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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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So bulbous chest aside, the big wolfheads are coming along nicely. I wonder which is which...

Raksh - Aggressive, with the edgy spikey head and nose-ring? Seems the most reasonable one to have a howling ability, draw aggro and/or scare foes away.

Dynar - Stealth, with the eyepatch? Classic invisibility or maybe a some type of camouflage.

Lycath - Scavenger, chunky with the mouthwraps? Ammo, orbs, loot drop chance, healing/energy, lifesteal, buffs and stuff. I would love a Helminth nom-nom-nom animation for its head.

Ulfrun - Alpha, long-fanged, ultimate with tail? Send out spirit wolfheads to maul enemies and burn those that come too close to Voruna's flame tail.

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1 minute ago, PsiWarp said:

So bulbous chest aside, the big wolfheads are coming along nicely. I wonder which is which...

Raksh - Aggressive, with the edgy spikey head and nose-ring? Seems the most reasonable one to have a howling ability, draw aggro and/or scare foes away.

Dynar - Stealth, with the eyepatch? Classic invisibility or maybe a some type of camouflage.

Lycath - Scavenger, chunky with the mouthwraps? Ammo, orbs, loot drop chance, healing/energy, lifesteal, buffs and stuff. I would love a Helminth nom-nom-nom animation for its head.

Ulfrun - Alpha, long-fanged, ultimate with tail? Send out spirit wolfheads to maul enemies and burn those that come too close to Voruna's flame tail.

thats an interesting thought :thinking:

  Defense, stealth, attack, support to what i recall alpha is voruna herself i thought

raksha -is a defensive /healign normally iirc its a charm so maybe thats the defensive head?

dyner - as stealth with the eye patch makes sense, given they did say metal gear snake jokes on stream 

lycath - scavanger/support unit makes sense 

ulfrun - big fang makes me think aggressive so attack mode? 


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DE has their reasons for changing the appearance between concept art and the model. One of the main reasons is that it's nowhere near finished, basically at the very start of the actual modeling process and details such as proper sizes and all will be done at the very end of sculpting. Her current breast size has no bearing on what it will be by the end.

The stage we were shown was the greyboxing, just organizing where everything is to more easily visualize the end result, like a 3D version of a sketch. A lot can change between the greybox and the final product.

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2 hours ago, Alchemist_Moth said:

DE has their reasons for changing the appearance between concept art and the model. One of the main reasons is that it's nowhere near finished, basically at the very start of the actual modeling process and details such as proper sizes and all will be done at the very end of sculpting. Her current breast size has no bearing on what it will be by the end.

The stage we were shown was the greyboxing, just organizing where everything is to more easily visualize the end result, like a 3D version of a sketch. A lot can change between the greybox and the final product.

this is correct 

even on the greyboxs paint over weve seen they do re-section parts for cleanup , but its not still very accurate topology yet, though im hopeful its shown in November more complete

(what we have so far been shown)



the issue with why this is causing strife, as seen in side viewed model & the paint over , there is some mass reduction details that are very off in terms of shape/form, this isnt limited to bust mind you , but ankles, ribs, legs, arms and even the head design , so this is anatomical on flesh/bone issue. while also having details applied already

mind you, the next stage is to cleanup , section and redetail, but the proportions still seem off for the sections that are clearly further along in the process

(im going in detail here for those new to 3d workflows) 

in 2d art to 3d you can get very close to 100% to match the style/design usually if time + effort is given  .however, this frame now is on a deadline of dec (1 month + away)  id gather early or mid dec given the release + hotfixing that usually follows , its got a very short amount of time to be both model , code ready to be implemented ingame (other development beyond the 3d aspects) 

  this is the initial drafting we are shown, so its open to fixes and changes  , most of the time 3d artist use a basic workflow 

See the source imageSee the source imageR.b0898336b67996c485d73c920b6fba15?rik=VGTuEg%2bmGKJy0Q&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.3dart.it%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2017%2f10%2f3D-Character-Workflow-1024x578.jpg&ehk=p4kOy3OOcwZP3uT0SPJaj%2b%2bUI7NjCMmNsuz3LVrpAGc%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0an example



at this stage it is very early on , although this mesh is more detailed and is hardscultped in several spots,   we can look at this as much further along then a basic starting greybox.  given its development on  drafting the details, as they are subdividing and applying depth details to the topology. this will go to the UV layering 

though the flow being done here dosnt seem to be at using repto yet fully , other then minor section points that i can see, further details are needed 

(repto is reducing or simplification of the topology details on a mesh and creating a more clean model



