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☆ Railjack Feedback in hopes of giving the update it's best chance of making RJ more mainstream.


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Railjack Hidden gem, buggy as hell and needs alot of work but my god it's fun with mates.

● Make sure to see the posts under my thread as people have put some really good feedback foward.

This upcomming update is probably it's last chance to not end up a dead mode. It's failed already and people have alot of dislike for it. But it can be such a blast and i hope it cements it's spot and doesn't end up like K-drives or Archwings.

☆ Railjack bugs that need to be addressed to make sure RJ cements itself as a main part of Warframe.

☆ Railjack Feedback

1. First thing i would recommend is honestly give it some alert type missions for Intrinsic bonuses. The grind is heavy and it will effect people wanting to do this mode (we need people to love this). Inside the RJ mission screen why not have rotating alerts where x mission rewards double exp with bonus objectives inside.

Also to add to this point, what could exp become after you hit max Intrinsics to keep players wanting more?. Could it be converted to another form or built up to apply time limited buffs for rj missions? Once ya max out Intrinsics that's it the end of the system, something to think about. Because as you know if we don't have grinds or reasons to do something in Warframe it tends to get left in the dust no matter how fun it may be.

2. You know you have very little differences between missions right?. Ofcourse ya do but why not revamp alot of the current missions to not feel like the same mission over and over and over.

You legit have like three things.

1. Kill all

2. Enter base 

3. Kill commander dingus

It tends to make it veeeeeery boring on long runs. I am sure you lads can come up with many points from hyjack then defend the hyjacked ship to mobile style defenses to full on invasions. Why not have missions where we raid them for resources. Like a tanker full of Titanium that splits between the team depending on how well we go ranging from 5k up to 100k rewarding some skill.

3. RJ is such a content island i do hope you lads intend to keep your plan to change that. Because you lads lied alot regarding the demo and the release. About 90% of the stuff you showed wasn't and still isnt present in the game. We got the absolute bare skeleton version of RJ. Never understood why you lads didn't apologize for that. You gotta start watching that demo and going yup we have alot to add that we promised.

Incase ya missed allow Shy to remind ya again.



Also take the invasion events why not have updated versions to use RJs over Archwings for a more difficult and rewarding invasion with rewards to match?.  The current invasion events are still just for very new players it's insanely boring to have zero challenge. RJ would make a good way to have a higher version of it and revamp the invasion events abit when they do happen.

☆ Where is Steel Path RJ?, Is there a reason why normal resources cannot have farms in RJ as well as alternatives?. 

☆ Since Liches are joining RJ in your next update why not look at ways to crack their relics there as well as a possibility?. I say that because having multiple paths to do something is always a good thing.

4. RJ is missing more items on Little Duck. Reusable things for us that own her very limited wares. Even if it's just lich relics but something to waste all the shards on. Like really who thought 5 items would last on her?.

5. Speaking of useless stuff (Dirac) you know you quickly end up with silly amounts of it with nothing to do with it. That's with everything maxed, all mods maxed regardless of use and you still end up with silly amounts that never stops building. Why not allow us to convert it to Endo at say a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio so we can atleast burn it and give us a reason to farm it.

6. The caches are bad btw it has the spectra vandal a useless weapon. The rng is so bad that its RNG to get a map with it on it then RNG to have the derlict have a cache in it then RNG to have if give you a part then RNG to get the right part. Why not remove a little rng so that if you get a derlict that it always has a cache on it that way it's only 3x rng not 4x. Plus change Dirac from it as it's so useless. Why not throw a few rare mods in there or arcanes that actually have benifits in RJ?.

7. Even maxed side turrets on RJ don't feel that useful it would be nice if ya bumped them up abit and maybe variety (alt fires). I do love some of them mind you but it would be nice to see them more useful over our current void hole / Tether / missle strat to quickly wipe the entire map. Like honestly Archwing and side gunners are useless. You just need a pilot, someone to sit in heavy gun and someone to keep refuelling resources. That's it.... a few tethers later then its big boy cannon x 6 at most while the pilot sits behind them. That's like 99% of the missions and it's insanely boring. 

8. We can slingshot ourselves into ships but cannot do so into bases?. This would be a very nice QOL change because my god is it annoying that you cannot do that.

9. Mechs and RJ, to quote you lads it would be cool to see mechs hanging off railjacks. I get tingles everytime you lads mention that it sounds like a good way to bring more systems together.

10. Regarding our main cannon *death beam* (love it btw) it feels amazing to pull up on a crewship and just unload this hot white beam into them. But couldn't we get a few more choices of this. Mega missles that has a lock on feature?, an AOE type lightning barrage that could ark to nearby smaller ships as well?.

11. Why the heck is refine an option?.... this is straight up noob bait and it needs to be removed from the forge.

12. Auto repair + teleporting can't be done at the same time is really silly. Speaking of if a repair is too close to a teleport it can be annoyance to teleport instead of repair and it happens alot. Also the ship map needs to be moveable because you lads have it placed in a terrible spot where the it's not possible to see the entire map (important for auto repairs).

13. Sentient ships are utterly boring, the secret rooms shouldn't reward rj resources that we end up having literal tonnes of instead should have sentient esk resources or mod types. Kill 20 of them... yep sounds great and really fun to do 1000 times while farming that juicy 2% shedu part drop rates or the great red shards of useless things. It really feels like variety is again the key word here.

14. The boarding parties are insanely weak and i think we have only ever seen 1 plant a bomb. Why not give us a boarding crew of 4 that can go toe to toe with our groups?. What if you had a suicide lot that would just go to locations on your ship and beep like the disruption guys and deal alot of damage if not killed fast?. Just have different types of boarders because it sucks atm, like a emp lot that disable to the ship until all 4 are killed but can take on our appearance like in index and appear as crew or something interesting.

15. Why are we not allowed to bring our insanley large pool of resources with us to say have a fair amount in the forge to start off with?. Make it a intrinsic in the engineer line, god knows you have alot of useless ones. Even if it's just bring 250 of each resource type in as host if i wish.

● See below for additions made by the community, some amazing feedback below.

