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Daikyu Prime Copium thread


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46 minutes ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:
55 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

It was terrible from day one and even after two buffs it's still not very good. I honestly do not understand the cult of Daikyu. No I don't care that it's a realistic Japanese warbow, I play Warframe to kick realism right in the balls at least six times in any given snapshot of gameplay

Ain't it one of the better Status proc monsters for Gas in the game? 

Oh, leave him alone.   Coming into Daikyu thirst threads, saying it's terrible and he'll never understand why any intelligent person would want a prime version is a crucial part of Tarin's schtick. :P

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19 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Oh, leave him alone.   Coming into Daikyu thirst threads, saying it's terrible and he'll never understand why any intelligent person would want a prime version is a crucial part of Tarin's schtick. :P

I'm daring you guys to prove me wrong, and FunyFlyBoy put up a pretty good argument

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7 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

What weapons did they use? Swords, axes, spears... bows & arrows...

literally every culture in human history has used all of those weapons, you're not narrowing it down at all.

Hildryn will have Larkspur, that's obvious, but I reckon she should also get Dual Zoren Prime: it's long overdue and Dual Axes are often depicted as the weapons of the Berserker, the infamous Norse warriors who entered a violent battle trance.

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21 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

I'm daring you guys to prove me wrong, and FunyFlyBoy put up a pretty good argument

Oh that's cool.  

I'd think asking questions would communicate your eagerness to learn new things about Daikyu better than flat pronouncements about it sucking and declaring people who like it to be cultists. But that's just me.

Honestly I'm a little pissed the Cult of Daikyu hasn't accepted my application yet. 


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5 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

It was terrible from day one and even after two buffs it's still not very good. I honestly do not understand the cult of Daikyu. No I don't care that it's a realistic Japanese warbow, I play Warframe to kick realism right in the balls at least six times in any given snapshot of gameplay

me when I lie

daikyu is a monstrous bow what are you talking about lol

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4 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

literally every culture in human history has used all of those weapons, you're not narrowing it down at all.

Hildryn will have Larkspur, that's obvious, but I reckon she should also get Dual Zoren Prime: it's long overdue and Dual Axes are often depicted as the weapons of the Berserker, the infamous Norse warriors who entered a violent battle trance.

you just don't believe daikyu prime is coming. you are afraid of the future.

daikyu prime will come.


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7 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

What makes you think it will be Daikyu Prime released with her? It makes no sense with her, shes more deserving of some Energy weapon instead.

Yes please, we have the Vandal but its still not worth using.

Someone should make this Animation with Mesa prime juggling 3 Peace Keepers and enemies dropping dead on the screen. :P

why I think it's gonna be daikyu prime? because I can feel it. it's coming.

it will happen. we will get daikyu prime.


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38 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

me when I lie

daikyu is a monstrous bow what are you talking about lol

Daikyu on release: easily the second-worst weapon in the entire game (I'm not so disingenuous as to imply anything will ever bottom out the Stug)

Daikyu after first buff in 2017: still pretty bad, devs tried to give it a niche as a status bow where all the other bows were crit-focused, but this predated Elements 3.0 so there was no real reason to do that

Every bow got a buff in 2019, but by this point I had long since given up on the Daikyu. I mean the 2019 buff doesn't look that bad, nearly doubling its base damage, giving it some crit sauce to go with the status beef. But is "no longer Stug tier" really all you want out of a weapon? In this era of portable tentacle hentai dispensers and enough impalement to satisfy Vlad Tepes?

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45 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Daikyu on release: easily the second-worst weapon in the entire game (I'm not so disingenuous as to imply anything will ever bottom out the Stug)

Daikyu after first buff in 2017: still pretty bad, devs tried to give it a niche as a status bow where all the other bows were crit-focused, but this predated Elements 3.0 so there was no real reason to do that

Every bow got a buff in 2019, but by this point I had long since given up on the Daikyu. I mean the 2019 buff doesn't look that bad, nearly doubling its base damage, giving it some crit sauce to go with the status beef. But is "no longer Stug tier" really all you want out of a weapon? In this era of portable tentacle hentai dispensers and enough impalement to satisfy Vlad Tepes?

You conceded your point in the last daikyu prime thread after you "researched" a bit more and noticed you missed the 2019 buff. dunno why you're doubling down again after backpedaling.

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6 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

Daikyu on release: easily the second-worst weapon in the entire game (I'm not so disingenuous as to imply anything will ever bottom out the Stug)

Daikyu after first buff in 2017: still pretty bad, devs tried to give it a niche as a status bow where all the other bows were crit-focused, but this predated Elements 3.0 so there was no real reason to do that

Every bow got a buff in 2019, but by this point I had long since given up on the Daikyu. I mean the 2019 buff doesn't look that bad, nearly doubling its base damage, giving it some crit sauce to go with the status beef. But is "no longer Stug tier" really all you want out of a weapon? In this era of portable tentacle hentai dispensers and enough impalement to satisfy Vlad Tepes?

then pick up the daikyu again and mod it properly lol, bow's a beast all the way to sp and beyond. 

obviously, AOE bows like bramma and pcernos are stupid strong, but daikyu like other bows has carry through (bodies being turned into projectiles and hurting everyone it hits). also has innate 3m punch through. coupled with its good base damage, cc, and sc, it is a viable choice.

