it be in the world of Warframe or in the real world. Us Tenno can rise above any challenge when we synergize our efforts and Lift Together!
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Although it was well known that Warframe was based of Japanese Ninja but,
there were no known "Miko (a.k.a. Shrine Maiden)" who it was based of.
Hence I would like to propose this frame which is based of "Miko"


This is REIMU
"REIMU" is a term of Shinto, a Japanese religion, meaning a dream of God's announcement.

Fantasy Seal:     Fires 8 energy bullets that will always track enemies.
        When first activated, 8 energy bullets will spread out and spin around REIMU for a short time, while enemy that touch it will begin to take damage.
        At this point, the energy bullet does not disappear even if it touches enemy, and it will starts to track the enemy after that. The energy bullets disappears when it hits the enemy.
        There are two tracking method: one is only tracking an enemy by pressing the Ability Button once.
        While holding the button will release 8 energy bullets in which each bullets will auto tracking each enemy.

Duplex Barrier: Two types of barriers, large and small, are generated around you.
        Enemies' movement will be stopped immediately if they enters into the large or small barrier.
        While enemies' armor will be decreased when entering into the small barrier.

Yin-Yang Orb:    Absorbs enemy's attack and creates an energy-filled yin-yang ball that expands in front of you.
        Pressing the button again fires and repels when hitting walls or enemies.

Fantasy Nature: Becoming invincible while consuming energy over time.
        During this state, the other three abilities will become more powerful.


「miko(aka shrine maiden)(ja:巫女 神道のシャーマン)」をモチーフにしたフレームはありませんでした。

this is REIMU

Fantasy Seal : 敵を追尾する8発のエネルギー弾を発射する
Duplex Barrier : 自分を中心に大きいバリアと小さいバリアの二種類を展開する
Yin-Yang Orb:目の前に敵の攻撃を吸収して膨らむエネルギー陰陽玉を出す
Fantasy Nature:時間経過でエネルギーを消費しつつ無敵状態となる

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A warframe about plants and large-scale overgrowth, based on the idea of nature reclaiming land. It would grow creepers, roots, vines, etc. making it difficult for enemies to move around or approach you too fast but at the same time providing handy bridges and platforms for allies to move around on - basically causing the sort of overgrowth usually only seen in the Grineer Jungle or Orokin Derelict tilesets, and giving a sense of this frame being a person of mass destruction without needing to be directly violent. It could possibly have a passive to make it so that when you kill an enemy some vegetation bursts from where it falls to briefly ensnare nearby enemies, to make it easy to snipe groups of enemies without them scattering.

I imagine lore about a group of soldiers having been sent by the Orokin to attack some or other place being confused when they arrive instead at overgrown ruins that appear to have been abandoned for decades, wondering if they were lost, only to realise that they were at the right place but that a warframe that had been also been sent had arrived just before them and reduced the place to what they see now.

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Susan, the tempestuous god of storms.

His fury comes and goes with the thunder, leaving behind only the wreckage and destruction through his bouts.

Theme: Based on the Shinto god of seas and storms, Susanoo, in all of his trolly and egotistical glory. Much like the storm, he would be highly likely to cause indiscriminate disturbance and destruction to all in his presence with the close exception of his fireteam. Susan brings with him a variety of mythical tools and techniques to create chaos and disruption before silencing everything with a single stroke.

In his role as a frame, Susan is a close quarters combatant who revels in cruel trickery and bloody conflict. His powers stem right from his known feats and overall personality as a god, being a total jerk. He is known to have turned a princess into a comb which could be stuck onto his hair, in this case he can use his hairpins to shrink his targets or himself, leaving them vulnerable and weak to his egotistical whims or to become nearly undetectable until the first strike. He also has in store his bottle of sake, a refreshing but obscenely strong drink that can forcibly put enemies into a drunken stupor. Radiance and light vanishes in his wake, shrouding the sky like an oncoming storm. This darkness is able to severely reduce visibility, causing confusion and panic upon his foes and may even aid some frames who rely on the darkness and stealth. Having his fill of mischief and through his impatience wishing to take this battle to a close, he gathers his sake onto his hairpin to temporarily form a branched sword. Known for slaying a mythical multi-headed serpent this blade is more than enough to slice apart an entire legion like a mower on a field of grass.

