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This gameplay shown by Pablo doesn’t get me excited.


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18 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

It's obvious from both duviri gameplay and soulframe gameplay, they are both blatant rip offs. Of course DE isn't going to admit that, and taking their word on things is extremely naive.

No not at all. I really dont see what parts of Duviri or Soulframe are even near souls like. Is Elden Ring an Elder Scrolls X rip off then because it has an open world and incorporates active block mechanics? And are the games I mentioned in the post you quotes souls like games then too? Since they all fill the criteria you seem to go after.

14 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Evidence states otherwise. 

That's the evidence. The resemblance, speed and game play is almost IDENTICAL. 


It is literally Elden Ring with that only feature. That's what it is. See the video. 

It doesn't matter what you think right now because the evidence overthrow your entire argument. Sorry. You are inventing stuff up out of the blue. The video literally contradicts your argument. You got debunked entirely. 

That has little to do with what makes souls games souls games. You are comparing action combat games in general.

13 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

No the lock on, camera angle and slow combat. You must have been watching something else.

Ok then all of a sudden GoW, SoW/SoM, AC and several other action games just became souls rip offs. And also, no side scroller or isometric/top down view game can be souls like then. And there are then also souls like sci-fi games that are no longer souls like games because they feature none of those 3 things you mention. I'm also fairly sure the lock on in Soulframe is the run of the mill controller crutch for consoles, since it shifts dynamically as they aim towards enemies.

Completely ignore the facts that there are no consumables, no stamina etc. in Duviri or Soulframe, which are otherwise key features of souls games. Along with specific penalties on death and so on. But lets focus on the actually generic action gameplay of dodging and blocking, which has been part of action combat games since the 90's in side scrollers, top down view games, first and third person games.

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3 hours ago, MqToasty said:

Oh really?  Then what methodology did you pick to calculate your average?  Mean, median or mode?  Weighted or unweighted?  How do you justify the choices?  How did you normalize the different scales the reviewers used?  What is your margin of error?

From Software worked hard for their product and worked throughout Daemon Souls, Dark Soul 1, Dark Soul 2, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, Bloodborne and now Elden Ring. 

Do you work as a 3D artist? Imagine if someone copy and paste your work and don't give credit for it. This is what we are talking about. Accusatory? No. Developers should respect the work of other people who invested a lot of time producing. Elden Ring is a game that took a lot of time for the production, effort, money and sacrifice. It became a great product because people found out how good and polished the game was. It became a great product because gave freedom to the player and provided lots of options. It got a GOTY award and endless nominations for the game design and innovation in many areas. 

Hard work deserves recognition and so the integrity of the artist. Yes, these things matters in our society. As an architect and 3D artist I value the work of artists and developers when they put effort developing their own idea and their own commitment to a unique product. Elden Ring is an example of that. Death Stranding is an example of that. The Work of Kojima and the work of From Software deserves a respect for what it achieved. 

Can we say the same for the work of DE and Warframe itself? YES. It is a unique product and has very specific attributes that helped the game survive ten years. One of those is the outstanding game play mechanics. Great games are unique and innovative even if they get some ideas elsewhere. This is the reason I write that comment. 

I prefer if DE comes with their own ideas and develop them to the maximum instead of transporting trends of other games. They can carry their own weight and provide great insights in the gaming industry with their approach. Making GAAS the experience of Elden Ring is a choice DE took but how do you feel if you work in From Software and see this? How do you feel as an artist if you see your work being used without the proper recognition you deserve for your effort?

I do value honesty. I do recognize that Warframe can float by its own merits and weight without exporting attributes of other games in the market. Even DE wrote the name Soul Frame. They want to cater the crowds of Elden Ring. 

Now let me answer your question. Yes I will reserve judgment once Soul Frame is out, of course but if I want to play a good Soul genre I go directly to the original experience that exists right now Elden Ring. The average, mean, median, mode, weighted or unweighted, the standard deviation or any central tendency measure you choose doesn't measure your preferences our your choices but at least gives you an idea what the majority of people like. 