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The only thing that makes me want to play rj is the addition of crew. After a couple months of not playing rj, i decided to try it again and had some player get in my rj and use up all my artillery and flux energy :)

but having my on crew, sounds like a glorious idea. That along with some more missions and orbiter features being added to the rj, i might then be able to like it a little more than before.

also need a good solo based game thats not only a few hrs of gameplay. Warframe trying to do better at offering that i find to be extremely intriguing 

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7 minutes ago, (PSN)IIFrost_GhostII said:

The only thing that makes me want to play rj is the addition of crew. After a couple months of not playing rj, i decided to try it again and had some player get in my rj and use up all my artillery and flux energy :)

but having my on crew, sounds like a glorious idea. That along with some more missions and orbiter features being added to the rj, i might then be able to like it a little more than before.

also need a good solo based game thats not only a few hrs of gameplay. Warframe trying to do better at offering that i find to be extremely intriguing 

I was super excited to see the addition of crew. I just hope the AI is more useful than the Index Ai lol. RJ has so much potential just needs this next update to go well or it might end up like Archwing or K-drives or worse conclave lol.

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9 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

I would rather have dumb AI instead of dealing with other players who refuses to listen and cooperate, you find a lot of them in public.

God yes, legit Driva only do RJ with mates or solo. I know the pain of randoms and i won't allow them on the ship as they tend to do more harm than good.

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Not nearly as severe as some of the bugs you've listed, but unless I'm mistaken, there are still some unscannable things during certain Grineer mission objectives.


Missile platform turrets have no collision, which is part of why scanners can't even try to work on them:

Top turret:


Side turrets:



But aside from them, I've heard (& so far seem to have confirmed) that Gyre and Exo Roller Sentries aren't spawning in Saturn / Veil Proxima. Only the Kosma Roller Sentries are on Grineer Crewships as far as I know.

The last things that comes to mind would be the possible lack of codex entries for numerous Sentient objects on Murex ships / during Sentient anomalies, and the unscannable spiked mine-like object labeled "DESTROY" (There's two of them in different areas) when you need to take down the Grineer ship killer (I think that's the objective for it; I'll double check asap).


Have you / your clan mates discovered these issues as well?

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Come to think of it, there is one more thing I feel would be useful to add in the Corpus Railjack update:

Empyrean training (Or at least centered around the Railjack itself, unless this is info is already at the Dry Dock, etc.) in the Codex. Basically another diorama-style thing taking you through different sections of the ship, explaining which sides are Port / Starboard, etc., what intrinsic type / rank you need to use a certain thing, and of course mentioning how Avionics and the grid work, as well as some other minor aspects of how the ship does things.

I think it could be a nice thing to include, if DE has the time to spare. I'm a tad surprised the Codex doesn't already have it.

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Sorry for the wall of text, I've cleared Railjack; a majority of it solo because it's not that lively of a scene; but I really want it to be a fun game experience and I think with a little work it can be...

Give the weapons more oomph! : not really saying make the weapons and such more powerful, there are already some good heavy hitters to pick from, but they don't really feel like they pack a punch.  I'm a big fan of dog fighting games in general, and there's a lot of great ones where it just feels good to use your weapons; be it trailing behind something to tear at with gun fire or loosing a volley of missiles or lining up a shot with some big special heavy hitter, there are ways to just give those a visceral feel.  As it stands in RJ, with all the choices at your disposal, all it amounts to is watching a health bar tick down, the speed of which just depends on what map you're on due to level scaling, which leads into the next bit.

Consistency;  I get that the staple for Warframe is that something is just tankier the higher its level is, be it giving them more health or damage reduction or what have you, but I don't think that translates very well to Railjack, especially when the mission variety is just "kill more of X".  I feel like that hurts the Railjack experience, especially when you factor in the ability to just join a random crew.  As an example, lets say a player has outfitted their Railjack but have only focused on their forward turrets, the ones that only they can use because they like piloting, ignoring the side turrets completely.  For someone joining in that jumps on those guns depending on the level of the map they might as well not even be there.  I think making the health and resistances of the enemy craft consistent regardless of Map Level can fix this somewhat.  Separate the enemies into classes; lets say Light, Medium, Heavy, and Special. 

Light: These are the basic fighter craft, they're always the ones used to pad out enemy numbers.  

Medium: These are the just the mid-rangers, like the mine layers or bombers or what have you.  

Heavy: These are the things like the Crew Ships, something that requires focus fire and patience to take down, the sort of thing that catches your notice when it enters a battle. 

Special: These are the things such as weapon platforms, galleons, and the like.   Things that can be plinked at, but are far better dealt with by entering them.

If you make the health of these standard across the board it gives the player the ability to know just how much fire they can take before they become a non-issue.  It feels good to know that sort of thing, knowing you can fire and forget a volley of missiles and know it's going to end with crewship kill or knowing that even if these turrets aren't the best a gunner can still help clear the airspace or if someone is in an archwing they can reliably deal with the enemies despite if they're a beginner or a vet.  Let the difficulty come from the number you're against and what you introduce not just having the health and armor number be bigger.  If in the earlier levels all I had to fight against was light cutters with the occasional medium mine layer, then the mission I jump into where there's suddenly something called a Crew Ship that's hitting us with artillery barrages and loosing boarding parties at our ship suddenly becomes a memorable experience and get it across that in later missions when there's even more at once that things are going to be a challenge.  This would also reward the player for their upgrades rather than making it feel like they're forced into them and shouldn't even try until everything is rank 3.  With the current system, yes you can go into a mission with low level weapons but rather than feel like a challenge to overcome it's just a slog or just plain impossible.   There's a difference between running from a mission because you were outnumbered and leaving because your weapons failed make a dent in the weakest thing on the map.  The former lets you think, "at least we got some good hits in, we might be able to pull it off if we work together, but some better gear would probably help" while the latter is just "oh, guess there's literally no way we can complete this feasibly because our weapons are rank 2 rather than 3.

As it stands, you jump in your Railjack, you go to the Posit Cluster and there you have it, you've access to every enemy type Railjack has to throw at you, the only difference is how many shots these take before they fizzle away and this one doesn't have a shield so it'll die in one hit rather than two.  If the enemies were introduced by class depending on the difficulty, you allow new players to acclimate to everything while giving the heavier classes some gravitas when they're introduced.  When a crew ship pops in it's not an event, it's just something you've had to deal with in every mission since the first and it's just background noise that means "i'll have to hit it with a missile and burn a dome charge" then move on.  And while i'm rambling on the subject of Crew Ships, I think limiting the players to only two means of destroying them was a mistake.  Yes, the forward artillery should be a quick way to erase a problem and boarding them should allow you the opportunity to take them over/blow them up, but that shouldn't be the only options the players should have.  If a pilot and crew spends their time plinking a crew ship's health down, their reward shouldn't be it sitting still for 10 seconds and then suddenly getting half its health back.  Perseverance should be rewarded, not punished because they didn't pick option 1 or 2.  

