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This gameplay shown by Pablo doesn’t get me excited.


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49 minutes ago, sunderthefirmament said:

There were a lot more bugs when Deimos launched. Latrox’s bounty would bug out a lot. The Garv bounty would as well. Scintillant drop rates were bugged. 

I’ve seen the isolation vault bonus door bug out a lot too, where it shows all of one symbol, or no symbols. 

Conservation was bugged there. The birds wouldn’t spawn or move properly. The dragonflies would get stuck in the terrain or fall through the map. 

Fishing was and likely still is bugged. The spears don’t always pierce the exocrine properly. The fish spawns frequently break.


I think time softens our perception of some of DE’s content. You forget how awful a grind was here, how unstable some content was there. Like I catch myself legitimately missing Scarlet Spear, but it was very very buggy and unstable.  Deimos is my favorite open world because I can have fun just flying around and looting things serendipitously, but when it launched I was absolutely livid about scintillant and the bounty bugs/balancing. 

The only few of those I've experienced is the scintillant drop rate and one single time Latrox bugging out. And at a few specific spots my spear wont pierce the exocrine as it should. But even with that, there is a long way to call something a bugfest, because at that point I think bugs would happen more often than not, to a point where it kinda ends up as a joke.

For me the downsides of Deimos at release were more rooted in a few poor design choices, like how iso vaults were set up. Practially anything with a timegate is to me a poor design decision and inexcusable.

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Just now, Circle_of_Psi said:

There are 2 more weeks (3 if you count this one) until the end of April


Just putting that out there

If we had to wait until May or June but they had figured out how to get some better AI and hit feedback into this update, I would be happy ^^

I mean it's probably still coming out this month and they're just going drop it on short notice like usual but a delay wouldn't be terrible to me if it meant some more polish.

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37 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Hmm, so I came across another video while zooming around on YT and it seems they seem to mention an "alarming concern" that warframe is sacrificing its development for the release of soulframe, what you folks think of that?

Considering that updates 31 and 32 brought some older stuff up to par (so that's good) and we still have to wait for the apparently rather large update that is Duviri that seems a bit premature. 

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16 minutes ago, SirKnum said:

Considering that updates 31 and 32 brought some older stuff up to par (so that's good) and we still have to wait for the apparently rather large update that is Duviri that seems a bit premature. 

Yeah, I had that feeling, I can see why they may feel that way but, eh?


To me, lately, Duviri starts to feel like a expansion/DLC rather then a Update at this point, but that might just out much of a Ego stroke the update was made out to be

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4 hours ago, cute_moth.npc said:

If we had to wait until May or June but they had figured out how to get some better AI and hit feedback into this update, I would be happy ^^

I mean it's probably still coming out this month and they're just going drop it on short notice like usual but a delay wouldn't be terrible to me if it meant some more polish.

You mean that DE is being cautious and Intelligent? Really? I hope so. 

I think that six month delay is needed for this. Sorry but I have to be blunt on this. I rather wait for a polished EXPERIENCE than a rushed update. 

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1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

You mean that DE is being cautious and Intelligent?

Feels that way, maybe testing if they should really release it or not, given the backlash and as much I agree more polish is good, they've had serious bad track records of delaying and it's kinda bitten them back hard in the past, but I see your point

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34 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Feels that way, maybe testing if they should really release it or not, given the backlash and as much I agree more polish is good, they've had serious bad track records of delaying and it's kinda bitten them back hard in the past, but I see your point

I hope for the best. 

If the game play in that video was that lame, clunky, unresponsive and next level AI horse excrement they better not release it. Obviously the video shown is work in process and progress. I think they need TIME to device enemy engagements right. 

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2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

You mean that DE is being cautious and Intelligent? Really? I hope so. 

I think that six month delay is needed for this. Sorry but I have to be blunt on this. I rather wait for a polished EXPERIENCE than a rushed update. 

I think you might have to give them like several years for that lol. I am just hoping that the enemies are going to know that they're supposed to try and hit you instead of kind of walking around aimlessly like in the gameplay video ;_;

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5 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Hmm, so I came across another video while zooming around on YT and it seems they seem to mention an "alarming concern" that warframe is sacrificing its development for the release of soulframe, what you folks think of that?

I think that the combat showed in the post this thread is about, looks exactly like the combat shown in the Soul Frame alpha last dev stream.  I think the insanely sharp turn away from warframe's gameplay style is being done specifically to facilitate alpha testing for Soul Frame.  I think they both share a ridiculous amount of similarities.  I think DE is tired of making warframe, and they're hoping they can just use an already established playerbase and just move them on over to some new game that doesn't play anything like warframe, by easing the players into the concepts within warframe.  

What I know is that I have zero interest in the gameplay shown in both instances.  I am dreading Duviri and I will not be playing Soul Frame.  They could literally give me the game for free, and make all the MTX I think will be a part of it completely free and I would still not want to play it.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

What I know is that I have zero interest in the gameplay shown in both instances.  I am dreading Duviri and I will not be playing Soul Frame.  They could literally give me the game for free, and make all the MTX I think will be a part of it completely free and I would still not want to play it.