As a player I prefer when a Developer develops their own ideas like the game Warframe for what it is. As a player I value originality and effort polishing a great idea. I do recognize good things on the game itself. However the A.I. is wonky and slow in Soulframe. However, the game reminds me too much Elden Ring because it feels exactly like Elden ring according to the video shown. That throws me off because I see a copy of the original. It feels like ELDEN RING LITE. 

As I wrote above. I simply want to make people think. Can DE develop a good Elden Ring copy? Probably yes. It could become a good game, of course, but I think From Software would have a say in all this. I prefer if DE simply comes up with their own approach to the Soul Genre. 


3 hours ago, MqToasty said:

Here's a tip: Throwing around big words and concepts that you only have a rudimentary understanding of, in a public forum, will not make you look smart. 

I am not trying to look smart. I am simply voicing my opinion. If I want to prove my intelligence I do that in a chess game, the university or in my desk doing architecture. 

On that you are absolutely right. I came here typing why I am not exited with Soul frame. 

3 hours ago, MqToasty said:

A broad claim that a simple arithmetic average of subjective scores between different reviewers with different preferences and scoring criteria is somehow "general agreement" is incredibly dubious, to say the least.

True, statistic may be manipulated but the record of a proven company could be validated with these numbers. If you want to discard statistics, that's perfectly fine. How about if we see how many copies and prices Elden Ring had? That is less dubious in my opinion. 


3 hours ago, MqToasty said:

Really?  What kind of authoritarian society do you live in, where no dissent is allowed and an average is automatically translated into agreement?

I live in the United States. We vote for the presidency and we have freedom of speech. I am simply using recollected data to state a fact. 

You can choose any other mean you see fit. 

3 hours ago, MqToasty said:

So you are intentionally misquoting me now?  Because I proposed no such theory.

Yes I did to make a statement. And it is true, you never proposed any theory. 

I enjoy when a developer discloses his or her production having originality in the work they show off. But the resemblance with Elden Ring for this case is way too uncanny. That's why I am not excited about Soulframe. 

Yes, I will reserve judgment when I play the game too. But what's the point of playing Elden Ring lite when I have Elden Ring? That's how many people feel about this. 

3 hours ago, MqToasty said:

  I just stated the reason why I choose to reserve judgment, and made it clear it was my opinion.  Or are you now pretending there is an objective judge of what makes a game enjoyable, and posing as the judge of such things?  If that is the case, then all I have for you is:

My sadness, not yours.  Sad for me to see someone choose to waste their life on the forums of a game they view so little of.  But then again, it is your life, and you are free to spend it as you see fit.

It's quite odd, but I do see Warframe as a good product and I can recognize the excellent artistic work of Jeff and many other artists that makes outstanding 3D modeling and prop design for the game. Many of the tilesets are exquisite in design and many artists that works in DE are very talented. 

If I think so little of DE then I would not being here posting the artwork of Jeff that he posts in Artstation. I would not spend my time talking about the ARCHITECTURE and the artistic values of the game that are shown in Duviri paradox. If I think so little of DE I would not be talking about the Chinese influence on Nezha or Sun Wukong. If I think so little about DE I would not be appreciating the CHINESE ART that this game has and the influence of the Chinese detailing on many of these frames. 

I do appreciate China too for the culture, architecture and the influence on many video games, including this one, Warframe.

I know where I stand.  

3 hours ago, MqToasty said:

But you know what, you did make me think.  I've been thinking about why someone with so much vitriol and distain for a game would spend so much time on its forums, posing as an expert and make baseless claims. 

Vitriol and DISDAIN? I simply quoted Metacritic for my opinion. That is not baseless. I used a reference. However if you discard it, fine. You can discard anything you want. 

