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Weapons of the Dax


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In the Synthesis, specifically the Guardsman Synthesis, a Dax is described as using a Rifle. Warframes were also likely largely constructed with Dax involved (it wouldn't shock me if some Warframes were composed of multiple people genetically smooshed together,, but there's little evidence for that), and the Tenno were likely trained by them in part as well, so we can also assume that any weapons the Tenno can use, the Dax were also either familiar with or could become so with practice, like the Tenno.

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On 2022-08-30 at 10:04 AM, Loza03 said:

(it wouldn't shock me if some Warframes were composed of multiple people genetically smooshed together,, but there's little evidence for that

Except the one frame that is literally this....

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Just now, Loza03 said:

Xaku? I mean sure yes, but they're several individual frames smooshed together, so they're an exception to the standard Warframe creation process

Exactly. Which is what you were referring to, no?

On 2022-08-30 at 10:04 AM, Loza03 said:

it wouldn't shock me if some Warframes were composed of multiple people genetically smooshed together


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9 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

Exactly. Which is what you were referring to, no?


Ah, no, though I can see how I wasn't clear. I mean on the genetic level - that several individual people were used to create a single Warframe, or at least the base structure. i.e., Frost might have been made from an arctic climate specialist mixed with a Dax to get the sufficient understanding to wield the ice-based powers as well as the physical prowess of a Warframe. We know the infestation can mix-and-match genes if it wants to thanks to the likes of Lephantis.

Xaku is several, fully-complete Warframe's being shattered and then recombined into a single form, so naturally, they'd be made from several different people in either case.

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On 2022-08-30 at 6:24 PM, (PSN)IndianChiefJeff said:

Ever since the reveal of the Duviri Paradox & Teshin's playable section in The New War, I've always wondered why the Dax seemed limited to using Nikanas & Orviuses. Assuming that there's more to their arsenal, what should we expect in the future? Bows, kunai, firearms?

From my understanding Dax were "elite" units under Orokin. It would be obvious that they use standardized weapons like Nikanas or Orvious. You know... Orokin likes stuffs like this (looks and such).

They are very capable fighters (at least melee) so I don't think they should have big problems using other melees. They may not be that good (like Tennos).

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34 minutes ago, Mediloric said:

You know if Dax were the elite ones, I wonder what the regular troops had to use?

Presumably the Aeolak and the Hespar, since those were the ancient Grineer weapons. The Mara Detron is also mentioned as being a weapon of "Orokin-era smugglers" so it's probably safe to assume they had similar weapons to what modern day Corpus have.

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1 hour ago, Mediloric said:

You know if Dax were the elite ones, I wonder what the regular troops had to use?

It's mentioned that, at least against the Sentients, they used Percussion rifles.

Y'know, these things.

210114/013 .577 London armoury percussion rifle

Granted, likely much more advanced, with proper magazines and made Semi-Auto somehow, but still. Likely the Orokin had to really press and fiddle with tech to see what they could and could not get away with.

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