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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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@(XBOX)EternalDrk Mako

I mean, what was you hoping for?, you do realize who's running the show right?, Go look at Revenant who was suppose to be a pure Sentient Warframe, but then got turned into a "Vampire" like Warframe and then slapped the two ideas into one.

The person coming up with the Warframe ideas is a big fanboy/girl of Final Fantasy, take this as you will.


Edit: Hell, give me a few moments and I can list each and every single WF that was inspired by FF 

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

It’s pretty bad. I mean this looks like a female chroma. 

what really tops it off , is they didnt even follow their own "accepted color scheme" they provided and stated would be use din dev 164 

also that fur "detail uv layer" is just messy lines , overall its rushed/cutcorners and altered beyond what was stated and shown.  disappointing 

though for those booty people, she probably will have a huge butt to compensate cause thats  des favorite aspect to enhance for some reason?




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3 hours ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

what really tops it off , is they didnt even follow their own "accepted color scheme" they provided and stated would be use din dev 164 

also that fur "detail uv layer" is just messy lines , overall its rushed/cutcorners and altered beyond what was stated and shown.  disappointing 

though for those booty people, she probably will have a huge butt to compensate cause thats  des favorite aspect to enhance for some reason?






3 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

Not really seeing it…. I was kinda hoping for some fur? She looks to me more like a dragon or demon or something anything other than a wolf theme/inspired…. Someone help me out here. 



I mean do you see wolf, werewolf or anything related to canine here? I sure dont. 

The images are not close at all. Not even remotely similar. 

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I personally think she looks fine. She was never going to look like the concept art. Nothing ever does, and the concept had proportions that would have made a variety of things too messy in the game. It was never going to be an easy model to make.

This kind of response is probably why DE doesn't share their concept art anywhere near as much as they have with this frame. It sets expectations too wildly. If we weren't shown the concept art beforehand there wouldn't have been any specific desires for her appearance.

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14 minutes ago, Alchemist_Moth said:

If we weren't shown the concept art beforehand

Either way you still couldn’t convince me this is supposed to be a werewolf or canine inspired frame. I just don’t see it, it looks more like gender bend chroma/dragon inspired frame. That’s just undeniable. To look at this and claim  “that’s obviously a werewolf inspired frame” is silly. 

for me the only thing that might save it is if it actually ran on all fours like a dog or werewolf or canine. If not, yeesh; good luck to DE pushing this as a wolf frame. cause yikes for the winter “money making update”. 

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3 hours ago, Alchemist_Moth said:

I personally think she looks fine. She was never going to look like the concept art. Nothing ever does, and the concept had proportions that would have made a variety of things too messy in the game. It was never going to be an easy model to make.

This kind of response is probably why DE doesn't share their concept art anywhere near as much as they have with this frame. It sets expectations too wildly. If we weren't shown the concept art beforehand there wouldn't have been any specific desires for her appearance.

maybe, but then again they did show it to hype and get us anticipated for it, aka SELL it with HYPE , which is selling tactic to build anticipation. 

i mean its not the 1st time de rushed or messed with a end result due to time 

 on design to final they could easily be made to work and look right.

 in most 3d designs you can easily match to nearly 100% , sadly they are rushing for time, given they have only till December to output some form of content to get $$

 i understand this issue, but a lot of the form issues are simple to readdress in zbrush which de uses , probably take another hour or two. this is frankly just cutting corners and not caring about the end result to be anything more then functional and close-ish in looks 

usually going from 2d -> 3d you will get extra details and depth especially with lighting and shadows from ingame engine 

so if anything, if done correctly ,it should have improved the looks and design and give it more visual enhancement 

however they altered the bodys topology , both muscular and bone shape style is more toward a default humanoid structure . if this was a rig issued redesign they could literally have said. id be more accepting if they explained why they did changes from what was shown like with the wolf heads  

this is obviously a rush job to quickly render, rig and put ingame as quick as possible 

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I had no too much hopes on this frame but I am not judging the frames by look because that is subjective thing and surely not everyone will like the same frame as much as me or dislike it. At least it looks acceptable but the final product is ended up seemingly too different what the original creation was. At least it is not an another Ignus Dei thing and Mohawk Ember. Not sure how Joe Mad would feel but I think he personally was involved to concept the frame and let the modelers do their job. Surely it could have been ended up much more like the original concept but in my time on the forums taught me some thing.

