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Are you ever going to fix SHIELDS?. Shield gating SUCKS.


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2 minutes ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

Do you know how shield gating works? 

Take off the decaying key: 

"Styanax's weapon Critical Chance increases based on his current amount of Shields including Overshields. Passive bonus is doubled on Speargun weapons."

Edit: Take off the key and put a shield mod on. There are even multiple shield mods.


Seems pretty solid to me. Subsume Pillage on Styanax for some extra sauce. 

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33 minutes ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

Seems pretty solid to me. Subsume Pillage on Styanax for some extra sauce. 

subsume elemental ward instead. extra shields. though its only 250 at 100% power strength (if its r0 base shields)


Edit: still, 250 at 100%, 500 at 200% 750 at 300%. so it could still extremely buff his shields if you mod for it.


lets see if i can math correctly at lets say 200% power strength:

r30 base: 750 (250 at r1, 500 rank bonus)


elemental ward: 500

r30 with redirection: 1,850 (1,350 without rank bonus)


Vigor: 550

Prime Vigor: 800

Augur accord: 700

Boreal's Hatred: 625

Reg vigor calc= 4,225 

prime vigor calc= 4,475 

Overshield: 1,200

reg Vigor=  5,425

prime Vigor= 5,675


please do correct me if i messed up with the calculations.

based on my math, he will have a pretty big shield pool if you mod for it and that should massively boost his passive unless its capped. 

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The point is that to optimize Shield gating (which makes them better) you have to make them worst using the key. They need to fix this, they need to find another way to make shields functional other than using them to trigger windows of invulnerability.

When i play a shield frame, i want to focus on making my shields better not worst, i want bigger and better numbers.

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1 minute ago, xxvaderxxar said:

The point is that to optimize Shield gating (which makes them better) you have to make them worst using the key. They need to fix this, they need to find another way to make shields functional other than using them to trigger windows of invulnerability.

When i play a shield frame, i want to focus on making my shields better not worst, i want bigger and better numbers.

and you can do that.

here is a mod that helps mitigate a lot of issues shield frames have:


it effects shields.


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2 minutes ago, xxvaderxxar said:

The point is that to optimize Shield gating (which makes them better) you have to make them worst using the key. They need to fix this, they need to find another way to make shields functional other than using them to trigger windows of invulnerability.

When i play a shield frame, i want to focus on making my shields better not worst, i want bigger and better numbers.

Players do that either because they are trying to facetank with shield spam instead of mixing tactics, modding and skills together to reduce incoming damage, increase durability and not have to rely on that, or because they are facing enemies so high in level that things like adaptation and damage reduction simply don't work anymore. That point is realistically beyond Steel Path though.

I think we have to get our hands on Stayanax first to say for sure but I think he looks like he will pair really well with high shield / shield stealing builds personally!

"Optimizing" Stayanax looks like it will involve not building around shield gate, and he will not be the first Warframe to do so. 

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13 minutes ago, (NSW)Vampire_Mika said:

and you can do that.

here is a mod that helps mitigate a lot of issues shield frames have:


it effects shields.


phe, Adaptation is simply not enough. Every frame that runs shield has to run adaptatin + subsuming either hildrin or harrow just to make them functional, that should throw all kinds of red flags.

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1 minute ago, xxvaderxxar said:

phe, Adaptation is simply not enough. Every frame that runs shield has to run adaptatin + subsuming either hildrin or harrow just to make them functional, that should throw all kinds of red flags.

the thing is, shields isnt the main thing thats broken, survivability itself needs a revamp.

shield frames are in a MUCH better situation than frames that have no shields.

also, i play plenty of shield based frames and i have never subsumed Hildryn or Harrow.

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4 minutes ago, (NSW)Vampire_Mika said:

the thing is, shields isnt the main thing thats broken, survivability itself needs a revamp.

shield frames are in a MUCH better situation than frames that have no shields.

also, i play plenty of shield based frames and i have never subsumed Hildryn or Harrow.

This is actually so true, but I think the difference is that harrow uses massive overshields instead of regular shields so shield gate is easy, while Hildryn has tons of shield Regen. Styanax has neither of those.