I understand this was DE's first attempt at this sort of thing and a departure from what everyone was expecting, but I think with some work and taking fan feedback into account this mode can actually be something great and not just another content island that fades away like conclave and lunaro or a forced chore that people only gripe about. 

Sorry about that, I originally intended to just do a short bullet style thing, but it just kept coming and i'll stop before I bog it down anymore.  Not great at writing so I probably completely failed to get my point across so...

TL/DR : Railjack would probably feel better to play if enemies didn't just become bullet sponges in late game.

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21 hours ago, (PSN)Ravenger-MRIB said:

Sorry for the wall of text, I've cleared Railjack; a majority of it solo because it's not that lively of a scene; but I really want it to be a fun game experience and I think with a little work it can be...

Give the weapons more oomph! : not really saying make the weapons and such more powerful, there are already some good heavy hitters to pick from, but they don't really feel like they pack a punch.  I'm a big fan of dog fighting games in general, and there's a lot of great ones where it just feels good to use your weapons; be it trailing behind something to tear at with gun fire or loosing a volley of missiles or lining up a shot with some big special heavy hitter, there are ways to just give those a visceral feel.  As it stands in RJ, with all the choices at your disposal, all it amounts to is watching a health bar tick down, the speed of which just depends on what map you're on due to level scaling, which leads into the next bit.

Consistency;  I get that the staple for Warframe is that something is just tankier the higher its level is, be it giving them more health or damage reduction or what have you, but I don't think that translates very well to Railjack, especially when the mission variety is just "kill more of X".  I feel like that hurts the Railjack experience, especially when you factor in the ability to just join a random crew.  As an example, lets say a player has outfitted their Railjack but have only focused on their forward turrets, the ones that only they can use because they like piloting, ignoring the side turrets completely.  For someone joining in that jumps on those guns depending on the level of the map they might as well not even be there.  I think making the health and resistances of the enemy craft consistent regardless of Map Level can fix this somewhat.  Separate the enemies into classes; lets say Light, Medium, Heavy, and Special. 

Light: These are the basic fighter craft, they're always the ones used to pad out enemy numbers.  

Medium: These are the just the mid-rangers, like the mine layers or bombers or what have you.  

Heavy: These are the things like the Crew Ships, something that requires focus fire and patience to take down, the sort of thing that catches your notice when it enters a battle. 

Special: These are the things such as weapon platforms, galleons, and the like.   Things that can be plinked at, but are far better dealt with by entering them.

If you make the health of these standard across the board it gives the player the ability to know just how much fire they can take before they become a non-issue.  It feels good to know that sort of thing, knowing you can fire and forget a volley of missiles and know it's going to end with crewship kill or knowing that even if these turrets aren't the best a gunner can still help clear the airspace or if someone is in an archwing they can reliably deal with the enemies despite if they're a beginner or a vet.  Let the difficulty come from the number you're against and what you introduce not just having the health and armor number be bigger.  If in the earlier levels all I had to fight against was light cutters with the occasional medium mine layer, then the mission I jump into where there's suddenly something called a Crew Ship that's hitting us with artillery barrages and loosing boarding parties at our ship suddenly becomes a memorable experience and get it across that in later missions when there's even more at once that things are going to be a challenge.  This would also reward the player for their upgrades rather than making it feel like they're forced into them and shouldn't even try until everything is rank 3.  With the current system, yes you can go into a mission with low level weapons but rather than feel like a challenge to overcome it's just a slog or just plain impossible.   There's a difference between running from a mission because you were outnumbered and leaving because your weapons failed make a dent in the weakest thing on the map.  The former lets you think, "at least we got some good hits in, we might be able to pull it off if we work together, but some better gear would probably help" while the latter is just "oh, guess there's literally no way we can complete this feasibly because our weapons are rank 2 rather than 3.

As it stands, you jump in your Railjack, you go to the Posit Cluster and there you have it, you've access to every enemy type Railjack has to throw at you, the only difference is how many shots these take before they fizzle away and this one doesn't have a shield so it'll die in one hit rather than two.  If the enemies were introduced by class depending on the difficulty, you allow new players to acclimate to everything while giving the heavier classes some gravitas when they're introduced.  When a crew ship pops in it's not an event, it's just something you've had to deal with in every mission since the first and it's just background noise that means "i'll have to hit it with a missile and burn a dome charge" then move on.  And while i'm rambling on the subject of Crew Ships, I think limiting the players to only two means of destroying them was a mistake.  Yes, the forward artillery should be a quick way to erase a problem and boarding them should allow you the opportunity to take them over, but that shouldn't be the only options the players should have.  If a pilot and crew spends their time plinking a crew ship's health down, their reward shouldn't be it sitting still for 10 seconds and then suddenly getting half its health back.  Perseverance should be rewarded, not punished because they didn't pick option 1 or 2.  

I understand this was DE's first attempt at this sort of thing and a departure from what everyone was expecting, but I think with some work and taking fan feedback into account this mode can actually be something great and not just another content island that fades away like conclave and lunaro or a forced chore that people only gripe about. 

Sorry about that, I originally intended to just do a short bullet style thing, but it just kept coming and i'll stop before I bog it down anymore.  Not great at writing so I probably completely failed to get my point across so...

TL/DR : Railjack would probably feel better to play if enemies didn't just become bullet sponges in late game.

Actually, that does make some sense :)


Hypothetically, if the Empyrean enemy ships were separated into specific classes, that would differentiate them from mere Grineer. You're basically shooting the vehicle rather than the pilot themselves, so I think that could be a fair explanation for changing how they're taking hits. 

