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This gameplay shown by Pablo doesn’t get me excited.


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On 2023-04-07 at 1:40 AM, bad4youLT said:

Keeping existing core features of the game out of content islands isn't making the game "connected"

And we have this

On 2023-04-07 at 1:40 AM, bad4youLT said:

It does, Steel Path fissures is a proof of that.

Shows that people visit content they don't usually touch because there's a carrot dangled in front of them, not really because they like it

On 2023-04-07 at 1:40 AM, bad4youLT said:

Being able to use RJ in open worlds even if its just fun and gigles.

Using RJ for orbital strikes or other forms of support just by expanding what it could do.

Turning RJ into players arsenal on demand while playing missions to allow switch players gear.

Extra ground mission objectives that would involve RJ for bonus rewards.

The list goes on if you use your imagination.

With squad link being a nightmare back then in operation scarlet spear? I don't think it's ready to implement the list yet

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2 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Is there something wrong?

Funny how you and the other Tenno saying it's useless bashing DE and yet still being pessimistic, doom and gloom and "DE can't keep their word" when we have you with your words about quitting Warframe if you don't get to kill Lotus, only to be logging in occasionally as "quitting". You're no better than DE

On 2023-04-07 at 10:30 PM, DebrisFlow said:

and i would add another important thing: a rich choiche between many frames, primary/secondary/melee weapons, companions, etc. Kahl missions stripped that away completely and i doubt that Duviri will match that amount of diversity any time soon if not at all.

When there's a chance for you to get a frame you don't have? You will still have that diversity, just randomized for the roguelike element that this community keeps asking for such as void tower and other things so what's the difference?

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On 2023-04-12 at 5:05 PM, TheArmchairThinker said:


Hey, look, If you have a problem with me, then you are free to discuss this with me somewhere else, like I said, I am open to hearing what folks want or settling differences, My Inbox is available for that.

Cuz it feels like what you are doing here is blankly just getting angry at me, because I shared an opinion, I want to understand why people are going so far out to defend X or Y. I want to hear the other side's opinion as well, yes it may not seem like that, I'll give you that.


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31 minutes ago, TheArmchairThinker said:

roguelike element that this community keeps asking for such as void tower

You must be Orokin with those long arms, reaching everywhere.  No one asked for a Rogue like where we don't get our gear.  People wanted a randomized endless dungeon that wouldn't have the stupid timer and artificial "efficiency" ramp up to attempt to force you out after a certain point like ESO.  That's nothing like a mode where you don't get to pick your loadout from what you've invested in to be used in an unchanging open world map.  Oh, and from what we've seen, makes it look like those frames will still be limited use.  Those things are practically opposites.  So no, basically no one asked for this, and certainly not enough to make broad, sweeping statements about it being the whole community.

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2 hours ago, TheArmchairThinker said:

And yet you keep doing it until now

A good critique is better than none. In a perfect game there is no improvements to make. Such game DOESN'T exist. 

Yes it is pointless to bash developers but the constructive CRITIQUE WILL NEVER STOP. Sorry that's my french part of me. It is in my genes, we must deal with it. I respect the people that works at DE. It is labor, it is work, it is a profession. That deserves a respect like any other job such as architecture, structural engineering, acting, music production, writing and so on. Our field here of discussion IS the game and how the game develops. Many of us are very harsh handling those critiques. That's true. But again, if DE opened the boards for a discussion, these things are part of the ball game. 

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

no one asked for this

Yeah, I've begun to notice this, I don't ever recall seeing someone ask for a Rouge in Warframe for the life of me, I've been around the forums a lot, and this makes me still wonder if the whole reason why it exists it's due to Soulframe, but it feels like that is a weird choice? 

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6 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I'm not surprised if Diablo 4 actually sucks. I will potentially test it at some point, but right now I cant be bothered to download a massive sized beta, nor do I really feel like paying 70 bucks for a season based game, or have any real urge to play a season based game.

I can't agree more with this statement. That's 100 percent correct. 


6 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Also sidenote. Blizz didnt abandon anything with OW2, the campaign is coming. They just saw no need to wait with releasing the PvP portion since it was going to be F2P anyways, while the campaign is B2P. That said, OW overall has sucked for quite a long time. I'm just shocked someone wanted a generic PvE shooter experience in the game, one you pay for at that. Considering how big piles of S#&$e the other PvE modes have been in OW I have very little hope for OW2 PvE.