This frame is the attempt to make melee more tactical and fun with more emphasis on the slaying of heavy targets (Like Orochi) which would otherwise be a lengthy obstacle to pass through. His abilities are made so they are fun to throw out but is highly applicable on many situational circumstances, highly supportive and debilitating in nature, he does have a super nuke on which to finish what he has started. Acting like a one cast ability rather than an exalted, his branched sword acts like the Mortal Draw from Sekiro or the Crucible from Doom, incredibly powerful but limited in use in order to make sure that fights lead towards a satisfying end.

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Usuri, the Probability and Statistics Warframe
Underlying Ideas
  • Corpus/Renaissance/Demonic Warframe
  • The “Accountant” Warframe. 
  • “Deal with the Devil”
  • The Invention of Usury (Credit, Insurance) systems 
  • Alchemy; creating gold from lead
  • High risk/high reward
  • Mathematics
Story Concept
  • A Warframe that was seemingly lost to the Corpus when a Tenno was betrayed by the debt colony he was defending; found dormant and abandoned by the tax men, it was taken in by the Corpus for experiments
  • However, it was left behind as a risky gamble; hooked into the Corpus machine, it hacked, overran and devoured its captors, stabilizing and eventually absorbing power over Corpus finance systems and technology
Play Style
  • Role: Caster/support; debuff enemies while buffing allies 
  • High-risk, high reward play style: consists of granting ”wagers” on friend/self-alike and foe (debuff) with a timer to reverse situations by flipping debuffs into buffs; also activates buffs when certain conditions are met (user-activated arcanes in Warframe form)
  • Min-maxers Warframe: requires knowledge of teammates Warframes to pick optimal wagers to create the strongest buffs or reverse the most adverse situations into advantage
Aesthetic Ideas
  • Corpus based; hints of animalistic proxies
  • Renaissance Era; baroque
  • Faustian Devil Dealer
  • Hacker; wires and lights with numbers and stock tickers 
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Chimerus <Failure's Epicenter>

with the possibility of future multiverse, where the Grineer, Corpus and infested are all fell in hand of Ballas that comeback form Dead, somehow he want create his own warframe for exterminate the last obstacle,Tenno and their warframe.

He begin to built this frame base on himself, True Orokin, and the ideal that "How far we can combined these three different genome type (infested,Grineer and Corpus) into "Chimera" and use it on battlefield versatility", this combined lifeforms design to be easy to reproductive and overpower to any warframe it encounter. However, even he almost succeed in this project, This warframe go Berserk on it's own for an unknown reason. This thing can even outmatch entire Ballas's elite force, an unstoppable power that can adept in every situation.

While He confused that this is work of Margulis, Tenno or his own failure. He tear it apart and banish this frame form his timeline by enormous unknown power. For this reason, this warframe's fragment travel across many timeline and somehow end up in ours.


Royal, Highness Theme form Europe Medieval monarchy combine with commanding and dominate looks 


passive: Chimerus "Basic Chimera" max summon limit is 2 and "Combined Chimera" is 4.

Skill 1
Summon: Basic Chimera Girneer
Pro: medium Hp and DPS Ranged Attack
Cons: ineffective at melee combat (deal almost no dmg) and no shield

Skill 2
Summon: Basic Chimera Corpus
Pro: High Shield and have Stun, knock-down ability and medium dmg at melee
Cons: Low Hp and low dmg range attack

Skill 3
Summon: Basic Chimera Infested
Pro: High Hp, has aura heal ability and powerful melee punch
Cons: No range attack, slow and big hit box

if you already have 2 Basic Chimera and summon new one, the oldest Basic Chimera will die because of max summon limit.

Skill 4
Summon: Combined Chimera
This skill will Summon Combined Chimera base on the 2 Basic Chimera that you summon currently.
(inactivable if you has 1 or zero Basic Chimera)

Girneer + Girneer     = "Super Grineer" Chimera     = Improved Basic Chimera (DPS focus)
Girneer + Corpus     = "Gripus" Chimera         = Have Shield and DPS, also has chance of Stun form range attack
Corpus + Corpus     = "Super Corpus" Chimera     = Improved Basic Chimera (Stun-lock and Shield gen focus)
Corpus + Infested     = "Corfest" Chimera         = Have High Hp and Shield, also has wide AOE knockdown abilty
Infested + Infested     = "Super Infested" Chimera     = Improved Basic Chimera (Tank and heal focus)
Infested + Girneer     = "Infeer" Chimera         = Very High Hp,Good DPS and grant heal for attacking enemy(lifesteal)

if you already have 4 Combined Chimera and summon new one, the oldest Combined  Chimera will die because of max summon limit.90446733_2632876693477465_11738444506742

