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Would you like to have spearguns being melee enabled too?


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Given the very nature of spearguns and how they look I always considered a wasted potential for them not being melee enabled if no melee weapon its equiped.

Nothing fancy TBH, no combo counter, etc. Pressing E simply does up to 3 sucesive trusts that scales with equiped mods, and are just melee ranged "shots" with a separate animation.

Nothing game breaking, nothing game changing, just an added flavour given that we dont have spears actually and the weapon its called speargun after all, and the only spear part of it its throwing it and not picking it up because that stops the secondary effect from taking place.

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Honestly, DE should be taking a page from Bloodborne on this. The trick weapons add so much to an incredibly atmospheric game, could you imagine the potential it could have in Warframe? One of the easiest examples of a weapon deserving this treatment is the Dark Split-Sword. We already have an alt-fire button, that would be the most efficient method for switching modes. I know spearguns can switch between regular fire & a thrown mode, how difficult would it be to add a 3rd melee mode to them? I know they'd have to sift through all that spaghetti code to make the magic happen, but such a thing could be a game-changer for spearguns.

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I still wonder what's stopping DE to let these weapons take 2 weapon slots instead of 1. The gunblades, spearguns, weapons with visible bayonet like Akjagara, etc

12 minutes ago, (PSN)IndianChiefJeff said:

One of the easiest examples of a weapon deserving this treatment is the Dark Split-Sword

The Dark-Split Sword obviously should come with a in-game switch button, I don't know why DE decided to make it the way it currently is

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22 minutes ago, (PSN)IndianChiefJeff said:

Dark Split-Sword.

We can only dream for a primed variant with switch functionality instead of heavy attacks.

Imagine if heavy attacks actually makes you break the big sword into the dual blade stance while dealing some AOE damage around you, an animation like the frame breaking the weapon with a big hit against the ground.

The "join" movement that turn dual blades into big sword will be a joining movement that deals AOE damage in an angle in front of the user with medium to large reach.


That alone would make playing with it AND actively switching something fun to do.

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there's literally no pint having a gun be that long and unwieldy when a rifle half or even a third of that length can do the same job, and the thrown modes are too weak. adding the ability to strike with them would be most welcome, and make Spearguns as versatile as they should be: melee up close, standard fire for medium ranage, and a strogner, AoE thrown mode for powerful distant attacks against groups.

10 hours ago, (PSN)IndianChiefJeff said:

Dark Split-Sword.

I've always wanted this to become an actual weapon class, where the weapon morphs mid combo bloodborne style, and once it's an actual weapon type, we could see grineer/Corpus/Infested takes upon the Split-Sword. plus, they don't even have to be swords per se, a double-ended polearm that splits into two mini-spears/axes for example.

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I mean it makes sense. If you have it equipped but without ANY other melee weapons equipped as the caveat to using it as a melee weapon much akin to say Garuda using her talons without any other melee weapons equipped. Though that would mean the ferrox would basically just be purely impact only unless you can make it use its laser to stay at the end of it to use as a blade of energy and give it heat / puncture / slash as well.

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