I agree with this too. It is sad for me because I was waiting for it. 

6 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I'm guilty of falling asleep at the gate in Junkensteins Revenge and at the "payload" on King's Row omnirobot PvE event thingy. And I can count the times I've fallen asleep in games, and only two of those times have been out of boredom. Hint those two times were just mentioned. The other few times have been due to massive exhaustion, burning the candle at both ends during 24h+ sessions in WoW and DaoC world pvp/RvR.

The PvE in OVERWATCH is not their best despite that the A.I. is deeply uncanny, military accurate, aggressive and precise. 

Warframe does that better than ANY other game out there. Even I consider War Z a contender, Warframe outclass it. Warframe managed to get a population intact. I can't SWAP any other game for Warframe in the department of PvE and PvE with peers or players online. DE got that right. 

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6 hours ago, TheArmchairThinker said:

Shows that people visit content they don't usually touch because there's a carrot dangled in front of them, not really because they like it

Every popular activity in this game has carrot on a stick .

 - Eidolons have Arcanes

 - Void Fissures for ( insert X missions here that has no base rewards )

 - Railjack Void Storms 

 - Sorties for rivens

 - Archon hunts and Kahl missions for Archon Shards

 - Index for credits

 - Arbitrations for Endo

 - Steel Path Void Fissures for extra Steel Essence 

The list goes on .


6 hours ago, TheArmchairThinker said:

With squad link being a nightmare back then in operation scarlet spear? I don't think it's ready to implement the list yet


None of my suggestions for Railjack to become more useful suggested an Squad Link like feature / function nore it would require it to begin with . The Goal is to bring Railjack or some of its features into regular missions and or add new missions types that feature Railjack transition from ground to Railjack space to ground .

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6 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Hey, look, If you have a problem with me, then you are free to discuss this with me somewhere else, like I said, I am open to hearing what folks want or settling differences, My Inbox is available for that.

What you are doing here is blankly just getting angry at me, because I shared an opinion, tell me what is wrong and share your feelings on the matter with me, otherwise, it's just all hot air. I want to understand why people are going so far out to defend X or Y. I want to hear the other side's opinion as well, yes it may now seem, I'll give you that, but likewise, I am very open to hearing your side.


Excellent answer, Psi. 

People are free to articulate their opinion of support or disagreement without any hassle. This is basic respect and stack exchange. If we are going to shut down people for their opinions then why we have forums in the first place? 


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2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Excellent answer, Psi. 

People are free to articulate their opinion of support or disagreement without any hassle. This is basic respect and stack exchange. If we are going to shut down people for their opinions then why we have forums in the first place? 


IKR, it's so tired of some folks dismissing the argument in rude fashions and accusing us crybabies. Warframe shall flow with free-thinking that can potentially thrive this game! That's how we love our Warframe!

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I do understand how troubling and annoying would be reading users telling you or anyone else how much your game sucks and how awful are your personal preferences. That's not the purpose of the forum board anyway. 

The purpose is the critique and how the critique is handled. A good critique helps. A bad critique simply ends up ignored and irrelevant. I do understand about the existence of lurkers, fanboys, fangasmic vitriolic defenders and those who really see nothing wrong with all the happenings in the game. Forums are just venting boards where some people could provides good insight of the game. This is why many things are allowed here. 

DE provides the forums for the beta testing. That's the reality of it. The same with the ranks, the thumbs up and the batches with the avatar. We simply have some fun spending some words between other peer players. In the long run this benefits DE what we think about their game and how we UNDERSTAND what they do. Somehow we don't, somehow we get it right. 

It's a reality, it is impossible to convince everybody. Some people will agree and others will disagree. That's how life is. In the end we simply talk about video games, PCs, and consoles. I honestly find that useful and relaxing. 

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9 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Excellent answer, Psi. 

People are free to articulate their opinion of support or disagreement without any hassle. This is basic respect and stack exchange. If we are going to shut down people for their opinions then why we have forums in the first place? 

(I do understand how troubling and annoying would be reading users telling you or anyone else how much your game sucks)

To be fair, I can seem/look a bit unpredictable and come across as "Trolly" I will give them that, but the reason why I am so open to PM/DM (Or Inbox) talks as I'm happy to hear the other sides feelings on the matter, we can't really here as isn't really part of the thread and what stays in PMs stay in PMs, the only issue is, no one has. (At least to my knowledge..) 