To be honest with you I also feel reluctant to play it at this point. It has been years of waiting for some excitement at the higher play level in Warframe, which hasn't come yet and it looks like it's actually never coming? Super limited releases of high level stuff, they finally try something other than just bumping the numbers for once but it's in a literally a once-a-week time limited mission, bosses where they basically re-used them and added some time waster mechanics instead of anything interesting? A year of super trickle on content waiting for something exciting since the last nice update for me was Zariman and then.. We just get a preview for a different game?

I guess in the end like.. I don't think D.E. is the worst developer in the world at all, but I don't think I trust them to invest a ton of time into a new game that won't be cared for if the pattern repeats.

I hope you are wrong and I hope I am wrong too. We get to find out soon ^^;

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22 minutes ago, cute_moth.npc said:

I guess in the end like.. I don't think D.E. is the worst developer in the world at all, but I don't think I trust them to invest a ton of time into a new game that won't be cared for if the pattern repeats.

Pretty much my mindset. 

If DE abandon warframe. I'm out of here. There's no point for me to carry my time on anther GAAS game. I'm done with one. This one was more than enough. 

22 minutes ago, cute_moth.npc said:

I hope you are wrong and I hope I am wrong too. We get to find out soon ^^;

If we are right, this will become an interesting field day. Lurkers and fanboys will emerge with their alternates, employees will use their accounts doing damage control and mods will be using that ban hammer like no tomorrow. It's going to be the perfect storm. They BETTER not fail. I will simply watch without saying a word. If anyone ask I will say "I told you so". 

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14小时前 , Circle_of_Psi 说:

Hmm, so I came across another video while zooming around on YT and it seems they seem to mention an "alarming concern" that warframe is sacrificing its development for the release of soulframe, what you folks think of that?

I think you just got baited into giving them viewer count and spreading their rumors.

After the announcement of soulframe and Reb taking the leading role, we saw a number of long overdue QoL changes implemented (eg syndicate sigil and standing, Ash and Oberon drop rate in Railjack, etc), and new game design mechanics being introduced (eg pity shop), I won't worry too much on the future of this game tbh.

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47 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

I think you just got baited into giving them viewer count and spreading their rumors.

After the announcement of soulframe and Reb taking the leading role, we saw a number of long overdue QoL changes implemented (eg syndicate sigil and standing, Ash and Oberon drop rate in Railjack, etc), and new game design mechanics being introduced (eg pity shop), I won't worry too much on the future of this game tbh.

You don't have to worry anyway. 

The game player base IS decreasing. Doing four years late quality of life improvements because there is the new shiny thing in the horizon proves more the fact that DE takes too much time implementing things that were fundamental for the game QoL. 

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1 hour ago, RichardKam said:

I think you just got baited into giving them viewer count and spreading their rumors.


39 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

You don't have to worry anyway. 

The game player base IS decreasing. Doing four years late quality of life improvements because there is the new shiny thing in the horizon proves more the fact that DE takes too much time implementing things that were fundamental for the game QoL. 

Pretty much this ^

We get more news about fancy streams, than actual news about what you talk about here (such as the update)

9 hours ago, Felsagger said:

If we are right, this will become an interesting field day. Lurkers and fanboys will emerge with their alternates, employees will use their accounts doing damage control and mods will be using that ban hammer like no tomorrow. It's going to be the perfect storm. They BETTER not fail. I will simply watch without saying a word. If anyone ask I will say "I told you so". 

Mind if I Join you on this ride?

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38 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Mind if I Join you on this ride?

You are welcome to do so. Anyone who wants to join is welcomed too. :3 

The rules are quite simple. The most important one is to think by yourself. 

1. No one likes to visit a forum and read from any user how much your favorite game sucks. When a big storm happens let everybody enjoy the release. After a long while critique or endorse later depending on the results. 

2. Always get a good list of games ready such as Titan Fall 2, Ragnarok, Horizon Zero Forbidden west with Burning Shores, The Last of Us 1, Spiderman, Spiderman Miles Morales, Batman Arkham Knight, Blood Borne, Sekiro, Ghost of Tsushima, Elden Ring, Battlefield 2042, Red out 2, Red out, Grip, Lightfield, Pacer, Wipeout Omega. If anything goes wrong you have always green pasture on your side all the time. (Choose your own games and make your own list. I used mine as an example)

3. Practice more than one hobby. Do something else other than video games. Instruments, drawing, architecture, sculpture, building worlds, tinkering technology, repairing old objects, build up collections and so on. Diversity helps the mind. Chess is a great game for all ages. Reading is fundamental. Get your good set of books, read them and always learn something new. 