I am simply voicing my opinion about something that I think is NOT right. It's no fun when someone copy and paste your hard work and get credit for it. That makes me sad, that makes me have disdain, that makes have vitriol. (To the NTH power)

That's how I feel when I see the resemblance of Soulframe with Elden Ring. 


3 hours ago, MqToasty said:

Were they banned on a previous account and swore revenge on the devs?  Do they have a masochistic need to get in forum arguments with random strangers?  I do not know the answer, but the question is fascinating.

 I don't have anything against DE. I do not need to hold grudges of any type. I simply think that DE can do much better providing a unique experience to the soul genre. I think if DE shows us more detail of their game in production we could have a better idea if the game resembles Elden Ring or not. 


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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

No not at all. I really dont see what parts of Duviri or Soulframe are even near souls like. Is Elden Ring an Elder Scrolls X rip off then because it has an open world and incorporates active block mechanics? And are the games I mentioned in the post you quotes souls like games then too? Since they all fill the criteria you seem to go after.

Ervin, Joyless Tuna has a point. 

Both products are way too similar. 

2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

That has little to do with what makes souls games souls games. You are comparing action combat games in general.

Then why many people calls it Elden Ring lite? 

2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Ok then all of a sudden GoW, SoW/SoM, AC and several other action games just became souls rip offs. And also, no side scroller or isometric/top down view game can be souls like then. And there are then also souls like sci-fi games that are no longer souls like games because they feature none of those 3 things you mention. I'm also fairly sure the lock on in Soulframe is the run of the mill controller crutch for consoles, since it shifts dynamically as they aim towards enemies.

Completely ignore the facts that there are no consumables, no stamina etc. in Duviri or Soulframe, which are otherwise key features of souls games. Along with specific penalties on death and so on. But lets focus on the actually generic action gameplay of dodging and blocking, which has been part of action combat games since the 90's in side scrollers, top down view games, first and third person games.

I've seen games that takes ideas from others. That's perfectly fine. But how about if the A.I. is not that good? That would be a concern if I am interested in Soulframe. If a Developer enters another market you expect them to compete in that genre right? If you can't provide the minimum standard that the competition has then what people would think about your product? 

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3 hours ago, (NSW)AegisFifi said:

Reading all this thread, I really agree with you, and I wanted to bring one element that makes me think official reviews can't really be taken serioulsy :

Many reviewers (almost all of them) are not free to give their opinions and scores. The reason is simple: Companies send their games for free and before the release date for reviewers to let them try the game and publish their notes on the game's release date. But if a reviewer makes a bad comment, or gives a bad score to a game, this reviewer will be blacklisted and will no more receive free games in advance from that game company.

That's why I think that the simple idea of an average between general public and reviewers scores (as Felsagger said) is a nonsense.

That's true too. 

But you have two sources in Metacritic to choose from. You have user score and reviewer score for that exact reason. But there was an incident that happened with the game The Last of Us 2 where the user score was blocked during the release of the game. 

The best trustworthy source is a playthrough in youtube and experience with the product before you buy it. This is why is so important the game demos. They gives a good feel of what the game will be. 

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23 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Ervin, Joyless Tuna has a point. 

Both products are way too similar. 

Then why many people calls it Elden Ring lite? 

I've seen games that takes ideas from others. That's perfectly fine. But how about if the A.I. is not that good? That would be a concern if I am interested in Soulframe. If a Developer enters another market you expect them to compete in that genre right? If you can't provide the minimum standard that the competition has then what people would think about your product? 

No he really doesnt because no they really arent. And you as a fan of From Software that constantly brings them up should really know that aswell. Or do you just like to drop random developer names as you go? And why people call it Elden Ring lite? Read one of my previous posts here, it is because people are generally clueless. They look at one similarity of something, often that isnt specific to the thing they look at and call it whatever they think it looks like. There was this RPG called Kingdoms of Amalur, some game "journalists" called that a "single player MMO", that is how #*!%ing clueless "gamers" are on avarage.

