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Why are we all acting like this


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On 2020-04-07 at 12:11 PM, (NSW)235714 said:

We all know the recent thing countless people are saying about DE, as we all know thier mistakes are somewhat the communities fault, in recent time they gave us ideas, we gave suggestions and they made the necessary changes.(lich/thrall system, some rj bugs), so what more can we ask from the devs whom are still working to give us a good or somewhat decent gaming experience. We all know the impact of COVID-19 and how it is affecting the devs, let just give em a brake till things get back to normal, there some bugs with scarlet spear and it is not right to just complain about something...for fracks sake we at least have something.

I have said similar things in 21st Century Planet Earth, now embroiled in global conflict against an invisible enemy. Something that will significantly damage or even destroy economies outright in just a few short weeks. 

I work in a team that's in itself fighting for its very existence, first being denied additional resources, then when disaster hit, continued to fight on with 50-80% of its manpower down. Not one of the clients cared. And expected things done right now. Right away. Immediately or else.

We have a special license to continue operating as a critical business, but it required many, many strongly worded defences before our upper management started to talk to people to calm them down. Getting things done is never about making threats and demands, it is about proper planning, understanding the operating environment, and deploying men and materiel to where it matters most. And for the Management to actually, manage things, not just pass the blame to people while they hide in safety far away.

To keep our very existence sane we have resorted to infamy. Closing our doors, cutting the phones, ignoring the emails, so we can focus on what needs to be done, with maximum impact and efficiency. If we don't get to do our job, then no good will come for anyone. 

People will always complain. It's a good thing. Keep the discussion going, the community active, but in time, everyone will look back and appreciate that we survived, and the Devs still continued to fix things, continued to make content, continued to keep the community alive. 

That's what matters most in times of duress. Sticking to our guns, doing our duty. Regardless whether as a member of the community asking questions or debating to keep topics alive, or the devs, keeping an eye on things, knowing what they can or cannot do and understanding it's impossible to please everyone yet still must push on with their creative and commercial vision. 

In the end, life just goes on 🙂 And we just watch threads rise and fall like the waves of the ocean.

Edited by Laxmibai
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The shift from a lot of smaller updates to fewer but bigger updates carried with it an over-ambition that often lead to delays and over-promising in between them.

Since they're working on approximately 5 projects at the same time (usually 3 that we know of and 2 that are kept hidden for Tennocon) it has lead to them not giving the feedback process enough time or attention to properly come into play.

New weapon feedback seems to be completely ignored outside of bugs

New warframe feedback seems to go either completely ignored or seemingly ignored for a good period (like with Gauss)


And yes, I am fully aware that they have to cherry pick who they listen to and cannot listen to everyone, but a lot of times it feels like they add a warframe and then maybe make 1 or 2 small changes to them before moving on to the next warframe or update, while a lot of suggestions seemed like something that should have been applied on the spot (like Hildryn auto equipping her 1 while in her 4)


General update feedback seems like the biggest mixed bag, so I'll leave that alone since it has the greatest amount of subjectivity to it.



A general issue with DE is their management system, which I had feared for years now consisted of large debates over even small changes, the process only ever coming to a YES, BUT or a NO, maybe later. This is because the way they handled and still handle things rely a lot on universal agreement, which is hard to come to when you have multiple people with different ideas and stances.

Sadly it was recently confirmed by Scott that this is how they manage things, filter out all the ideas and then leave it to a few people to put everything together in a way that appeases everyone, which I feel should not be the case.


What I'm trying to say that in the end people are just trying to make the game as best as it can be and while there is a lot of subjectivity to what "best" means in this case, DE seems to be going to various places with no destination in mind and I personally don't see this as a good thing.

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33 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

What I'm trying to say that in the end people are just trying to make the game as best as it can be and while there is a lot of subjectivity to what "best" means in this case, DE seems to be going to various places with no destination in mind and I personally don't see this as a good thing.

I see this as the reason to play the game.

IME, the only reason to have a destination is to have an 'end'.

I think WFs strength is that the world is changing and unpredictable, just like a world based on lots of different people wielding powerful magic and technology would be, IMO.