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2 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

This is actually so true, but I think the difference is that harrow uses massive overshields instead of regular shields so shield gate is easy, while Hildryn has tons of shield Regen. Styanax has neither of those.

well, he does have Rally which gives energy and Shields, but its only 50 per kill, so 100 at 200% and 150 at 300% power strength.

so ya, Hildryn and Harrow have a much easier way to generate energy since they dont need to kill enemies in order to get it and its AoE.


  • Styanax performs a rallying gesture, increasing his Threat Level while energizing himself and allies within AbilityRangeBuff.png? / ? / ? / 30 meters to regenerate AbilityStrengthBuff.png? / ? / ? / 3 Energy points per second, lasting for AbilityDurationBuff.png? / ? / ? / 30 seconds. Each kill or assisted kill by rallied Tenno restores AbilityStrengthBuff.png? / ? / ? / 50 Shield points that overflow into Overshields.
    • Shields per kill and energy regen values are displayed as an ability Buff icon beside Styanax's hitpoint indicators.
  • Can be recast while active to refresh duration to full.


this ability also makes him a Priotity target, so it seems more dangerous than anything.

but it should increase pet/sentinel survivability.

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If your problem is that shield gating doesn't scale with shield capacity then it would help to find a better way to articulate that thought than whatever this thread title and OP is.


That said, yes, it would be better if the system would encourage shield based builds instead of minimum shielding being optimal. Something like having the invulnerability duration scale off max shields (and reduced by negative modifiers) instead of being flat and having shield recovery mods also reduce the recovery delay.

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We must be playing different games?

Outside being able to cleanse status effect, the only tanking and healing I get up to, is through operators.

It's a get out of jail for free card, you can't be shot in the void, can knock enemies over, throw up tether and heal.

No one is supposed to stand in the thick of it and face-tank 20 corpus with hitscan autoaim, while jogging over to melee them.


Ideally you CC and dps everything first though and do not underestimate the 'dodge' bonus you get for being mobile, especially in midair.


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I was around before they implemented shield gating ,

I assure you that it is a good mechanic for the frames that didn't have high health or Armor values.

The decaying key effect on the other hand ... I personally don't like , feels borderline bug abuse to me, but meh not really getting in my way so others are free to use it.

A valid reason to actively build for more shields (not overshields) is lacking though, 

Ability to build overshields + adaptation is great , but just higher base shields should have a little more advantages i feel.

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4 hours ago, xxvaderxxar said:

The point is that to optimize Shield gating (which makes them better) you have to make them worst using the key. They need to fix this, they need to find another way to make shields functional other than using them to trigger windows of invulnerability.

When i play a shield frame, i want to focus on making my shields better not worst, i want bigger and better numbers.

No... You DON'T  HAVE to exploit dragon keys. That's actually not the intended purpose of shield gate mechanics. 

If you want to make your shields better, then make them better. Use Adaptation, ensure you have a way to refill shields manually (subsumes, augur set, brief respite, sentinels/companions etc.). 

The problem isn't shield gate... the problem is a whole bunch of people think they're better off exploiting dragon keys than playing the game without nonsense like that. 

2 hours ago, cute_moth.npc said:

Heated pleas to nerf Toxics, Disruptors, knockdown status effects and Acolytes intensify

This so much. There's been a number of whine-threads lately that read a lot like "Mom, I'm feeling really entitled today and I'm angry that the shop keeper wouldn't give me a candy bar for free. Don't they know I WANT IT!!?!?!?"



Games have rules. Learn the rules and adapt so you can win. 

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44 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

No... You DON'T  HAVE to exploit dragon keys. That's actually not the intended purpose of shield gate mechanics. 

If you want to make your shields better, then make them better. Use Adaptation, ensure you have a way to refill shields manually (subsumes, augur set, brief respite, sentinels/companions etc.). 

The problem isn't shield gate... the problem is a whole bunch of people think they're better off exploiting dragon keys than playing the game without nonsense like that. 

This is not how it works, it is either bug and you fix it or its a feature and you use it. The problem is that they are now balancing shields AROUND shield gating, making it even worse.

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7 minutes ago, xxvaderxxar said:

This is not how it works, it is either bug and you fix it or its a feature and you use it. The problem is that they are now balancing shields AROUND shield gating, making it even worse.

Oh its a bug. DE is notorious for not fixing old bugs.

Its a bug that is being exploited by a ton of people.

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