I really dont see what your last paragraph has to do with anything that was written in the part you quoted. The A.I or the lack of it has nothing to do with what was said, since the A.I has nothing to do with the systems that define souls games. You can have a full on souls clone with the worst A.I ever and it will still be a souls clone with the worst A.I ever, since the A.I does not define souls games. Or would you consider an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game that is released with an actual decent A.I to not be a Elder Scrolls or Fallout game because the norm is that the A.I of those games are dumber than a box of rocks? Since that is pretty much what you are saying.

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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I really dont see what parts of Duviri or Soulframe are even near souls like. Is Elden Ring an Elder Scrolls X rip off then because it has an open world and incorporates active block mechanics?

No, souls games are nothing like Elder Scrolls from a game play perspective. That’s a false equivalency. However Elden ring is more similar to Duviri and SoulFrame than Duviri is to Warframe based on what I’ve seen so far (Dev stream and now this from Pablo) that said DE is known for integrating things that are popular to chase the ol’mighty dollar that said if I wanted to play elden ring I wouldn’t play elden ring lite. This isn’t War-frame anymore. It’s Drifter Souls Skyrim. To claim any different sneaky is disingenuous, silly and obtuse. Somtimes sneaky you are unbearably naive. But your roses tinted glasses fit well. 

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8 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

And why people call it Elden Ring lite? Read one of my previous posts here, it is because people are generally clueless. They look at one similarity of something, often that isnt specific to the thing they look at and call it whatever they think it looks like.

The term you're looking for is "Small reference pools".

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13 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

No he really doesnt because no they really arent. And you as a fan of From Software that constantly brings them up should really know that aswell. Or do you just like to drop random developer names as you go?

I have the games. That's why I talk about them. You don't have them. 

13 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

And why people call it Elden Ring lite? Read one of my previous posts here, it is because people are generally clueless. They look at one similarity of something, often that isnt specific to the thing they look at and call it whatever they think it looks like. There was this RPG called Kingdoms of Amalur, some game "journalists" called that a "single player MMO", that is how #*!%ing clueless "gamers" are on avarage.

I think the post of YoungGunn82 answers better that question. I don't need to write down such answer. 

12 minutes ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

No, souls games are nothing like Elder Scrolls from a game play perspective. That’s a false equivalency. However Elden ring is more similar to Duviri and SoulFrame than Duviri is to Warframe based on what I’ve seen so far (Dev stream and now this from Pablo) that said DE is known for integrating things that are popular to chase the ol’mighty dollar that said if I wanted to play elden ring I wouldn’t play elden ring lite. This isn’t War-frame anymore. It’s Drifter Souls Skyrim. To claim any different sneaky is disingenuous, silly and obtuse. Somtimes sneaky you are unbearably naive. But your roses tinted glasses fit well. 

You are absolutely correct. 

13 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I really dont see what your last paragraph has to do with anything that was written in the part you quoted.

If DE wants to do things right, how about if they improve the A.I.

13 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

The A.I or the lack of it has nothing to do with what was said, since the A.I has nothing to do with the systems that define souls games.

True. But the problem of the resemblance remains there. Elden Ring is more similar to Soulframe and Duviri. It almost feels the same on some instances. A complete Deja vu. 

13 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

You can have a full on souls clone with the worst A.I ever and it will still be a souls clone with the worst A.I ever, since the A.I does not define souls games.

A.I. characterized the great boss battles in the genre. 

13 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Or would you consider an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game that is released with an actual decent A.I to not be a Elder Scrolls or Fallout game because the norm is that the A.I of those games are dumber than a box of rocks? Since that is pretty much what you are saying.

If DE is going to take the road of doing Souls game. Why not improve the A.I. right? 

