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Recommeneded frames and builds for Steelpath



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What are your favourite Warframe and weapons? Odds are, they can probably do Steel Path, you might just have to revitalise the builds. For example, when I first did Steel Path, I struggled, but my modding knowledge wasn't as good as it could be, or as it is now, and my own style with how I play, is different as well. Often Steel Path is hard, not because of Warframe or weapon choices, but modding knowledge, dealing with enemy weaknesses, mission type requirements, and being able to plan your builds accordingly. 

Personally, I tend to think its good to enjoy yourself as well as being effective, as sometimes, (but not always) being the most effective, can not be as enjoyable. 

That all being said Warframes like Nezha, Rhino, Wukong, Nidus, Saryn, Mesa, Protea, Wisp are quite popular for Steel Path. Especially missions where you don't have to do much other than kill enemies. Capture, Extermination, Survival, etc Those Warframes in particular have a range of tankiness, survivability, and supporting options, like various buffs/debuffs that make them popular. They are also relatively easy to use. There are some other good options, like Zephyr, Mag, Vauban, Khora, Nyx, and Nova, that I personally really like, but to some players, they can seem a bit squishy. Usually there is a trick around them though, that helps them survive very well, like using your abilities well, or using movement and evasion, and also having a good energy economy. Those latter lot are also great on missions that may need CC, like Interception, Excavation, Mobile Defence. Places where its not necessary about killing enemies, but protecting something from them. 

Weapon wise, well certain AOE's were the meta for some time and still pretty potent and popular. Kuva Zarr, Kuva Bramma. A pretty new and popular bunch of weapons are Incarnon weapons. If you like Pistols, the Laetum Incarnon weapon is very strong and fun, shotguns? Felarx Incarnon weapon, (though you will want to use its base form more), if you like Primary rifles? Phenmor is powerful and fun. As for other general Primaries? Phantasma Prime, Cedo, Tenet Arca Plasma, I would recommend. Secondaries, Epitaph, Kuva Nukor. Melee is more open ended, but I also have less personal experience with. Mostly because I stick to my own personal favourites too much to experiment. I really love the Stropha, Glaive Prime, Pennant (but chances are whatever your favs are will still be pretty good). 

Good luck, welcome back and hope you have fun! 


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Limbo is a pretty good choice, at least for solo, though your gonna want strong weapons. Using the rift you can bypass most damage, unless you come face to face with an eximus, in which case i recommend banishing it with stasis active and stripping its overguard as fast as possible.

Valkyr is another good option, mod for armor and her warcry. Easily one of the most durable frames, if not, THE most durable frame in the game armor-wise when built right. Her 4th's damage is nothing to scoff at either, especially when using slide-melee.

Nezha is a good one too, building for his 3rd but with a lot of range will allow his 1st to strip armor via heat proc.

Rhino is always a classic, ironskin may not be the best defense ability but its certainly up there as one of the most iconic and for a reason. Rhino stomp can also help stop damage via lifting enemies, they can't shoot you if they're frozen in slow motion.


Those are just a few of my picks though. Almost every frame with good enough mods can be made to survive steel path. Especially now with helminth and archon shards.

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5 hours ago, Felaver said:

I just unlocked steel path, and the best way I could explain it is that "its time to actually learn the game". Up until steel path, everything is pretty damn easy, but once you hit it, forces you to learn the different status effects, seriously consider armor stripping (I never understood why people cared so much about it until I started steel path) and start looking at those abilities that provide percentage mitigation. Also finally realized that bane mods are pretty darn useful too, along with using weapon configs. If you are using a frame without innate armor stripping, set up a weapon with multiple configs; one with corrosive damage/grineer bane mods, one with magnetize damage and corpus mods, and my third is usually the default viral/slash shenanigans. Granted, these are just things that i've learned on my own, not sure if i'm convinced that magnetize damage is even all that worth it when you could just use toxic to bypass shields entirely, but the point is that steel path really makes you learn how the game works. Looking at frames and choosing them, and the weapons you pair them with, based on their strengths, and if their weaknesses can be mitigated through mods/weapon choices actually kinda breathed some life into the game for me. 

Granted I spent the majority of my time just clearing everything with the ignis wraith, with not a care in the world of what enemy was in front of me. Wasn't dying? Hold LMB for longer. Boss? Hold LMB for extra long. I'm curious if ignis wraith is any good in steel path, but my shackles are broken, the game feels fun and other weapons are starting to look like they hold value. Its probably best to keep myself ignorant about the ignis, incase someone confirms with the right build its viable and I go back to my pyromaniac ways.. 




Great writeup, I am glad that you seem invigorated by Steel Path and seem to be having fun exploring new weapons and builds and learning a bit and expanding your knowledge at the same time. Can be very satisfying! 

