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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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Still better to ask and question to get a response then to sit back and wait. This is all hopeful wishing but it is not a bad idea as most founders would buy this exclusive only bundle for $50-60 anyway all up to Devs and if it does happen well ill be buying every pack as well as other founders im sure if not then maybe one or two but it wont make me stop playing.

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Agreed again, but I just keep thinking that, they're prolly bogged down right now with update 11 fixes and stuff. I wont approach any of them until at least next week with this problem. because it's not a game-threatening problem either. And the chances are, messages about this that are sent to any one of them now may just fall at the wayside. at least we share a consensus on the topic at hand which is an important thing. If one of them happen to see it by chance and do something before then, I'll consider us all lucky. :D

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Agreed so we can keep this Topic going but only for opinion or suggestions for ourselves to propose a very well made idea that is majority agreed upon. Next week maybe Tuesday as they will indeed be bogged down with hotfixes, updates, PSN, and the event plus a week or two of a wait wont kill :P.

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Well i'm only interested on the syandana that this pack offers, pretty much everything else, at least for me, it's not worth it (Yes, i'm willing to grind the void) if we could buy only the cosmetics, or choose which ones to buy for the price that DE thinks it's reasonable i would buy it with a big smile on my face. But probably no one will listen to me and the other good ideas around this thread.


As i can't think about any other solution, Goodbye from South America :)

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Lol, you don't know what money problems are until college and after-college!!  Compared to when I was in college, I was a rich motherf-cker in high school!





Also, if you don't want to shell out $140 bucks for the top one, then don't!  You can get it all in game, and you guys probably don't need the plat anyway.  Stop complaining about prices, it's not game-breaking if you don't get it

It's not about the in-game items. We want the exclusives without having to pay $140 for 3 items we can get in-game + too much platinum most of us won't use anyways.

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Honestly i have like 6k platinum left over on my account, so i don't need more. I can farm the prime weapons and Ember with some patience, so i also don't need that too. All i could want is the new saydana and the titan extractor, yet to buy then i have to waste 140 USD on things that i don't need, so all we are asking for is a alternative pack that only have those 2 items for a cheaper but still fair price.

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DE I want to give you more money for this highly enjoyable game.


I do not need any more Platinum. I am a founder, I purchased other packs through Steam and Amazon with credit I had there. I love supporting you and I enjoy the new content and changes to make the game better.


I would like options to buy "exclusive" options like the 90 day boosters, the Titan Prime, Saydana etc. You can look at other F2P and P2P companies and they see that there is an additonal audience for these type of purchases. I don't understand why you want to force the Platinum onto users like me as all it does is cost you a sale. Honestly it also makes me start to question if you are going to change your tactics and go for the cash grab later or find ways to push users to use Platinum for boosters like the previous reduction in credits for Alerts (although it seems U11 improved that). U11 really hit the Exp though and even with a booster it takes a lot longer to get the exp I used to without, survival missions especially. I suspect that was not intentional with the compacting of enemy levels but it does make me question things as that should have been an obvious issue with the massive level changes.


Why not do a test run with this or the next prime pack where you allow all users, not just founders, to buy the items you cannot farm in additional packs with the boosters possibly? Keep in mind though updating these packs more often than 90 days also means users that want to regularly buy these upgrades may end up with more booster time than you can possibly use. Maybe have a reduced 45 day or 30 day booster with exclusive items only and then different tiers with the 90 day and all the Prime gear. I prefer cosemetic items in cases like this vs the Titan Prime which can give an edge on resource collection but other opinions vary.

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im  pretty sure many founders wished (including me) that in the future we would get also more stuff for free (well for our cash back then)


this here would been a great way to give a "thanks" back to the founds. maybe not all 3 things for free and of course not the plat. but maybe the frame and 1 weapon? why not?

Honestly, I think this would be great, but, not necessary. Don't get me wrong, giving us the occasional free thing in game would be the bomb. But we gave money because we wanted to support DE, that's done, and because we got, design council/excal/lato/skana prime solar landmark and badges. So asking for more is a little... greedy?

