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Be Part of the Next Community-Created Warframe


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A Warframe that uses shadows of the enemy to teleport behind them also his 4th ability wold be to summon a shadow of himself on every enemy around and deal melee damage to them or any thing that is like what Gauss is to Volt but for Loki , wish I could make a concept draw , seen someone also requesting for shadow base Warframe 

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Lore wise I think it is time we give are Main Man Ordis (Ordan Kane)  a little more shine, we spent hours gathering fragments to find out about his past I wont leave spoilers for the new Tenno or those still looking into these fragments. This Combined with the looming New war around the corner  could provide a strong Narrative plot hook.  We also know ones mind can be transferred into a Machine  as we have seen reacquiring many times.  Now a Beast of Bones themed warframe could have alot of enjoyment  perhaps a shiftier between  a wide range DPS and a male Focused healer  most of the Healing Frames currently are Female with no real Alt's  Ordis has been a support for years so what better role for him to carry out. Mechanically the idea of an assassin style warframe  that uses  bone Magic,KUVA,Energy what ever it might be to dish out damage and  grant healing in exchange for damage  is his kinda style. Perhaps a he starts out as a healer then builds to a rage from watching his allies take damage be for going well full on Beast hqdefault.jpg

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Its not about abilities at the moment but for looks sake id like to see a roman type armoured frame, with his armoury. The myth around him is a general thought lost but captured by the sentients who try to create thier own warframe using a dax.A whole new mission could be set up where we have to fight him and gain control from the sentients

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My idea is really simple: A time-manipulation Warframe:  Not the simple Limbo-stop-time-in-Rift time stop. You can speed up your or and ally’s time, slow down enemies and their projectiles (energy drain per second). 

Their backstory stems from the Orokin deeming the frame as a valuable asset only because it did what others couldn’t: give enough time. Orokin didn’t need to age. It could see the future and rewind it to a point where it could fix mistakes. Until Ballas decided it was too dangerous to keep around due to the idea of possible betrayal.

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I've always had something like this in mind and I've always thought it would be really cool. I'm thinking of a warframe that goes beyond being a master of nature, like Oberon, but instead he becomes the force of nature. His name is going to be Wulfric, and if you could tell by his name he's literally a wolf. And like a wolf all his abilities are going to be berserker/frenzy type abilities. Something about bloodhound senses, and also being able to transform into a werewolf and going sicko mode on all fours as he runs. We've had a cat Warframe like Khora so I just wanted to have the dog counterpart to that.

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Here’s a semi-paladin themed Warframe I call Beowulf. Just like we have Grendel, the devourer, we can have Beowulf the warrior king. His abilities reflect various aspects themed around knighthood such as summoning a war banner or throwing a javelin. 

  1. Javelin - Hurl a javelin of energy at an enemy, impaling them to the wall and knocking back any enemies behind them. (25 energy, 10 second base duration)
  2. Banner - Stake a war banner where Beowulf is standing which applies an armor buff and health regeneration to himself, pets, and all allies within range. (50 energy, 10 meter base range)
  3. Reinforcements - Beowulf summons two ancient Tenno warriors that attack enemies with melee until slain. (75 energy)
  4. Call to Arms - Beowulf emits a battlecry while drawing his Exalted Sword and Shield which deals high slash and bleed status. All allies are also given a damage buff and increased damage resistance. (25 energy to cast, drains 5 energy per second)


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Здравствуйте я  хочу даже мечаю так сказать чтобы добавили варфрейма по подобию Инопланетного Существа из Фильма И Аниме Гайвер обладал чтобы способностями из первой и второй части фильма , к примеру его первый скилл давал бы ему различные бафы к броне так как он покрыт твёрдым панцирем, второй бы давал тоже какой нибудь бафф, третий режим берсерка или что то типо того где он бы своими лезвиями на локтях разрезал бы всё и вся , а ульта была бы у него как в фильме и аниме он раскрывал на груди панцирь и колосальная мощь энергии испепеляла бы врагов ну что то типо того я бы хотел увидеть такое самое главное чтобы очертаниями он был схож с оригиналом фанатом гайвера очень понравится данный варфрейм 




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A dance/rhythm based warframe that is centered around timing the use of abilities and button presses in order to gain buffs/inflict debuffs. An ability to spawn background dancers after a long enough rhythm streak to increase range.  Ultimate can even include a DDR type minigame in order to improve its power.

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would like another healing frame, so far trinity is the only best option in long runs or particular missions. i don't have any concept in mind but i think we need to think of something new in that category since all we get is damage/CC/speed-armor buff type frames

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My uniqe frame of choice would be Grineer inspired type, an amalgamation of both Tenno and Grineer tech named Eve. This femme fetale would be petite, smart, and shrewd. Dispatching her enemies with ruthless effiency. She would use dark plasma energy to annihilate her enemies or nuclear power to utterly obliterate them. This frame would also have a specialized cyborg type Kubrow hound companion to help do her dirty work. The activated pet would have abilities such as: hacking terminals and weapons array systems, attacking enemies in hand to paw combat, healing Eve/allies and draining energy from various bad guys to power up weapons/abilities of Eve/allies.