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21 minutes ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

No, souls games are nothing like Elder Scrolls from a game play perspective. That’s a false equivalency. However Elden ring is more similar to Duviri and SoulFrame than Duviri is to Warframe based on what I’ve seen so far (Dev stream and now this from Pablo) that said DE is known for integrating things that are popular to chase the ol’mighty dollar that said if I wanted to play elden ring I wouldn’t play elden ring lite. This isn’t War-frame anymore. It’s Drifter Souls Skyrim. To claim any different sneaky is disingenuous, silly and obtuse. Somtimes sneaky you are unbearably naive. But your roses tinted glasses fit well. 

The point is that the slow combat does not define souls games, the whole system that comes together in those games defines them. Duviri and Soulframe will not have those systems, they will simply have a slower combat system in relation to WF. There is a massive gap between WF and Souls games, they arent the only two points on the whole spectrum. Hence why I asked their opinion regarding ES, because those games also share minimal similarities to Souls games, as many as were pointed out regarding Duviri and Soulframe.

And are you honestly going to call it "Skyrim" just because it has an "open" world? No, just no.

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12 minutes ago, Felsagger said:


I have the games. That's why I talk about them. You don't have them. 

I think the post of YoungGunn82 answers better that question. I don't need to write down such answer. 

You are absolutely correct. 

If DE wants to do things right, how about if they improve the A.I.

True. But the problem of the resemblance remains there. Elden Ring is more similar to Soulframe and Duviri. It almost feels the same on some instances. A complete Deja vu. 

A.I. characterized the great boss battles in the genre. 

If DE is going to take the road of doing Souls game. Why not improve the A.I. right? 

I've also played them, years ago on console. I havent played DS3 or Elden Ring since I have no interest to play them on PC atm.

He didnt really answer it since he completely missed the point to begin with.

But this isnt a discussion about A.I so it has no meaning to the convo. 

The combat is similar, but those similarities start and stop with the active dodge/block, which many games outside of the souls frenchise have and have had long before souls games were even a concept. My point is, which YoungGunn82 also missed is that those part are not souls defining traits, they are just action combat traits. You can actively block and dodge in Guild Wars 2 aswell, that doesnt make it souls like, not even with the action combat option enabled instead of tab combat.

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7 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

The point is that the slow combat does not define souls games, the whole system that comes together in those games defines them. Duviri and Soulframe will not have those systems, they will simply have a slower combat system in relation to WF.

Sorry but I have to interrupt you here. 

We need the game Soulframe fully released to know this. We can't say 'will be'. That's an expectation. You have not played Soulframe or Duviri. We are reacting to the videos we have up to this very moment. We are discussing impressions. 

7 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

There is a massive gap between WF and Souls games, they arent the only two points on the whole spectrum. Hence why I asked their opinion regarding ES, because those games also share minimal similarities to Souls games, as many as were pointed out regarding Duviri and Soulframe.

And are you honestly going to call it "Skyrim" just because it has an "open" world? No, just no.

You can flip the coin as much you want defending DE. The problem is that many people here PERCEIVE the game Duviri and Soulframe as SIMILAR. The resemblance is UNCANNY. That is the subject that motivates such discussion. 

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5 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

And are you honestly going to call it "Skyrim" just because it has an "open" world? No, just no.

I remember seeing people genuinely comparing The War Within to Skyrim because it had snow and caves in it...

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1 minute ago, SneakyErvin said:

I've also played them, years ago on console. I havent played DS3 or Elden Ring since I have no interest to play them on PC atm.

You should. Be careful with Malenia. 

1 minute ago, SneakyErvin said:

He didnt really answer it since he completely missed the point to begin with.

Yes he did. I think you are not acknowledging what is trying to say. 

1 minute ago, SneakyErvin said:

But this isnt a discussion about A.I so it has no meaning to the convo. 

It is part of the discussion because a user here pointed out the clunky behavior of the A.I. 

1 minute ago, SneakyErvin said:

The combat is similar, but those similarities start and stop with the active dodge/block, which many games outside of the souls frenchise have and have had long before souls games were even a concept. My point is, which YoungGunn82 also missed is that those part are not souls defining traits, they are just action combat traits. You can actively block and dodge in Guild Wars 2 aswell, that doesnt make it souls like, not even with the action combat option enabled instead of tab combat.

