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Get rid of railjack


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now ive spend weeks and hours farming for sevagoth bucause he seemed fun to mess around with. unfortunately he is locked behind railjack.


1. it is HELL to do railjack on your own. 

      it takes for ever to fifnish a single mission because they arnt designed to be done solo.


2. nobody plays railjack

     understandable considering how not fun it is but you cant get anyone to play with (i play in the asian server). so youre almost always forced to play solo which as mentioned is HELL.


3. nobody knows how to play rail jack

     understandable considering how not fun it is but people end up ACTIVELY SABOTAGING you from not knowing what to do. this is simply terrible game design because I CANT SPEAK CHINESE and THEY CANS SPEAK ENGLISH and we cant communicate. you cant ping locations in gunner modee or anything either. im guessing theres no chinese voice overs in the game because you cant read what the npc is telling you while in a mission in warframe and nobody knows what to do.


4. not fun

     theres no other way to put this but railjack isnt fun. i feel like DE wants us to play railjack just because of how much effort they put into making it but im sorry it was never fun. Nobody is playing the game mode despite the overwhealming rewards you can get from void storms and it is an obviouse indication that nobody likes playing railjack.


im having to suffer through this to try to get sevagoth and 2 weeks and 40 hours later ive got no luck. rail jack is so bad please atleast make another non railjack way of getting sevagoth and all other railjack rewards.

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De's not getting rid of RJ, and almost nothing in the game is tuned to soloing. Though I have solo'd railjack, got all my intrinsics that way, and it was easy even before the changes.


That said, just farm fissures and sell prime parts/sets until you get enough plat to buy sevagoth from the store. I farmed him twice over. But if I hated railjack, that is what I would have done. Same is true for any other farm you can't tolerate.

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good idea id never even though about buying a warframe off the market i always thought it was to trick new players into spending money on the game.

reguardless the problems i mentioned about railjack are still real in my region and the amount of time i spent is rediculouse.

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18 minutes ago, Knoked said:

good idea id never even though about buying a warframe off the market i always thought it was to trick new players into spending money on the game.

it mostly is, if you are a complete addict to warframe and have plenty of time to play, probably avoid buying frames, but if you have a job or something and can only play on weekends, then its fine to buy the harder to farm ones

what you should try instead is farming the tenet melees. the tenet melees are pretty good and they have gimmicks that can make them worthwhile over using a normal melee. the best one would be a toxin livia because its viable for heavy attacks and has innate toxin for corpus shield bypassing.

get one livia with toxin, then a 55%+ one for a 60% toxin one, repeat this for the others as well for 60%, but I think some of the others want different elements.

the cool thing is, sevagoth and tenet melees have the exact same farm, so you'll get one or the other eventually

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24 minutes ago, gamingchair1121 said:

the cool thing is, sevagoth and tenet melees have the exact same farm, so you'll get one or the other eventually

This is not cool at all, I can build thirty seven Sevagoths after farming keys and will never use Sevagoth out of spite.

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19 minutes ago, gamingchair1121 said:

what you should try instead is farming the tenet melees. the tenet melees are pretty good and they have gimmicks that can make them worthwhile over using a normal melee. the best one would be a toxin livia because its viable for heavy attacks and has innate toxin for corpus shield bypassing.

get one livia with toxin, then a 55%+ one for a 60% toxin one, repeat this for the others as well for 60%, but I think some of the others want different elements.

the cool thing is, sevagoth and tenet melees have the exact same farm, so you'll get one or the other eventually

yeah ive already farmed multiple livias deciding i dont like the weapon. and i have a bunch of leftover holo keys waiting for a good tenet weapon. then after that it has taken me an extra 40hours to try to farm sevagoth and i still dont have his chasis. as i said in the original post everyone knows that void storms have good rewards but nobody does them anyway because they arent fun. 

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I love skirmish railjack personally
The corpus ones are bad. everyone thinks the corpus ones are bad. every decision made for corpus railjack was bad.
But skirmish is great.