This frame was created by the Grineer Queens after they witnessed the failed atempt of the Zanuka project some years ago. The Queens had already tried and failed in their own best laid plans; to control the Tenno for their innate ability to manipulate the Void and the Orokin made Warframes, both of which they coveted more then anything else. Thinking it a good idea, the Grineer went ahead and captured many of the Corpo scientists who were part of the botched Zanuka project and put them to work. Now armed with the technological know how combined with the newly discovered Lich enhancment methods developed by their very own queens. The Grineer were able to create their own version of "the machines of old". However the Warframe proved it too was unable to be harnessed by anyone in the Grineer faction. It broke free of the Queen's control almost as if it had a mind of its own. Some would say it was Corpus sabotage, others would say the Queens were too weak to fully control the powerful suit, yet others would even dare to say that the echos of the Lotus brought it out of the darkness that consumed it.

(image coming soon....hopefully).

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  im thinking an armor  them with the warframe having good armor and it doing things to support just that , like if you can see the picture i drew ik its not the best  but u will see im thinking something kinda like atlas but in a way differnt way its like his has armor that will hurt you if you touch  it  i can see him fitting in well  on cetus railjack , like just add a mission where there is a special  enemy or boss  and he drop the parts but the parts for his armor only maybe ?  and then you could get his blue print and main parts from ether the rewards from that mission  or from just that enemy as well,  id say the enemy would have to be decent target tho  i can see alot with this but id like some feed back or maybe some fresh points of views ? 

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54 minutes ago, SNESbox64 said:

A dance/rhythm based warframe that is centered around timing the use of abilities and button presses in order to gain buffs/inflict debuffs. An ability to spawn background dancers after a long enough rhythm streak to increase range.  Ultimate can even include a DDR type minigame in order to improve its power.

Octavia already exists

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A warframe that is a robotic weapon thing itself: (a modern warframe, not a historical one)

maybe the corpus work on making their own warframe, reverse engineer the tech so it can be manned by an outside influence. (although maybe with a cephalon core or some other sort of AI inside it.)

(which we then get to steal/set free and add it to our roster)


Powers will be "tech" based:

Possibly setting up a shield that reflects incoming fire randomly or directly back. (until so much has been prevented)

Firing some massive missile (nuclear?) with lingering radiation zone.

Firing some energy beam or multishot rail gun with massive  punchthrough that cuts through swathes of enemies.

Melee swings with massive knockback/ragdoll.

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I think it’s time for a Robot themed frame! A frame that was designed in secret to defeat the Tenno, however Lotus caught wind of the plot and sends the Tenno on a dangerous mission to discover if the threat is real. This Robot frame will have 4 different transformations, giving it different play styles.  I call him Mecha 
1. Hacking ability / anything robotic can be hacked 

2. Can summons a drone that can be remotely used on levels or placed in auto mode to follow and cover fire  

3. Helicopter mode/ propellers rise from its shoulders as it drops down area of effect like Gas or Fire/ quick but low strength, great for Crown control 

4. Tank, slow moving/ rocket launcher reveals from its back for a short period of time killing all in path. (Special mod that can be farmed makes this rockets launcher a lava spitting flame thrower) Causing anyone who dare steps into the path to burn/melt. 

passive: MOAs receive buffs to shields and health 

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Maybe a Warframe based off of a sentient? It would certainly be cool to see a tall slender Warframe with golden accents, floating and shooting lasers. Like, a warframe that's unable to equip other weapons. Just having the ability to change it's weapons through mods.

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I want a gladiator .He can fight by himself a long time and got honor by wrestle,more battle, more power.


Passive ability:he alived from many battles.So he can battle without weapon.Get a sparring weapon(his body).Passive status when disarm/unequip melee weapon.


skill 1:bloody weapon

passive:when melee weapon hit only one enemy ,more damage.

objective : press1, give u heal every melee hit(time)

honor:more damage and more heal/time





skill 2:equipment master

Net(throw to catch enemies)Shield(blocking bullets)Collision angle(break many enemies)

honor:more enemies/more time /more damage




skill 3:disarm

Disarm u and enemies by a violent roar.

honor:disarm and stun a short time.




skill 4:Abattoir

Press 4 to choose an enemy ,other enemies‘ damage decline,the chosen one and u do more damage to eachother. Energy will link both.Cant runaway.(max distance)Everytime u kill enemy by this way,u got a"honor"."Honor" will give u heal/ damage / speed/ strengthen 123skill.100+"honor"will make enemies fear(robots wont).They cant fight with u but run to a safe distance to cool down.Execution will give u more honor.





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When building a new warframe, I always had in my head a picture of a scarab warframe. Lightweight design with powerful skills that have never been in the game before. His skills would be based largely on explosive and fire damage, and using one of the skills would show him wings of fire adapted to the armor of such a Warframe. I think this is a great idea to new warframe - scarabs-frame, and his name is a "Chibi".

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