That said, as founders we made a big investment in the game (even 20$ is.... well not big, but still reasonable.) also, they more or less have this as a replacement for the founders, so people can get a deal even if not founder. Because of this I would like, and find it a gesture of good faith that, De gives the founders access to the exclusives vial in game plat purchase, obviously no longer exclusive to the prime access, but limited to founders. 

Anyway, this affects me very little, I honestly don't think I would buy anything here were it seperate, I'm just publishing my opinion.

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Any updates on this topic? 

Also, I will say, as a Grand Master, I want these items. I don't want the platinum. I would buy a bundle for the exclusives or the exclusives and the new prime bits, but I don't want the platinum, I don't need it right now. But if it comes to pass that the only way to get these is to shell out, then I might. MIGHT. I WILL shell out for the items for a reduced cost and no platinum. In fact, I would prefer that. 


I do like the concept of this, especially for new members or people unable to get founders. This is a glorious deal and I got it for my girlfriend. But I can't justify getting it for myself right now. 

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No official news but we decided maybe we should hold up on asking as it might be swept under the rug until update 11 is more fix but I would love is a GM moved this to Warframe Feedback section.


Can we agree that we would love to see a bundle that held only the exclusive items (No platinum, no Ember Prime, no Prime weapons) only the Ember Prime Avatar/Icon, Prime Titan, and the Misa Syandana Prime for around $50-$60. That sounds reasonable am I correct?

Edited by AllanIncubi
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I'm master founder, I deserve something cmon. I already paid $150 so far... Well actually more than that, I buy plat too... I can't even build this syandana? At least offer your Masters and Grandmasters a way to obtain it, without emptying our pockets. We could get so much other things with that amount!

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No official news but we decided maybe we should hold up on asking as it might be swept under the rug until update 11 is more fix but I would love is a GM moved this to Warframe Feedback section.


Can we agree that we would love to see a bundle that held only the exclusive items (No platinum, no Ember Prime, no Prime weapons) only the Ember Prime Avatar/Icon, Prime Titan, and the Misa Syandana Prime for around $50-$60. That sounds reasonable am I correct?

I would much prefer to see the exclusive items available separately through in game shop. Of course now we're straying away a little much from what the original prime access is. That said, all exclusives for $50 seems a little much to me. Ordinary syandana's are 50 plat, icons are what, 30, the titan isn't even plat purchased, all in all, I'd say $15 seems like a good deal, let's say 25 since it's all exclusive. Course, this is kind of an arbitrary number.

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I have to agree.  These items should be in the market,  


I really don't want the prime items just like that.  I want to have fun with my friends and farm them out. Ruins the experience imo


I buy plat when i get 50 - 75% coupons which i have done almost every time.  So i spent a lot of money already supporting DE.  I feel punished for doing so now because they are now showing all this cool stuff and said o well to those who supported them along the way.  


The boosts are nice but also makes leveling items go super quickly.  


So it really comes down to the Titan Extractor Prime and the Misa syandana Prime.


$140 for all this stuff maybe it is a great deal for someone who is just starting but for players that already put in a sum of money already, it seems a little hurtful. 


People who support right now get this HUGE syandana scarf thingy that they paid $140.  I paid for Master Founder rank (which i got my goodies for) and a S#&$ ton of plat, steam DLC, and showing this game to my friends who also bought S#&$ ton of play which was before the recruit your friend program. 

So those who supported along the way literally get a slap in the face.  Those who come on the bag wagon now with extra money to spend on a new game get all the perks.

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While I wouldn't mind them being added to the market, I think we can all see they'd lose potential income making the prime access exclusives available for separate purposes. Now before the I guess some snobby retort of "They can make money through the separate purposes!".

1. It's true they'll make some cash, but no where near what they'd make from the prime access packages.

2. It take a lot of cash to dish out updates as big as 11 was.

3. You're seemingly missing the point of what the founder's program and this new prime access was/is about. You're donating to their company so they can add more content to the game and keep it alive overall. What you get is just a little treat for your troubles.