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I just unlocked steel path, and the best way I could explain it is that "its time to actually learn the game". Up until steel path, everything is pretty damn easy, but once you hit it, forces you to learn the different status effects, seriously consider armor stripping (I never understood why people cared so much about it until I started steel path) and start looking at those abilities that provide percentage mitigation. Also finally realized that bane mods are pretty darn useful too, along with using weapon configs. If you are using a frame without innate armor stripping, set up a weapon with multiple configs; one with corrosive damage/grineer bane mods, one with magnetize damage and corpus mods, and my third is usually the default viral/slash shenanigans. Granted, these are just things that i've learned on my own, not sure if i'm convinced that magnetize damage is even all that worth it when you could just use toxic to bypass shields entirely, but the point is that steel path really makes you learn how the game works. Looking at frames and choosing them, and the weapons you pair them with, based on their strengths, and if their weaknesses can be mitigated through mods/weapon choices actually kinda breathed some life into the game for me. 

Granted I spent the majority of my time just clearing everything with the ignis wraith, with not a care in the world of what enemy was in front of me. Wasn't dying? Hold LMB for longer. Boss? Hold LMB for extra long. I'm curious if ignis wraith is any good in steel path, but my shackles are broken, the game feels fun and other weapons are starting to look like they hold value. Its probably best to keep myself ignorant about the ignis, incase someone confirms with the right build its viable and I go back to my pyromaniac ways.. 

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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)Mineslayer2010 said:

sad how you need a LOT of setup to make him viable in sp ): I googled some Inaros unkillable builds. hurts my eyes to see it. sadly 99% percent of the player base isn't gonna invest Forma into Inaros to make him somewhat unkillable Im part of 99%. If I ever get him I don't think I will even potato him 

you don't really even need that much, my build has 7.5k health and I can go afk and just not die lol

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22 hours ago, gamingchair1121 said:

not denying that he needs a rework or at least something done with his abilities, but he literally can't die with the right build

sad how you need a LOT of setup to make him viable in sp ): I googled some Inaros unkillable builds. hurts my eyes to see it. sadly 99% percent of the player base isn't gonna invest Forma into Inaros to make him somewhat unkillable Im part of 99%. If I ever get him I don't think I will even potato him 

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There are just a bunch of frames that do inaros better. Even with gloom and arcane grace health does not scale well at all

16 hours ago, gamingchair1121 said:

no it wasn't

please explain how is not dying with literally no upkeep at all is useless

doesn't matter when you can't die

gloom and arcane grace exist

yeah as much as his abilites are kinda bad, pocket sand is funny and his 4 augment is really good

past 200+ 

Yes, HE CAN EASILY DIE in higher content levels. His ability when you go down is USELESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. There are frames that could boost dps have a cc ability and Have a good amount of survivability inaros has none of that. The only thing I like about him he turns into Beyblade go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Other than that he gets an F. He gets shredded in sp without gloom. His basic kit is horrible.


Rev is still better than Inaros, Nuke frame, or YAREIL is better than inaros!  Watch the video that explains how stinky the guy was. 

I would even say Frost or atlas is better.


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3 hours ago, (XBOX)Mineslayer2010 said:

Please tell me that was a joke

no it wasn't

3 hours ago, (XBOX)Mineslayer2010 said:

Inaros is useless in steelpath

please explain how is not dying with literally no upkeep at all is useless

3 hours ago, (XBOX)Mineslayer2010 said:

he can't shield gate

doesn't matter when you can't die

3 hours ago, (XBOX)Mineslayer2010 said:

getting health with his abilities takes forever

gloom and arcane grace exist

3 hours ago, (XBOX)Mineslayer2010 said:

I wish we could replace all his abilities or you know just compelety rework inaros.

yeah as much as his abilites are kinda bad, pocket sand is funny and his 4 augment is really good

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21 hours ago, gamingchair1121 said:


that would be inaros

revenant needs you to press 2 every 20 seconds to survive, inaros doesn't need you to do anything at all (obviously he doesn't go to levelcap but why would you bring inaros to levelcap)

Kit Kat Omg GIF

Please tell me that was a joke. it's not hard to keep stacks enthrall stunned enemies they spread it reave and boom you get more stacks. Also revenant is just better because he can one shot (:



Inaros is useless in steelpath he can't shield gate and getting health with his abilities takes forever. I know only one person who went to level cap with inaros. And that was life water.

Never gonna use him unless for mr. I wish we could replace all his abilities or you know just compelety rework inaros.

Inaros prime is vaulted I would pay 15p for a set dm me (: (need mr) completely 

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10 hours ago, (PSN)avatarofpandora said:

Could you maybe show me your build? Kompressa has become one of my favorite weapons, but I am very unsure about my build. Oh and u seem very confident about your Yrelia, so if you could share her build too, it would be great :D

yareli   kompressa

tips for moving: use double crouch to fall faster and use rolls to go fast, but only do rolls when you have momentum built up or you go back to 0 at the end of the roll

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Mineslayer2010 said:

kinda sad how nobody mentioned revenant legit the easy mode of steel path. He is unkillable just have energy use his  2 then 1 then 3 and ez one shot until level cap. (obviously, you need the right build) Replace his 4 with roar or eclipse I would do roar since revenant is meant to be built with high strength.  

