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"Open Worlds" and Host Migration.


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Entering one of the "open world" maps on public setting is one of the worst mistakes you can make in this game. Expect to go through several loading screens until, finally, you are the host.

It is so bad, that I literally Alt+F4 whenever I forget to switch to solo mode, and inevitably get stuck in loading screen hell.

People have asked for years to have DE host games themselves. Maybe take a small step in that direction, and start hosting your "open worlds"? This would have the added benefit, that these maps could actually be consistent worlds.

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11 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

Entering one of the "open world" maps on public setting is one of the worst mistakes you can make in this game. Expect to go through several loading screens until, finally, you are the host.

I don’t know, I have run them on public many times without issues. The occasional host migration isn’t a problem as they never fail for me.

16 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

It is so bad, that I literally Alt+F4 whenever I forget to switch to solo mode, and inevitably get stuck in loading screen hell.

If it’s this bad then the issue may be with your connection or PC. When they are too slow or low spec migration occur and fails more frequently (based on my experience).

13 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

Maybe take a small step in that direction, and start hosting your "open worlds"?

DE has already said they aren’t doing this. Not specifically in regards to open worlds, but in general. I don’t imagine it would be worth it. I doubt enough people would benefit significantly enough. And realistically you wouldn’t get enough people to spend money as a result of it to cover costs.

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Sadly it would be pretty expensive for them to run their own servers. Although i'm not sure, someone can probably drop stats on how much profit DE is generating from Warframe.
But the general idea is - Peer to Peer system is deeply rooted in the game and i strongly doubt that it's subject to change. Like they know it themselves that Dedicated Servers would be just better, they know it all too well. However what i would personally suggest is trying to create a Peer to Peer system without host migration - making sure that each acts as host and there is synchronization between everyone, but if someone disconnects then everything just moves on. Some games have achieved it. 

And your issues seem way worse than normal. Most likely port opening issue (but then you wouldn't be able to join people in first place) or your connection is dropping too often. Or you are just exaggerating some specific scenarios where hosts leave when getting missions rewards instead of going to extraction ( these happen, but not too often to be a problem) 

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hace 24 minutos, Traumtulpe dijo:

Entering one of the "open world" maps on public setting is one of the worst mistakes you can make in this game. Expect to go through several loading screens until, finally, you are the host.

It is so bad, that I literally Alt+F4 whenever I forget to switch to solo mode, and inevitably get stuck in loading screen hell.

People have asked for years to have DE host games themselves. Maybe take a small step in that direction, and start hosting your "open worlds"? This would have the added benefit, that these maps could actually be consistent worlds.

And you are gonna pay for those servers so they can host the mision ? .... if you do , i have no problem , its a really good idea .

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33 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

that these maps could actually be consistent worlds.

It's already possible to have an open world that stays for a long period with people coming and going while still operating mainly on peer to peer.

Dedicated servers are also only beneficial to people who live near where ever the servers end up located. It's also not as if they are free from issues. The common problem people have when talking about dedicated servers, is they deliberately ignore all their flaws.

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36 minutes ago, Yagamilight123 said:

And you are gonna pay for those servers so they can host the mision ?

I heard DE makes money. Supposedly they'd still be making money if they spend some on servers.

23 minutes ago, Syln said:

Go in public > leave party > tadam you're host

That is what the first guy does while I am still loading. Then the second guy while I am in host migration. And then the third guy who has also been through 3 loading screens. And that is why I Alt+F4 immediately now, much faster to just restart the game.

34 minutes ago, Yamazuki said:

Dedicated servers are also only beneficial to people who live near where ever the servers end up located. It's also not as if they are free from issues. The common problem people have when talking about dedicated servers, is they deliberately ignore all their flaws.

Games with dedicated servers are a thing. Has been for a LONG time, actually. It isn't the mirage you make it out to be.

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Justo ahora, Traumtulpe dijo:

I heard DE makes money. Supposedly they'd still be making money if they spend some on servers.

That is what the first guy does while I am still loading. Then the second guy while I am in host migration. And then the third guy who has also been through 3 loading screens. And that is why I Alt+F4 immediately now, much faster to just restart the game.

Games with dedicated servers are a thing. Has been for a LONG time, actually. It isn't the mirage you make it out to be.

So , you basically have no clue of the amount of money it would cost the server capacity to mantain thousans of active session (and for those session to work decently) .... 

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