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So, I wanna put this out there in the salt fields...

I thoroughly enjoyed the Nihil boss fight. It was a little bit frustrating to learn at first, if only because I feel stupid that it took me 6 full revives and a second attempt to actually beat him. A little bit of direction couldn't hurt (maybe some text showing up giving basic directions, or Nora giving us some simple tips), but the learning curve at least wasn't too steep.

Beyond that, it was a very fun way to end the Glassmaker story, and I hope you don't let the salty "I have to complain about everything new" people scare you off from trying more things like this. I have to admit, this was a LOT less painful than the fight at the end of Octavia's Anthem. More straightforward this time!

My only real feedback is this:

  1. Don't keep us waiting so long between episodes! I know there's a pandemic, but it's pretty clear Tennocon and Deimos took your full attention, and I've been impatiently waiting to deal with Nihil all this time. (the actual boss fight was a nice surprise)
    Have you considered arranging a dedicated live service team to maintaining Nightwave and other regular events, so you can be free to focus on bigger projects?
  2. Next time we have a Nightwave boss fight, let us use our Tenno weapons and powers somehow! I know you wanted to make sure even veterans would have a challenge, but there's got to be some middle ground. It just feels really cheap to be stripped of everything that makes my Tenno powerful. (Like... what was the point of all the guns and swords and Tenno powers, if fighting these old Orokin always means not having them?)
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There wasn't really anything challenging about figuring it out, I suspect most people saying it took 2 attempts had the same problem I did: Once you figure it out you're most of the way to the platform destruction hard enrage that kills you (run out and you fall and just fail the mission). So you come back and immediately dodge the projectiles, throw them properly, and then he dies. I bet you would have 1 shot him if not for the gotchas. 

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25 minutes ago, DrakeWurrum said:

I know you wanted to make sure even veterans would have a challenge

I don't know, I found it pretty easy (one run, three revives). The only "challenge" was the forced waiting for shards. I finished it without really figuring out exactly what to do. I thought it was fine, nothing special, but not as bad as people seem to be suggesting.

  • DE just needs to put more effort into Nightwave as a whole (it really just feels like an afterthought). I do think having a decent dedicated team for it would be beneficial.
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Tried 2 times, first one, in good old DE fashion, nothing is explained. Figured out what to do. Got One-Hit to often.

Second time he turned invisible after the first health bar was gone. ALT + F4 out of game.
Gonna wait for a fix before I touch this annoying Jump-and-Run episode again and hope that DE will never do something like it ever again.

As a sidenote, we complained for years about enemies that OHK us and they make a boss out of that mechanic?

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Outside of the controversial mechanics, which  I enjoyed btw, the character itself is visually well made. He is quite detailed from the facial features to his shoulder glass armour that blend well with the spot on voice acting I can keep on listening to with the oubliette. If not for the prolonged state of this NW, I can say he ranks even better than The Wolf, personality wise.

This NW series, suppose to serve like twilight-zone-esque segway from the norm, is a good addition to the game. The pandemic may have thrown a monkey wrench to the schedule a bit much, still I appreciate the tales and escape provided by it.

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Initially I was frustrated because the fight was rife with glitches for me (yay playing on the afterthought platform!), but in reality, it is an interesting conundrum, as you could, in theory, do this fight at MR 0. Don't know why you would, as having a Vitrica glaring at you in the foundry would probably be annoying for a few weeks. I think as a one-time event, it's fine, but it does highlight the problems with "bosses" in Warframe because how do you make a fight that's a culmination of everything you've learned when your entire kit is just dealing oppressive amounts of damage?

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Personally i liked the fight as well, took me 4 revives to figure out his attack pattern, but in the end I nailed it, and really loved it. The reasons, as far as i can tell, are the following:

  • Platforming. Utilizing our Warframe's mobility, as it is a core aspect of the game. I believe more fights should involve our mobility prowess.
  • Sentimental investment (not sure about the proper term). Personally, I like Nora, and the buildup of Nihil teasing the fact that he can get her glassed, as well as the reveal of her identity was a really nice touch
  • Followup on my previous point, the investment we got from those outcasts of each faction, playing around with the dogma of each faction and Nihil's ideology. It added a layer of depth to the factions (Ostron, Corpus, Solaris, Grineer) we desperately needed, making them appear not as a monolithic societal structure.
  • What I didnt like (at first) was the fact that I couldnt perform slam attacks to direct my fall during landings, but that's ok, it makes sense, since we're inside the Weave/Nihil's "digital space"/mind.
  • And the Boss Fight Music was dope af
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