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I would love to see a warframe who is the emperor of another system who came before the time of the orokin and a hybrid of void and warframe

so basically a tyrant who can use operator abilities along with his normal abilities

has 2 forms, Royal and battle.Hunting and capturing operators is his first priority

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I think it would be interesting a warframe with a theme on the states of matter (gaseous, liquid and solid) and the processes of change from one state to another (fusion, boiling, sublimation, etc ...), I imagined that apparently it could Being an asura where each face represents a different state, for example, the face of joy is the gaseous state, gas / air being the element of freedom and therefore focused on speed, movement and agility, while the face of anger (solid state) in attack / defense and face of grief (liquid state) in cc and aoe

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I haven't looked at any other submissions, so it's possible (probable?) that there are similar concepts.

My concept: A textiles themed Warframe. I picture a cyberpunk robot geisha in my mind, with many fabric-like abilities sprawling across the screen.
Playstyle: Battlefield Control, Makes allies stronger. A frame that anyone would be happy to see join their squad.


1. Threads of Hope - The Warframe shoots out fabric from her arms, tethering to nearby enemies and ragdolling them. For a short duration, the Warframe can move around, dragging around any tethered enemies. Ending the ability early will pull any tethered enemies toward the Warframe.

2. Weave - Many long pieces of fabric are strewn across the target area, attaching to walls and other objects, restricting movement of any enemy caught inside for the duration. If there is nothing but the ground for the fabric to attach to, the ability ends after 1 second. Enemies trapped inside the fabric are all 'connected' and any status effects applied to one enemy are applied to them all.

3. Battledress - Target an ally to cast on them, or not at an ally to cast on self. The target of this ability becomes enveloped in a living armor made of tough fabric, which provides damage reduction for the duration. The living armor also tries to protect its wearer by using an unused weapon of the wearer (if the wearer is using guns, the armor uses melee and vice versa.) The living armor is composed of different parts which can be destroyed by enemies by taking damage from certain angles (torso front, torso back, right arm, left arm and legs), the armor is less effective for each component missing. Possible augment mod, the ability affects all allies including self in a small radius.

4. Exalted Warfan - The Warframe conjures a beautiful, but deadly fan. Low base damage, mostly slash damage, low puncture and impact (if at all). High attack speed. Low Critical chance. High Status Chance. Good Range. Excellent blocking angle! Augment mod, gains bonus damage types for each different color used on the warframe.

Passive: Exalted Warfan gains a bonus damage type based on the dominant colors of the warframe. (Cold, Electricity, Heat, Toxin. Maybe Impact, Puncture, Slash too?)


Each ability has synergy with each other ability.
1+2 - use 1 to group enemies together near walls/objects, use 2 to trap them all
1+3 - use 1 to pull enemies closer, 3 can then use melee to hit them
1+4 - use 1 to pull enemies closer, 4 is melee so now you can hit them
2+3 - use 2 to trap enemies, stand inside the Weave so that 3 can hit enemies easily
2+4 - use 2 to trap enemies, status effects applied by 4 will apply to all enemies
3+4 - use 4 as melee so that 3 can use your guns, switch back to a gun so that 3 uses 4!


I took inspiration for the first ability from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSLnZdaJBSk
The second ability is somewhat based on the Web spell from Dungeons and Dragons.

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Theme at a glance: Caretaker, Team Boost/Self Boost, Transformation

The Caretaker would boost morale and boost abilities wherever they went. They are a representation of the people they fought/fight for. A very simple designed warframe with a “tulip hem tunic” style of armor. Think of a hospital worker; you can recognize them by their simple scrubs, but you know they are there to help. They like being teamed up and boosting abilities of others. This frame also changes “blooms” into a more radiant (more complex) design when they need to go it alone. Think “magical girl” upgrade in both design and power. That boost could help them win a battle if they weren’t with friends. They most want to be there to help, if that is to fill-in or to lead.

Backstory: Coming from a great calamity or perhaps several calamities; war, famine, loss of lifestyle, mass disease, great threats to well-being. Whichever came and happened, this warframe got swept up in it and disappeared. The frame was remembered for being not only a fighter but a caretaker to the people it was sworn to protect. It helped calm comrades in the fight and was seen as a symbol of hope for those it fought for. It was personable. It would be among the people it served. Reaching great bonds and friendships with those people. They also have a pastime of taking care of menial tasks.

