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Hildryn Prime: Hotfix 32.3.7


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5 hours ago, memic said:

Return glaive throw on heavy/alt input 

What? It still works fine. Unless you've rebound your heavy attack/altfire button, which can get messy with one-handed secondaries when wielded with glaives.

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Alright got an easy one for you, If the kuva ayanga is a grenade launcher why does killing stuff with it doesn't count in the Kahl challenge Kill 10 dudes with grenades ?

Is it because it's more easy to make grenades stop dropping so you stay hours in mission or because you wrote grenades instead of hand grenades in the challenge description box ?

( or they skipped this detail during translation )


Answer : both.

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46 minutes ago, master_of_destiny said:

So....25 days since any patching.


In this edition of why the heck is this even a thing, I'd like to touch on:

1) Mesa.  She continues to break melee if you activate Peacemaker at the wrong time.  I know it's a "bug," but placing stuff in that forum and reporting has led to 2+ year waits.

2) On the positive side, Corpus ship rescues seem to no longer spawn a medallion above the tubes (and out of player reach).  That's a what the heck about the timing, but a thumbs up for genuinely solving an issue.

3) Thumpers.  I tried to join a group for Narmer, and when I joined the mission was over for some time.  I spawned in, and began hunting a thumper for the weekly...only to find it basically took shots from my necramech at about 100 damage...and the cannons at 900 which then fell to 150...and the thumper decided to heal instantly to 100% at nightfall.  It was like I loaded in without any mods....and after 40 minutes of plugging away I had it return 30% of its health.  Wow, so very garbage.

4) Another week of the same nightwave.  52 weeks a year, 20ish weeks...we might just get another half year of a single Nightwave.  Yay.

5) Baro.  Just...stop.  Why so angry?  Well, I remember accumulating enough bratons to outfit an army, and having a friend with a survival key meant 10-12 rewards without breaking a sweat.  I remember Draco, and the subsequent void defenses that sucked a little less because of Greedy Pull.  I say this because I remember Baro was promised as a way to turn prime junk into something good...but the last release was...more than half a year ago?  Cosmetics, cosmetics, cosmetics, oh, and cosmetics.  Please.  Shade has 3 variants.  Taxon, Djinn, and Diriga all could use some love.  Primed mods for elements on weapons are incomplete.  There's literally a cavalcade of stuff you could release with minimal effort...but you're spending your resources on an artist...or giving us a time gated mod reward that is only better if you have a certain elemental type...making it a niche use that's more costly to equip with virtually no reason to do so.


I recognize that you're preparing for Duviri.  A thing you hinted at in a developer stream literally years ago...that is now "going to re-write" Warframe.  I recognize that a lot of people think this is the end, or a new beginning, or something ground breaking.  I'm too old to believe any of that.  I saw when K-drives changed how we traversed open landscapes.  I saw how open worlds rewrote the book on what free to play could be.  I even saw when railjack tied everything together instead of having grind content islands.  Spoilers, none of the above happened.  It wasn't a lie, but it was superfluous optimism, where the core of warframe has not changed.  Find mook, shoot mook, gather drops, repeat until mook becomes bullet sponge, or until you get bored of cheesing tactic to get around in-built systems designed for "bite-sized" gameplay.  Yes, that was a goal at the beginning too. 

Not holding my breath, and very much looking forward to another 3-4 month grind punctuated by artificial time gates of bad enough RNG that you consider spending real money to avoid killing 1000 more mooks to get that 0.1% drop rate item.

To add to that, in the last hotfix or even before it DE busted mods on exalted weapons, things like Ivara using the Impact mod to create bleed effects as an example.

Now it cannot be fixed unless it's a cert patch because we have to wait because of consoles, instead of just fixing the stuff up in a hotfix like in the past.

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11 hours ago, Yemesis said:

Still no fix to the bug wich prevent gliding while casting abilities


It's April

You call this a bug, DE calls this a nerf.

Trust me. If they wanted it to be gone (like some other nasty unintentional things in the past), they would have taken still years to get it fixed.

E.g. Bows critting and damage calculation being messed up for over 4 years (damage fall-off started to get noticed it in 2015) till they "noticed and figured it out" (got reverted in 2018/19), while lots of players spammed about it for years, that there is something off. Paris Prime suddenly not critting 30k ish anymore, just getting around 8k was not obvious enough that there was something wrong. DE didn't want to listen, as always.

Status per second changes on Beam weapons on some specific ones (Synapse for example) are still the worst and DE is not reverting this change made back in 2014-ish, while other weapons like the Phantasma are overkilling any other beam weapon (Glaxion and Synapse were my fun weapons and were quite decent, before the Riven-Aera).

White flash out transition in mission entry/spawn, which also got introduced for no bloody reason, are still present for over 2 years by now.

And so on.


It is here to stay.

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8 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

. . .


Known issues pending fix for the next cert update:

  • Casting many Warframe abilities interrupts aim gliding and forces you to land where they previously didn’t. As reported here.

Great, and what do you think how long it will take them fixing their spaghetti code, again? More than long enough so people get used to it. This is not a "very high priority to fix" list, it is just an acknowledgement of things that do exists and that is it. The annoying white flash transition is also wenn known (obviously, by simply playing it) and it is still not fixed.

There were lots of listings in the past where many nasty bugs got listed this way but still took months and up even to years of getting them fixed.

You probably get the idea.

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1 minute ago, iHeuksal said:

Great, and what do you think how long it will take them fixing their spaghetti code, again? More than long enough so people get used to it. This is not a "very high priority to fix" list, it is just an acknowledgement of things that do exists and that is it. The annoying white flash transition is also wenn known (obviously, by simply playing it) and it is still not fixed.

There were lots of listings in the past where many nasty bugs got listed this way but still took months and up even to years of getting them fixed.

You probably get the idea.

I probably do.  But the reason I posted that was to inform you that it's not what you assumed and were telling others: an undocumented nerf.   I did not post because I was interested in a long conversation about bugs that they've forgotten about or never even acknowledged.

I'm in no way certain, but the way it the intro to that thread reads, it implies those bugs are already fixed on their dev build.  Which would mean we should see the fixes on the 26th.    I only hope that there are fewer serious new bugs introduced this time that in turn require another  long wait for a cert update.


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