Even you recognize the similarities. That says a lot. 

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10 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Sorry but I have to interrupt you here. 

We need the game Soulframe fully released to know this. We can't say 'will be'. That's an expectation. You have not played Soulframe or Duviri. We are reacting to the videos we have up to this very moment. We are discussing impressions. 

You can flip the coin as much you want defending DE. The problem is that many people here PERCEIVE the game Duviri and Soulframe as SIMILAR. The resemblance is UNCANNY. That is the subject that motivates such discussion. 

And in those videos barely nothing is shared. So if we have the videos to go on that lack everything that defines souls games, then we cannot jump to conclussions that it will be a souls game since the things that make it souls arent to be seen in the video. And since we have word on that Soul doesnt refer to souls games, jumping to the conclussion it will be souls anyways is longer than jumping to the conclussion it wont, since again the souls parts are nowhere to be seen in the video. Harsh damage on failed dodges arent there, stamina isnt there, "loot based" skills arent there etc.

I think you need to go look up the word uncanny if you think Duviri and Soulframe have an uncanny resemblence to souls game or Elden Ring specifically. Or do you think Will Smith has an uncanny resemblence to Jeff Goldblum aswell?

9 minutes ago, ant99999 said:

I remember seeing people genuinely comparing The War Within to Skyrim because it had snow and caves in it...

Sadly people love to reach. It's like people calling Valheim a survival Skyrim.

At time I wish I could buy their drugs. Would be one hell of a ride.

7 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Yes he did. I think you are not acknowledging what is trying to say. 

It is part of the discussion because a user here pointed out the clunky behavior of the A.I. 

Even you recognize the similarities. That says a lot. 

He quite clearly didnt, since if he did he wouldnt have posted the post he did.

It isnt part of the discussion we started and it wont be.

That doesnt mean there are enough of them though. We have horses too, with action combat based on combos, it still doesnt make it Black Duviri/Soulframe Online.


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On 2023-03-29 at 2:24 AM, 0_The_F00l said:

Meh , i will repeat what i already said before.

DE have accepted they can't really add any more content for players that is well paced (not too slow not too fast) and in a direction of their choosing for warframe.

Cause players have been given so many tools that some of them can simply bypass any new mechanics and those that don't have those tools will find it impossible to overcome said mechanics.

The only real option is a mechanical relook and rework for the core warframe. 

And considering how obscure some of those are , just making a completely new game is the easier option.

And let's not kid ourselves , DE has been trying to make a new game since railjack but they were too scared to actually say so and so they tried to fit it into the existing narrative and only recently have they decided enough is enough.

I expect more such "sandboxes " going forward , where there is little to no co relation between what we know as core warframe and whatever DE decides to create.


That being said , i look forward to use the warframe launcher to play elden ring lite.

I love everything about this post especially the part where you mentioned that they're scared to actually say so. The crazy thing I will say is that I do believe that DE does have the ability to make good things and be a decent developer. The problem, at least to me, is that they do not have the will (well, more like the balls) to tell the wider community 'no', consistently. They totally could 'fix' the broken, weird, inconsistencies in the game but they would undoubtedly anger the player base that love the dysfunction and cheese. And they don't want to do that, insert the line about respecting investments even though its just a video game, and their over inflated "investments" could had been unintentional and are horrible for the game in the long term. Backlash like the WuClone debacle really does work. It may not revert the changes but it does scare them to not doing necessary balance changes in the future. And if they got pissy mad over that imaging even large scale changes that would see thing get reined in, if ever so slightly. 

"Cause players have been given so many tools that some of them can simply bypass any new mechanics and those that don't have those tools will find it impossible to overcome said mechanics.

The only real option is a mechanical relook and rework for the core warframe.

And considering how obscure some of those are , just making a completely new game is the easier option."