4. Duviri is a good attempt of DE pulling new things. If it works, we walk the walk and enjoy the road. If it doesn't we simply move on silently and play other games. In the end nothing is lost or gained. 

5. Always read, analyse, compare, find good sources, use common sense, think by yourself, convince yourself seeing evidence and if you have to dive in for the experience, do it. Always live by your own terms and make your own rules. Individuality and and independent informed thinking are fundamental parts of our existence. 

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15 hours ago, cute_moth.npc said:

I hope you are wrong

The problem is, I won't be.  And that's not some arrogant assumption that I will be right in all things, or some negative opinion about the quality of the content we'll be getting.  For me, not for anyone else, but for me, I will never be happy with this style of gameplay being in warframe.  I loved Elden Ring.  I love plenty of older games from the SNES era with limited AI and simplistic combat, like that shown in the OP.  There's even a couple of rogue likes I enjoy, even though I hate most of them.  I will never enjoy having that in warframe because that's now why I play warframe.  I like modding weapons and I like going fast.  Considering a lot of warframe's core (the core it developed as it grew in popularity.) is grinding gear, modding gear, and going fast, that's what I'm here for.  Try to put a bunch of other game's mechanics in, especially if they don't fit those core aspects, and me personally, I'll always hate that content.  There really isn't anything they can do that will make me not hate the core drifter mode of this.  I might end up liking the Circuit mode, so that's the only thing I have any hope for.  It'll probably be weekly though, which I'll despise.

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22 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Hmm, so I came across another video while zooming around on YT and it seems they seem to mention an "alarming concern" that warframe is sacrificing its development for the release of soulframe, what you folks think of that?

I think you just fell onto a click bait drama video. I mean, anyone with a lick of sense would not assume warframe is getting sacrificed for soulframe, since soulframe will be a big risk in such a scenario. WF and Soulframe are quite far apart, so putting all their eggs in the soul basket wouldnt be smart, since there is no guarantee the WF players will actually transition to SF, they might play it in addition to WF, but not replace it, since the two will not offer the same gameplay. And if they were to sacrifice WF development for SF they wouldnt have increased the company to 400+ employees from the previous 300-ish. Those 100-ish new employees is a full dev team and then some surrounding people for a new game, since most of the non-game specific positions are already part of the company, like legal and so on.

Ontop of that, anyone that has kept up the slightest with "current" events across the globe would know DE are currently behind their release schedule due to those global events shifting everything around for nearly 2 years. What DE have done is switch the leadership regarding WF, so the old ones could go over to and start the new project. The ones that remain on WF as the leadership now are still old in the game, and been part of it practically since the start.

It's as if people think a developer can only ever have one game they work on and develop. I guess WoW was abandoned for D3, D3 abandoned for Overwatch and Overwatch abandoned for D4?

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15 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Lurkers and fanboys will emerge with their alternates, employees will use their accounts doing damage control and mods will be using that ban hammer like no tomorrow

It was telling, watching how the Prime Resurgence issues were handled, and how much had to be done to get anything fixed at all.

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52 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

It's as if people think a developer can only ever have one game they work on and develop. I guess WoW was abandoned for D3, D3 abandoned for Overwatch and Overwatch abandoned for D4?

Diablo 4 sucks ass up to epic proportions according to the beta. I will not touch that even with a 15 feet iron pole. We don't even want to talk about how awful Overwatch 2 is doing due to the massive abandonment that BlissTard did. Campaign game play never got released. 

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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I think you just fell onto a click bait drama video.

Might of have, but to be fair I just kinda like watching such to see what the hek happens xD

2 hours ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

It was telling, watching how the Prime Resurgence issues were handled, and how much had to be done to get anything fixed at all.

Indeed, kinda waiting for this

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20 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Diablo 4 sucks ass up to epic proportions according to the beta. I will not touch that even with a 15 feet iron pole. We don't even want to talk about how awful Overwatch 2 is doing due to the massive abandonment that BlissTard did. Campaign game play never got released. 

I'm not surprised if Diablo 4 actually sucks. I will potentially test it at some point, but right now I cant be bothered to download a massive sized beta, nor do I really feel like paying 70 bucks for a season based game, or have any real urge to play a season based game.

Also sidenote. Blizz didnt abandon anything with OW2, the campaign is coming. They just saw no need to wait with releasing the PvP portion since it was going to be F2P anyways, while the campaign is B2P. That said, OW overall has sucked for quite a long time. I'm just shocked someone wanted a generic PvE shooter experience in the game, one you pay for at that. Considering how big piles of S#&$e the other PvE modes have been in OW I have very little hope for OW2 PvE.

I'm guilty of falling asleep at the gate in Junkensteins Revenge and at the "payload" on King's Row omnirobot PvE event thingy. And I can count the times I've fallen asleep in games, and only two of those times have been out of boredom. Hint those two times were just mentioned. The other few times have been due to massive exhaustion, burning the candle at both ends during 24h+ sessions in WoW and DaoC world pvp/RvR.

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