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Come On DE get creative Please, RNG the same Type.


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So this week I thought I'd go to Teshin and get the weekly Riven Cipher and see what else he had, it turned out to be a Kit-Gun Riven, fine leave it there as they're useless to me.

I then head to Iron Wake to grab my weekly two Rivens, now remember Kit-Gun Rivens are just transmute fodder to me, guess what after buying said Rivens they both turn out to be Kit-Gun rivens. :facepalm:

Now the next mind fk was once I unveiled them they had the same challenge to unlock them 6x combo with an active pet, but my next problem was I wanted to do them both at once, guess what for some stupid reason it didn't matter which one I equipped they both had the star to say it was equipped, took a gamble hoping I'd got lucky but nope had to do the same challenge twice.

I'm half tempted to grab the one from Teshin just to see if the challenge is the same. :tongue:

The RNG to roll three Kit-Gun rivens after buying them well two in one week SUCK!


Forgot to mention my next reward in Steel Path Circuit is a Kit-Gun Riven.

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I can see an easy solution to this. Make a separate riven category for kitguns and zaws. Then nobody will be disappointed by getting a normal riven and getting just the friggin trash kitgun or zaw, and people who want kitgun/zaws will just get the "modular" riven that only includes these two things.

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58 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

I can see an easy solution to this. Make a separate riven category for kitguns and zaws. Then nobody will be disappointed by getting a normal riven and getting just the friggin trash kitgun or zaw, and people who want kitgun/zaws will just get the "modular" riven that only includes these two things.

That would make sense, I hate the Kit-Gun and Zaw ones, but I was just flabbergasted by seeing four of them in one week's picks and rewards.

50 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

Working as Intended™

I have a few veiled kitgun Rivens, you want them @Slayer-.? I've got such a backlog of other Rivens, and now that I'm getting 2 a week via SPC, I don't think I'm ever gonna be rid of them otherwise lol.

BgOA6.gif I'm good thanks. CJ1Iq.gif

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Why don't you do a Sortie? I'm sure there's that sweet sweet Kitgun Riven waiting for you at the end.

Or you can transmute some Rivens you don't use. There's a good chance you get a Kitgun Riven you always wanted.

Also, almost forgot, there's Nihil key sold at Nightwave this week. That fine gentleman is just waiting to reward you with a Kitgun Riven.

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1 hour ago, ant99999 said:

Why don't you do a Sortie? I'm sure there's that sweet sweet Kitgun Riven waiting for you at the end.

Or you can transmute some Rivens you don't use. There's a good chance you get a Kitgun Riven you always wanted.

Also, almost forgot, there's Nihil key sold at Nightwave this week. That fine gentleman is just waiting to reward you with a Kitgun Riven.

Nope, I'm leaving it until the next sortie, also not transmuting Rivens yet until I get four, I have the Nihil key but he can burn in hell, I'll do it in a couple of days time. :tongue:


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I gave up on Rivens years ago and it instantly made me happier. I don't want your slot machine, DE, just give me more lovely little story quests and some new Nightwave challenges between them to tide me over. Oh that's exactly what you gave me, thank you!

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Y'lnow, I always thought Kitgun and Zaw rivers were kind of a soft pity system so folks who work their way up open world syndicates can get truly OP'd endgame weapons. Until I got rivers for all of the Zaws and Kitguns I care about. And now I don't even bother opening them anymore. They just sit in their own stacks, maybe waiting for the day when more Zaws and Kitguns get released... 😅

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12 hours ago, MqToasty said:

Y'lnow, I always thought Kitgun and Zaw rivers were kind of a soft pity system so folks who work their way up open world syndicates can get truly OP'd endgame weapons. Until I got rivers for all of the Zaws and Kitguns I care about. And now I don't even bother opening them anymore. They just sit in their own stacks, maybe waiting for the day when more Zaws and Kitguns get released... 😅

I should start doing that now we have the stack system, it's like the fishing boots I sold them once upon a time for credits (67 boots now and counting) but now I keep them to see how many I can accumulate.

11 hours ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

Is it because they are hard to sell? Every time I do a sortie, I get a sculpture. I would be more than happy getting a zaw or kitgun riven instead. They are after all good weapons.

Don't know about selling them, never bothered to be a riven baron, personal use to make old weapons fun, I have rivens for my kit-guns secondary and primary seeing some have different mechanics involved, zaws I only use a few now and the rest I transmuted to make room.

