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Tenet Ferrox progenitor element help



I've decided on Tenet Ferrox as my new primary weapon for most of my builds because it's features and stats fit my preferred gameplay style the most, but I struggle with it's damage output and would like to ask for your input on what mods and progenitor bonus to choose.

It currently has 38% Toxin and I'm gathering Holokeys to buy another one, to at least buff it closer to 60% if nothing else. Since this takes a lot more time then just hunting down a Sister of Parvos, I want to make sure I don't have to repeat it.


This is my current build:



I've been thinking about replacing Hammer Shot with Galvanized Shot. This one is easy to test, but...

I would also like to increase the weapon's damage types to increase the benefits of Galvanized Shot, so I'm considering waiting for a Magnetic Ferrox to be sold. I chose Magnetic because I don't have any other source of Magnetic and it's a generally unused element. This means I would have to replace something with a Toxin 60/60 mod to get Viral as well, but I see nothing that could be replaced and Riven Dispo is too low to use that as an alternative.



If you're wondering why I chose Tenet Ferrox.

* It has a sort of auto/held trigger - basically I don't have to spam the button.

* No ammo efficiency issues.

* It has long range and it is hitscan, even though the shot animation is deceptive.

* It has innate 1.5 Punch Through, which curiously isn't mentioned on the wiki but you can see it on my screenshot.

* Even though it has PT, it also has AoE. Weird but it works.

* It has automatic reload when holstered (33% / sec). This is really important because it allows me to keep constantly attacking, either by switching to melee or my secondary. Since DE buffed our weapon switching speed, it feels like a waste to not use it.

* It can use Amalgam Serration, which buffs my sprint speed.

* It can use Vile Precision, which reduced recoil by 90%. I need this because Warframe recoil makes me feel sick otherwise.

* It has default 3x Critical Damage, which works well with Primary Frostbite. The Arcane is constantly active as long as there are enemies nearby thanks to my Sentinel (which is modded for Corrosive and Cold) and through my tests I've confirmed it performs better than Primary Merciless, at least for this and few other weapons.

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16 answers to this question

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6 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

Combining Heat with Viral and Slash seems like an overkill but it might actually work! Thanks.

There is no point running heat and slash on primaries, heat need armour strip to be effective against tougher enemies.


1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Wait until ergo glast offers one that +50% to start so you'll get that percentage plus the 3.8% optimally if he's selling one for 56.2% base that would get you to 60.

54.6% is the actual breakpoint for a single fusion.

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7 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I guess it's probably because Electric and Impact can't combine and it can trigger only one status effect.

That makes no sense in regards to progenitor elements. Even on entirely elemental weapons it gives the damage type as if it's slotted in a theoretical "slot 9" - see Tenet Cycron. The Tenet Ferrox can 100% proc manually modded elements, but it does not proc the progenitor element from my tests.

Edit: Then again, we are also on different platforms. It could very well be a difference there too...

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3 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I used it just yesterday and it was doing Corrosive when I used alt fire.

I don't believe it was fixed because people would edit the wiki. I must've lucked out and didn't get the bug or somehow am avoiding triggering it.

I mean, I went and bought an impact ferrox from Glast today and tried it, nothing but electric procs.

Idk what to tell you.

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8 hours ago, iPathos said:

You don't have any toxin mods on there as well? If it's been shadow-fixed then that is news to me, as last time I used the thing it wouldn't proc anything except what I had modded on.

I used it just yesterday and it was doing Corrosive when I used alt fire.

I don't believe it was fixed because people would edit the wiki. I must've lucked out and didn't get the bug or somehow am avoiding triggering it.

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On 2023-03-26 at 9:56 AM, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I've read this several times already but curiously mine works fine. The innate Electric combines with the Lich element (Toxin in my case) and does Corrosive status on alt fire waves.

You don't have any toxin mods on there as well? If it's been shadow-fixed then that is news to me, as last time I used the thing it wouldn't proc anything except what I had modded on.

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On 2023-03-23 at 9:24 PM, iPathos said:

From memory, the Tenet Ferrox is currently bugged regarding the progenitor element - with it not being applied at all to the tether mode.

I've read this several times already but curiously mine works fine. The innate Electric combines with the Lich element (Toxin in my case) and does Corrosive status on alt fire waves.

Then again, I almost never use the alt fire because it forces me to reload.

23 minutes ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

I love running around hip firing my Ferrox to.  I dont remember my build offhand but its pretty lacking.   Was pretty disappointed in the alt fire.

I just wanna say if anyone like Ferrox you need to also try out Scourge Prime.   It doesnt charge up like Ferrox,  its more of a full auto version lol.  Dont know if it has ammo or regens the ammo like Ferrox.   (actually im pretty sure OP's ferrox reloading is from mods lol,   it has 20 shots and I have to suffer through reloads all the times  but i dont think I've ever ran out of ammo..)