Thinking back to Starfox Assault, Arwings can have their individual wings, etc. shot at, damaged and blown off (Multiplayer / certain missions would be a great example to look at for Arwing combat). It hinders your overall speed and maneuverability, so if Empyrean ships have that implemented, that could be a way to hinder them, rewarding the gunner's aim. You could make it easier to pick off light and medium ships for the pilot :)

But more than that, if some existing nodes throughout the various Proxima are changed to other mission types, that would be a great change of pace for Railjack as well! (I'll edit the formatting of this when I can today / tomorrow)


Some possible mission types could be:

  • Escorting friendly ships from one area to another, getting as many through the danger zone as you can. This could be an endless mission as well (Empyrean Relic fissures?), where you can stop after 3-5 ships depending on which Proxima you're at, or keep going for gradual rewards.

    Edit (01-03-2021 @10:58pm):
    • That said, I'm not certain on if the ships themselves would be corrupted by fissures (Early Orokin Empyrean :) ), or if that'll need you to board the friendly vessels themselves to find the reactant (Granted, that could then be shared by everyone, so that'd only need one person getting their squad's reactant in theory).
      • I imagine it'd go by smoother if the ships themselves (Specifically the pilots, who'll blow up anyway) were corrupted. This would make it much easier to find reactant, compared to boarding an enemy's ship or waiting for them to send a ramsled to the Railjack.


  • Travelling to one of those missile platforms, and hunkering down in there until the Ostrons / Solaris or other nearby peoples arrive to use it. This might be like Empyrean defense, however it can involve a few boarding party-type threats.

    Explosive devices, larger fires and ice or electrical things jamming areas. If too many Grineer show up, they'll have to be routed before too many arrive outside the base (Similar to how a regular skirmish starts; This can be a way to prevent a skirmish from building up perhaps!).
    • The base itself can't be destroyed, but since there's a lot of Grineer with your personal goal being to outlast them, in a sense you become the mobile defense target. At high enough levels, Grineer could accumulate and eventually they might win (By having enormous numbers outside the base) but I'm not sure how long a mission like that should last, depending on the rewards.
      • That's only a hypothetical way to handle Empyrean defense, but there's other ways I'm sure.


  • Sentient anomalies can be thought of as repelling the Sentients from entering the Origin system as much as possible; Perhaps if Scarlet Spear were still coming back (Or alternating a little between that and Orphix Venom?) similar to Plague star, it can be a temporary set of Murex to defeat for all Tenno (Without the idea of an invading force specifically targeting a relay for destruction).
    • Basically an invasion counter for Sentients, accumulating from all the Anomaly missions completed, and resetting when the Murex need to recover. Since the New War is still in progress here & there, this can somewhat ground that in reality, so that fighting Sentient invaders aren't only limited to the two events we've been in so far.
    • They could be trying to wither our defenses for when the climax of the New War comes.
      • That said, I'd leave it up to DE on whether or not these recurring versions of Scarlet Spear & Orphix Venom woud include Arcanes. But I think it would be an interesting idea to integrate them, while the New War progresses.
        • Hypothetically, SS and OV could be made to happen on varying planets as well. The first SS was on Earth, so maybe Europa or Neptune could be a change of pace. Whereas OV could  happen on some additional tilesets, if  there aren't any Mech issues there.


  • Invasion missions could involve Grineer and Corpus crossfire, which would make for some risky (But interesting!) Skirmishes. Perhaps there can be some unique ones where the Sentients invade other Proxima areas such as Saturn or Pluto (I think that's a new one), rewarding other rarer or more useful things. We'd side with the occupying faction, and try to repel the Sentients during the skirmish, etc.
    • It'd be somewhat of a way to shake things up until there's Infested Empyrean missions :)


Those are some ideas that could be worked with at least. Implementing mission changes and fighter combat like that would be a significant change to how Empyrean is looked at, but I think it could be a good one. Especially making the Grineer / future Proxima not just a skirmish everywhere.

Skirmishes are basically like Exterminate, but using the other occasional objectives introduced within some nodes as designated mission types would bring more variety to the RJ star chart, such as stealing the ship from Grineer dry docks (Like a Hijack mission?).


The last main thing I'd like to see happen someday is, some personal connecting between those captured Missile platforms and the people Cephalon Cy references that he'll contact (Essentially showing what he's telling). I dunno if it'd be a new syndicate, but a Railjack-involved quest would be pretty cool in that regard.


This was a bit of a wall of text as well, but I hope it was worth the read! I guess I had more to say than I thought.

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On 2020-12-29 at 10:32 AM, IIAc3sII said:

I'm wandering what is even the point of railjack anymore, I upgraded everything...and now what? Where can I use it, where is it useful?

I havn't even used it for several months...literally no point since it serves no purpose in any aspect of the game.

This right here DE is probably your biggest mistake with RJ. It's not tied to the rest of the game regardless of what you showed in the demo. Remember jumping between planets etc.

This could be helped (not fixed) by a few small changes.

1. RJ needs normal resource drops to make it a viable way to farm resources.

2. The SP version, daily alerts and as i said above the addition of loot to the red shard currency table. 

3. Why wouldn't you expand the invasion system out to RJ?, Corpus are comming so hopefully battles between them and Grineer take place as well.

4. Relics... relics are not part of the entire RJ system sooo that's a big woopsie.

5. We need to be able to convert Dirac to Endo. You lads must've not noticed that Dirac has a very small use to the player then it's useless like 100% useless. You legit have nothing you can do with it.

Anyway feedback already covers it just wanted to push these points home because of the post.

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I have updated the thread alot but i just want to point out that the reason why Shys video is important. Is to mainly show everything you lads straight up forgot regarding RJ.

Also i want lads adding feedback to this thread to remember exactly what's missing from the base version as well as its important moving foward. Both regarding over showing / what RJ could and should be. See RJ never stood a chance because as usual it was released in a skeleton state and is missing alot.

RJ must survive the next update and if it doesn't grow then it will end up in the bin with the rest of our dead systems.

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57 minutes ago, (PSN)Mofojokers said:

I have updated the thread alot but i just want to point out that the reason why Shys video is important. Is to mainly show everything you lads straight up forgot regarding RJ.

Also i want lads adding feedback to this thread to remember exactly what's missing from the base version as well as its important moving foward. Both regarding over showing / what RJ could and should be. See RJ never stood a chance because as usual it was released in a skeleton state and is missing alot.

RJ must survive the next update and if it doesn't grow then it will end up in the bin with the rest of our dead systems.

Which video is that? It's been a fair while since I was able to see Warframe things on youtube, so I might be a little behind on that.