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A warframe based on physical activity related fads from the last decades, more specifically, yo-yos, roller skating, and parkour. She would have wheels on her feet and hands - with the ones on her feet allowing her to skate on walls and floor and grind on ziplines as a possible ability or passive, and the ones on her hands doubling as yo-yos for attacking or entangling enemies.

Possible mechanics of this warframe could be - having an ability to add a usable amount of damage to jump kicks and bullet jumps; and granting buffs or filling up a meter for doing “tricks” - finishers and skill-related synergies - or parkour maneuvers, such as wall running.

Going deeper on the imaginative side, her fourth ability could grant her roller skates a hoverboard-like movement set usable on missions, boosting on it would use up energy or a separate meter to leave “turbulence flow lines” that would damage enemies similarly to Nezha’s Fire Walker and double as special speed-granting ziplines that other tenno could use.

(concept by me; art by tatlworks)
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Morpheus: the Lord of Nightmares

Visual & thematic inspirations:
-Middle Eastern/Oriental style sorcerers (e.g. Jafar & Doctor Strange)
-The Cthulhu Mythos
-Classical Greek/Roman God aesthetics, i.e. draped robes/togas
-East Asian painted depictions of clouds

Additional notable inspirations from other video games & media:
-Sheogorath (Elder Scrolls series)
-God Kefka (Final Fantasy VI)
-Susanooh (Persona 4)
-The Nightmare/the Great Ones (Bloodborne)
-Emrakul (Magic: the Gathering)

Visual design philosophy:
(Originally I wanted to upload a bunch of my own in-depth concept art sketches here, but due to technical issues I just couldn't get my tablet and laptop to work properly, so it looks like I'll have to provide some poetic descriptions instead and hope they're good enough at getting the desired imagery across.)

Although any final design will of course be up to DE and Eornheit (huge fan of your work, by the way, love your depictions of the Sentients, they're super cool) I will describe my own vision for the warframe's appearance here, along with explanations of the reasoning behind various elements of the design.  Hopefully, it will give further inspiration for the final design if this ends up being accepted.

The visual design of Morpheus is heavily influenced by the depiction of Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness from the Elder Scrolls series.  Sheogorath is a godlike entity that embodies Madness in two different aspects: the wildly expressive and creative aspect, known as Mania, and the dark and frightening aspect, known as Dementia.  To represent this, his outfit is split down the middle into two different colors.  Similarly, Morpheus' visual design should also convey the fact that he is a dual-aspected being, who simultaneously embodies both sides of the dreaming world: the pleasantly strange side of Dreams, and the terrifying dark side of Nightmares, for the line between the two can be dangerously thin.  Thus, he has two primary visual aesthetics which are similar but also very different.

The general shape of Morpheus' body silhouette is inspired by the classical artistic depictions of gods: a nude, statuesque figure wrapped in a long robe composed primarily of a single long piece of cloth.  This is what separates the two visual aesthetics mentioned earlier: the "robe" portion is intricate and colorful, almost garish in its coloring.  The "nude" portion beneath it, the nightmarish under layer covered by the bright color and entrancing patterns of daydream, is disturbingly grey and corpse like.  The two aesthetics serve to somewhat divide Morpheus into two "halves", though the dividing line itself spirals and wraps around his body along the curve of the robe instead of being a simple bisection.  I will go into more detail about the two sides later.  First though, let's talk about the head design.

For the existing warframes, great care was put into making sure they had unique silhouettes to help distinguish them in the heat of battle.  A large part of the initial inspiration for Morpheus was rooted in trying to come up with a warframe concept for which a more unconventional and unique silhouette might make sense.  Thus, before Morpheus was Morpheus, the visual design started with establishing an idea for the head.  It was here I first started brainstorming ideas, and well, inspiration suddenly struck me like a bolt out of the blue.

