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What can DE say on the next Dev stream to appease You?


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10 minutes ago, Psianide73 said:

Appease? Do players think they're gods?

Maybe they think they are customers, patrons. A company doesn't have to appease everyone. But to exist, enough people have to be happy with them.

Unless of course they are a monopoly of a valued commodity. But game companies... not that rare.

Edited by Firetempest
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40 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

It's still the same people so the 10% of forum minority doesnt change. You dont magically turn into an extra person if you post here and then on reddit or the other way around, or if you go make a video instead of posting. It is less than 10% out of the total playerbase since 10% is the forum minority and out of those 10% you have a split between negatives and positives, and even in the negatives you have a split between mindless complaining and critical feedback.

edit: Also, even if part of those that reddit post or make YT video arent part of the 10% registered on these forums you'd need a massive amount (several thousands of each) to have any impact on that number. And no, there arent several thousands of threads or YT videos being created. So you are maybe looking at 10.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% instead of 10%.

Can you provide emperhical data however? Where do you source these somewhat accurate number not based on an educated guess

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27 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Can you provide emperhical data however? Where do you source these somewhat accurate number not based on an educated guess

The 10% is based around the 5.3 million total members on these very forums and the now 50m+ total users for the game. 5m out of 50m = 10%. You'd need 500k external people to shift that to 11% of the total playerbase. And those 10% arent all complainers either. And the active part is even smaller, though that applies to the playerbase too. In the end it is a very small number and ignoring them wouldnt cost DE much.

You have to remember being vocal and negative is far more common than creating posts with praise. People often keep quiet when they enjoy something and it is only when they want an improvement or change that they open their mouth. We see more complaint threads than praise threads, that doesnt mean there are more people with complaints, it just means there are more people that see no point in saying how good the game is or how that specific mode is amazing, perfect, marvelous, wunderbar, great or whatever.

edit: Also, if you arent happy with the data we have at hand then you should provide your own to back up your claims that try to state the opposite.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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5 hours ago, BRZZAFK said:

Why should they? Their job is to make good game not babysiting players. Saying thing woundn't change anything. If they fail to make game enjoyable.They will have to face the consequence.  

For me the time for talk is long over. Put out good interesting content that shows some passion (and maybe some fun mechanics) and let that do their talking.   Then I’ll start supporting DE financially again.  Interested to see what Leyou does and what the numbers are, will directly show how “successful” this has all been.  DE is turning into the Cleveland Browns of gaming, lots of talk and then a dreadful showing. 

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6 hours ago, (PS4)O0-Killran-0O said:

Title, because I really don't know.They already always say "we are listening to your feedback and working on it" or some variation of it and know hows thats going, but what else can they say?

- Revert the changes to Limbo. I don't main him, but the fact DE decided to make a permanent change to a frame (Limbo and Khora, even if restored) based on a temporary event they did not design around current gameplay on top of labeling Venari's default function out of the gate with no mods "an exploit" left a very bitter taste in my mouth.

- Direct plans to link together all 4 content islands (PoE/OV/RJ/Liches), and how.

They can start there.

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20 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:


I dont agree on the limbo thing though. It was a fix/change that actually brought him to the same mechanical standard as every other CC frame. They are all effected by diminishing return or shortened duration versus sentients. Limbo should not be an exception.

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17 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I dont agree on the limbo thing though. It was a fix/change that actually brought him to the same mechanical standard as every other CC frame. They are all effected by diminishing return or shortened duration versus sentients. Limbo should not be an exception.

 I don't mind the change per se. I mind the when of said change. It's not like Sentients were introduced to the game with SS.

Had they done so a month before SS or a month after, it would be a different response. My problem is them prioritizing changing core WF design before balancing reward time investment in a time-limited event, showing that their heart was not with content enjoyment, but content investment control. This is further amplified by labeling Venari's functions a bug first, then an exploit later with it being the most strange exploit somehow working out of the gate with no mods, settups, or macro involved.

It's the optics of when they did it. Not the fact that they did it.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

I’d like to hear them admit that they’ve messed up and actually mean it. Admit to not meeting the mark on updates. And admit that they are using the good will of the community to their advantage (look above me) I’d like to hear them say and put into action that they’ll listen to more feedback and take into consideration More of our vision as well as theirs still to. I’d like to hear them talk about a universal buff to all warframes to make them half as good as ash.  I’d love for them to go back and focus on the core gameplay loops. 

Its a lot

I can't agree with you more. 

DE can learn from their mistakes when they are not busy denying them and pulling off a guitar every time they mess up.  

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47 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

It seems like.

There's some virus, probably a lot of people is depressed because they can't go out or see their relatives but still the community acts like there's nothing going on. 

Or its something that's been building since well before this year and the conversation is just at a head as the quarantine just sped things up. SS was mostly finished before they were stuck at home. Railjack has been designed for years, again, before stuck at home. Old blood, before they were stuck at home. Nightwave, before stuck at home. Its not about the lack of things this second. Its about how not a single expansion has been delivered as advertised because they keep jumping to the next project while no amount of hot-fixes have enhanced the core loop of any of these new mechanics. Just made it slightly less painful while still stretching out less for more time.

Steve in a interview last july: How do you keep the train from flying off the tracks?