Edit: Shoot, sorry; It's been a long day too. I didn't realize the video was at the top post of the thread! My bad :)

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28 minutes ago, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

Which video is that? It's been a fair while since I was able to see Warframe things on youtube, so I might be a little behind on that.


Edit: Shoot, sorry; It's been a long day too. I didn't realize the video was at the top post of the thread! My bad :)

All good brother, the shared goal we have of making RJ as great as possible continues!. :D


Excited Season 2 GIF by The Office

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On 2021-01-03 at 2:13 AM, (PSN)Ravenger-MRIB said:

Give the weapons more oomph! : not really saying make the weapons and such more powerful, there are already some good heavy hitters to pick from, but they don't really feel like they pack a punch.  I'm a big fan of dog fighting games in general, and there's a lot of great ones where it just feels good to use your weapons; be it trailing behind something to tear at with gun fire or loosing a volley of missiles or lining up a shot with some big special heavy hitter, there are ways to just give those a visceral feel.  As it stands in RJ, with all the choices at your disposal, all it amounts to is watching a health bar tick down, the speed of which just depends on what map you're on due to level scaling, which leads into the next bit.

Uh ... when you are topped off with the best avionics for damage + Vidar Carcinoxxes at +60% damage, you deal enough damage (Apocs deal more) since the armor reduction.


On 2021-01-03 at 2:13 AM, (PSN)Ravenger-MRIB said:

TL/DR : Railjack would probably feel better to play if enemies didn't just become bullet sponges in late game.

Enemy behavior (like cloaking - or desynching from reality, like Limbo - will give players more challenges in fighting enemies.

My personal issues would be:

  • for the Particle Ram battle avionic be set to either a passive Piloting Level 10 ability, or let me slot any battle avionic into any slot (regardless of flux cost).
  • nerf Tether, like DE did with Void Hole. Otherwise, Make Void Hole Great Again.
  • I remember Archwing Pursuit .... I hated it, but now that we are in Railjack mode, having Grineer transports (a random event) in a Proxima stage when you spawn in would be neat. If the players get to the transports and capture them (instead of destroying them) by boarding or knocking out the engines + shields (like a Skold Crewship but with more shield nodes - maybe twice the number and placed so one warhead can't knock out all the shield generators) will yield more resources, avionics, or bonus Railjack parts. Naturally, if the transports escape when their engines reach a power level to allow them to translate out of the battlezone, you lose the bonus.


I'd like to see necramechs and Archwings integrated better in Railjack somehow ....

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13 hours ago, UUDDLRLRBA_START said:

Uh ... when you are topped off with the best avionics for damage + Vidar Carcinoxxes at +60% damage, you deal enough damage (Apocs deal more) since the armor reduction.

That's why I said not to necessarily make things stronger, it was about the feel of the weapons.  Nothing in Railjack feels like it has any weight behind it.  There are some fun visuals for things like voidhole but its shock and awe wears out quick when there's no real impact behind its use, and along with it all the other weapons just feel flaccid when you use them.   A game that surprisingly had great weapon feel and the like to their space combat was Infinite Warfare.



You could feel the effect of every weapon you shot, be it simply controller feedback or the recoil of the heavier artillery affecting your flight path.  I know its combat relied heavily on set piece events that wouldn't really work with Railjack's mission setup, but I think if they hammer down on flight and weapon feel it would greatly improve the experience as a whole.  The Railjack is supposed to be a sort of middle ground between agile fighter and unstoppable dreadnaught, but I think they took all the wrong notes from both when making it.   It's just too floaty, yet slow, with no real heft behind anything it does.


And while i'm griping some more, there's something I'd like to add along with my previous post...

More Feedback From Detrimental Ship Effects:  For things such as fires, electrical malfunctions and hull breaches, I'd like to see more effects on your ship beyond just a simple point on your map and a hit to your overall health or shields.  Something like...

  • Fires spread from their origin point making large damage plains the players have to contend with.  The longer the fire is ignored, the more it spreads and the more it costs to repair.  Possibly filling the compartment with vision obscuring smoke as well.
  • Electrical Malfunctions effect the control and use of the railjack itself, again the longer its ignored the worse it gets.  Flickering lights, jamming doors, engines cutting off or a complete electrical shutdown where in the problem has to be dealt with before full operations can be restored. 
  • Hull Breaches are a little harder to add to as just having a huge hole to space would be really hard to pull off with how they have the whole railjack system set up.  All I can think is just having the atmosphere completely vent in a given compartment dealing damage over time to players that are in it, while its venting having a hard pull on players toward its source, possibly heavy decompression that pull in and disorientate players when they open a door to zero atmo section.
  • etc...


Again, it just boils down to giving these sorts of things some gravitas to be dealt with rather than just another thing to ignore while you plink down the enemy tickets.



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Regarding how to connect Railjack with normal missions (given Railjack was initially pitched as connecting various content islands), I'm guessing bringing our ship into normal missions is out of the question so how could this be achieved, if at all?

Maybe completing Railjack missions in a particular planet's proxima grants bonuses to subsequent ground missions on that planet or something? Like warping our crew in, or free air support charges?

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On 2021-01-10 at 8:43 PM, ImWithDerp said:

Regarding how to connect Railjack with normal missions (given Railjack was initially pitched as connecting various content islands), I'm guessing bringing our ship into normal missions is out of the question so how could this be achieved, if at all?

Maybe completing Railjack missions in a particular planet's proxima grants bonuses to subsequent ground missions on that planet or something? Like warping our crew in, or free air support charges?

Railjack can't connect to normal missions (Operation Scarlet Spear being a one of a kind thing).

I'd like to use the Railjack to go between different Points of Interest. Like visiting Maroo's Bazaar after having traveled from another relay. I doubt we'll get that though.

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On 2021-01-10 at 3:52 PM, (PSN)Ravenger-MRIB said:

That's why I said not to necessarily make things stronger, it was about the feel of the weapons.  Nothing in Railjack feels like it has any weight behind it.

Then something's likely wrong with your perception of the fake world where we fire fake weapons on fake enemies.

And kill them.

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2 minutes ago, UUDDLRLRBA_START said:

Then something's likely wrong with your perception of the fake world where we fire fake weapons on fake enemies.

And kill them.