The pun is very much intended, as the head design for Morpheus can be summarized by the following phrase: Brain Storm.  Instead of a traditional head shape, Morpheus' neck splits apart vertically, in a ragged, organic shape.  From within this outer shell, a plumelike shape erupts upward, bubbling over, drifting up and curling back to form the dark shape of a cumulonimbus thundercloud, lit from within by pulsing lightning.  The idea is to evoke the image of someone whose head and neck were split apart by the force of a LITERAL brain storm exploding out the top of their head.  (Yes, this was partially inspired by the Madman's Knowledge and Great One's Wisdom item from Bloodborne)  The combination of brain and storm do not stop here, as the thundercloud is given definition with texture and outlines in the loose and wavy spiral shapes used to stylistically depict clouds in East Asian paintings.  While this gets across the idea of cloud, the many curving, irregular spiral lines pressed against one another also evoke the image of the folds in a brain.  Indeed, one of the early potential concepts for creating this sort of head silhouette was that of a mad scientist, with their immense brains bulging against their skulls and their hair wildly flying every which way.  To help communicate the divine power of Morpheus the image is meant to give the idea of a figure with wild and flowing hair that might in fact not be hair but flame or shadow, being blown upwards by the winds generated from the overwhelming power of his mere presence, blending into the dark sky of the night that he rules.

There is however still more meaning to be found here.  A series of coiling, irregular spirals can represent a cloud, yes, but what happens once you uncoil them?  Imagine those painted clouds unrolling, uncurling, thinning out.  Once you do that, with just the slightest shift in mental perspective, they start evoking a different image.  That of writhing and spasming tentacles, an image deeply entrenched in the Cthulhu Mythos which is practically the epitome of nightmare imagery in modern culture.  This is the central building block of the visual design.

On the parts that might be considered the robe, the cloud spirals are small and tight, like the mane on a Chinese lion statue.  Bright and psychedelic colors clash and intertwine with each other in tones of golden orange, neon green and regal blue.  The spirals occasionally open up into eyelike shapes, as if they were the feathers of a peacock or a Nazar amulet used to ward off the charm of the evil eye.  The edges and hems bloom into plump crests like foam on the edge of a wave.  Overall, the aesthetic is similar to that of the Cumulus skin collection, on a smaller, finer scale.  It sweeps around the neck to form the shape of a cowl, around one shoulder to form a short cape, and down the front and back like dangling bits of cloth on a sorcerer's robe.

The other shoulder, part of the chest, and the legs are bare.  As we move from one side of the body to the other the cloud swirls unravel into tentacles, sprouting from a grey framework resembling the corrupted arboriforms of the Orokin Derelicts, twisted into the deathgrip shape of a Strangler Fig.  Within it are the writhing, eel-like forms of the tentacles, painted in deep and visceral hues of purple and red, the colors of bruised flesh and dried blood.  Tighter twists on what would've been the robe are replaced with gaps in the torso revealing glowing holes that might be eyes, a line of which can be seen emerging from the neck to line the emergent storm cloud.  Tentacles emerging from the withered and incomplete arm twist together into a warped shape resembling a hand.  Those same tentacles take the place of the spiraling cloud crests on the robe, squirming outward to form organic imitations of the collar, cape, and lower robe.  The silhouette of the legs looks as if Morpheus is wearing the sort of baggy and voluminous pants commonly seen in fictional depictions of Arabia, ending at the knees.  Bright swirls of color emerge from the ankles like the winged boots of Hermes, and the tips of the feet curl upward and downward into another spiral shape that changes depending on which side the foot is on.

One final detail: Morpheus has a floating animation set, much like Wisp and Titania.  Currently, the two floating animation sets are on female frames, which comes across in the subtleties of their motions, which is not a bad thing, and is a testament to the skills of the animators, but it does mean it can feel a bit awkward using them on a male frame.  Giving Morpheus a floating stance fits his dream theme and would mean that levitation enthusiasts of all flavors could probably find one stance that's perfect for them.  The Agile stance could be inspired by the poses from Michelangelo's famed Creation of Adam painting, while the Noble stance is more regal and upright.


Gameplay concepts and possible mechanics:
Morpheus is a design I originally came up with in my own time for fun, though I never posted anything about it online until this opportunity presented itself.  He is based on the concept of "dreams" and associated themes, including sleep, night/shadows, illusions, and the mind, and draws heavy inspiration from the Cthulhu Mythos, particularly the "Dream Cycle" which deals with a mystical alternate reality known as the Dreamlands that can only be visited by the sleeping mind.  I imagine that Morpheus would play something like a cross between Nyx, Equinox, and Limbo.