Edited by Skoomaseller
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11 minutes ago, Olphus said:

You conceded your point in the last daikyu prime thread after you "researched" a bit more and noticed you missed the 2019 buff. dunno why you're doubling down again after backpedaling.

It feels like you're putting words in my mouth here while simultaneously making my point for me. In this thread I have indeed said "it still isn't very good" on a dare for you (yes, you Olphus) to prove me wrong. FunyFlyBoy is doing his best, can you leapfrog off him with even better results?

To put it another way, I'm bored and want to play the heel. Can you win the trophy back as the face?

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8 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

It feels like you're putting words in my mouth here while simultaneously making my point for me. In this thread I have indeed said "it still isn't very good" on a dare for you (yes, you Olphus) to prove me wrong. FunyFlyBoy is doing his best, can you leapfrog off him with even better results?

To put it another way, I'm bored and want to play the heel. Can you win the trophy back as the face?

"I had to check some stats, and I half retract my statement. But only half.

I will admit, a lot of my hate for the Daikyu comes from when it was first released and it was... borderline nonfunctional. It was only a step up from the Stug by virtue of its arrows actually reaching the target.

I was around for the first time it got buffed. That time it got its fire rate raised from "utterly miserable" to "industry standard", and its crit rate raised from "bottom of the barrel" to "slightly less freaking terrible (but still terrible)"

What I slipped by me was the second buff. I apparently wasn't around for this, or it was buried seven pages deep in latch notes or something. Base damage nearly doubled and crit boosted some more, DE was trying to dig the weapon out of the trench it was trapped in."

November 24th

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27 minutes ago, Olphus said:

"I had to check some stats, and I half retract my statement. But only half.

I will admit, a lot of my hate for the Daikyu comes from when it was first released and it was... borderline nonfunctional. It was only a step up from the Stug by virtue of its arrows actually reaching the target.

I was around for the first time it got buffed. That time it got its fire rate raised from "utterly miserable" to "industry standard", and its crit rate raised from "bottom of the barrel" to "slightly less freaking terrible (but still terrible)"

What I slipped by me was the second buff. I apparently wasn't around for this, or it was buried seven pages deep in latch notes or something. Base damage nearly doubled and crit boosted some more, DE was trying to dig the weapon out of the trench it was trapped in."

November 24th

Yeah I said that in the last thread. Then THIS thread comes along

And all I can think is, come on guys.

You're going to put all this effort into this darkhorse weapon, then give up immediately? You can do better than that. You're a friggin' TENNO. Why turn yourself into a naysayer, when you can prove the biggest naysayer wrong? That being me. I'm right here calling you a cult to your faces, wouldn't you rather make me eat those words?

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10 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Yeah I said that in the last thread. Then THIS thread comes along

And all I can think is, come on guys.

You're going to put all this effort into this darkhorse weapon, then give up immediately? You can do better than that. You're a friggin' TENNO. Why turn yourself into a naysayer, when you can prove the biggest naysayer wrong? That being me. I'm right here calling you a cult to your faces, wouldn't you rather make me eat those words?

hey I already said I'd prefer a rework dark split-sword and prime. I'm just saying that daikyu isn't remotely as bad as you're describing. Seems you're starting to get a bit egomaniacal asking people to prove you wrong, but ignoring when people tell you the weapon is good lol.

Dunno what anyone can say to make you "eat those words".

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8 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

I mean, have you tried? You've spent more time in my post history than using the Daikyu so far

Hit me with your best shot. Show me why the Daikyu deserves a Prime

I didn't spend any time in your post history lol, I went through my own since we've been through this once before. the comment of yours that I quoted was in response to me.

In the previous thread I mentioned it being a meta pick for Eidolons, as well as many others mentioned it's strong builds involving gas' headshot effects. Of course these are not unique to the Daikyu, but that doesn't at all mean it's bad. simply that it's a viable option, much like many other weapons that aren't the most popular pick in their niche.

Even aside from whether it's good or bad, a majority of players just want to see old Tenno weapons receives primes as there are many that don't have one yet. And with how primes tend to work these days, the stat boost will be considerable, and the design should be very cool.

I'm not even gonna attempt to tell you it's top tier absolute meta. but it's far from a terrible weapon.

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16 hours ago, Mazifet said:

oh yeah, any weapon that can just go brrt for long periods of time are some of my favorites.

activate redline and just watch your magazine go empty.

on the topic of lmgs, is the tenora prime worth getting if i already got a supra vandal?

just for this post I made a vid demonstrating tenora prime's potential 



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18 hours ago, Mazifet said:

what could the alt fire be?

maybe just have it turn into a 100 fire rate monster and empty its entire mag in like 3 seconds

or maybe just be like the arca plasmor and instead of having some finicky mechanic just give it really big stat increases and infinite punchthrough

Plenty of things it could have... burst fire, multishot fire, spread fire (multishot but in a flat spread instead of circular/square), a function to cycle through semi/burst/auto, a charged hitscan shot, a short-range held beam attack...

I'd prefer to see it have a more meaningful gimmick on the primary fire, though, like more punchthrough or projectile speed

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