OP you say you are just using Ferrox between melee.... Primary Dexterity... (definately not frostbite lol,  I guess thats for your secondary you didnt talk about..I guess thats ok.. but again... if your using ferrox between melee when the heck are you using secondaries???)

I don't have mods for passive reload on Tenet Ferrox. It's Tenet Ferrox's feature. Tenet Envoy and Tenet Diplos have the same, albeit slower.


To elaborate on the way I play. I start shooting with whatever gun I have equipped. Once the clip is empty I switch to the other gun if there's fodder enemies nearby or switch to melee for high priority targets (Eximus and the like). Once the other gun's clip is empty or once the VIP was dealt with by melee, I switch to another weapon. The only exception being bosses which get Incarnon'd.

As for the weapons, I use Tenet Ferrox now for primary (duh), I got Laetum as Secondary (with the passive reload evolution) and my melee is either Innodem or Tenet Livia.

Laetum is the usual Viral+Heat with Cascadia Flare. It usually gets max effect from the Arcane very quickly. It's also used to kill bosses. If I run into one I'll quickly change Heat to Rad with Shock Trooper.

I use Innodem for the passive 30% Movement Speed bonus Evolution and for the guaranteed Slash proc on heavy attacks. I have the evolution that needs 3 hit combo counter to transform it and modded it so it starts with 50 initial combo. This makes it transform right away, giving the heavy attack a lot more range and speed.

Tenet Livia usually collects the dust but I take it out if I want to melee a bit more than just heavy attacks. I use it because it has the passive that freezes your combo counter when holstered, so I don't have to worry about it when I switch weapons, and it has nice skins.


This weapon switching is the reason why I use Primary Frostbite. Once I switch to Primary, P. Frostbite is already active with max stacks thanks to my Sentinel. The point is that I don't have to build up its effect like you have to do with Merciless or Deadhead. Also, I use Volt, who can double your Critical Damage with Electric Shield, further improving the benefits from Primary Frostbite.


I hope this all makes sense.


As for the topic of this thread.

I ended up removing Galvanized Shot because it made me shoot some enemies twice which would otherwise die on a single shot when I had Hammer Shot equipped. I'll wait for Ergo to have a very high % Tenet Ferrox on sale and see if reaching 60% will help.

Thank you for your help everyone!

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I love running around hip firing my Ferrox to.  I dont remember my build offhand but its pretty lacking.   Was pretty disappointed in the alt fire.

I just wanna say if anyone like Ferrox you need to also try out Scourge Prime.   It doesnt charge up like Ferrox,  its more of a full auto version lol.  Dont know if it has ammo or regens the ammo like Ferrox.   (actually im pretty sure OP's ferrox reloading is from mods lol,   it has 20 shots and I have to suffer through reloads all the times  but i dont think I've ever ran out of ammo..)


Lich/Sis weapons with innate elementals are a pain in the butt because it messes up bonus elementals.   The innate+bonus make a combo element regardless.     With innate electric your choices for bonus element are:

  • Electric ( your mod for corrosion/viral, and then have electric as a stand alone element which does not suck!.   Elec stuns guys freezing them in place,  it also deals damage over time.   This is only useful if your weapon has high status,  if not go ahead and make it another combo element for damage or use the mod slot for something else)
  • Cold (cold+innate electric would = magnetic,  only helpful on pure status weapons.   At this point your weapon will be a primer for condition overload and you should be looking to stack on another elemental combo besides mag that you do not have on your melee)
  • Tox ( tox=elec= corrosion.  This is only good for crit weapons,  Sure status reduces armor by 80% but that doesnt change their resistances,  just makes them take a little extra damage.  If your weapon is crit then use mods to make corrosion even stronger, use the rest of the slots for crit stuff.  If your weapon is status,  get another elemental combo you dont have on your melee as a primer for condition overload...)
  • Heat (Heat+electric=radiation.  Rad is really only helpful on crit weapons for bosses.  On status its ok because it makes enemies turn on each other, hello Steel Path,  rad status also does tiny amounts of damage over time.  Your probably using this for a status weapon so definately load up on the wierd second elemental combo as a primer for CO)

I messed with this on my Tenet Agendas.  I had a wrong bonus on it which made a crappy combo element with the innate damage type.   I could not figure out how to break them apart...    After your bonus and innate elementals combine it makes your second and 3rd combo elements hard to go after but I dont remember enough to go over it in detail.......   I ended up having to save some holo and get another Agendas just to change the bonus element lol.    And then I stopped using the frame that uses the agendas so I didnt really get to experiment with it that much..  