1. Feedbacks exists but not used them.

2. Opinions exists but the next guy will dismiss you.

3. No matter what concept you like the worst option will be made.

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9 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

I had no too much hopes on this frame but I am not judging the frames by look because that is subjective thing and surely not everyone will like the same frame as much as me or dislike it. At least it looks acceptable but the final product is ended up seemingly too different what the original creation was. At least it is not an another Ignus Dei thing and Mohawk Ember. Not sure how Joe Mad would feel but I think he personally was involved to concept the frame and let the modelers do their job. Surely it could have been ended up much more like the original concept but in my time on the forums taught me some thing.

1. Feedbacks exists but not used them.

2. Opinions exists but the next guy will dismiss you.

3. No matter what concept you like the worst option will be made.

i think ya nailed it


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2 minutes ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

Meanwhile in-game chat and everyone else I know is hyped, excited, and can't wait. Is this just another case of the vocal minority being the loudest, I wonder.

No one opinion is more important than another. Some may have a greater basis of fact it's built upon, but in the end it's still opinion. People will like or even love Voruna. Others will dislike or outright hate her. Others will simply remain ambivalent, and all in between.

All are perfectly fine and valid, whether it's a minority or not. There's no clear way to tell anyway since the majority of players are silent on their opinions and keep to themselves unless relevant conversation pops up around them.

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3 minutes ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

i think ya nailed it


Sorry for my grammar, still not the best but I think strongly these things. Many things in this game is half baked and basically they miss mass all the concepts into one something then they end up discard the concept and make what they like. This is like someone build a house and tell you this is a house you can use it, but you asked for a different one.

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Honestly, the frame looks fine. So what if they didn't follow the concept to a tee, they still got the biggest design points, the beast heads, spike and edges, and energy tail feature. Her chest being a size or two smaller is the most inane thing to write off an entire update for.

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I honestly quite like it! Certainly not the direction I'd hope they go mind you, I was hoping for a bit more... armor or bulk? She looks a little skinny but I'm pretty happy with it! It's a pretty minor gripe if at all. Besides pictures can only tell me so much.

I'm happy they kept the energy tail, gunna be fun to work around for fashionframe though! and the shoulderpads. 

But yeah, I'm happy enough. I do feel bad for people who were hoping it's a bit more closer to concept (including the bust) it would have been pretty cool but all things considered, I'm happy enough. I hope she plays well! 

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2 hours ago, Atsia said:

Honestly, the frame looks fine. So what if they didn't follow the concept to a tee, they still got the biggest design points, the beast heads, spike and edges, and energy tail feature. Her chest being a size or two smaller is the most inane thing to write off an entire update for.

pretty much they screwed the topology and form up, even cut half the head off ...the bust is only a drop in the bucket of what they did wrong here

to explain ill use the pfp you have nidus deluxe 


See the source imageSee the source image


if de can get make all these details more or less accurately place and even make them more detailed on an ingame model , which is way more complex then voruna, then there isnt any reason they shouldnt be able to design to match other then cuttings corners for time or ect 







some have noted , it looks like Valkyr was a base form and made alterations to speed design sculpting  with minor additions and make it easy to put ingame , as then they didnt need to rerig for a new frame  and could produce it faster 

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

3 headed dragon frame? 

Pretty much, I'm a Chroma main and half the reason I am is because I think he looks cool.


She's got demonic/draconic vibes and I'm all for it. Really excited to see her voidshell. Gonna make her look like Tiamat


Saturday Morning Cartoons Cartoon GIF by Dungeons & Dragons


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