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I actually NEVER roll kitgun or zaw rivens into others as they'll almost always end up being kitgun/zaw rivens.

I unlock them, see if it's anything worth selling for plat, and if not just trash it for endo.... You get like... 600 endo from them once opened???

But yeah I've never had a kitgun or zaw riven rolled from normal ones, and I think it's at least 2/3 (just spitballing but it honestly may actually be every time i've rolled one) of the ones I rolled with a zaw/kitgun riven in there turned into another one... So in the trash they go.

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46 minutes ago, ReddyDisco said:

Kitgun and zaw rivens are as useful as a phd in theoretical physics is to a fish, i have like 20 kitgun and 12 zaw veiled rivens which i'll never open. 

I mean, one of the strongest guns I have in the game right now is my full Galvanized Rattleguts Primary. Rattleguts/Tremor/Splat if i'm remembering it right, with Pax-Seeker. With Deadhead it's got very little recoil, and it's super easy to get headshots with as a hitscan rifle. 4 base stats (IPS and radiation) so it's got just enough status to be a reasonable status weapon too.

Plus the Pax seeker bolts can spool up Galvanized shot with the heatshot damage, or even the headshot kill if you manage a kill with one of them. It's a great way to bridge an accuracy weapon into AOE effectiveness.

I think my riven has crit chance and toxin, so I can get into red crit territory with it, it's usually what I bring if I want to clear out harder steel path stuff because it does so much reliable damage. You just have to get headshots with it every once in a while to keep Galvanized scope running (as well as deadhead but 1 headshot every 20 seconds is easy)

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5 minutes ago, FA22_RaptoR said:

I mean, one of the strongest guns I have in the game right now is my full Galvanized Rattleguts Primary. Rattleguts/Tremor/Splat if i'm remembering it right, with Pax-Seeker. With Deadhead it's got very little recoil, and it's super easy to get headshots with as a hitscan rifle. 4 base stats (IPS and radiation) so it's got just enough status to be a reasonable status weapon too.

Plus the Pax seeker bolts can spool up Galvanized shot with the heatshot damage, or even the headshot kill if you manage a kill with one of them. It's a great way to bridge an accuracy weapon into AOE effectiveness.

I think my riven has crit chance and toxin, so I can get into red crit territory with it, it's usually what I bring if I want to clear out harder steel path stuff because it does so much reliable damage. You just have to get headshots with it every once in a while to keep Galvanized scope running (as well as deadhead but 1 headshot every 20 seconds is easy)

If the strongest weapon you have is a rattleguts then you haven't tried newer guns in the game, sure kitguns are good (sporelacer, vermisplicer) but many of them have fallen behind other primaries and secondaries. As a consequence their rivens aren't popular, unveiled kitgun rivens go for less than 4p, which isn't worth listing in warframe.market.

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1 hour ago, ReddyDisco said:

If the strongest weapon you have is a rattleguts then you haven't tried newer guns in the game, sure kitguns are good (sporelacer, vermisplicer) but many of them have fallen behind other primaries and secondaries. As a consequence their rivens aren't popular, unveiled kitgun rivens go for less than 4p, which isn't worth listing in warframe.market.

I said one of 😝 I think my galvanized scope Zhuge prime still does more than it, but the Rattleguts still kills much faster and more efficiently being a hitscan gun rather than proj. based with lag time in the secondary explosion (that doesn't benefit from Galvanized aptitude)

It's only doing maybe 400k on overframe (it's doing a bit more because overframe won't let me put in the proper riven stats) but the pax seeker bolts do a considerable amount of extra damage and help clear out larger groups. I have absolutely no problem shredding steel path with a hunter munitions/viral build. It's easy to stitch enemies in the head and get a bunch of pax seeker bolts going. The pax projectiles are like 50% slash and puncture I think??? and you get 4 of them. They also DO gain benefits from all the galvanized mods and arcanes as well as normal mods. So that's a big extra chunk of damage, even if they don't hit the guy you just killed, they likely will hit a guy right next which is great for priming enemies.

I think the build I have on my Telos Boltor with the incarnon adapter is around.... 1.7 million burst DPS in incarnon mode? (Crit chance, toxin and minus zoom riven) So yeah it's certainly been power creeped a whee bit, but still a good solid option.

I was just saying it's not a complete and total waste for kitgun mods, only having like 6 chambers right now, it's usually pretty easy to get one you want, and roll it a couple times and dump it if you don't get a good roll.

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