Yes, I do have very harsh critiques and rather brutal opinions, but that's how I've always been, I will always be brutally honest with someone or something I have an opinion about (with some exceptions, given what the context at hand, obviously). I too also understand that as well, however depending on how someone reacts to this, I will react in the same fashion.

I'm no Saint, I'll tell you that and I can be a real butt, but I won't apologize for how honest I will be with something, even if it may seem brutal


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17 hours ago, Felsagger said:

The PvE in OVERWATCH is not their best despite that the A.I. is deeply uncanny, military accurate, aggressive and precise. 

For me, Overwatch PvE is probably the worst PvE I've ever experienced. The only thing it has going for it is the military (read cheese) accuracy of the A.I. Everything else is just a bunch of sponges with specific spawn patterns.

21 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

How does one even fall asleep with all that noise? I can barely sleep if I hear even people talking too loud xD


Btw, does anyone know what day it is, by any chance?

I can fall asleep practically anywhere. I think the sound in OW together with the uninteresting PvE has the same effect on me as bad music, I simply get sleepy and fall asleep. Which is why I most often have MTV "Night Videos" on after I've gone to bed. 

Oh and the day? It is the day after yesterday and the day before tomorrow. :clem:

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

I can fall asleep practically anywhere. I think the sound in OW together with the uninteresting PvE has the same effect on me as bad music, I simply get sleepy and fall asleep. Which is why I most often have MTV "Night Videos" on after I've gone to bed. 

Oh and the day? It is the day after yesterday and the day before tomorrow. :clem:

Burh, I wish I chuold do that xD

As for the day, Today, what day is it today?


It's almost end of this week without any update x:

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10 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Burh, nearly at the end of April, well, classic as always I suppose but some good news at least



Dat Wisp Skin Tho

Yes, we will see Duviri quite soon. Let see how things goes for the update. usually there are some new surprises coming with Duviri. For my surprise the game play of fishing underwater was a good feature in my opinion. 

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8 hours ago, Felsagger said:

For my surprise the game play of fishing underwater was a good feature in my opinion. 

I won't call it a surprise, as they are good things (mostly lol) but seeing Wisp & Baruuk's skin in a single update is kinda nice, although I'm wondering how Wisp Prime will compare to the skin.

Do we know when the next prime is supposed to be out?

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1 hour ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Do we know when the next prime is supposed to be out?

People were always saying Wisp Prime at Tennocon but that will be late August which would probably limit this year to only three primes, 3, 8, 11 while basic guide is 3, 6, 9, 12 so maybe we get Wisp at the start of June and Gauss at Tennocon.

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Il y a 1 heure, Circle_of_Psi a dit :

Baruuk's skin

I waited for this skin for a very long time, more than one year. It so beautiful.

With some friends we were searching why he got some cow/goat feet and we asked this to the artist who made the concept art (tbgkaru) and he said that he wanted to make a mix of Mid/South-East Cultures and the hooves were inspired by the importance of cows/stock on Indian culture.

So so many different inspirations in a very harmonic design : really a great job.

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44 minutes ago, L3512 said:

People were always saying Wisp Prime at Tennocon but that will be late August which would probably limit this year to only three primes, 3, 8, 11 while basic guide is 3, 6, 9, 12 so maybe we get Wisp at the start of June and Gauss at Tennocon.

Hm, alright

(If I was in DE's shoes I'd release Wisp Prime early, during Durvri Update, right next to her skin as well?, plenty of Plat to be made)

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Baruuk got a good skin treatment for the next release of Duviri. 

Now that we have horses, guns and Mesa or M'Cree I'm happy with this approach. It's about the wild west. I think DE must address a bit more the WESTERN side of Warframe. I know that China took a lot of relevance and Japan but now it's about the Wild west and those horses. 

Warframe is entirely ASIATIC in the aesthetics. It needs to get more Western. Red Dead Redemption was a great success. I want that theme in Duviri. Actually that taste is very atmospheric in Duviri. 

Warframe riding the horses was a good hint in the right direction for the new trailer. We can't go wrong if Mesa can use her guns with the horse. Or if the player could go full Horizon Zero/ Ghost of Tsushima riding the horse and using the Daikyu. 

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11 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Warframe is entirely ASIATIC in the aesthetics.


Looks at Lost Ark, ArchAge, Black Desert, Blade & Soul, Genshin Impact, Phantasy Star.

Glares over at Warframe

Looks at Felsagger and hands him a box of glasses and eye wash.

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