On my status weapons I just go viral + DoT   or Slash + DoT.   DoT =  slash, heat, electric, or tox.   


OP you say you are just using Ferrox between melee.... Primary Dexterity... (definately not frostbite lol,  I guess thats for your secondary you didnt talk about..I guess thats ok.. but again... if your using ferrox between melee when the heck are you using secondaries???)

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I thought it was using the lower value but the wiki says it's the higher value, which is nice to see.

"Valence Fusion combines two of the same Kuva or Tenet weapons into one with a higher Elemental Bonus, multiplying the highest bonus of the two weapons by 1.1, capping at 60% bonus."

19 hours ago, L3512 said:

54.6% is the actual breakpoint for a single fusion


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6 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I'm gathering Holokeys to buy another one

Wait until ergo glast offers one that +50% to start so you'll get that percentage plus the 3.8% optimally if he's selling one for 56.2% base that would get you to 60. You might need to wait a while but buy a different weapon and just keep waiting. Like you said it is time consuming to hunt sisters though that might be faster than getting 40 holokeys IDK 

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From memory, the Tenet Ferrox is currently bugged regarding the progenitor element - with it not being applied at all to the tether mode.

The tether mode is also currently not counted for use with Citrine's Prismatic Gem - as the game does not count the damage dealt by tether mode as valid "weapon damage" to focus the crystal.

If you are aiming mainly at the primary fire mode, these obviously are not issues you need to worry about (and hopefully are issues that will be fixed with time).

Personally, assuming the weapon worked as intended, I would probably get Radiation or Magnetic to allow for better element coverage for CO/Galvanized mods. As it stands, I would likely get Heat or Toxin.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I've been thinking about replacing Hammer Shot with Galvanized Shot. This one is easy to test, but...

I would also like to increase the weapon's damage types to increase the benefits of Galvanized Shot, so I'm considering waiting for a Magnetic Ferrox to be sold. I chose Magnetic because I don't have any other source of Magnetic and it's a generally unused element. This means I would have to replace something with a Toxin 60/60 mod to get Viral as well, but I see nothing that could be replaced and Riven Dispo is too low to use that as an alternative.

If you're willing to entertain the idea of rivens, one with toxin doesn't need to be a high dispo to be helpful.   Whatever incremental gain you can get from a second affix would just be gravy.  You're already replacing Hammer Shot, so Serration is the next most expendable since Gaptitude will replace its damage role.  If you can't bear to give up that sprint bonus, then Vile Acceleration or Vital Sense.

Speaking of which, you might want to replace Frostbite, as multishot isn't affecting Ferrox's explosions.  Personally I like Deadhead on my regular Ferrox. Even though its built for 100% crit and HM, I still get enough direct kills to keep the stacks up.  The recoil affix should make it possible for you to replace Vile Precision with Stabilizer, or another exilus mod entirely.  And that, in turn, means faster charge time or being able to replace Vile Acceleration.  edit: Forgot to say, faster RoF will also make the attraction field a lot better at applying status, so that's another reason to dump Vile Precision if you can.

This isn't an endorsement of a magnetic progenitor by the way.   I'd probably go toxin if I had the Tenet Ferrox.  Maybe heat or radiation if I was thinking in terms of Gaptitude.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I've decided on Tenet Ferrox as my new primary weapon for most of my builds because it's features and stats fit my preferred gameplay style the most, but I struggle with it's damage output and would like to ask for your input on what mods and progenitor bonus to choose.

Well, i usually pick elements that i DONT PLAN ON COMBINING as to have more effects afflicting my enemies at a time and to benefit more of Galvanized Mods/Condition overload.

Given the Ferrox has innate Electric, i would usually pick between Magnetic or Radiation Progenitors to add to it, Magnetic being good all around but excelling against Shields of all kinds wile suffering a bit against alloy, and Radiation being great against Alloy and some Robotic/Flesh types, then you could add some Viral or Gas wile leaving pure Electric, that way you have a chance to stun groups of enemies.

But being honest, normal Ferrox is still better than the Tenet due to the Disposition. Mine i built focused mostly on the Alt-Fire.

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7 minutes ago, Artekkor said:

If you want some of that status effect utility (which Ferrox seems to support) - you go Heat and pray for a good proc to finish off your target with raging flames.

Combining Heat with Viral and Slash seems like an overkill but it might actually work! Thanks.

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If you intend to go pure crits (blunt force trauma) - you take Radiation and go for good ol' corrosion + cold.

If you want some of that status effect utility (which Ferrox seems to support) - you go Heat and pray for a good proc to finish off your target with raging flames.

The rest are just memes mostly, although i heard people like Toxin for ability to combine it into either Corrosion or Viral depending on a mood.

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