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28 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

I see this as the reason to play the game.

IME, the only reason to have a destination is to have an 'end'.

I think WFs strength is that the world is changing and unpredictable, just like a world based on lots of different people wielding powerful magic and technology would be, IMO.

A destination isn't exactly an end, it's where we stop moving all over the place, but it's not where we would just stop doing anything, I see it as the stable foundation DE has to build upon rather than build around a random assortment of ideas in an endless loop, digging themselves deeper and deeper into a design and balance nightmare as time goes on.

But first they'd need to decide what the stable foundation is. 

Right now what we have is a mix of ideas that barely work as a whole.

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22 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

A destination isn't exactly an end, it's where we stop moving all over the place, but it's not where we would just stop doing anything, I see it as the stable foundation DE has to build upon rather than build around a random assortment of ideas in an endless loop, digging themselves deeper and deeper into a design and balance nightmare as time goes on.

But first they'd need to decide what the stable foundation is. 

Right now what we have is a mix of ideas that barely work as a whole.

We simply don't look at it the same way. 🙂

I love the chaos. I think based on the IP that is being built, it is appropriate, the world seems to have reality changing magitech...

What others might see as imbalance I simply see as variety, since it's a power fantasy, it's just different level depending on what you enjoy, this idea 'all things need to be equal' IMO just makes it boring.

I am not looking for another Halo/COD/Borderlands/Tribes, personally, I love the unique world and the ideas, I love the power fantasy, I love that you can pick your weapons and mods and make your own level of challenge, even if some of those are 'overpowered' to some people.

Unlike some of people, I also don't expect game companies to run like utilities...a game having flaws and bugs is just not the same thing as the financial sector or the cable company and I don't expect the systems to run like that, it's just entertainment, not life supporting...

I want DE and all game companies to toss out stuff and see what sticks and have fun doing it, I call it art.

For some reason I don't understand, art makes some people really upset, IME.

Just completely different point of view.

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On 2020-04-18 at 11:41 AM, Zimzala said:

I love the chaos. I think based on the IP that is being built, it is appropriate, the world seems to have reality changing magitech...

I like it too, but I can't stop looking at everything they add, have added or plan to add and think "where is this all going?" 


I just don't want the game to end up with 100+ warframes in a few years and thousands of weapons while they just keep adding bosses that are disconnected from any form of progression or lacking any interesting reward you need on a regular basis (such as forma).


On 2020-04-18 at 11:41 AM, Zimzala said:

What others might see as imbalance I simply see as variety, since it's a power fantasy, it's just different level depending on what you enjoy, this idea 'all things need to be equal' IMO just makes it boring.

I like this aspect too, but it's both what DE does and doesn't want.

If the game is supposed to be a power fantasy, then why did they completely nerf Nuke Trinity instead of tuning it down and embrace it? (and yes I know it wouldn't work now at all since self dmg is gone)

Why did they nerf Nuke Wukong? 

Why stop kavats from affecting operators?


What I want is for it to be clear what they do and don't want, because right now it seems like they're walking the line between appeasing 2 sides while completely appeasing neither side.



Edited by Madway7
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8 hours ago, Prexades said:

A lot of people are acting like petulant children right now.

Someone I respect recently provided an alternative interpretation of some people’s behaviour; Those people might be applying a form of Tough Love to DE 🤔 

I believe the interpretation applies somewhat; Most of us are on the forums for a reason, and while it may seem otherwise at times, most of us want to see Warframe improve.

To that end, I think some people kick and abuse and starve DE of money in order to get them to straighten up and fly right. They hurt out of love.

Personally, I think such a motivation is a crock of crap, and needs to stop because it does so much more harm than good. But it would explain some behaviours 🤨

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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Yea..we are all entitled to our opinions, if we say it in a constructive/respectful manner... Saw a ton of horrible comments (on twitch) when the last devstream got cancelled, especially about Rebecca and the sad news she just announced on instagram... People really need to watch what they say, not run their mouths online. Perhaps among the things that need fixing, pointing out what [DE] has done great on (genuinely, not sarcasm) would give them encouragement as well.. Mentioned this before in another thread, but I'm used to playing another game (for 2 years and counting) that doesn't get any updates, devs don't communicate with their players anymore, their discord is full of negative comments towards the devs.. so [De] is (imo) amazing compared to them and I really respect them for keeping Warframe active for so many years. OFC their f2p model is great as well (imo, u dont need to agree with me)

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Everything in warframe is a endless grinding....never to explore and find something cool. Warframe needs something more than new warframes, weapons....