When I came up with Morpheus, the initial idea was to have a warframe based on controlling and spreading a sort of "Dream realm".  As master of the Dreamrealm, Morpheus can spread his domain, overwriting nearby space with an alternate reality that is entirely under his control, and within it he is, as implied by his namesake, like unto a god.  Given the recent lore implications about the breaching of the Veil, this warframe concept seems rather fitting and timely, but it's entirely by coincidence, or rather, serendipity.  Anyway, the point is that the final design of Morpheus would ideally have a mechanic related to spreading the Dreamrealm, similar to Limbo's Rift.  Alternatively, there could be some sort of resource similar to Nidus' Mutation stacks or Saryn's Plague counter, related to using your abilities on enemies and exerting your dominion over them by putting them to sleep, which powers up your ultimate ability that involves manifesting the Dreamrealm proper.

The second major driving idea behind Morpheus was the exploration of a mechanic that technically exists in the game but has gotten no real focus: the light/shadow mechanic.  Currently, it is used in Mirage's Eclipse ability which grants a different buff depending on whether you're standing in the light or shadow.  It is noticeably missing from Equinox, a frame where the implementation of a light/shadow mechanic would've been a perfectly fit thematically, what with the Day/Night and Yin/Yang theme.  I always thought it would be interesting to see the mechanic explored further, since the tech already exists to detect whether you're in the light or shadow.  My first idea was the possibility of having a Warframe ability that allows you to travel at extremely high speed while being invisible and invulnerable by melting into the shadows, but limited by the fact that you could only move in the shadows while it was active; any light would become an impassable barrier.  I also originally had the idea that Morpheus, as Ruler of the Night, would be one half of a warframe duo designed around further exploring the light/shadow mechanic, but in the end only Morpheus got any real fleshing out.  I also decided that the two warframes should have something in their kits to prevent them becoming useless due to overdependence on the mechanic, so they would need a way to artificially spread light/shadow.  The idea was that Morpheus could fire a line of shadow along the ground, to bridge the gap between shadowed areas and let him move in areas considered to be light.  This wound up becoming the Dreamrealm, which would always count as shadow in addition to its other properties.  Eventually the whole light/shadow thing faded down as well in favor of expanding the "dream" theme instead, but I feel there's some potential there if DE wants an opportunity to flesh out the mechanic, and if they don't, they can ignore it in favor of the already robust dream theme.

Third, sleep.  There's multiple warframes in game already with some way to put enemies to sleep, and adding another warframe capable of interacting with sleeping enemies in a new way can create some interesting gameplay synergies.  Since Morpheus is the Lord of Nightmares, he could have a powerful ability that only affects sleeping enemies, like how Pokemon has the move Dream Eater which does massive damage but only works on sleeping targets.  This might not be that great on its own, but pair him with Equinox or Baruuk and things would really take off.  It could create some interesting new builds for those warframes.

Later, I also got the idea of setting up totems, which have been associated with dreams in a variety of definitions, influenced by the movie Inception.  Morpheus could either create Totems from thin air similar to how Wisp can create her pods, or convert a sleeping enemy into a Totem like Garuda's Blood Altars.  The Totems would then act as node points for Morpheus' influence, copying casts of his other abilities against nearby enemies, taunting and/or sleeping enemies that approach, or creating a circular area of Dreamrealm around them, in combination with Morpheus' other abilities.

Finally is the idea of a "Nightmare Form" that Morpheus can transform into to drastically increase his combat potential, his equivalent to an Exalted Weapon, representative of how a pleasant dream can suddenly turn into a nightmare.  As an example of a possible implementation, the Nightmare form would be a shadowy, monstrous, legless specter of Morpheus composed of dark energy, armed with wickedly curved claws.  It would be capable of moving at incredible speed and dealing massive damage across wide areas with sweeping swipes, appearing to teleport around the area, leaving no escape for hapless foes.  Similarities to Rell from the Chains of Harrow quest are intentional.  However he would only be capable of moving within the Dreamrealm, or perhaps be tethered to his immobile body with the ability to teleport to other Dream Totems.  It should be mentioned here that the visual indicator for an enemy that has been converted into a Dream Totem is the presence of the Nightmare Form hovering above it, which is also what taunts nearby enemies into attacking it.  It could also manifest as a shadowy specter floating behind the warframe.  You know, like some kind of Stand.

In Summary, Potential Gameplay Mechanics:
-Spreading the Dreamrealm
-Light/Shadow based mechanics
-Sleep, and unique interactions with sleeping enemies
-Creating Dream Totems that offer area control and/or duplicate/synergize with other abilities
-Nightmare Form AKA a Jojo reference

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