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Post your inaros rework ideas in the comments and i will rate them


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1 minute ago, (PSN)Nagato_09716 said:

My point is that inaros will never excel beside casuals player for sortie or a bit long survival runs every other frame could outtank him with a bit more effort (clicking a button or 2 once in a while)

and your point is moot, because no one does long survivals.... I thought I made myself pretty clear...

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14 minutes ago, jojokaizer said:

lol, it's been how long since inaros has been out? if DE knows any better, they will never touch inaros. cause the backlash will be pretty large. regardless of how many drones yelling about wanting inaros changed, there is an even larger group of people who enjoy his ease of play. adaptation, arcane grace, and a good weapon will clear any content up to level 250+. and only 5% of the player base even ever see content that's 200+. no change will be made.

11 minutes ago, jojokaizer said:

inaros was released in 2016, there hasn't been any change to his kit. it's 2022 now... he isn't change any time soon lol. DE has other problems they rather be dealing with. such as making new frames to make money. and if anything, there are way worse frames that need a rework than inaros.

Were you not here last week when Mag, a frame from 2012, got reworked? They do reworks all the time

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1 minute ago, (PSN)Nagato_09716 said:

Since 2016 yes.

almost NO one stay beyond wave 30. I've been playing the game for 8 years, and the only real farm in the game is arb. even in ARB you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who wants to stay to 40 or 60 waves. that's not even 2 hours yet. so please, stop trying to make up fake narrative to win an argument, cause you're just being dumb at this point.

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8 minutes ago, jojokaizer said:

almost NO one stay beyond wave 30. I've been playing the game for 8 years, and the only real farm in the game is arb. even in ARB you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who wants to stay to 40 or 60 waves. that's not even 2 hours yet. so please, stop trying to make up fake narrative to win an argument, cause you're just being dumb at this point.

Alot of people find it challanging/testing weapons/frames in very high end entertaining but not many does it in pubs i could easily find a team for it you just wont accept inaros is nothing but a braindead carry for casuals and i say that as a ex inaros main

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Just now, (PSN)Nagato_09716 said:

Alot of people find it challanging/testing weapons/frames in very high end entertaining but not many does it in pubs i could easily find a team for it you just wont accept inaros is nothing but a braindead carrh for casuals and i say that as a ex inaros main

dude, are you that dense? those groups are EXTREMELY small in the population. like I already said many many times, 5% of the pop goes over 2 to 3 hours and 1% or less goes to level 9999. I don't care what you play in the game, it doesn't change the fact that almost no one does endura runs. making up stuff doesn't make it true.

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3 minutes ago, jojokaizer said:

dude, are you that dense? those groups are EXTREMELY small in the population. like I already said many many times, 5% of the pop goes over 2 to 3 hours and 1% or less goes to level 9999. I don't care what you play in the game, it doesn't change the fact that almost no one does endura runs. making up stuff doesn't make it true.

Me when i dont look for a groupfor a endurance run and call it fake cause i dont ever go out of my way to find one :copium:

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1 minute ago, (PSN)Nagato_09716 said:

Me when i dont look for a groupfor a endurance run and call it fake cause i dont ever go out of my way to find one :copium:

when did I say anything is fake, it's you who's in the fantasy world thinking that there is a large group of people dumping 5 or 8 hours in to a mission. I mean, how out of touch do you have to be to even think that? or just not very smart.... either way, I'm done. after that, you're not even worth replying to anymore.

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5 minutes ago, jojokaizer said:

when did I say anything is fake, it's you who's in the fantasy world thinking that there is a large group of people dumping 5 or 8 hours in to a mission. I mean, how out of touch do you have to be to even think that? or just not very smart.... either way, I'm done. after that, you're not even worth replying to anymore.

They might not be the majority but its easy finding multiple squads just by typing in recruitment chat/reddit/discord or just asking your friends

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Passive: Deals 15% max HP true damage per tick. Revives after two kills. Cannot be used on allies.

Reason: His passive is absolutely useless right now. Sevagoth has essentially a better version of it, so I'd like for Inaros' passive to be about as effective as Sevagoth's.