Warframe needs more unpredictability in rewards ....

Have you ever thought if we are opening a riven in cetus and a thumper appears that could drop things more useful to the game such as kuva or parts of railjack? Am I not talking about useless quantities as there is in the sortie (6k) but something more rewarding like 10k-20k kuva? Wouldn't it be time for DE to change things up a bit? The DE film is well burned!

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1 hour ago, Luciole77 said:

Everything in warframe is a endless grinding....never to explore and find something cool. Warframe needs something more than new warframes, weapons....

Warframe needs more unpredictability in rewards ....

Have you ever thought if we are opening a riven in cetus and a thumper appears that could drop things more useful to the game such as kuva or parts of railjack? Am I not talking about useless quantities as there is in the sortie (6k) but something more rewarding like 10k-20k kuva? Wouldn't it be time for DE to change things up a bit? The DE film is well burned!

That would be fun, but I remember the devs talking about transparency in drop rates.. If they add something like that, it would show on the wiki as 1% or something.. and then people will end up grinding for it regardless. There are things to explore! Open worlds, hidden rooms in Jupiter tileset~ We do have options ^.^ may not be the best, but options nonetheless 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

If you like something then see that something making mistakes, or otherwide going from good to bad, its natural to speak up.

DEs trends in the past years have those who have seen this shift in the game they love speaking up hoping to protect it.

I’ve seen many people speak up. I’ve read a lot of posts that were both for or against Warframe and thought “Huh. I can see their point”.

What would you consider examples of people speaking up to protect Warframe? 🤔 

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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To be honest Titan Fall 2 was a perfect game. It combines mechs and FPS action. I would like to see the idea of Warframe scheme structure being applied to Titan Fall 2. Instead of Warframe would be nice to have different modified mechs, vehicles and weapons with the grappling hook, jet pack and the fast pace parkour the game has. I think that Warframe settled a good basic model for other games adopt the Warframe Style. 

Warframe looks like a caricature and it seems that the whole game was designed for mobile phones. A more realistic look and a darker design to the Warframe can turn the game into a true immersible idea. There are good artists that envision Warframes with a more serious dark atmosphere than that of an iphone ugly graphics look. 

Arsen Asyrankulov has a good vision for the game. A more darker version of Warframes as mechano organic golems of antique times build for war. 


Instead of looking like an Iphone game Warframe should increase the level of detail in the models and improve the art quality up to higher levels of detail like procedural tessellation and the first steps in ray tracing. 

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16 hours ago, Madway7 said:

A destination isn't exactly an end, it's where we stop moving all over the place, but it's not where we would just stop doing anything, I see it as the stable foundation DE has to build upon rather than build around a random assortment of ideas in an endless loop, digging themselves deeper and deeper into a design and balance nightmare as time goes on.

But first they'd need to decide what the stable foundation is. 

Right now what we have is a mix of ideas that barely work as a whole.


The more variables you add into an equation, the more complex becomes the calculus and the differential equations who handle the variables. DE is exploring a pencil of ideas to see which ones falls and which ones proceed. The whole game resulted into a convolution of ideas. Is it right to continue this way? Well, look for example Star Citizen 42. Their ambition is creeping the game despite the achievements. However with big risks and stupidity comes great reward. This is the case for Warframe. It's a wild bet that turned out to be productive somehow. 


I prefer the self contained project like Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider Man or any other game that has a start and an end. Those are structures that I can relate with. Can DE round up the loop and make the game a coherent whole. Well, that's tough mathematics. If they get 500 people working for them then they can pull off their complete project. Are other companies interested in this goal? Maybe not, they are interested on the return of such investments. 

Edited by Felsagger
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