"Sometimes we do well and sometimes we totally mess it up. There are some updates we've had where the train was not on the tracks. I'm just going to Twitter and writing I'm sorry, we f---ed up, I have no other words to say, It's awful.' Warframe began as this experiment to be radically honest with our players and to look them in the face and say "we are human, we screwed up, we will try." We don't sweep it under the rug. If there's a live stream and the comments are going "when are you going to address this?" We will face it, our honesty and humanity, connection to the players is how we keep it barely running.

And that was before the big three miss this winter. And the connection is becoming more and more silent year after year and comments are just ignored, skirted around, and swept under the rug. A few have pretty much stayed away from social media this whole year so far. They cant fix this or add hope to the situation. So many have done the only sensible thing and kept their head down as Leyou cracks the whip.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

Yea I agree it's a vocal minority. 

The problem with this argument is that it's not measurable. Most people are actually apathetic to things unless they really care, which then brings the argument of is the "tiny vocal minority" less important than a silent but apathetic majority that is not silent because they are satisfied, but rather because they just don't care enough to get involved beyond what they get at face value? Pick your poison.

Don't be that guy. Mostly when people can point out direct flaws in mechanics or situation handling and offer solutions as well. The line between bashing and providing feedback/constructive criticism is clear:

Bashing: DE suck. Period.

Feedback/criticism: Lich murmur grind is exhausting, please lower it. 

One targets people. The other targets an implementation or concept.

Edited by Jarriaga
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16 minutes ago, (XB1)AMONGTHEWEAK said:

Naming and shaming will be edited/removed. Just indirectly mention someone without being specific. We all know what you mean. 

We are talking about a public individual with public actions in a thread about what DE can do to earn our trust back. "Indirect approaches" are not going to earn that trust back. Taking onwership of when you screw up, directly recognizing where, when, why and how you screwed up is how you start to make amends. "A tough esports moment" is recognized as the worst non-apology another gaming company did precisely because they danced around what the screw up was.

Trying to censor the specifics in this case will only lead to a Streisand Effect.

Edited by Jarriaga
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31 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

 I don't mind the change per se. I mind the when of said change. It's not like Sentients were introduced to the game with SS.

Had they done so a month before SS or a month after, it would be a different response. My problem is them prioritizing changing core WF design before balancing reward time investment in a time-limited event, showing that their heart was not with content enjoyment, but content investment control. This is further amplified by labeling Venari's functions a bug first, then an exploit later with it being the most strange exploit somehow working out of the gate with no mods, settups, or macro involved.

It's the optics of when they did it. Not the fact that they did it.

I think it is just a thing that didnt show until now. Players are the masters of cheese and previously there have been no sentients to cheese with Limbo. Where exactly have we been able to run into this scenario previously where it would be easily seen that it trivializes sentients? Nowhere really. Scarlet Spear just happens to have scenarios that are long enough for such a thing to show. Heck, Limbo may have been bugged for all these years without anyone noticing. Everywhere else where we face sentients it is about locking them down and killing them, so you never actually stand there for 40+ seconds having them stunned. So it isnt like they could have changed it previously and there is no reason why they should have waited with fixing it till after. I think the change to Limbo came at a proper time. When they saw it working in an unintended way they fixed it shortly after. I'd get onboard with the whole time-limited event argument if it wasnt for the fact they prolonged it with an extra week after the changes were made, so we really didnt lose any part of the event based on any of the changes, be it the limbo nerf or the reward rebalance. 

Venari seems to have been a panic button change since they wanted the interaction removed as quickly as possible form oplinks specifically. Not that it had any actual impact on the game as a whole.

edit: Also just noticed they edited your original post aswell as my quote from it regarding you know who. I guess that person does ride the you know what flag as some form of <insert MC Hammer here> thing.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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1 minute ago, Jarriaga said:

We are talking about a public individual with public actions in a thread about what DE can do to earn our trust back. "Indirect approaches" are not going to earn that trust back. Taking onwership of when you screw up, directly recognizing where, when, why and how you screwed up is how you start to make amends. "A though e-sport moment" is recognizing as the worst non-apology another gaming company did precisely because they danced around what the screw up was.

Trying to censor the specifics in this case will only lead to a Streisand Effect.

Indirect as in the players posting on this thread indirectly posting about the people they are referring to as to not be considered naming and shaming, not DE being indirect. DE needs to be direct. 

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2 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

2:00 PM ET today. Rebb PROMISED a ... heart to heart so to speak, about the current health of the game.

I have to see it to believe it. Maybe they will get busy puff talking diverting the heat like they do always. :3

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10 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

Nothing will appease some of the absolutely mental people around here. I'm still waiting for the day I can have actual discussions again, but that's not going to happen.

Warframe becomes a phone game. Play now that is free. 


Go, discuss. Let have an 'actual discussion again' on how DE decides to 'broaden' their assets being a Chinese owned company 😄

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8 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

Nothing will appease some of the absolutely mental people around here. I'm still waiting for the day I can have actual discussions again, but that's not going to happen.


There are players on these forums that seem to think they are, in fact, Gods, as another poster in this thread asks.

This tiny section of players, all stats always show posters for a game are a tiny percentage of players, think they can be the tail that wags the dog.

Stuff has been rampant on all Live game forums from Day 0.

If you are looking to a game company to 'appease you', then, IMO, there are a number of things you could be doing to improve your emotional well-being, like putting down the game and taking a breath...peoples own internal brain chemistry is the issue, not the creative output of DE.

So many gamers, so full of rage and hate, it just makes me sad.

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