that would be inaros

revenant needs you to press 2 every 20 seconds to survive, inaros doesn't need you to do anything at all (obviously he doesn't go to levelcap but why would you bring inaros to levelcap)

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Am 19.2.2023 um 06:35 schrieb gamingchair1121:

my recommendations would be limbo and yareli, limbo for anything where you need to defend, and yareli for anything you need to survive or kill. limbo is the best for missions like mobile defense, excavation, interception, defection, spy, capture, or sabotage, while yareli is good for missions like exterminate.

good weapons would be the vectis prime (ten million damage sniper), soma prime (machine gun go brrrrr), kompressa (funny bubble gun that's actually op), tenet plinx (funny explosion gun), destreza prime (very high bleed damage for a weapon that only like four people use), and innodem (reality bending dagger of mass Londoning)

I forgot my builds so tell me what you need and if I remember ill send them tomorrow

Could you maybe show me your build? Kompressa has become one of my favorite weapons, but I am very unsure about my build. Oh and u seem very confident about your Yrelia, so if you could share her build too, it would be great :D

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Octavia with no forma can breeze solo through most of the content. You do not even need a good weapon because enemies cant stop hitting themselves. Maybe for bosses. Build for range>dur>str Do not need any survivability mods (hp/shield/rolling guard) because not only you should be invisible at all times but also AI has other targets to aim at.

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First of all select and upgrade weapons. I recommend S+A tiers weapons (B tier only if you have a riven)


- Apply at least 4 forma 

- Apply Galvanized mods (Arbitration)

I started to use Simulacrum because of SP and noticed how S-tier weapons are ridiculously overpowered against lower tiers. 

If you want to farm SP-acolytes (SP-arcanes) without better gear then just take Octavia on Survival. Turn invisible, keep 1-3 abilities up.

If you want to farm SP-essences you can just run daily-SP-events in group (usually faster than solo).




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13 hours ago, gamingchair1121 said:

my recommendations would be limbo and yareli, limbo for anything where you need to defend, and yareli for anything you need to survive or kill. limbo is the best for missions like mobile defense, excavation, interception, defection, spy, capture, or sabotage, while yareli is good for missions like exterminate.

good weapons would be the vectis prime (ten million damage sniper), soma prime (machine gun go brrrrr), kompressa (funny bubble gun that's actually op), tenet plinx (funny explosion gun), destreza prime (very high bleed damage for a weapon that only like four people use), and innodem (reality bending dagger of mass Londoning)

I forgot my builds so tell me what you need and if I remember ill send them tomorrow

Sure, I'd be happy with all of them. I got a lot of forma and the more the merrier

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There's this new site called Overframe where people upload builds and gudies and stuff. They also have Tier Lists so you can get a pretty good idea of what's popular nowadays. (Obviously, if something cannot do Steel Path level cap runs, it's "trash" so the "top" warframes are the easy pick for that.) These are obviously just some guy's opinions, so do as you will.

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6 hours ago, InsaniBelua said:

I've just gotten back into Warframe and since I've never been able to do Steel Path well I was wondering if anyone could help?

  • Khora: even with a mediocre statstick setup, Khora's 1 can deal enough damage to clear the Steel Path star chart.  She's great for general use and those tricky missions where you have to defend someone or something.
  • Nezha: with the safeguard augment on his 3, Nezha becomes a powerful generalist.  His 2 won't do enough damage to nuke on the Steel Path, but its damage vulnerability debuff comes in handy.
  • Wukong: plug in some parazon mods for stealth and speed on hacking, and add Perspicacity through the Helminth over his 4.  Spy missions and rescue missions will become a breeze.
  • Saryn: though her spores don't scale quickly into Steel Path capable nukes, they do spread status effects and soften enemies, making her a very good pick for use with a condition overload melee or galvanized status mod gun.
  • Wisp: her 1 is obviously very strong, but her 2 and 3 shine on Steel Path.  The invulnerability on demand that her 2 provides is more valuable on Steel Path than the normal star chart, as are the CC and damage from her 3.  She can turn any weapon into a nuke.
  • Protea: with enough duration, her 2's damage will scale and compete on Steel Path, to say nothing of the supportive utility her 1 and 3 provide.
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my recommendations would be limbo and yareli, limbo for anything where you need to defend, and yareli for anything you need to survive or kill. limbo is the best for missions like mobile defense, excavation, interception, defection, spy, capture, or sabotage, while yareli is good for missions like exterminate.

good weapons would be the vectis prime (ten million damage sniper), soma prime (machine gun go brrrrr), kompressa (funny bubble gun that's actually op), tenet plinx (funny explosion gun), destreza prime (very high bleed damage for a weapon that only like four people use), and innodem (reality bending dagger of mass Londoning)

I forgot my builds so tell me what you need and if I remember ill send them tomorrow

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I'd recommend Zephyr. If you have Rolling Guard, use it when you recast Turbulence.

With enough range you can protect objectives with Turbulence, and when you hold the button for Tornado when casting, they stay put and CC enemies that get close. Just watch out for Eximus effects (or subsume Silence from Banshee).

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