Its more or less sculpting + shaping  at this stage and moving into details , which IMO  should more accurate given its progression on the design details, the body morphology is off in comparison to match the art well

as when they move to the next stage it will be to simplify and cleanup all the meshes details, given this frame is very detailed that seems odd to wait for later and is why I personally find this not matching better topology to the design a bit odd.

given de have to do a few more steps then most in rigging such as the sectioning of the mesh for muscle flow ingame (you sometimes see this in loadout as a grey body with slices in it) that hides under the uv wrap (texture + details + depth layer we see ingame)  so movement and animations look more fluid/natural 

we do also have as an example of live sculpts de has done in the past

(example hennya warframe concept wip) done live on prime time in 2017? iirc (hennya is by user daemonstar)  




this is another user done version of the frames mesh -by bumbledsteak , not DE done but matches very well imo

See the source image

overall we dont get the final say in this frame, thats up to DE , all we can do i voice our feedback on the progress so far 

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31 minutes ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

in 2d art to 3d you can get very close to 100% to match the style/design usually if time + effort is given  .however, this frame now is on a deadline of dec (1 month + away)  id gather early or mid dec given the release + hotfixing that usually follows , its got a very short amount of time to be both model , code ready to be implemented ingame (other development beyond the 3d aspects) 

Adding to this, but every warframe uses the same skeleton for animations. This lets things like coding and ability effects be made alongside the model's creation rather than needing to wait for it to be completed, opening time up a bit more for asset creation by using placeholder warframes like how they use Excalibur and Rhino to test animations for weapons.

That's not limited to weapons, but they're not exactly going to show them testing a warframe's animations and effects on other warframes. To someone who has no clue about how game assets are created it would just cause a bunch of unnecessary confusion.

A general animation can be made on a placeholder model such as Excalibur and then it would only need to be slightly adjusted for when Voruna's model is fully formed and rigged.

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32 minutes ago, Alchemist_Moth said:

Adding to this, but every warframe uses the same skeleton for animations. This lets things like coding and ability effects be made alongside the model's creation rather than needing to wait for it to be completed, opening time up a bit more for asset creation by using placeholder warframes like how they use Excalibur and Rhino to test animations for weapons.

That's not limited to weapons, but they're not exactly going to show them testing a warframe's animations and effects on other warframes. To someone who has no clue about how game assets are created it would just cause a bunch of unnecessary confusion.

A general animation can be made on a placeholder model such as Excalibur and then it would only need to be slightly adjusted for when Voruna's model is fully formed and rigged.

that is correct

usually ,such as in relays or slow load in areas, users will be able to see an excalibur (vanilla) mesh  inplace of their given warframe , this si due to the holdover of this connection and the games engine indexing in the correct setup. excalibur is used as basis of a lot

this does explain the clipping and other issue on certain frames, thats why each frame is given specific "tailored" animation to try to alleviate this in play for specific frames (not always 100%) , but since all frames can use same animations , its not a guarantee anyway (like how we swap them ingame) 

  the other side of deving that they have to troubleshoot/deal with for the game  is the variant inhouse engine (derived from unreal OG) called evolution , thats adapted and adjusted to fit older and newer additions within itself . iirc the last major overhaul of this was in spectars of the rail, and then the light/dynamics overhaul more recently had some major adjustments.

i know from speaking to a friend , unreal is a bit difficult to work in as compared to unity, and evolution debuted in 2013 iirc , and they have used it in other games besides warframe . C++ is primary language for the game. Lua for scripting? least that i recall steve talking about a long time ago 



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On 2022-11-04 at 1:35 PM, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

Wanna know the real reason y'all ain't getting Dommy Mommy Wolfy Booba? I am holding DE hostage and making them shrink them tigolbitties. I'll make them shrink them another whole arse cup if y'all keep trying me!

Oh sheet! He's got the shrink ray pointed at Voruna's big but hopefully bigger (in the future) tigolbitties, and won't give her back unless pay a ransom of...

  Image result for dr evil gif 1 million dollars  

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On 2022-11-04 at 3:03 PM, PsiWarp said:

So bulbous chest aside, the big wolfheads are coming along nicely. I wonder which is which...

Raksh - Aggressive, with the edgy spikey head and nose-ring? Seems the most reasonable one to have a howling ability, draw aggro and/or scare foes away.

Dynar - Stealth, with the eyepatch? Classic invisibility or maybe a some type of camouflage.