Dessication (1): Remains as is.

Reason: It's a fairly simple yet effective ability. I'd like for it to remain as is.

Devour (2): Deals 5% max HP true damage, scaling with strength and damage ramp up over time. Sand Shadows deal true damage, but have no armor nor shields and only have 60% of their maximum health. Maximum of 3 Sand Shadows can be active at a time. Sand Shadows last for 30 seconds scaling with ability duration.

Augment idea: Violent Sacrifice: Executes a target enemy instead, restoring health equivalent to enemy health that would have been drained. Costs no Energy, but ability then goes on a 60s cooldown, not affected by mods.

Reason: Being a single target ability that renders him unable to do anything else until he deactivates it, I'd say it having big damage is reasonable. Sand Shadows are also useless, seeing as they don't do damage, last only for 15 seconds and do not draw aggro. I want to turn them into powerful allies you can have for a while, but since they're made of sand they won't last long. "Glass Cannons" so to speak.

Sandstorm (3): Drains health while active. Restores health on kill. Scales with all melee mods and combo counter. Movement speed unrestricted, but cannot perform parkour outside of jump and double jump.

Augment change: Hold 3 to release Sandstorm in target direction. Costs energy instead of health, and does not restore health.

Reason: A recurring theme in Inaros' kit which is that 4/5ths of his kit is a total meme. I want to turn this cool ability into something meaningful. I took inspiration from Caliban's Razor Gyre but made it not useless.

Scarab Swarm (4): Augment baked into ability. Tap 4 to grant healing, status immunity and a percent of Inaros' total armor (with Scarab Armor active) to all allies and allied objects.

Reason: To be honest Scarab armor is okay, it's just the 2nd part that's underwhelming. 


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Passive: whenever Inaros dies he can activate one of his sand power abilities before coming back to life. Has 3 charges.

1: Inaros summons a sand clone which holds the same weapon as he is, has infinite duration, and has health scaling to his STR.

2: Inaros transforms into a sand cloud, increasing movement speed, heals him, bypasses lasers, and cures status effects.

3: Inaros calls forth thr power of sand to boost his armor after absorbing damage for 3 seconds.

4: idk Inaros makes sandwich for u i guess


Nothing else I can think of that would make him appealing to the playerbase

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4 hours ago, DarkSkysz said:

20% is kinda a lot considering we have 50 normal frames and Idk how many prime frames to eat some of that %...

That's the idea tho. You see players that have over a thousand hours in missions, and has used a lot of different warframes, then he/she will most likely have a collective of several frames at 10%, that means that player doesn't have a main warframe, but that doesn't mean that he/she doesn't have a frame they prefer. But players that has a warframe that is 10% higher than their other usual warframes, then that can be considered their main warframe, as it is not only a preferred frame, but its a frame that has seen a much bigger usage, hence the 20%. You also have the special cases of players that has 30% or more on their frames, I will usually call these the specialists. That is if the above mentioned is not true, so if the player has 30% on his most used frame, but 22% on the next frame over, then he is not a specialist in that frame, but rather has that frame as his main frame. So in my case with my Umbra at 45% usage as compared to my Inaros which is the one next over that has 15% usage. I call myself a specialist in Usage of Umbra. 

TL;DR: a warframe with 10% or more usage compared to the second most used is the players Main warframe, while a player with about 20% more than their second most used is a specialist in that particular frame.

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6 hours ago, jojokaizer said:

a lot of people spend 4 or 5 hours in a mission? lol..... do you play warframe?

survivals are a waste of time thats true, but Disruption and Cascade - the most rewarding mode atm- quickly scale beyond the levels Inaros can tank, SP Cascade can reach lvl cap in ~ 1 hr with a fast team and even pubs push to lvl1000 in ~40min), Inaros folds beyond lvl 200-250 depending on a build

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New Passive "I Don't Like Sand" Inaros gets a 100% damage bonus against Younglings. These bonus mainly applies to the kids at Cetus and the half of Grineer (those most recently hatched/cloned). 