Nah UUDD he is talking about the firing mechanics itself. He is correct their mechanics like hit boxes don't have the correct weight feeling to it that you find in on similar type things. Ever play COD and go this gun just doesn't feel correct compared to others when hitting lads.

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I think as a game mode in and of itself Railjack has huuuuge potential. Even with its currently limited content, I have a blast. I've switched on a couple clan mates to it so we've started doing dedicated runs as a smooth three-man operation and it just feels great.

Some of the more annoying and persistent bugs seem to be host/client related, such as mastery and intrinsics XP  not registering for clients until they return to Orbiter, certin Battle Avionics (looking at you Tether) doing no damage for clients, thus tying the host to constantly piloting, be nice to switch things up ya know?

Personally I love the sentient anomalies, the Murex tileset is by far the coolest in the game right now IMO. It feels like being on the set of Prometheus or something, just with ya know, a better storyline.

P.S. I dunno if the constant freaking hull ruptures were intentional, I'm going to guess not by just how frequent they are, but yeah maybe something worth tweaking too 🤪

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still working on gathering my own feedback for the new thread, but I thought I should share it here for further reference:


One thing right off the bat that I've been thinking of is how to rebalance intrinsic point requirements. With Command coming, we currently have 1024 points needed to R10 each thing, so 1,024 * 5 = 5,120.


With 10 (Currently) ranks per Intrinsic class, 5,120 ÷ 10 = 512 (Now that I think about it this is likely where that number came from for R10 intrinsics). I don't know if there is any way to compensate players for having more intrinsic points beyond this, but perhaps after balancing the existng numbers, more ranks can be added up to 512 points (Definetely up to DE). I'll try tackling some math on that below, in case it'll help.

  • Since it sounded like some things may be taken out of the intrinsics & instead turned into QoL innate features, that leaves some room for new things in their place, assuming R10 is still the max rank.
    • Speaking of some things which can be removed, I think anything that reduces cooldowns for things may be solid candidates for such QoLs, basically reducing the base cooldown for everything by the same amount they currently are if you have said intrinsics. This way, the cooldowns stay the same best versions of themselves, while leaving room for new intrinsic bonuses.
      • List / quantity of reductions for reference (Highlighted in green for easy identification):
      • I'll also list any additional notes, etc. for some of these.
        • Tactical: 
          1. (Rank 6) Tactical Efficiency:   Reduces Flux Energy consumption by 25%.
          2. (Rank 7) Tactical Response:   Reduces Tactical Avionics cooldown by 20%.
          3. (Rank 8) Archwing Tactical Blink:   Reduces Archwing Blink cooldown by 25%.
          4. (Rank 9) Swift Tactics:   Further reduces Tactical Avionics cooldown by 20%.
            • This stacks multiplicatively with other cooldown reductions, including Rank 7; Total of 36% reduction.
        • Piloting:
          1. (Rank 4) Safe Flight:   Damage due to Collisions reduced by 50%.
            • This essentially increases your defense, so as it isn't a cooldown I think it can stay. Of course this is all up to DE in the end :)
          2. (Rank 7) Enhanced Maneuvers:   Vector & Drift Maneuvers consume 25% less boost.
          3. (Rank 9) Evasion:   Reduce Incoming Damage by 10% while boosting.
            • I think this should be a QoL, where if you're boosting away from the direction of the damage, it reduces the damage. But if you're boosting towards the damage, it should slightly increase the damage taken.
        • Gunnery:
          1. (Rank 6) Cold Trigger:   Reduces Turret Heat Accretion by 20%.
          2. (Rank 7) Advanced Gunnery:   Reduces overheat recovery time by 50%; Extends slingshot range by 50%.
            • Since this is a dual stat change, there isn't much need to change it right off the bat. Plus, 50% is quite a reduction / increase, so it's something worth working towards as an intrinsic bonus!
          3. (Rank 9) Combat Drift:   Drifting reduces weapon heat buildup by 50%, while increasing weapon damage by 50%.
            • Same thing as Rank 7's bonuses. While you may not be drifting all the time, this is still useful to work towards considering the % amount of the bonuses.
        • Engineering:
          • There aren't any reductions of anything for Engineering, but one thing I think should be made clearer:

            Along with an actual Empyrean Tutorial in the Codex, there needs to be a visible warning mid-mission (Preferably next to the refinement button at all times), that using it will take away from the resources you have on-hand. In addition, I think it needs to be a hold-to-refine (Unless it already is), if refinement is still practical.
            • I only say that because, if it turns out you don't have enough revolite to do repairs before you realize it, then you might be up the creek without a paddle. Especially if another player may be the one who refined the resources. One possible fix could be to disable Revolite's resources from refinement, but that might be inconsistent w/ the other things (Flux Energy, Ordnance, etc.).
            • One idea could be to only enable refinement after all the objectives are met in a particular mission, so there wouldn't be any more enemies damaging the ship. But that's up to DE.
          • Granted, you do get a bit more resources put directly into your inventory, which is good in and of itself. But considering how all your gathered resources may still be a large amount without refinement (When you end a mission), I don't know if refinement is 100% necessary.
          • When all is said and done, if Refinement is deemed impractical, I have some alternative ideas for Rank 9 below.

    • Anything that increases stats right now should stay, I think. It would be a great reference if a toggle could appear in the Archwing Arsenal screen to show you what your intrinsic bonuses do to your selected loadouts, since (As far as I know) they all add onto the result of your modding. This way you can see how things look both with & without the bonuses; Although it would be worth noting on-screen (Like a tooltip!) that the bonuses are always active.
      • All this being said, these things are not intended to create some sort of power creep via instrinsic bonuses, but with everything being revised and looked over, I think it should be a worthwhile thing to consider, if some expansions / replacements are going to happen with the various Intrinsic classes!


Some possible ideas for new benefits for the first 4 classes, if the already-existing Rank effects became QoL implementations:

  • I'll highlight each new hypothetical bonus for ease of seeing them, considering how in-depth I might go into each one.