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@Ra9una The reason why I said $50 or even $60 is because if too low it will cause issues with other players who may only want vanity items or just want to start an argument plus its a way to show we still love and support our Dev and Warframe greatly those cosmetics are an incentive not an award given out. At $50 I dont see many attempting to argue plus realistically its a business and everything in the Exclusive Bundle we want is just that Exclusive meaning never again can it be gained. So we would be paying for items, showing our appreciation and donating money to keep them afloat. $50 really isn't that bad $50 every two or three months sounds good to me and others. Could always start a Warframe money jar ;P 

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Good Question glad that your hmm.....bicker/misunderstanding with fellow Tenno was resolved and the only heated thing happening. This Topic has been quite calm with valid points on both ends but I believe firmly about an Founder Exclusive pack from this and occurring Prime Access Sales at a price of $50-60 no plat just the exclusives. 


@jrkong the drop rates might be a little buggie but im still sure you can find them T1 def I heard it dropped from,

Edited by AllanIncubi
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People may not like where I am going with this but I feel like this needs to be said.


With this new Prime Access Program out where you pay $140 for all the neat stuff, I feel slightly hurt.  


And I will tell you the reason why.


For those who have supported DE along the way, i think you know the feeling. And if you don't think might explain what you are feeling now.


If you are like me, you started before or right as warframe was getting popular.  I started playing at update 7 but heard about it a lot earlier.  


I bought the founder program at the Master Rank to get all the neat goodies. I liked what DE was doing so I bought platinum when I could and when I got a 50% or 75% coupon.  I even bought all the steam dlc. This was done all the way to update 11.  I literally spent $50 on plat the day before update 11.  


I even got some of my friends to play which started to buy plat. This was before the recruit option. (not a big deal)


I supported DE along the way from when i started (update 7) to now.


Anyone who is just starting out, has a support value of $0. So if they really enjoy the game, $140 might not be that big of a deal. But say if you were like me and spent over $300 or more (i don't know how much to be honest) It becomes slightly harder to justify spend more money one game. 


Even if you ignore my previous point, those who just come into the game are getting a better deal than those who have played the game longer.  The plat is nice but if you have been supporting DE, you probably have/had enough to buy more slots, get the new content, etc. So its nice but 4000+ plat is not really needed for a long time player. 


This goes along with the boosts.  Yes they are nice but really needed for those who have been playing for a while.


The void content, is really not a problem if you saved and have a ton of keys. Plus even thought sometimes it can be very annoying, farming for the new stuff on a new update is the fun of the game. (Like when my friend got 3 split chambers in the same mission as me and then next week the added the "everyone gets the same mod" pickup update).


So what it comes down to is that long supporting players are really only want the Titan Extractor Prime and the Misa Prime. Why are there no options for those who have been playing for this long?


Its pretty much saying "Sorry you have to pay another $140, if you want this stuff.  Even though you already gave us a sum of money."


I see that this Prime Access is really for newer players not for the players who have supported for a while.  


So when i see that Prime Access has all this neat stuff and I really can't shell out $140 at once, I feel kinda hurt.   


Edit: I forgot to mention that I am not looking for free stuff, I'm just looking for a better option out there for people who currently playing.  Do it based on how long they played, or founder, or w/e but $140 for long term players is pretty steep for exclusives we would like.

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Because us founder didn't get anything shiny when we got our packs.

It allows DE to take in more money so we can have more content. Founders got a ton of stuff that new player will never get let the new players have this.

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Yeeeah,... I'm Grandmaster, imagine the amount of support I've given. Now there's a Ember-Prime based pack for $140...which means that in a few months we'll get the next Prime Access with the next frame for another $140 ...and then another...and another...


With that in mind, deep down, I hoped for a discount for founders (duh XD), or DE looking at the userbase and saying "well, if we sell it a bit cheaper, more people will buy it, so we make more profit through higher total sales"... but nope XD

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