1 Ability. Already perfection, no change. 

2 Ability: Sand Gating. Inaros makes sand gates, out of sand bags, that stop damage from enemies getting to him or allies. Not just physical damage, but mental, emotional damage, also blocks sarcasm, puns and jokes. Inaros thick sandy coarse skin, and years of memes, have made him, not just a health tank, but a sand bagging sand tank, and he will no longer be taking for granite! 

3 Ability: Enter Sandman. Inaros creates a Shawzin made out of sand, and then uses it to play a certain song, that will not be mentioned, that may or may have been originally released in July of 1991. This will buff allies, with speed, damage and lowering shield max (so they can shield gate easier). Enemies will be inflicted with passive stat. Where they just stand around and listen to your Shawzin. 

4 Ability/Ult: Domain Expansion. Inaros arms become a whirlwind (figurative, not literal) as he rapidly empities his pockets of sand, by flinging to every enemy on the map, sending them all to sleep, as his Domain "The Sandman" envelops the entire map, a pocket dimension if you will, where Inaros is God and Ruler, and Absolute. In this Dimension, all enemies armour and shields are stripped, as they experience waking Nightmares. All allies dreams and aspirations are realised, they get Ammo Regen, as Emotes now do AOE damage, and the Allies particular favourite is temporarily reverted to whatever Patch was their favourite. Every enemy killed in "The Sandman", will transmute into 2 Plat. Cool down is 2 weeks. 

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Passive - the excess of lethal damage that killed Inaros is added to the base damage of the Sarcophagus beam as True damage. If pointing the beam at Sand Shadows, instantly kills them to fill a large portion of the revive gauge.

Desiccation - Uses Inaros' health when he runs out of energy to cast.

Devour - Uses Inaros' health when he runs out energy to cast. Sand Shadows always spawn when a Devoured enemy is killed by any means.

Sandstorm - Drains Inaros' health when he runs out of energy to cast. Player camera no longer locked. Can now cast Desiccation (always blinds enemies spinning in the storm), Devour (hold-cast pulls Inaros to the target instead) and Scarab Swarm (launches scarab projectile and infects all enemies spinning in the storm) during the ability. 

Scarab Swarm - Uses Inaros' health to launch scarab projectile when he runs out of energy to cast. Scarabs can infest Sand Shadows but does not damage them, allowing them to carry/spread the swarm and heal allies in range.

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Here's some possibilities I cooked up for a complete overhaul:

