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Can we remove conservations please?


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45 minutes ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

No, but it's the most boring and tedious experience I've ever had. (Nightwave) why would I give them money for that experience?

And that comes from someone who has lvled all kdrives, put forma into 2 of them, maxed the ventkids standing multiple times plus the extra 132k standing.

nightwave is tedious

It indeed is. It is pretty sad that it passed off as "Content" and people buy it.

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If this is about Conservation as a mini-game, stop being so entitled. It doesn't affect you by existing and it's silly to want it gone simply because you personally don't like it.


If this is about how doing Conservation is a Nightwave Act, and that this is something you don't like, mention that in your post.

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55 minutes ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

No, but it's the most boring and tedious experience I've ever had. (Nightwave) why would I give them money for that experience?

And that comes from someone who has lvled all kdrives, put forma into 2 of them, maxed the ventkids standing multiple times plus the extra 132k standing.

nightwave is tedious

Ye pretty much... The other dude with the cat glyph said its the best game mode in the game,is it? Does the majority of people think it is or they just pay attention to it for the new exclusive stuff it brings which is still kinda meh aside from cosmetics and the new ship this season.

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I eagerly wait for a side quest one day where we find out that all the animals we hunt get sold into furcoats. So we mass murder the factory and stop hunting wild animals for sport. It will be a happy day.

Just watch Tiger King if you think keeping wild animals locked up "saves" them. (PepeHands)


Anyway, it's one of the challenges I decided to skip a few seasons ago because I just don't want to bother getting frustrated with it. I feel amazing about that and am thankful that DE made sure we can skip a lot and still finish NW.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

Oh boy, after 5 years I drown in cosmetics.. so they're the most redundant reward to me. (I downright forget them at this point)

I'm doing all this for the umbra forma we still have no reasonable way of getting..

Legit only reason I bother with NW. 

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This thread moved me to do the Conservation NW Challenge for the first time.

And... wow, I am bad at this.
I killed some animals by switching out the tranquilizer gun, so I could use Ivaras Arrow - and promptly shot the damn thing with my flamethrower.
All the more fun, when you get scolded for it afterwards, as if you did it intentionally. NO! I didn´t! I wanted to save that animal (for selfish reasons, but still)!
Several times enemies (including glass -  fissures) spawned during the hunt, making me lose the track or make the animal run away.
Once the animal spawned instantly after the echo lure and ran away, before I could hide.
Another time it ran away without me even seeing it. 
The bird - thingy flew between the mushrooms and refused to get hit by sleep arrow.
Once I just couldn`t find the beginning of the track, despite it being on the map. 
Once it took me so long to find it (and I am pretty sure, it just didn`t arrive sooner), that the capture counted as bad anyway.
I don´t remember swearing that much during any other task in Warframe this year.

And you know what?
I completed the challenge in less than two hours, despite being completely incompetent during this first real try and "quitting" a few times between.
And I got a LOT better by the end.  

Afterwards I even voluntarily went to PoE and found some animals there.
Now I have about seven or eight plushies in my Orbiter, that are haunted by the spirits of the poor animals, I (mostly) accidentally killed, in order to get them.
And I likely will do it again. It is actually fun, after you get the hang out of it (though I only managed one perfect capture without using Ivara so far).

So you could just do it anyway, see it as one of the actually "challenging" ... challenges... NW has to offer (if you are as bad at this, as I was/am) and get rewarded in the end. 

Or you skip it.

The NW seasons before that? I just skipped this challenge every single time, and I never had a problem getting all the rewards, with more than enough time left afterwards.
That is kinda the point of the NW system. You specifically don`t need all of those. 
It is a way to get people to play things they normally wouldn`t, even if it is just a few missions, and rewards you for that. 
You can choose if you want the rewards and which challenges you want to complete for them (as long as you don`t skip too many).

After all that, I find the Conservation Mechanic a bit frustrating and rage inducing at times, but all in all a very fun and different game mode, that maybe needs a bit development, to truly shine. 

No reason to remove this from NW.
If you can do it easily, it is a fast way to get a challenge, with extra rewards in the form of plushies and (not insignificant!) standing.
If you can`t do it easily, view it as a challenge (which it is supposed to be anyway).
If you hate it, skip it. No harm done.  


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21 hours ago, (PS4)grayhyh said:

Its boring,its not really fun and tracking dumb animals to "save" them for standings is meh,warframe is an action game more shooty shooty and less boring activity like this and the only thing they give you is some goofy fluffs to put as orbiter decoration its cool that there is animal variety at least tho(did 6 different conservations for the first time for nw,boring af).

Whats next they will change how our kubrows and kavats work and force us to clean their poo?

Warframe is a successful game because it caters to many different types of players. I also am not interested in conservation, but some players love it. It's made for those players, not for me. I'm okay with that. I hope you can make peace with that too.

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1. Each Specie has 3 Subspecies and 2 Genres, You are able to make Conservation with 1 Animal only.

2. Equipping specific Echo lure will show you specific Specie on map.

3. Use Enemy radar mods.

4. Sometimes things are easier then they look like: Let the Horrasque and Bolarola to reach the Call point, they will take a rest on top of nest and become an easy target.

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Just don't do it. Missing one challenge won't kill you.

I was doing them during S01, now I won't bother with it for various reasons (deuteranopia making me have a hard time seeing the tracks, the fact sometimes Perfect captures ain't perfect, the fact sometimes Animals see me even when stealthed for some reason... and the fact I have more fun things to do in my agenda 😛 ). And I'm still 100% sure I'll complete all 30 ranks during this season.

Just don't. You'll be fine.

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Le 19/05/2020 à 02:01, SmallerRidley a dit :

your choice of frame is completely randomized

all mods are removed

NGL, that would be like Grendel farm with a randomiser... actually might be quite fun 😛 

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