  1. (Rank 6) Tactical Reach:   Increase range of all relevant Avionics by 25%.
    • This includes nearly all Battle Avionics, the "Winged" Avionics that help Archwings near the ship, essentially every Avionic involving range of effects / damage.
  2. (Rank 7) Tactical Retaliation:   Increase duration of all Tactical Avionics by 20%; Relevant avionics can be canceled early by holding the same button key for 1 second.
    • (Unless canceling an Avionic while it's in use is already a thing; Correct me if I'm wrong!).
    • Hypothetically, combined with the existing cooldown reduction, this could help get more use out of all your Tactical Avionics during the mission! At least whichever ones use a duration (Fire Supression wouldn't be affected, for example).
  3. (Rank 8) I have multiple ideas to suggest for this actually!
    1. Archwing Dogfighting:   Allows the Archwing to move by itself at an increased speed based on how fast your selected enemy is travelling. The speed increase is additive after all other sources (Mods, abilities and Avionics) are applied.
      • However you want to implement this is up to you, the Dogfighting here is just an idea on how it might work;
        • To select an enemy, press (Whichever key you think works best) while holding the cursor over your target. If they're about to fly past you, the Archwing can maneuver around any obstacles as it does a 180 so it can start chasing them. When the target turns, the Archwing will turn ahead of where the enemy is going so you can shoot where they'll be.
        • It can be turned off by pressing the same key used to activate Dogfight Mode. I don't think blinking should be usable while in Dogfight Mode so that it doesn't confuse the Archwing's movement AI, just to be on the safe side. It may not even need to Blink around if it's going fast enough!
      • Unless Dogfighting is going to become innate as a movement feature for all Archwings, this could be a Tactical Intrinsic bonus (Unless it was included with Piloting Rank 8?).
    2. Archwing Tactical Freedom:   This adds the 6 degrees of Freedom as a togglable option in the options menu.
      • When toggled on, in any environment you can move as the Railjack does, allowing Archwing users to perform loop-de-loops in case they're being chased and fired at from behind! I think combined with the dog-fighting mentioned in the Devstreams, 6 DoF will help players fight various fighter-craft who try to evade them in random directions; But only as an option, so it's not a required feature.
        • If this were to be brought back (Because 6 DoF was removed for Archwings in the first Empyrean Update), I think there needs to be a way to re-orient yourself on-demand. For example, hold the dodge-roll button for one second to fire your Archwing's thrusters, making you upright once again.
          • It shouldn't do it too fast, maybe takes 1 full second to re-orient yourself from being 100% upside-down to 100% upright.
      • Not to get off-topic, but there is a bug with Syandanas in Archwing; They tend to clip through your Warframe (Sometimes through the neck or through their waist) after they fall off to one side or another, most noticable with cape-like Syandanas.
        • This might be similar to how they clip through Titania, as far as that goes. But while boosting with Archwings, I've noticed in Open Worlds some Syandanas do this until you move in ways that move the Syandana onto your back again. They may just hang down regardless of the impressive speed of flight.
        • Considering how I've noticed it happening mostly while boosting (Sprinting) in an Archwing vs flying at a non-sprint speed, I think there is some possible discrepancy with cloth physics while moving around in those states. At a standstill, the cloth physics seem to behave normally though!
    3. Archwing Protection:   Increases the invulnerabilty duration by x2 or x3 (Up to DE) whenever you exit the Railjack or other places (& when summoning the AW in open world missions, if this isn't already a thing); Archwing's Shield Gating lasts for a bit longer, increased by the same amount.
      • This will improve your survivability while in Archwing, which should help with going from place to place! I'm not sure how long Shield Gating lasts for Archwings (I'd guess it's the same as Warfames), but that along with a little longer invulnerability, would be another good option to work towards.
        • I'm not sure if the Shield Gating's increase in duration would be affected by mods somehow, or by Hildryn since this is an intrinsic bonus (Maybe that could just add onto every other Shield Gating increase?). But either way I'd leave that up to DE.
  4. (Rank 9) Risky Tactics:   Battle Avionics have a 50% chance to not consume Flux energy when used.
    • I think this would be a great addition for those wanting to do a series of missions or realy running low on Flux Energy at a given time. Putting it at Rank 9 is still a decent grind in order to unlock this bonus, so I think the effort justifies the benefit here.
      • I think it would be up to DE on if Ability Kinesis potentially not consuming Flux Energy should be included with that too.



  1. (Rank 4) Rebound Flight:   Flying into or along a surface while in Archwing allows you to push away from it slightly, reducing collision stagger while letting you move where the environment takes you. Archmelee and certain Archguns may not be usable briefly while this occurs. In Atmospheric locations, a damaging shockwave may be produced based on how fast you're going & the angle of impact.
    • This may be a QoL for Archwing users (Togglable, since weapons may not be used during it?), in addition to Rank 8. It's not very impactful, but in a sense may help in tight spaces to reduce the number of collisions while in Archwing mode (Forging a bond with your Archwing!). The shockwave can knock down enemies within range, and dealing a certain amount of impact damage (Or whichever IPS damage type is strongest against the target(s)!).
      • Suggestion for (Rank 8) Aeronaut;   In addition to increasing movement speed by 20%, I think a lot of players would appreciate this intrinsic bonus increasing stagger recovery speed from collisions while in Archwing by 20% as well.
        • A small QoL for those who might primarily want to use their AW in Open worlds and other missons, not limited to the objects in Empyrean! I recall seeing some people talk about AW stagger before, so this can help address that!
        • Of course, if Rebound flight was implemented, Rank 8 may not need that stagger recovery speed increase.
  2. (Rank 7) Lengthy Maneuvers:   Increases the movement distance of Vector & Drift Maneuvers by 25%. The Railjack may be propelled in whichever direction is held at the end of a Drift launch.
    • One reason why I thought of this is because whenever I do perform a Vector maneuver, the Railjack doesn't appear to move very far to one side or the other, so enemy fire may still hit it.
      • Along with that, for Drifting I think while you're trying to race away from a swarm of fighter-craft (Flying in reverse while shooting at them), it doesn't help too much when the Railjack just goes forward into the enemies you're trying to get away from. To help player choice, Rank 7 can be thought of as an upgrade for Drift Maneuvers, allowing you to control the launch direction!
  3. (Rank 9) Boost Siphon:   Taking Shield / Hull damage while boosting charges the boost meter by 10% of the total damage (Or greater, but this is up to DE). This also occurs during other maneuvers that consume boost.
    • In a way this can synergize with certain Railjack MK3 component traits that involve the boost meter (Such as Vidar MK3's +50% boost speed while shield depleted). Another bit of depth to player build strategy and planning!
    • Damage from hazards within the ship may or may not count for this.