"nobody plays it" is an issue with a lot of the game not just railjack. Join any random mission in public and it's a dice roll whether or not you'll actually get team mates unless it's something that's been released recently or happens to be a popular grinding spot for something. Railjack is unpopulated because the majority of the players that care to play it have everything from it already and every part of the game is like this.

Agree that noone knowing how to play railjack is a huge issue. 90% of the time I get a player in public railjack they're so oblivious to how it works they make the mission slower than if I'd solo'd it. That said you can solo railjack fairly quickly with the right gear and knowledge. And people not knowing how to play it is the developer's fault for absolutely refusing to put anything resembling a practical tutorial into this game for basically anything. Relying entirely on existing players to teach new players how their game works out of pure lazyness.

I think it's fun. Skirmish is honestly one of the most engaging mission types in the game. The only reasons people think otherwise are because: They don't know how to play railjack as stated before, And the repetitive grind that permeates the entire game resulting in most players not really enjoying any part of the game because nearly every game mode necessitates you play it until you burn out on it forever. Both being issues with the whole game more than railjack by itself.

Besides corpus railjack tho that's just absolute hot garbage.

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6 hours ago, Knoked said:

1. it is HELL to do railjack on your own. 

Skill issues.

6 hours ago, Knoked said:

2. nobody plays railjack


6 hours ago, Knoked said:

3. nobody knows how to play rail jack

Again, wrong.

6 hours ago, Knoked said:

4. not fun

No. U.


I love railjack, but I wish DE could add more missions there when you actually use your railjack as your weapon, as your ship, not as a taxi from point A to point B, to fly over the map just to enter an enemy ship/asteroid and finish a regular mission out there.

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playing Railjack solo works okay. obviously it's slower than if you have another Player but it's not slow.

Railjack is one of the best general grinding Content in the game. it drowns us in Resources. high skill Players that are grinding Resources should often be playing Railjack since it's kinda just the best.

well, sure, nobody knows how to __
but they don't know how to be competent at anything else in the game either, so that's nothing different.

i love flying Railjacks. Drifting around at high speed while blasting some Enemies.

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9 hours ago, Knoked said:

1. it is HELL to do railjack on your own. 

      it takes for ever to fifnish a single mission because they arnt designed to be done solo.


2. nobody plays railjack

     understandable considering how not fun it is but you cant get anyone to play with (i play in the asian server). so youre almost always forced to play solo which as mentioned is HELL.


Get NPC crew , they will do the essentials like manning guns and fixing your ship free of charge .


9 hours ago, Knoked said:

3. nobody knows how to play rail jack

     understandable considering how not fun it is but people end up ACTIVELY SABOTAGING you from not knowing what to do. this is simply terrible game design because I CANT SPEAK CHINESE and THEY CANS SPEAK ENGLISH and we cant communicate. you cant ping locations in gunner modee or anything either. im guessing theres no chinese voice overs in the game because you cant read what the npc is telling you while in a mission in warframe and nobody knows what to do.

Plenty of guides on how to play on YouTube , many things in Warframe aren't explained hence why Wiki and YouTube are your go to essential knowledge wells .


9 hours ago, Knoked said:

4. not fun

     theres no other way to put this but railjack isnt fun. i feel like DE wants us to play railjack just because of how much effort they put into making it but im sorry it was never fun. Nobody is playing the game mode despite the overwhealming rewards you can get from void storms and it is an obviouse indication that nobody likes playing railjack.

Fun is subjective , what isn't fun to you may be fun to someone else . I like Railjack , I consider it to be fun and interesting diversion from the main game , it just doesn't have enough content to go around or more integration into core game .


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For me, Railjack is fun and better after you got full NPC crewmates, you can just wander around and let them do Railjack things even on Veil Proxima. I fully play Railjack solo because I live in South East Asia with crappy expensive ISP. The only fun part is space fighting and raiding Points of Interest/Priority Target, but the main mission is a bore.

Sevagoth ain't annoying to farm, it took me a long time to gather his parts, too, but Corrupted Holokeys are the worst one!. -darn it, devs!-

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