And you're so correct on this. It literally is the path of least resistance.

"DE have accepted they can't really add any more content for players that is well paced (not too slow not too fast) and in a direction of their choosing for warframe."

They can, it would require them to balance the game and not make it where there's a huge quagmire of potential damage we have. There's no ebb and flow so to speak. Just extremes. If we had some stat squashing they would have a much easier time but that would mean the meme builds where you can get damage in the billions will most likely go away. Really there's no real reason to make those numbers achievable & would be better for development if they had a smaller range to measure and balance for.

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Member when Elden Ring had 3rd Person Shooter Elements?

Member when Elden Ring had random daily buffs that you get from completing tasks?

Member when Elden Ring had zero Stamina management?

Member when Elden Ring let you choose a cyborg ninja at the start of the day?

Member when Elden Ring had a flying horse?

The bar for Soulslike is apparently just being able to lock on to enemies, dodging mechanics, and now open world because of Elden Ring? Grand Theft Auto 5 is probably my favorite Soulslike experience.

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17 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

No the lock on, camera angle and slow combat. You must have been watching something else.

Even better, now a game can't have lock-on or it becomes immediately a souls rip-off

Got any other jokes like that?

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2 minutes ago, -Krism- said:

Even better, now a game can't have lock-on or it becomes immediately a souls rip-off

Got any other jokes like that?

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is clearly the best Soulslike.

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4 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

No not at all. I really dont see what parts of Duviri or Soulframe are even near souls like. Is Elden Ring an Elder Scrolls X rip off then because it has an open world and incorporates active block mechanics? And are the games I mentioned in the post you quotes souls like games then too? Since they all fill the criteria you seem to go after.

That has little to do with what makes souls games souls games. You are comparing action combat games in general.

Ok then all of a sudden GoW, SoW/SoM, AC and several other action games just became souls rip offs. And also, no side scroller or isometric/top down view game can be souls like then. And there are then also souls like sci-fi games that are no longer souls like games because they feature none of those 3 things you mention. I'm also fairly sure the lock on in Soulframe is the run of the mill controller crutch for consoles, since it shifts dynamically as they aim towards enemies.

Completely ignore the facts that there are no consumables, no stamina etc. in Duviri or Soulframe, which are otherwise key features of souls games. Along with specific penalties on death and so on. But lets focus on the actually generic action gameplay of dodging and blocking, which has been part of action combat games since the 90's in side scrollers, top down view games, first and third person games.

Actually, yes gow did turn to a souls style of gameplay. This is widely accepted you are just making excuses for no good reason other then to be a fanboy.

12 minutes ago, -Krism- said:

Even better, now a game can't have lock-on or it becomes immediately a souls rip-off

Got any other jokes like that?

You can keep lying to yourself all you want and twisting my words. It's the combination silly.

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1 minute ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Actually, yes gow did turn to a souls style of gameplay. This is widely accepted you are just making excuses for no good reason other then to be a fanboy.

You can keep lying to yourself all you want and twisting my words.

No lol, GoW has always just been GoW. They have been inspired by the souls games, just like many others, but they arent soulslike games because they lack the systems to be such.

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1 minute ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Last time I checked we were talking about the combat mainly. Re read what I said.

Nope you started by claiming Duviri and Soulframe where "blatant rip-offs". Your very own words.

There are similarities in the combat, but that isnt blatant rip off territory or take it to the point where it is close to soulslike. Heck at the moment Duviri and Soulframe are more similar to something like Witcher 3 when looking at it. Slower combat, dodging and blocking actively, but can likely be skipped without any major penalty. Still, even there it is a far step because there is no stamina or resource to consider, just CDs like we had in the regular drifter gameplay, which wasnt soulslike at all.

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Man, this thread is such a souls-like! The ammount of dodges being used is insane, I've seen some parries even. And locking on to a subject is all over the place.

The animations are a bit stale though, and the attack variety is lacking.

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