  1. (Rank 6) Trigger Happy:   All turret damage increases based on the amount of heat built up over time, up to +20% total damage.
    • This introduces a small, possible risk vs reward scenario where you can try maintaining a lot of heat accretion while there's a chance of overheating the guns.
      • The scale of damage starts small at the lower amounts of heat, but increases linearly as more heat builds up across the guage. You'd hit 20% when it's nearly full though. The existing Cold Trigger intrinsic would help to manage higher amounts of heat since the buildup is slowed!
      • The Polar Coil integrated Avionic would slow down the damage increase, since the heat capacity is increased; (Rank 9) Combat Drift also slows down the heat buildup, but it does increase weapon damage, which I imagine could add onto the total damage from this.
  2. (Rank 7) Careening Bullet:   If you nearly miss an enemy or crewship, slingshot speed can be maintained for 10 seconds once you regain control of your direction. Ramming into an enemy deals half the damage it would've from the original trajectory, and crewship engines can be disabled if rammed. Blinking can reset this effect early.
    • This can be used to quickly fly back into the Archwing Slingshot for another attempt at a crewship or enemy, or to avoid enemy fire while shooting a crewship / enemy with an Archgun. In case the slingshot speed is too fast, that's why I thought there should be a way to cancel the effect early; Blinking briefly stops your flight the moment you reappear, which is why I thought that would work for this.
  3. (Rank 9) Explosive Drift:   Munitions range is increased by 50% if fired while drifting.
    • For Galvarc munitions, it will chain 4-5 enemies total (Up to DE).
    • For Milati & Tycho Seeker munitions, the explosion radius is the affected portion of this hypothetical intrinsic bonus. I don't know if there is any falloff damage from the explosion, but if so I imagine the range for that would be affected as well somehow.



  1. (Rank 9) I have two ideas to suggest for this, as I mentioned above;
    • Expanded Forge:   Increase total capacity for forge's resources beyond 200 each, by a factor of +10% (Up to DE). The total amount stacks additively for each member of the squad who has this intrinsic bonus, up to +40% forge resource capacity!
    • Revolite Residue:   Repairing the same type of hazard more than once in a row will require less revolite on subsequent repairs, up to 10% less revolite by the same person. Resets to the base revolite requirement when you repair a different hazard.
      • This stacks additively with Revolite Reducer, and I feel that it would be a very helpful little bonus for those who encounter many things to be repaired in a single run, or during multiple missions before returning to a relay / dojo. The difference in Revolite will likely be quite noticable after awhile.
        • The exact location of the hazard doesn't matter, you just need to repair the same thing as previously for it to take effect. Such as repairing multiple minor hull breaches or putting out multiple fires in a row!
        • This may or may not apply to Anastasis (Up to DE!).


So with those hypothetical new intrinsic bonuses listed above, I want to touch back on rebalancing the intrinsic points. With only 10 ranks, and that the points per rank seem to double each time, it can be quite a sharp increase to keep increasing your intrinsics! But instead of completely removing some things (Like the refinement bonus for the existing (Rank 9) Surplus Yield), would it be a better idea to expand on the intrinsic ranks? I'll go over how that might look here;

As it stands right now, here's the current intrinsic requirements per class:


That's for just 10 ranks. But if you were to simply add in every bonus I listed above, the ranks go up to 14-16! That depends on if each individual idea were considered, since I don't know if Dogfight Mode would be innate for all Archwings, etc.

  • Regarding mastery, if you round off the intrinsic rank cap at 15, and give ranks 11-15 only 1,000 mastery each, you'll get an even 100K mastery for all intrinsics! Of course having the extra 500 per rank isn't a bad idea either. I think that leads to about 112,500 Mastery.
    • For math purposes, here's the main bits I can think of off the top of my head:
      • Current total amount of intrinsics needed per class (1024); So that no one's prior effort goes wasted.
      • Total intrinsic points just for the final rank (512); To set a baseline of sorts to work around.
      • Total number of ranks with the new ideas included (15); At least for the new table below.
        • This assumes Archwing Dogfight Mode or the 6 degrees of freedom wouldn't be tied to a Tactical intrinsic bonus. 15 ranks sounds more rounded out than 16 ranks in a way, so it doesn't leave 4 more ranks open to interpretation, or worrying about if the ranks from 16-20 would be missing, etc.


If you add more intrinsic ranks, that will be a good explanation for reducing the steepness of intrinsic requirements, while giving those who have excess intrinsics right now, even more benefits to work towards. Re-allocating intrinsics could even let you put those intrinsics beyond 5,120 (If anyone actually has more than that) into the new ranks.

  • Note: The below table is actually a screenshot of what I typed, so that your browser window size won't adversely affect it! Things highlighted in green help explain the new changes that can be used if DE wanted to do so.




I believe the above table is a more smooth progression compared to the doubling increases present with the current intrinsics, but that might be a matter of opinion; Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  • Math-wise, here's how the total intrinsics look:
    • New total intrinsics per class * number of classes = new total intrinsics to max everything.

      2,463 * 5 = 12,315 total intrinsics.
      • Looking at it, that's actually quite a steep number, but with new game modes being added to Empyrean, I think this would still be achieved as newer players work towards everything over time. Existing players may already have up to around a third of the total points accrued.
    • I figured this out by subtracting 128 from 512; I noticed there's a way to count by 64 around there! Once I listed 384 in Rank 13, I counted back up from the bottom, and eventually all the numbers smoothed themselves out.


The only possible issue I can think of for increasing the total intrinsic ranks to 15, is thinking of what new bonuses can occupy the ranks for other classes besides Tactical. Not to mention Command's intrinsic bonuses aren't revealed yet (Don't want spoilers though!), so I don't know what ranks 11-15 would be for that. But I'm looking forward to seeing what's coming!

  • At the moment I don't think it's too big a problem to figure out which of these new bonuses can go into what Intrinsic class ranks, since it's all in the idea-phase (May or may not be a reality someday).
    • Steel Path Railjack missions might need something like the new bonuses above, just food for thought!


As of this writing (02-02-2021), I'm still thinking on what other aspects of Railjack & Empyrean to discuss or include in my main post on that feedback thread. These new ideas for Intrinsics are just one part of the larger picture of what we could see in Empyrean when Update 30 comes, and after that reveal. Thanks for hearing me out on this one!

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