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Although I myself can use Loki very efficiently, he isn't my favorite Warframe and I don't like people on my T3 Defense missions who use him.


I know that the Brakk is more powerful than the Strun Wraith, but I like the latter better.

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- I have a tendency to assume you are a bad player if you apply to a mission with NOVA SUPRA ACRID GALATINE as your load out. 

- There is clearly a point where you can no longer survive the survival mission that I simply stop reviving you. Sorry. 

- If you run ahead of the entire team I immediately stop trying to make any forward progression in the mission. 

- It is only with an intense amount of self-restraint that I hold the elevator for everyone. If someone does not hold the elevator I will stand next to the button and smash the activation button so that we immediately go back down before anyone has a chance to get out of the elevator. 


Please get Loki and only put Switch TP, Flow, Streamline & Rush in him. You will become the master troll.

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- Bow weapons are bad. If I had the ability to Orbital strike people who try to argue they are viable I'd do it. I'd even do an evil laugh too.


- I'm completely unconvinced DE will ever properly manage to roll out a fun stealth game mode. I believe that a good stealth game requires a certain feeling to truly work and I believe that feeling is absent in Warframe.


- If Bows were a joke, Ballistica was the punchline. Least fun I've had with a weapon in this game.


-  I don't think Melee in its current state will be useful for anything but some visual flair. We need a proper combo system.


- Derf Anyo is canon. Ignore what DE tells you.

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- I hate Acrid 

- I hate Orthos/Orthos Prime

- I actually feel dragged to weapons without AP damage

- I've never built Rhino, even though I wanted to build him since his season 2 helmet was released

I just had to run ~10 runs to get every part for Nova

- I'm rank 9 after 500 ingame hours

- I never had a bad relationship with RNG in this game. Yet.

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-Excalibur is my favourite frame


-Whenever I play alongside an Ember, I always aim and zoom in on her &#!. I will prolly do the same thing when Berserker releases.


-I only ever spammed Nova's MP once, and that was when I got permission from the other team members in a survival.


-I ran out of salvage and ferrite so many times.


-I hate the drop rate of circuits and therefore I am always out of circuits.


-The only prime weapons I own are the Reaper Prime and the Lato Prime while being rank 10.


-I did 65 runs of Tyl Regor to get all the Ash parts.


-I got all my Nova parts before the fixes to Raptor.

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- I don't like using the acrid


- I still feel a ridiculous amount of pride for crafting the Akboltos back in U7


- I have mained rhino since I got him back in U7


- As rhino I do not press 4 unless my squad is getting overrun.


- If the team is rushing to the exit dodging enemies and I am in the lead I use Rhino charge to clear an easier path for them.


- I go to lower level defence missions to farm and use roar to buff newbies so they have an easier time killing the mobs.


- when I play with newbies I keep my killing in check so they can have a better experience.

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. If someone rush the elevator when I'm in it I'll return with the elevator to wait for the other.

. I'm suck at using Loki but I keep trying.

. I'll get mad at my friend who i ask to help me farm boss if they make the frame before me.

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I forma'd my old snipetron 3 times before the vandal version was added(and then did the same with the vandal).


I also went through all the bosses and killed them with the snipetron before the damage on it changed to AP, just to see if it was possible.


Why do I do this to myself?


Please tell me you did not sell your snipertron

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I don't have any sentinels... nor will I ever use them.

I use regular melee attacks more than I shoot/throw

I made a nova and slapped on 75% power efficiency and 90% power range.

I use rhino more than my main (ash) :(

I've only used 3 formas and they are all in my dual ichor

I tend to kill EVERYTHING on my way to the objective while still being in the lead, resulting in little too no enemies for my team mates.

I like playing with pugs despite being in one of the bigger moon clans.

and finally... I... I... covered my warframe (ash at the time) in infest blue and built him for speed... I then role played as an annoying sonic... also did it as batman... spammed nothing but batarangs (shurikens) and screaming "I AM THE GOD DAMN BATMAN" in the mic.. I REGRET NOTHING!!!


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- Whenever a hallway hero comes along in my Def/M.Def games, I've never let the point die as much as possible. I always wanted to let it die, but there's an urge to just finish the mission, and hope for better teammates next time.


-I host even though I know that sometimes my internet is S#&$tier than a septic tank.


-When I was falling into an abyss in the Grineer Asteroid tileset, I switch teleported an ally of mine to save myself. I don't think he/she noticed it was me.


-Switch teleport is such a selfish skill. Surrounded by Toxic Ancients? Swap with that friendly Frost.


-I hate Frost.


-I can't see the reason of using Excalibur. What's the point of being an awesome space ninja if you're going to be vanilla about it?


-I fell asleep on the computer while playing Defense. Woke up with Split Chamber.


-I hate Survival as a Loki. I love Survival as a Rhino.


-High-wave Defense necessitates Nova/Rhino/Banshee/Nyx/Vauban. Other Frames are basically trivial sources of minimal DPS.


-Whenever a retard pops O2 at 90+% "because Lotus says so", I die a little inside. Also, I do my best to screw everything up from there.


-I want to see the old Conclave numbers again. You may see "Soma Acrid Orthos Prime", but that can all be unranked or something.

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I have spent more time on the Forums than I have in game


I have given up on leveling multiple weapons. 


I purchased the S2 Female alt helmet pack day 1.


I still haven't completed most of the planets in the star chart. 


I once wrote a guide on how to spawn kill.


I once made an Alt with the sole purpose of Trolling.


I play Rhino far too much, but I like the Easymode too much.


On the day of U10 I told region chat that the update had been delayed for a week, but could be purchased for 30 plat on the website, and when asked where, I said that I didn't spend much time on the forums.


I own an Ogris and Acrid 

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