Lycath - Scavenger, chunky with the mouthwraps? Ammo, orbs, loot drop chance, healing/energy, lifesteal, buffs and stuff. I would love a Helminth nom-nom-nom animation for its head.

Ulfrun - Alpha, long-fanged, ultimate with tail? Send out spirit wolfheads to maul enemies and burn those that come too close to Voruna's flame tail.

If Voruna's the wolf goddess n, this was her wolf pack she ran with I'd say 

Raksha - as Alpha female of the pack quartet, Nose ring (one of the places Raksha coms from means Mother wolf, I believe)   my guess is health/healing DR?  

Lycath - as Ahpha male, Fang, damage dmg team buff

Dynara - as lower ranked female, rounded down snout/mouth rap, Scavenger, loot? But probably health n, energy pick up boost

Ulfra - as lower ranked female, Eye patch(almost looks like a WarHammer Skaven rat), this one has to be sneaky stuff if it isn't I'm walking out my room -_-  so, it could be silence on weapons, stealth multi ?

So, yea I personally view Raksha n, Lycath as Queen👑n, King👑 off the pack with Dynara/Ulfra being their kids. And they rolled with Their goddess Voruna until whatever happened to them, but now mounted as armor they fight as one!

One more note, the Nose ring/Fang heads are the biggest and sit on Voruna's hips, so I thought they made the most sense to be the "alphas" 


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6 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

A Kubrodon maybe?


7 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

wouldn't it be neat if they also released a new companion along with the new frame ? maybe some new item you can combine with an egg incubation to get a new more wolf like kubrow ?

I like companions too much ^^

im for more pets

given we do have plenty of animals ingame for conservation, ive always found it odd de hasnt found a way to make them companions 


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So, what do y'all think going to happen with Voruna's tails?

Do you think it will only be active during her 4 or do you think she'll have 4 tails based on what wolf head she has active at the time?

Also, someone correct me if I'm not "in the know", but how do we think the changing of wolfs is supposed to go? is it rotation wheel (Vauban/Ivara) or Lavos style?

 and do you think each wolf will get a unique taill? And if so, what do you they be like? 🤔 


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55 minutes ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

So, what do y'all think going to happen with Voruna's tails?

Do you think it will only be active during her 4 or do you think she'll have 4 tails based on what wolf head she has active at the time?

Also, someone correct me if I'm not "in the know", but how do we think the changing of wolfs is supposed to go? is it rotation wheel (Vauban/Ivara) or Lavos style?

 and do you think each wolf will get a unique taill? And if so, what do you they be like? 🤔 


No telling what exactly is going on with the tail, but there has been mention there may be an evolving armor type of system like how Nidus has with his mutations stacks, so the tail changing depending on the active wolf head isn't an unreasonable idea. We'll need to wait and see what exactly they do with her aesthetics and animations though.

From the sound of what they've said Voruna isn't going to have a static passive. Instead you'll be able to hold each ability to activate a passive based on the relevant wolf, so in that way it will be more like Lavos.

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2 hours ago, Alchemist_Moth said:

From the sound of what they've said Voruna isn't going to have a static passive. Instead you'll be able to hold each ability to activate a passive based on the relevant wolf, so in that way it will be more like Lavos.

Ahh right thanks 👍

I remember as much as [DE] saying there would be a custom ui to tell us what head/passive you currently have active.

Happy it'll be like Lavos I think that will be alot easier to use imo.


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The best thing about her name is "Voruna" sounds close enough to "Sharona" to me so, My My My My Voruna! Awoooo! 


Abilities wise she has the 4 distinct wolf heads each of which are supposed to invoke 1 of 4 different passive for her, and each head might be tied to a different ability 1-4  offensive, defensive stealth, utility/support  as to what the abilities are will have to wait and see. 😁

I'm hopping Shes good cause I really want to main her 🤞



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On 2022-10-25 at 6:27 PM, damongautama said:

I voted for the new frame name a few days ago and something struck me. Give a large group of people a task to choose one from a list of ten and mark one of the options in some way, and you greatly increase the chance that the marked one will be chosen. Our brains are designed to notice novelty, so there would be an immediate focus on the one that is different. In this case, of course, it was Voruna, which had an alternate spelling in parentheses.

My sense is that this made it almost sure from the beginning that it would be chosen. What do you think? And do you think it was intentional, a way to get their preferred name while making it seem like the community chose it?

i think you've read too much into it if u look at the meanings alot of the other names were good choices me and my friends did not vote until we looked up the meanings u should do the same some of them were unfitting to warframes usual themes or cool but of little substance

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