  1. 1st Ability : Taskmaster - this is a sweeping frontal attack, think a slightly wider version of Frost's ice wave. It scales with range (distance, not angle, or not much angle) and strength, and if an enemy hit by it is under the influence of erosion AND below hmmm 10% (?) hp, it acts as an execute, killing them and making a sand soldier out of them. The sand soldiers are, i think, still neat in concept, and these are short lived but very strong, and scale with duration and strength. Whether or not they need a limit on how many can be active would require testing - but I would anticipate the execute threshold would make them appropriately rare.
  2. 2nd Ability : Erosion - an omnidirectional blast of sand that affects all targets with erosion, and applies a stagger, scaling with range. Erosion also adds a damage multiplier to enemies (nothing major like Mirage or Banshee, but still a helpful little multiplier, maybe 2x) and slowly ticks down, fading out - and this erosion scales with duration. Recasting this will refresh the erosion on enemies but not stack the multiplier. Enemies already affected by erosion also won't be staggered.
  3. 3rd Ability : Glorification - pulls from all enemies marked with erosion, removing it from them, and applying it to himself in the form of gray health. We don't have this system in warframe yet exactly, nor is there any need for it EXCEPT with Inaros, for which I've always thought it would be perfect. This is the equivalent of overshields, but for health. This probably scales with strength, and very, very slowly decays over time. Recasting this before gray health has expired will stack new erosion hp onto the existing gray health - but probably with diminishing returns. Thus, the first cast is the strongest, and it progressively weakens until the natural hp is re-exposed, at which point it resets. Now, if we wanted to make this really interesting, we could make him extremely reliant on this mechanic, by giving him just average health underneath, but I think this might create two problems: his survivability might be impacted, and he might end up spamming this skill too much to compensate. His survivability isn't a big deal with his passive though (coming up!) and the spam can be reduced by making the punishment for stacking gray health more lenient, allowing him to maintain a healthy chunk of gray hp with little effort, which, when compared to shields, is probably ideal. Still another possibility is to remove the diminishing returns on the stacking, but substantially increase the decay rate - which would also be pretty interesting.
  4. 4th Ability : Entropic Dynasty - this gives him temporary invulnerability (just a second or so) while taking all his gray hp and converting it into three part attack. The first part is a powerful withering attack directed ahead, which eats away at enemies, stripping armor and doing direct hp damage to them over time. It scales with duration, range and strength, but mostly duration. The longer it lasts, the more it rips away. There's a lot of nuances here as to how much damage, how much armor stripping, etc - but that's a level of detail for actual implementation. The second part is that it simultaneously takes all the erosion procs from the enemies, like Glorification, but instead of using it for defense it's weaponized, doing damage to all marked enemies, scaled by how much erosion remains on the enemies - the more erosion, the more damage. Possibly, this also has a soldier mechanic, where any enemies marked with erosion that die from the damage dealt will spawn a sand soldier.
  5. Passive : Entombed King - upon death, Inaros automatically casts a fully radial version of Taskmaster, perhaps with an inflated execute threshold (15%?). If any sand soldiers are active, he gains control of the nearest one, and all of his abilities become available to use, as if that soldier were he himself. His weapons don't carry over though, he instead must use the soldier's weapons, which are probably just like a scythe or something. Killing enemies (or perhaps just even doing damage to them) that are afflicted with erosion acts just like Glorification, sending hp back towards Inaros. If enough hp is gained this way (enough to replenish his base hp) before the soldier dies, Inaros is resurrected. If the soldier dies, but there are still other soldiers alive, the process repeats as he takes control of one of them, until they all expire. It should be relatively easy, especially at lower levels, to meet this requirement, but if enough hp isn't eroded and he can't be resurrected, he becomes entombed in a sarcophagus. His sarcophagus continually emits damage (possibly scaling with range and strength) in a radius around it for perhaps 20-30 seconds, a sort of curse, which is not insignificant at all and may very well kill things, and if enough damage is dealt this way he also is resurrected. Otherwise, he dies like normal and must be revived. He can cancel the curse phase and die early, if he wants.

You could make his sand soldiers almost like an exalted weapon - you could mod them, or actually perhaps just the scythe they use, in the armory - this could be pretty cool.

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Here is what I would do to Inaros (based on a post I did 2yrs ago)



Passive improvement:

·       Increase the damage dealt to enemies when reviving while he is in his sarcophagus over time. Aiming at head will increase damage x2.

·       Change it to a wave to capture multi enemies instead of one.


2nd ability:

·       If Inaros consumes one enemy, it will deal high damage, have armour, last 10 seconds longer and will have higher agro.

·       Holding the ability will pull multiple enemies in a cone.

·       Inaros can consume multiple enemies at once.

·       The time of sand shadows` duration is 20 seconds and can be increased by duration mods.

·       The damage they deal will be determined by power strength, enemy level and the number of enemies turned to sand creatures.

·       The duration can be refreshed when he consumes another enemy up to a maximum of 20 times.

·       Consuming over 20 enemies will kill a sand creature.

·       (Synergy) using the 1st ability on affected enemy will increase its damage.


3rd ability:

·       Increase movement speed.

·       Movement speed can be increased by sprint speed mods.

·       The more energy he loses the slower he moves, picking up energy orbs can also increase its movement speed.


4th ability:

·       This is now a three-stage ability. First you charge the ability like normal, then you mark enemies, then you cast the ability.

·       One enemy marked will cost 5 energy.

·       You can mark up to 15 enemies.

·       If the enemy dies, the scarabs will form into a pile for enemies to walk into for 15 seconds.

·       Enemies affected by this will store up damage that is indicated on the top right corner of the screen.

·       Synergy: The damage accumulated can be used for all abilities.

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